A/N: As this is being posted I'm out of town, and I left it up to my big brother to post it for me. (I'll destroy him if he doesn't do it right). It's now June 28 and I'll be back July 11 to read all the wonderful reviews I get. And maybe while I'm gone I'll start cooking up my next story after I do Behind Brown Eyes. Perhaps a sequel or something. Yes I'm avoiding saying those final words, but this is indeed the end of this fanfic. I've had so much fun writing it, as I'm sure you have reading it. Thanks to all my wonderfully faithful readers and reviewers, I couldn't have done it without you. Because I will admit there were times where I didn't really want to write, but you guys truly made it all worthwhile. So thanks one last time to my indescribably wonderful reviewers Criminal Insanity and Jack-Really Bad Eggs. I'm going to miss you guys even more than I will writing this story, and Jack I'll always consider you a faithful reviewer. I hope this doesn't let you all down as an end to the story you love so much(since I kinda rushed to have it ready before I left). If I need to when I get back I'll rewrite it. Oh and yes Criminal you did tell me before that you were Crizzy. Thanks so much guys. You made this year and 5 months the absolute best it could be! So without further ado, here is part 45. The finale of Swami.


Part 45: And For That I Thank You

Travis turned to meet her gaze. Sure enough a happy, bubbling Parker was headed their way.

Lily looked at Travis and nodded, "She needs to know, Travis."

He nodded and without another word left the underground to greet his girlfriend. Lily smiled and sighed, now it was all in Travis' hands.

Parker noticed Travis almost immediately as he stepped through the door into the blinding daylight. But she didn't smile; she could tell something was wrong.

"What's up Travis?" She asked casually.

He shrugged, "Wanna go to Mickey's? There's something I think we need to talk about."

She looked puzzled, "If you were most people I'm not sure I'd like that sentence."

He said calmly, "Good thing I'm not most people."

She looked at him, "Travis…what's really going on?"

"Lily was right," he muttered.

"About what?"


She nodded, "Ok...so shall you walk me to Mickey's?"

He smiled softly.

"Sounds…sounds good," He said swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat.

"Did Lily finally convince you to talk?" She asked in a voice that seemed overly calm for the situation.

He nodded.

She pointed at a bench and suddenly Travis realized they'd taken the long way and he was suddenly face-to-face with his worst enemy…the duck pond.

"We could sit there," She offered.

Travis swallowed again, "I'd rather not."

She nodded, "I thought it might have something to do with the duck pond after what Ray said."

"What Ray said?" Travis looked puzzled.

Parker nodded, "He was the first one to suspect anything was wrong. He was the first to follow you. He said you had a picture and came here. Actually it was my idea but he wouldn't let me go!"

Travis stared at her, mouth open.

"I'm guessing Lily's the only one you told."

He nodded, mouth still gaping.

Silence fell as the couple continued toward Mickey's. They sat down at a booth in a vacated section of the restaurant and ordered 2 shakes: 1 vanilla and 1 chocolate. For several minutes after they got their shakes they sat in silence until finally Parker gathered the courage to speak.

"What I don't understand," She looked at Travis, "Is that you'll tell me you never really liked sharing a chocolate shake with me because you don't likechocolate ice cream, but you won't tell me anything else."

"Except that, like you said, Lily finally did convince me to talk."

"I'm all ears, Travey."

"I'm all ears TRAVEY?"

"It's better than Swami, I'm sure. So tell me, Travis, why exactly do you hate Ray calling you that?"

He sighed and swallowed, "Because that was what my sister used to call me."

She choked on the small amount of shake that had managed to stay in her mouth and in between coughs asked, "Your sister?"

He nodded, "Her name was Brianna."

"What happened to her?" Parker asked sympathetically.

"She died."

"I'm so sorry, Travis."

Suddenly it all made sense, but as Parker sat there trying to sort out her thoughts something unexpected happened. Out of the corner of his eye, Travis saw 2 people walking toward them from the cd display cases. Parker turned her head to see what he was looking at just in time to greet them.

"Ray, Robbie what an unexpected surprise."

"Hey Parker! Hey Swami!" Ray called to them as he and Robbie took seats on either side.

Travis's face fell, "Ray, please don't call me that."

Ray looked at him.

"Excuse me Robbie," He said indicating that Robbie should get out so he could too, "I have to leave."

Robbie shook his head, "No, Travis. This time we're not letting you go. Talk to us! Tell us what's wrong!"

Travis stared at him, eyes begging him not to do this. "Please, Robbie, let me out."

Robbie sat there silently.

"Travis, they need to know." Parker told him.

Travis looked around in defeat, "My sister called me Swami."

Ray and Robbie looked puzzled; Travis didn't have a sister.

In answer to the unspoken question Travis said, "I used to but she died many years ago."

"Wow, Travis I had no idea." Robbie offered.

Ray looked horrified, but was too shocked to say anything.

"It's alright, Ray, you didn't know." Travis shrugged.

"See Travis, isn't it better now?"

All 4 heads turned to find Lily standing there.

"I told you the silence wouldn't last long," She stated nonchalantly.

"yes you did, Lily. And for that I thank you." Travis replied.

"There's no need to thank me, you did this part all on your own."

"You knew?" Robbie and Ray asked in shock.

Lily nodded, "I did the same thing you did Ray, but he caught me."

Robbie stared at Ray.

"I can't believe we knew you all this time, and you never told us." Parker stated in disbelief.

"I didn't think it was important."

"Travis, she's a part of you. You wouldn't be you if you hadn't had her. We always told you we wanted to know about your past. We were your best friends, nothing could have mattered more." Ray explained.

Travis smiled, "Lily said that was why you wouldn't stop calling me Swami."

The group fell into silence.

"So what do we do now?" Robbie asked cautiously.

The answer was a very unexpected, "Ice cream's on me!" from Travis Strong.

Parker smiled mischievously, "What's the most expensive dessert on the menu?"

As Travis, Ray, and Parker all went up to the counter to place the order Lily turned to Robbie.

"I dunno, Robbie, but whatever it is I think we can handle the challenge."

He smiled, "You know what Lils, after all that's happened in the past few months, and especially after this breakthrough with Smog,I think you're right."

The pair of them smiled as they noticed a large chocolate sundae headed their way.