A/N: Omg. Yep, I'm still alive, thank goodness. Btw, the italicized part is supposed to be a flashback. Okay? Okay!

Yuya opened her eyes to find herself trapped in a dark cell. How did she even end up there in the first place?

She tried to search for an opening of sorts but there was nothing to be found.

"Arrgh!" She growled out in frustration.

Why did she always have to put up with situations like this? Two kidnappings in a span of a few months was just too much for any normal girl to bear.

At least this time she wasn't as frightened as before. Common sense told her that there could only be a single person behind both kidnappings. The question was, who? Who would do this to her? And what would motivate him to do so? Assuming that he was a man, of course.

Well, thinking about it certainly wasn't going to help.

She was curled up in a ball in a corner of the cell, desperately trying to keep calm when the steel door opened.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Akira?" She looked up at him in total disbelief.

"Who else could it be?" He replied, a fake smile on his face. Surely, it was him.

"Akira, how could you?" There was bitter sadness in her voice. She had trusted him as a friend. What was the reason for his betrayal?

His unseeing eyes were directed straight at her. "I'm sorry, Yuya, but this is my fate."

His words were so ambiguous that she didn't understand what he was trying to say at all.

"What do you mean? Please tell me." She wanted to hear his reasons. He could still let her go, couldn't he?

"You might as well blame him! This is all his fault!" His face was contorted with sudden anger. He had suddenly transformed from her kind gentle friend to a frightening stranger.

How could she have been so easily deceived? Was everything she knew about him a lie?

His fault? She pondered over his words. There was only one person she knew who could be associated with such a past.

"Is it Kyo? I'm sure he has nothing to do with this." She replied with conviction. She had total faith in Kyo.

Akira laughed hysterically. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he's got everything to do with this!"

"What are you talking about?" He's lost his mind, she thought frantically.

"Oh, God," He was saying between bursts of laughter, "you've fallen so bad for him that you refuse to acknowledge the truth, even if its staring you right in the face!"

Yuya remained silent, not wanting to provoke him any further.

He kneeled down close to her, pushing her against the wall. He cupped her pale face in his clammy hands.

"You don't have to worry about a thing." He whispered in her ear, his breath touching her lips. "I'll get rid of him and you'll be mine forever." After having his say, he swooped down for a kiss, roughly forcing his lips against hers.

She bit back in retaliation. No one could ever kiss her except for Kyo. She belonged only to him.

"Heh, feisty aren't we." He said as he withdrew from the kiss, dabbing at the spot of blood on the corner of his lip.

"Too bad, things would have gone differently if you have chosen me over him. Now, I have no choice but to end your life." There wasn't a hint of regret in his cold hard eyes.

"It was a mistake to have refused me, Yuya Shina."

The moment he mentioned her name, Yuya felt her body freezing with cold.

Bit by bit, her body was being frozen by ice. She couldn't move her legs anyore. She struggled with all of her strength but it was useless.

Her eyes were wide with fear as she looked at the man she had once called her friend.

"How can you... what are you...?" Her words were left unspoken as she was engulfed by ice. Her body was slowly deteriorating to her death.

"Heh. Everyone's been looking at me that way since the day I was born." He spat out in contempt. The way Yuya looked at him... He had never seen her so afraid. It has always been that way. No one could ever understand.

From the moment of his birth, he was damned for life.

It wasn't that he was born blind. It was because he was cursed.

The baby born with colorless unseeing eyes will bring about the cold depths of death. That was the prophecy, and sure enough, it came true.

His mother had died giving birth to him. It was said that she was screaming in agony as he came out from her womb.

He was hated by the whole village. Even his own father kept him locked up in a cell.

There he was, trapped in his own world of darkness. He never knew love, never felt how it was to be loved. From the beginning, there had only been hate. Little by little, his heart was consumed with hatred. He wanted revenge badly. He swore on his mother's life that the whole village would pay for his suffering.

He untapped his powers on the tenth year of his damned existence.

He escaped from his prison and wreaked havoc throughout the whole village.

He had killed his father, first of all. In the end, everything was destroyed and everyone was dead. Not a single soul was spared.

He was left standing there amidst the remains of his village. What was he to do now? It was at that fateful moment that Demon Eyes Kyo came into his life.

A man's deep voice broke through the eerie silence.

"Did you do all of this?"

Akira's head snapped to the direction where the voice was coming from.

"Who are you?" He asked, full of distrust.

"I am Demon Eyes Kyo." The man replied, his voice apathetic. He did not really care what happened to the child. As long as he would be of use to him.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come with me." The samurai said as he stared at the boy. At first, he thought the boy was staring back at him, but he soon realized that the child was blind. He looked so innocent with his small frail body. What was unnerving, however, was his eyes. It was as if he could suck out your soul with just one look.

Indeed, he would be useful. He would take the child with him and rear him into a fine swordsman.

The young boy had a wicked smile on his face. "You're willing to take me even though you know what I'm capable of?"

"All the more reason I'm willing to do so."

The boy was silent. He didn't expect such an answer from the samurai.

"Let's go." Without further ado, Kyo started walking in the opposite direction.

Akira could only hear the samurai's footsteps going farther away.

Where else could he go? The samurai was the only person willing to take him in. This was his last chance. His only chance.

"Wait!" The child's shrill voice caught Demon Eyes Kyo's attention. He turned around to see Akira running towards him. It was the first he had seen a child's eyes filled with such fear and desperation.

Kyo had located Yuya's whereabouts with Sakuya's guidance. She led him to a place similar to the one where he had found Yuya before.

He had never even thought of the possibility of Akira doing all of this. Did he want revenge that badly? To think that he would stoop so low as to involve an innocent in his personal vendetta.

Kyo recalled the first time he had met Akira. Realization hit him. If Akira could do that to his own village, what more to a stranger like Yuya? It was only then that he truly feared for her life.

"You've finally arrived, Demon Eyes Kyo." A man's voice reverberated throughout the empty space.

"Come out right now!" Kyo bellowed. His eyes were feiry coals of red. His anger was emanating a deathly aura, gradually reviving the demon within him.

"Don't fret, it's just me." Akira answered, appearing before the enraged samurai. His form was the same as of the day before he died. He was just about twenty years old then. Looking at him now, he hadn't aged at all.

"Where is she? Give her back at once!"

"Tsk. Tsk." Akira was shaking his head in mock amusement. "How pitiful that a once famed samurai is now panicking because of a woman. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"Stop playing with me, Akira. Tell me where she is!" Kyo had to make sure Yuya was safe first before he could resort to any action.

His former apprentice only smirked at him.

"One thing's for sure. You won't be seeing her ever again."

Good thing I was able to finish until this part. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Thanks for all those who stuck with this story up to now. Thank you very much! Please don't forget to review. And if you guys have any requests or suggestions, feel free to share them with me.