Hello! This is my new story Yusuke finds Botan's Diary! Now, I got the idea from Hiei's Ice Maiden, and I asked her for permisson, because its her story who gave me that idea, Its not right not to ask her, and i'm nice like that, lol. And she said yes, I can, now isn't she a nice person, so sweet, and kind etc.! Now all you people who stole her idea, you are complete idoits who don't know who to write stories and are stealers (The people who steal.)! Your suppose to ask her or think of something else! Is her idea! Now, I better not see people copying this story! So that means your copying two people! How about you use your fucking head and think. Sorry about me cursing but it pisses me off too! Even if its not my story! Now, you'll have to do the same thing to other peoples fics, I know all my reviewers are not cold hearted to do such a thing though, thats why I love' em! Hahaha, well I hope you enjoy it! Remember all the credit goes to Hiei's Ice Maiden, because when I read her story I thought of this!

Story Title: Yusuke Finds Botan's Diary.

Chapter: Chapter 1

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: YusukexBotan

Botan was walking through Rekai's halls towards Koenma's office, he wanted to meet her, he said he needed to tell her something. Botan was happily walking, in her usual pink kimono.

"lalalalalala.." Botan sang, in a lovely voice, her eye's was closed as she sang and walked through the halls.

"Lalalalala- oof!" Botan fell on her butt, obvously she bumped into somebody. She brought her pink-ish-purple crystal eye's up to sorry chocolate brown ones.

"Sorry, Botan." Yusuke said as he gave Botan a helping hand, he was wearing his regular green school uniform. She quickly nodded and took it.

"Its okay, Yuu-kun." Botan as she got up and patted the dust off her kimono.

"By the way, what are you doing here in Rekai? To see lil' ol me?" Botan said with a playful wink.

Yusuke chuckled. And Botan smiled as she saw him laugh, whenever he would her knee's begin to weaken.

"Of course Botan, well that and Koenma called me, sheez what more does he need?" Yusuke said with dull eye's, he sure does really dislike Koenma now and days.

"Oh, he called me too. Um, but what are you doing here? Your going the wrong way!" Botan said with a sweat drop coming, and her eye's formed as an "n" and her mouth in the form of a ".", same for Yusuke when he heard what Botan had just said.

"Oh really? Uhehehe, its huge here, like a damn forest! Well I guess its the way your walking, lets go together then okay?" Yusuke said as he scrached the back of his head.

Botan quickly nodded and said,

"Okay Yusuke-kun! Lets chat on the way okay?" Botan suggested happily. He smiled and thanked her.

They both started to chat while walking.

"Hey Botan?" Yusuke called, turning his head to hers as they walked.

"Hm?" Botan did the same, her poeny tail bounced as she turned her head and her bangs dance up and down as she walked.

"Well, remember that time when we first meet eachother and I asked you where you were from? Where are you from?" Yusuke asked with a curious face.

Botan giggled she thought it would of been obvous now she was wearing a kimono, and her voice is in a japanese-ish tone, not that it sounded bad not at all!

"I'm japanese silly!" Botan said smiling, her teeth was white and shiny, it acually made Yusuke blush a little, but you couldn't notice.

"Oh, I thought so.." Yusuke said putting his finger to his chin.

"Okay, here's a question for you yusuke, Who is the first girl you ever liked in your whole life?" Botan asked, now turning her head straight ahead, not meeting with his head.

"Keiko of course," Yusuke said in his casul voice.

Botan almost fell down, thats how weak her knee's were.

"She's everything ya need..I don't even know why i'm acting this mushy." Yusuke said grinning.

"Hai, your right! Keiko is the sweetest!" Botan said with a cheerful act sure Keiko was her friend best friend acually, but she always was jealous of her, nobody knew. But still she was happy that she had lots of friends and other things..

"Yeah, oh where here." Yusuke said, he knew that this was it since Koenma had the biggest doors.

"Hai, your right, lets go in, ne?" Botan said, and opened the doors.

"Ah, Botan, Yusuke your here. Well Yusuke, and Botan I have good news for you, you may both have vacation for a month (wow, in lots of my stories he says that o.o), and...I GET TO HAVE MY OWN VACATION IN REKAI BEACH!" Koenma said with his eye's bugging out, in a kinda perverted way, but it looked funny.

Botan and Yusuke left because they were getting freaked out, but they were happy.

"Okay, i'm off Botan, bye!" Yusuke said, ready to go have some fun since it was his vacation.

Botan frowned.

Yusuke stopped and noticed her-wanting-him-to-hear-her-say-something face.

"Yusuke, oh please stay! Lets chat in my room, I mean you never saw it and we can talk! We haven't talked much.." Botan asked, well more like pleaded, in a polite way.

"Hmm, alright. Lead the way." Yusuke said, curously, he wanted to see her room, because rooms usually describe your personality, like things that you like, its a fun way of getting to know somebody more.

They both walked for two or three minutes and they got there.

"Okay here it is!" Botan said happily has her small hands wiggled up to the door knob to open the door. The door opened and they both went inside.

Botan's room was painted a crystaly purple color, it looked really pretty, and shiny. It was neat too. She had a canopy bed with clear purple curtains, next to it was a book shelf, it was white with purple flowers on it. She had a window that was big and in front of the window there was a place where you can sit, like put your pillows the soften it and sit there and look out the window. She had a desk that was, too, neat. And she had a mirror, it looked really fancy, like in the old days, those kind fancy things, that caught his eye's.

"Neat, room Botan. It suits you." Yusuke said, interested.

"Arigatou, Yusuke." Botan said as she plopped onto the bed. And she patted a seat next to her. Yusuke went to sit on it, and he did.

"So Yusuke, hows Keiko?" Botan asked as she looked as Yusuke, with curious crystal, now turning, pink eye's.

"She's fine, and is as bossy as ever!" Yusuke said with his hands streaching, it basicly looked like he was waiting for a hug, but thats just how it looked, it was suppose to be cute, which it was.

Botan giggled softly. She could just imagine Keiko calling Yusuke a pervert, ad telling him not to skip class, it made her laugh more. Yusuke just had a big grin, that grin could make anybody laugh or grin.

"Yusuke! Thats mean! Hahaha, well you know she just tries to be nice, like me!" Botan said as she winked at him.

"Yeah." Yusuke said as he face softened. Botan looked at him, she wondered what happened. So she asked,

"Hm? Yusuke whats wrong?" Botan asked him.

"Nothing, just wondering where Keiko is-" Yusuke stopped. His face paled. Botan just looked at him laughing, is face was so pale it looked funny.

"DATE!" Yusuke yelled and ran out of the room, Botan sat there smiling. Yusuke called something out to Botan as he ran through the halls.

"Sorry Botan, i'll come next time okay? We can hang out, alright? Ja!" Yusuke yelled out to her, as he ran.

Botan signed.

She got up to her bookself and got her diary, it was a fluffy pink diary, it had hearts all over it, it was cute. In the middle it had her name in a really nice cursive writing, it was in pen. Inside she would write in cursive too, the ink was a purple color.

"Okay, what should I write about..hm...oh I know!" Botan said smiling.

"Keiko! Sorry! Gomen!" Yusuke said as he saw Keiko standing in front of the movies, she was wearing a pink shirt that had the words "Sweet!" on it, and she had long blue jeans shirt. He hair was in a high poeny tail. She had pink and white sneakers on, and pink braclets, and flower earings, and you guessed it, that was pink too.

"Yusuke-chan, your late!" Keiko said, in a angry, but low tone.

"Gomen, Keiko! I forgot, okay? I have bad memory, sorry. Well i'm here, right? So lets see a movie. You get to pick." Yusuke said with puppy eye's.

She smiled, a warm smile.

"Okay. Your forgiven." Keiko said as she held his hand. Blushing a little.

Yusuke signed in relief. And asked,

"Okay, what movie do you wanna see, babe?" Yusuke asked, now in his normal voice.

She stopped, looked up into the sky, put her finger on her chin, and thought.

"Um...how about a romantic movie? Like...Hello, Mrs. (I made it up.)! I heard it was really good. Its for an hour though, its okay lets go!" Keiko said happily and dragged him in by the arm.

An Hour Past,

Keiko came out of the theaters with Yusuke, hand in hand.

"I really liked it! Wasn't it romantic! Oh, Yusuke, did you like it?" Keiko asked, excitedly.

"Nah, i'm not a mushy kind of guy..." Yusuke said with half mooned eye's.

Keiko just rolled her eye's and said,

"Okay, whatever Yusuke-san, I got to go, ja ne!" Keiko said and ran to her house.

Then, when she left, Yusuke went to his own house.

At Rekai..

Yusuke ran through Rekai halls, until he got to Botan's room, he remembered where it was since it was her room. He knocked on the door a couple of times.

"Botan, you there?" Yusuke called.

"I'm coming in, okay?" Yusuke said and opened the door, and let himself in. But, Botan wasn't there...

"Where is-my keys! There they are. Hm? Whats this?" Yusuke said as he saw a pink fluffy book, that had the name Botan on it in cursuve. He opened it to the first page.

"Uh-oh, its her diary...well it wouldn't hurt to read it!" Yusuke said with a devil-ish grin, so typical of him, ne? Remember now, he opened to the first page.

Janurary 7, 2002

Today, I went to the beach with Yusuke and Keiko, it was fun. But it was odd too, when I would look at Yusuke, I felt a warm, and a tickalish feeling, it was odd. I kept on staring at him, like a cat looking for food, with hungry eye's. It was so foolish of me, well thats how I felt, it was...ackward. I hope that doesn't happen again, well it has happened since the first day I met Yusuke..but that doesn't mean I don't want to see him! Not at all.

- Botan

Yusuke looked confused, and turned to the next page.

Janurary 8, 2002

Oh, great! Guess what? I had the same feeling again! It was when we met up at his house, why does he grin so much? ITS ATTRACTING IF HE DOESN'T NOTICE! Goodness, I must ask somebody what it is. Wait..I can't..eh! I know what it is! I love Yusuke Urameshi! Oh, my..I never fell in love before. This is terrible he loves a beutiful and perfect girl! Keiko. He can't love death! He can't love a horrible grim reaper! He can't love me! He can't! But I love him! I do! I do! Yahoo! Its great falling in love! Even though, you can't get the person you love, if your in my position that is.

- Botan

Yusuke quickly closed the diary when he heard somebody coming, he was shocked, but he tried to forget. He quickly laid the diary as it was and hid in her closet.

The door slowly opened, and Botan came, it was Botan.

"Oh, i'm so tired! I'll sleep. Oh! Oh stupid of me, I left my diary on my bed!" Botan said and quickly hid it in the closet. Yusuke was eyeing her, and praying that he wouldn't find him in her closet.

"Okay there, my diary is safe and sound. Now, its getting late, how bout I change into some clothes?" Botan said as she walked to the closet. Yusuke was now panicing, what if she found him? She would obvously know that he read her diary! And just barging into her room? I don't think so!

"BOTAN! COME!" One of the ogres shouted.

"Oh, great...i'm coming!" She yelled back. Yusuke signed I love whoever that was.. Yusuke murmered and when Botan left, before you could say YB he was gone...

YAY! I'm done! Next chappie will come soon!