Hi everyone.

Seeing as I am not allowed to let my muses have free reign on introduction. I'm afraid I am reduced to writing like this. (SIGHS) Damn, I wish that these damn rules weren't so hard to follow.

Anyways, this fic is dedicated to Dahee Fanel. Whose fic "Charity Project' inspired me to write this. If you can read it, then you should, it's absolutely hilarious. It in the Escaflowne section, but don't worry about understanding it, as it doesn't follow the original Escaflowne storyline at all. It just has the characters. Anyways, I will start writing now.


DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh! If I did, half the idea's that I write down would be bought to life in the most horrific way possible.


SUMMERY: Kaiba and Joey both get diaries. They both start writing in them to figure out what they really think subconsciously. But what DO Kaiba and Joey think subconsciously?


Dear Stupid.

Chapter 1.



Dear……. What the hell am I supposed to call you? I think IT is fine for now.

Dear It.

Why does my brother think I'm a fag? Only girls write in diaries. I can't believe that my ten year old brother dared to buy me a diary. Then again, he knows that I won't kill him. I bet someone dared him to do this. Am I talking to myself or It? For fuck's sake, I don't even know if I'm talking to myself. What in the name of whatever the hell exists is wrong with me?

If Mokuba wasn't my brother, I would have murdered him, chopped him up into tiny pieces, turned him into chop suey, bought him back to life, chopped him up into little bits again, and fed him to the sharks in the harbour.

I KNOW that there aren't sharks in the harbour. But I am rich. I CAN PUT SHARKS IN THE HARBOUR! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What in the hell? I'm EVIL LAUGHING? At a fucking notebook? WHY am I writing in this thing again? Oh I remember. Mokuba insisted that I use the damn thing to express my emotions. He, as a ten year old, believes that my emotions are repressed. I HAVE A PERFECTLY HEALTHY EMOTIONAL ATTITUDE!

Wait does the bold lettering count for anything?



Dear thingie.

I am not writing dear diary. Serenity can make me write in the thingie, but I am NOT calling it a diary. It's just a book, that I write stuff in. That's it. I MEAN IT! I'M NOT A GIRL FOR DOUGHNUT'S SAKE!

Tristan has been winding me up all day, that diaries are for sissy girls, or pansies. Before you say anything. I'M NOT A FUCKING PANSY NEETHER! Jesus Christ I'm talking to the damn thingie like it's a real person.

I wonder if Serenity thinks that I'm Gay.



It's nine o clock. What am I doing writing in it again? Why in the hell did Mokuba give me this thing? It's stupid. That's what it is called now. Stupid. Dear Stupid. That sounds about right.



My whole existence is so pointless. Why the hell do I bother? I bet Kaiba doesn't have a girly stupid book. Wait, why did I mention that fucking asshole? Maybe coz he probably DOESN'T have one of these stupid books. I have a funny feeling that Yugi has one. Wait, I'm saying that my best friend is gay, and that my worst enemy is more entitled NOT to be a fag then I am? I think I am totally loosing my mind. Not to mention the candy bars I put in the fridge. I bet Tristan stole them. Stupid notebook. Why do I keep coming back to the fact that this thing is a stupid notebook? That's it. Its name is stupid. It is now called stupid. I've made my decision and that's the final word.




I can't believe that I saw Kaiba with a DIARY! That's priceless. Even more priceless then the fact that I saw Yugi steal a pair of Tea's tights. Wait I didn't say that………….


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please RR and remember, priceless black humour has always been British. C ya L8r people.