DISCLAIMER: Just playing with someone else's toys. Not getting paid, so don't sue.

1. Maybe Memories

Screaming was all Petunia Dursley heard coming from down the hall. The screams were coming from Harry's room.

"Vernon! Wake up! Harry's been screaming in his sleep like that ever since he came back from, from that school. Please Vernon, we have to help him or send him back or do something!" Petunia whispered frantically.

All Vernon did was grunt, roll over and started snoring loudly.

Ever since Harry Potter returned to Privet drive, he had nightmares. Nightmares about the graveyard, the Department of Mysteries, the Veil and Sirius plagued his mind. During his waking hours, all Harry did was dread when he had to go back to sleep that night. He would wake up screaming and crying; his old scar burning to high heaven. He couldn't take it anymore.
Petunia reached the door, hand on the knob. She twisted it slowly, pushing it open very slowly, hoping it wouldn't creak too loudly and wake up Harry.

She slinked in and stood staring. Harry was floating at least 3ft above his bed fighting with his blanket screaming something about something falling.

Finally regaining her senses she screamed "HARRY! Oh my lord, Harry!" She ran over to his and grabbed a hold of his arm and yanked downwards.

With a shrill squeak and a thunk, Harry was back on his bed panting staring wide eyed at Petunia.

"Oh Harry!" Petunia gasped, wrapping her arms around the boys shoulders, "What were you doing up there? Was something making you do it? Are you ok?" She took a hold of his face, looking at his with a look for pure concern on her face.

Harry was in shock, why did she care? She had never given Harry a second thought before, what happened? Wait, hadn't she just said 'what were you doing up there?'

"Doing… doing up where, Aunt Petunia? I was here in my bed… I didn't go anywhere I swear!"

Petunia didn't understand "Harry, you were floating above your bed screaming and writhing! You were screaming something about 'No, your letting Sirius fall! Get Sirius'… Isn't he your godfather? Did something happen to him, Harry?"

Harry was the one who didn't understand "He… He died… It was my fault…. But why do you care, Aunt Petunia, you've never gave a damn about me, why start now?" He said growing angrier and angrier. Petunia's eyes started to well up.

"I.. I realized that we have been unfair to you Harry, and I'm truly sorry. With you and Dudley at school and Vernon at work, I have a lot of free time. I spent a lot of this year while you were away at, at Hog… Hogwarts looking at photo albums. I found one I hadn't looked at in 15 years. The one your mother made and gave to me a week before she… before she..." Petunia couldn't hold the tears back any longer and let them flow freely down her face. "Oh your mother loved you and James so much! There are pictures of her and I when we were girls, pictures from Hogwarts, pictures with our parents, pictures of her and James. I have never shown it to you, Harry dear, but I will, I'll give it to you tomorrow for your birthday! Oh I'm so sorry I've made you so miserable all these years. I've just been afraid of Vernon, but I don't care anymore, you deserve better." Petunia looked way and stood.

Harry didn't know what to say or even think. His aunt, the evil wretched woman who made his life hell over the summer was all of a sudden trying to make up for her mistakes? This couldn't be right.

"Aunt Petunia… What, what made you change your mind about me? I mean, I didn't do anything different."

She just stared out the window. "i got another letter, not a howler this time, thank god, from Dumbledore. He asked me if I would reconsider my behavior towards you this year because something happened to you that would greatly affect you… What… What happened to Sirius?" She asked never once looking back at him.

"That man who killed my parents…"

"Lord Volde-whats-it?"

"Yes, him." harry saidhaughtily,"He tricked me into believing he had Sirius in the Department of Mysteries in London and being stupid, I fell for it going straight into a trap that he had set up for me. The Order fought against him and all his minions but one of them got to Sirius. His own cousin stunned him… and he fell… he fell through…"

Harry buried his face in his hands. Suddenly he was engulfed in a pair of arms. He sobbed loudly into Petunia shoulder, shaking like a leaf. Petunia started rubbing circles on the crying boys back trying to calm him down. In less than 10 minutes, Harry was silent and still. He had fallen asleep in Petunia's arms.

"...As we trudge along through the mud
And we tried to call it home
But we weren't alright, not at all
Not for one, for one, for one second..."

- The Used "Maybe Memories"