Goodbye to You

Hi, everyone. This is DarkVyse88 with my newest Fan Fiction. I have really never thought of myself getting in to the universe of Danny Phantom. Well, I just stumbled across this show one day, got interested in it, and soon enough, I thought up this story. Anyways, I always wanted to try something different. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story.

I don't own Danny Phantom or anything else.

All words italicized are Vlad's mind if not made clear enough.

Prologue: How to do away with my Enemy.

Wealth was something all to familiar to one Vlad Masters. He had strived for it. He had worked his life to the bitter edge to get said power. Now, he had it all. He had more money then he could count. His company was doing successful. He had an impressive mansion. Yet, he felt lonely. The pain of loneliness had wrapped itself around his soul. Every hour, day, year, he could feel its bound tightening itself like a snake trying to strangle its prey. He was getting the life sucked out of him. And, anyway now, he was going to give in to its death grip.

Tonight was such a night he could feel its grip begin to tighten. Vlad was in his parlor, having just come home from a late night bargain he was doing with some company CEOs. As always, with the right kind of bribery, he had scored the deal big time. "More money for me." He said out loud as he entered his home, hitting the light switch. The only sound that came back to him was his own echo bouncing off the walls of his estate. He frowned at hearing his own voice returning as his door closed behind him, the cold March night air getting cut off from the outside. He unbuttoned his black diner jacket and hung it on a brass coat rack near the entrance. He then loosened his red tie and trudged into his parlor. He could still feel the cold air running through him, so he decided to get a fire started. He pushed the button next to his electric fireplace as the flames danced up from the fake wood. He waited a few minutes for the heat to circulate. He still felt the cold air though, even as he turned up the intensity of the flames. Not one to waste energy, he killed the fire and plotted himself in a chair in front of the fireplace.

He let out deep sigh as he leaned his head up at the ceiling. He wasn't looking at it for any reason, just felt like doing so. Practically he had gotten board with his endless cycle. Every day, he was looking over documents, making deals, trying to deal with Dan…: He stooped as soon as his mind began to process that name. The boy who was like him. The second Halfa that had been created by an accident. But, he had a better life then he did. Sure, Vlad was richer then Danny moneywise. But, Danny got the better end of the deal. His mind then finished this though by saying, 'At least HE is not lonely.'

"I'm not alone." Vlad said as he turned to his side. His eyes moved from the side table next to him and then his gaze moved downwards to the drawer. He grabbed the handle and pulled the drawer out. He rummaged through its contents of discarded notes and broken pens until he produced his prize. From under a notepad missing all of its paper, he took out small bottle of gin. He closed the drawer and looked through the bottle at the liquid swimming around in it, a small smile producing on his face at seeing the bottle still half full. He spun the top off as his mind then said, 'Shame, Vlad. Trying to drown your problems in alcohol will not help you.' "I am not trying to drown out my problems," Vlad answered," I am just thirsty." He then took a huge slug from the bottle. Not a good idea, as he felt the liquid burn strongly in his throat. He spat out the alcohol and started to cough furiously. As he sized his coughing, he closed the bottle and placed it on top of the table. He then stared down at where he had spat the gin out. The liquid was now sinking into his new rug, which would eventually stain it. He grunted under his breath and then said," This is great. Another three grand wasted. That was a hand sewn rug." He glanced around the room until his gaze returned to the side table. He was fixing his gaze instead on a picture frame that was resting on the top. He grabbed the frame and sat back in his chair, staring at the image that had been placed in the frame. This was back when he was in his college years. He starred at how he had looked twenty years ago, how he thought of himself as handsome then, until the 'facial incident'. The thought of that caused him to run his hand over his face.

His gaze then became locked on the woman standing next to him and smiling. He knew this woman all to well. Her name was Maudie. She was the woman he loved. He had remained out of the attention of other woman for twenty years. He was now in his forties and still remained unmarried. He had done all of this just to be with her. He ran his finger down her image as he thought back to all the times that he had tired to be with her. Of course, now, it was futile. She was now married to his former friend. The man that was known as Jack Fenton. He looked over to the man on the other side of Maudie. The only visible portion was a body in a labcoat, for the head had been removed. This symbolized what he wanted so much. That was too have Jack out of the picture of him and Maudie to be together.

'This is the only way you are going to hold her, you know?' His mind stated. Vlad placed the picture back on the table as he answered with, "I shall succeed soon enough." 'How soon is that going to be? Its been twenty one years and you still have failed at reaching your goal.' His mind replied. Vlad shot back into the empty space with, "It shall become a reality soon enough!" Just then, he felt it. He felt the grip tightening on his soul. He broke into a sweat as he felt it squeezing him. He thought his throat was also tightening, which would soon enough choke him. He would like that. He would enjoying being choked to death by his own loneliness. But, that would have to wait, for the grip then stooped tightening and there it remained.

'You are just asking to die.' The voice in his mind stated as Vlad wiped his face with the side of his arm. "And what if I am?" Vlad asked. 'Then you are more of a coward then you are as of now.' The voice said. Vlad shot up from his chair and yelled out," I am no coward!" 'Well, I'm sorry. I meant to say weakling,' His mind replied: 'you could have gotten rid of Jack so long ago, but you waited too long. Now, you now are dealing with his son, the other Halfa. And for the past seven months, you have continuously gotten your ass handed to you by some fourteen year old.' "He's turned fifteen five three months ago." Vlad said under his breath. 'And you have kept taps on him. With all that info you could have gotten rid of him by now. Bu here you are, waiting for your own grief to kill you.'

"But how do I succeed in getting Maudie for myself?" Vlad asked. 'Don't try suing your smooth talk on her. I don't think, 'I have pancakes,' really helps. That was really pathetic.' "I was nervous." Vlad said. 'And that is what lead up to Daniel getting that anti-ghost belt thing on you and having your ghost animals nearly maul you to death.' "Don't remind me." Vlad said. 'I shall do so until you get it through your little mind that eventually you are not going tio get Maudie and you will await your death all alone.' "But how can I finish the boy off." Vlad said. 'Simple. You kill him.' Vlad's expression turned to a look of heavy thinking. 'Aren't you going to at least do it now?' "But I waited him on my side, to train him and turn him into my son." Vlad said. 'Because of him you have yet to get Maudie. Now ask me. Who is more important? The boy or Maudie?' Vlad clutched his hands into fists as he said through a wicked smile," Maudie." 'That is right. So, you kill him. His family will then feel the same pain that you have felt. The family will fall apart piece by piece, and then Maudie will come crying to you.' "Excellent. I can go right now and kill him while he sleeps." Vlad said as he felt the ghost energy in him start to build up. He was about to transform until: 'Think this over, Vlad.' Vlad stopped transforming as he said," Why not? I have more experience then that fool." 'And he still manages to take you down.' "So, how do you suppose I carry this out?" 'Why get your hands soiled with blood when you have another who will do that willingly.' Vlad once again became lost in deep thought, then he broke out of it. He smiled as he said," Oh, yes. I forgot about her." All we have to do is let her do the job. This way, you wouldn't feel the pain of killing Maudie's only son as she stays by your side.' "Oh how I wait for that moment." Vlad said.

Looks as though Vlad as something up his sleeve. Chapter 2 is coming up!