This is my 2nd fanfic, feel free to tell me how to make it better if you want.

Disclaimer - I don't own Inuyasha.

The Castle Of Crystals

Chapter 1 - Pure Of Heart's Only, On A Moonless Night.

A young inu queen Tsuki was happily carrying her daughter around. The young princess Kagome was all ready 5 years of age.

Her father had been gone for sometime now, he had left for the upcoming war, she was hesitant to let him go incase something happened and he got killed.

Soon the war started to get worse, needing everyone to get out of the range of the war.

The queen sat around holding her precious daughter, her mate tolled her to leave the palace immediately if they started attacking the castle.

The queen hoped she wouldn't need to leave she had lived here for most her life.

But her hopes were shattered when a large amount of youkai penetrated the castle. The only place she knew to run was to the sacred mountains of crystal.

Not many youkai were allowed there only the purest of hearts could live within the grounds. So far nobody had ever been there, many have tried and have all failed.

She hoped she could get her daughter and people in there before the youkai killed them.

She led them to the base of a mountain. Looking at her daughter, then tuning to her people announced.

"This is the Sacred mountain of crystals, only those pure of heart can enter. I fully hope we are all pure of heart, or we will all die here and now."

The youkai murmured to there friends and family, turning to the queen most excepted to try and die here, when most fled only to be eaten by the youkai waiting.

The queen took a deep breath then slowly walked towards the mountain. Looking back at her daughter she carried, knowing most children at the age of 7 down were pure of hearts. Without another thought she stepped through the barrier.

A large ice colored barrier came into view, stepping past it she made it inside safely. Looking around her she noticed every child was all right, but most youkai were dead.

As more came in she noticed only inu youkai made it through the barrier.

The children of kitsune, okami, and other youkai made it safely past the barrier. The children of none inu youkai's made there way to the queen.

"May we stay? I don't want to go back out there even... Even if my parents are dead." Said a young kitsune.

The others nodded, the queen dropped to her knees and hugged the children. "You may stay, I wouldn't have brought you if you couldn't stay." The children smiled as tears feel from there eye's, from happiness and sadness.

The queen looked around, in the far distant she could see the faint outline of something. Standing she tolled all the one's who made it past to follow. One woman ran up too her.

"I'm sorry you highness, but there are a lot of kits, pups, and cub's." The queen looked and noticed a bunch of young woman trying to quiet a few kit's, pup's, and cub's.

She nodded and walked over to a few woman.

Setting Kagome on the ground to walk beside her she picked up 1 kit and 1 pup. Looking at Kagome telling here she was able to walk as these weren't so fortunate. Looking at all the youkai both male and female she said.

"All the children that can walk please let them we need help with the one's who can't."

Everyone did as tolled and set the one's who could walk beside them. When all they were all picked up she started for the faint outline in the distance, occasionally taking breaks for the children.

They finally came up too the place they were heading to find, a castle made of crystal's. It was huge enough to hold over 1,000 youkai which they needed.

They settled and let the children pick out the rooms they wanted. Kagome went to a tower, along with a few others. She wanted a balcony, too look out into the night sky and watch the stars. She found the best balcony to look from.

It faced the west and east. A door on each side of her futon so she could watch the sunset and the sunrise.

The room was a light blue, even if it was made from crystals, some of the crystals in the castle had color to them.

There were 5 floors to the castle.

The 1st floor held the nursery, the queens thrown, study, the dinning room and the dance floor.

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor were mainly rooms and other things, the library was on the 2nd floor. The 5th floor held mainly rooms as well, but the other rooms didn't have balconies just windows, and was the highest floor.

There was one other floor though below the others, it was the dungeon. Who knew why it wad there? Nobody really care.

Kagome wanted to decorate her room with flowers so she had gone out into the garden she found some blue and pink flowers to put in her room.

As she put her flowers into place, she heard a loud "thump" in the hall way. She rushed out to see what happened and found a girl a little older then her, laying on the ground.

Kagome ran over to her and helped her up, the young girl quickly covered her mouth and backed away.

"Your highness I didn't mean to make any sound!" She said nervously.

"That's OK, are you OK?" Kagome asked, smiling the girl nodded then spoke.

"My name is Sango, I'm a okami youkai." She said bowing, Kagome quickly shook her head.

"Don't bow, my name is Kagome."

"Thank you."

Kagome helped Sango with things needed to be done in her room. Sango had chosen the room right beside hers.

The balconies connected and there were doors so they could enter each others rooms that way.

Kagome had went back to her room after a tour around the castle with Sango. She also met a few new kids to hang around with.

Sango, Miroku, Kouga, Ayame all okami's.

Shippo, Kiko, Yuri and Yumi all Kitsune's.

Sara, Kara, and Kira all inu youkai's.

There were a bunch of others but those were the one's she liked best.

Kagome walked around the garden for about an 1 hour before going inside. The sun would be setting soon, and she wanted to watch the first sunset at her new home.

Kagome was sitting on the pole to the railing her tail wrapped around it so she wouldn't loose balance and fall. Sango's door opened and she walked over to her.

"Can I watch as well?" Sango asked, Kagome nodded.

"Sure, I might be a princess but I am still youkai."

Sango nodded and took a seat next to her, on the railing.

They watched as the sunset and the stars appeared one by one in the moonless sky, today was a new moon.

Outside Of The Mountain

The war was about to end but deaths will follow in it's path, two of the 4 lords were going to die and both said the last thing that came to mind before they died.

"Be safe my mate and children!"

Incase some don't know what the japanese words mean here.

Kitsune - Fox

Okami - Wof

Youkai - Demon

Inu - Dog

First chapter is done tell me how you liked it! PLease Review!