Once again, all you guys ROCK!

Chapter Eight: Witch Way Does the Wind Blow?
"In with anger, out with love."

"Phoebe." He blunted, quickly covering up his slip of the tongue. "I remembered I couldn't get a hold of mom either. I guess she's still out with Drake.."

"Oh," She nodded, and then scolded herself in her head. What a crazy thing to think! "Yeah, I knew that." Paige shook her head quickly, picking up her purse. "I just stayed late at Magic school, you know, making sure everything was in check. Hope I didn't worry you."

"No, you didn't. I'm glad you're home."

"Me too, because I'm ready to hit the sack. Night, Patrick." The witch hastily walked over to him, an almost embarrased look on her face. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, the woman quickly headed up the stairs.

"Night Paige." He replied softly, rubbing his cheek where she just kissed him. He watched his mother head up the stairs, a smirk almost forming on his lips. She looked disappointed. That really made him smile Soon, only a few more months to suffer, he could throw his arms around her an call her that name. Mom.

That made everything he had to go through, until' then, worth it.


The next day; started out with a bang. A big bang. Not only had the sister's killed eight demons that morning, but Chris learned to crawl. Piper and Leo were elated, and little Wyatt was a proud big brother. Paige, was being the spoiling aunt, covering Chris in lots of hugs and kisses. Seven months old, he was already crawling! He was an early bird. After a rather eventful morning, something else happened. Phoebe broke down and tears and locked herself in her room.

And here he was; waiting outside her room. Where Piper was in there trying to console her. Great; this was just peachy keen. He was going to get blamed for Drake being a demon. His Aunt Piper liked to blame him for a lot of things, only because he was from the future.

He was going to get it in five.. four... three... two... one...

Appearing from behind the door, his aunt, in big protective sister mood, stepped out. A patch of dampness appeared just below her shoulder, on her red blouse, where Phoebe's tears had been freely flowing. Patrick took in a breath; this was just peachy! She did not look to be in a good mood. "Patrick Samuel Halliwell." She said in an eerie low voice, her hardly ever seen fringe had returned for the day, which made bangs dangle freely in front of her light brown eyes. His face screwed up with a tint of fear; full name was not good! If she wasn't standing in front of him, he would of done run off.

"Look, before you say anything, I just want you to know this was not my fault."

"Really?" She asked, prancing toward him with a feinged smile. A smile that shouted: fear me! "I know you're my nephew and all.. but my sister is in there, crying her eyes out, because of you!" Piper poked his chest repeatedly; her anger over Phoebe being heart broken again, started to get the best of her. If Patrick would of just said something about Drake, this could of been prevented. Yet he kept it quiet.

"It had to happen!" He threw his hands up, trying to defend himself.

"Why? They were just going to split anyway! My God, he is a freakin' demon and you let it go on and you didn't tell anybody? Were you trying to purposely hurt her... or..."

"Aunt Piper." Patrick spoke lightly, knowing the witch was just getting some emotions out of her system. She hated to see Phoebe hurt in any kind of way. She always wished Phoebe and Paige's pain on herself, if something had happened to them. He was sure she was doing that now.

"Why didn't you just say something to me, to spare me the shock, and so I would know how to comfort her? This is the 50th time a man has hurt her. It's getting ridiclious! You could have helped!" She turned her head sharply, letting out a deep breath.

"Mm hmm," He crossed his arms, smiling, "Feeling better?"

"A lot." Without speaking a word; having a unusual not so smart ass day, he wrapped his arms around her. And she gratefully accepted his embrace. He stood visibly taller than her; Patrick maybe was around 6'0, and had a slim body, but appeared to have a bit of mucle on him. Musthave been all those years of fighting and training.

"Her calling herself pathetic and worthless doesn't exactly make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Piper said with a small sniff, her face burrying further into her future nephew's shirt. He was in his future gettup, tight black pants and a tight long black shirt, with his purple - cut off at the top of the rib cage - jacket going over it. And the Triquera symbol swen into the arm of the jacket. He was even wearing his golden Unicorn necklace, which wasn't a surprise, he never took it off.

"I'm sorry." Patrick spoke gently, being genuine. "I wish I could of said something," He rested his cheek on her shiney brown hair, "But it was meant to happen, I wasn't supposed to prevent it. Some things I can't stop, others I can."

"I hate to see her like this."

"I know, you always did, and you always do." He slightly laughed, as she pulled away. "You've always been their protector."

Piper tried to break a smile, but failed. She looked at her little sister's door, "Not a very good one."

"Oh, I'll have you know your the best protector around! This you can't protect her from, though. She has to learn to deal with Drake being a demon before she can see him again. Crying is usually her best way in dealing." His aunt turned around, dumbstruck by what he had said in his little ramble. "Before she can see him again? Are you crazy? If that demon takes one step in here I'll-"

"No, you won't do anything. You'll hurt the future if you do."

She gave him a quizzical look, but then was replaced by the often 'are you stupid?' look. "What does if have to do with my sister's future? I would believe Phoebe would know not to go out with a demon, after..."

"Cole, I know. But the point is, he is in her future. He's a big part of it. Do anything to Drake and the future is changed more than I want."

"I will not let that demon go anywhere near my sister." Patrick gritted his teeth, he grabbed Piper's arm and pulled her away from his youngest aunt's bedroom door. "They'll find their way back to each other, and you are not to stand in their way. If you do, you'll be earsing someone important to me."

Piper's eyes grew wide as that statement sunk in. Someone important to him. Her head snapped toward her little sister's door, her curious expression never leaving her face. "Wait, wait, wait." She held her hand up in front of his face, "You're not telling me..."

"Whatever your thinking, yes." He said slyly; hoping she would appreciate that he was trusting her with another secret of the future.

A hand shot up to her mouth, her brown eyes could hardly contain the shock value of what she was hearing. "Oh my god... they have a...?" He nodded with a smirk. "You have a...?"

"Sure do. I won't let anyone, and I do mean anyone, endanger her."


"I'm so proud of my big guy!" Paige scooped Chris up in her arms once again and blew rasberry's on his chubby cheeks. Which caused a belly laugh out of him. Her little nephew, the one she saw as 22 years old, trying to save the future, and the one she saw being born, was now crawling. Chris had been making such an effort to crawl lately but couldn't quite do it, now he had. That was something to celebrate!

"Me's wants' ras'perrys too, Aunt Pay!" Wyatt tugged on his aunt's, not enjoying Chris getting all the attention today. He could crawl too!

"You too, Wy?" Giving Chris one light kiss on his cheek, she set him down in his play pen, and picked up her oldest nephew. The curly haired child ravished in his aunt Paige's tickles and kisses on his cheek. Nobody spoiled him as much as her. Phoebe was never there, she was considered a work-aholic. But Paige was always there. Because she - unlike Piper and Phoebe, didn't have a job.

"Hey, there's my big crawler!" Leo announced, walking into the room from the kitchen. He bent down and ruffled through Chris' thin dark blonde hair, "Too bad mommy won't let daddy touch the video camera.."

"That's because she's afraid daddy will break it." Paige piped up; spinning around with a giggling Wyatt in her arms. "Yeah well daddy's just gonna have to find where mommy hid it, and prove to her that I'll be careful." He said playfully to his youngest son, "Got to get my big boy crawling."

Paige stopped and smirked; "Next he'll be walking."

"They grow up too fast," Leo stood up, and caught a glimpse of Wyatt enjoying his aunt's embrace. "He loves you."

"I would hope," She sat down on the couch, the toddler sitting on her lap. She played with his thick curls at the end of his hair, something he had to of gotten from Leo. The whitelighter smiled, "Him and Chris both. It be safe to say, you're their favorite."

"Phoebe loves them just as much. I just happen to have a non-paying job, where I get to see them and be with them constantly."

"Well I'm not saying Phoebe doesn't love them, I'm saying they rather be with Aunt Paige over Aunt Phoebe." He commented after seeing his son happy with his sister-in-law.

"Hm," She mused with a smug smile; smacking her lips together, Paige brought Wyatt's face closer to her. "Do you love Auntie Paige?"

"Yup, yup!" The witch couldn't help but giggle at the child's reaction; it felt good to be loved by a child. It felt good to be loved at all. She kissed his little button nose, "I love you too, Wy."

"I heard you guys had a demon attack today," Patrick inquired suddenly, walking down the steps and into the sitting room. "And I'd like to know why I wasn't invited?" Upon seeing Wyatt the teen ruffled through his hair, and sat down next to his mother and uncle. "I could of been of use."

"It was early, you and the boys were asleep. I didn't want to wake you. We handled it, piece of cake." Paige said, flashing off some of her arrogance. Patrick gave her a quick evil look; he had Piper's evil eye down to a tee. It came in handy too, most people were scared of his aunt's evilish looks when she'd get pissed. It was a good intimidating trick. The youngest Halliwell noticed that look and did her best to change the subject. "But anyway, how's your mom doing?"

"Okay, I guess. Piper is still with her upstairs."

"I can't believe I couldn't sense Drake was evil," The whitelighter crossed his arms, "I can't believe you didn't say anything." His stare laid on Patrick - and the tension instantly shot up. Patrick tried to ignore Leo's glare, but soon came to returning the glare. Something wasn't right with his Uncle; he knew something he shouldn't have.

"Yeah!" Paige added in quickly, slapping Patrick's shoulder, causing him to break the look and turn his head. "What's up with that? You couldhave just told her he's evil and not your father. You're wasting time."

"Well," He scratched the side of his face, "Who said he wasn't my father?"

"He's a demon! He can't be your father!" She yelled out, but then shut her mouth and became confused, "Can he?"

"Well he may not be my biological dad, but who says I was raised by my biological father? And I never said Drake was evil, did I?"

"What are you saying? Phoebe is with Drake in your future? Clear this up, I'm lost. Drake's a demon but not evil?"

"Kind of, look let's not worry about it, okay? It's your party tonight." Nervousness rose on his face; he was telling to much. His left leg started to bounce up and down, like it always did when he was hiding the truth or lying. It was never easy to lie his mother. There was only one person in the world who could get as scary as his oldest aunt. His mom.

"Let me guess," She put a finger up to her chin, pretending to be thinking hard. "Future consequence if you tell too much? Heard it before."

"Don't worry about it, whatever happens - will."

"Speaks the boy from the future here to change it."

"Certain things." He insisted, "Only certain things."

She gave him an uneasy look, her maternal side showing. "How can I not worry about you? I want to make sure your mom finds your father so you can be born and live a good life."

"Actually," Patrick sighed, his calmness returning, "Me being conceived - least of my worries."

Leo finally decided interact a little less aggressive with his nephew for the first time since yesterday morning, after hearing that little comment. "What?"

"What?" Paige said directly after Leo, "How can you not be worried about that?"

"There are more important things to worry about."

"Not to me!" Paige's usual pale white face flushed, "You are important. I care wether your conceived or not, kiddo. I don't want to lose you. This morning I didn't wake you up because I didn't want you to get hurt! Now you're going to tell me you don't care if you live or not?"

Patrick stayed quiet for a moment; a smile forced itself on his lips. It felt nice to hear her say that. Even if he was playing nephew with her, she remained his mother. A better mother than Phoebe could ever be to him.

"As long as you're okay Paige, nothing can ever hurt me."

That response startled her, but found it quite comforting for some reason. Finding something as equally nice to respond with, she was suddenly interrupted by the tromping noise of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Piper!" Paige called out happily, starting her suck-up-to-sister routine; she had a big favor to ask. "Hey favorite sis! Will you do me a favor..."

"On it!" Her eldest sister called out, waving her pointer finger in the air.

Paige grinned, "How'd you know?"

"You'd be amazed at how far my ears can hear, and considering I'm the only cook in the house, I figured you'd need me anyway."

"Oh," She bit at her nail, feeling slightly guilty. "Well thank you!"

"You're not welcomed," Piper grumbled under her breath, pulling out pots and pans from the cabnit. Paige was going to wait last minute to ask her to cook for the party, which was something she didn't appreciate. Luckily she over heard Paige telling Phoebe about that, and already knew what was coming.

"What was that?"

"You're welcome!" Turning her attention back to her nephew for a brief moment, Paige was once again interrupted by the sound of someone coming down the steps. "Phoebes! Hey! How are you feeling?"

Honestly, she didn't even have to ask that question. Her heavy eyes and red complexion gave it away. Phoebe - usually dazzled up in often revealing clothes, heavy make up, and her hair done in a professional way, looked nothing like that. Her hair was a tangled rat mess; tears had obviously been falling hard, her face was stained in a soft red, her eyes looked quite blurry and distant, and her clothes... Not ordinary Phoebe clothes. A simple, white t-shirt, hung down to her waist, and its over sized sleeves, covered up her arm to her elbow. Even in the morning she looked better than this. Her pj's were usually something silk and something... revealing. And always with a bath robe. But that was now replaced by a t-shirt and plaid green, flannel pants, accompanied by a pair of fuzzy pink slippers. Shuffling her feet into the kitchen, the depressed woman mumbled, "Don't ask."

Paige sunk down, regretting asking her anything. "Sorry."

"Mom?" Patrick said sympathetically, "You need anything?"

"No sweetie, I'm okay now." She said softly, not looking at the sixteen-year-old. She poured herself a fresh cup of coffee that Leo had to of made just before. Piper, who was pulling out a roast to let it thaw, looked at her sister. She was not okay. "What's for dinner tonight?" Phoebe spoke absently, staring off into the air.

"Roast, for Paige and Kyle's little get together."

"Mind if I skip?"

"Phoebe," She sighed, sending her a disappointed glance. "I mind."

"I'm not hungry."

"You're eating."

"Piper!" She whined, stomping her foot on the floor.

"Phoebe!" Piper returned the whiney voice, sending the middle witch a partial stern look, which was hinted with amusement. "You'll feel better if you eat, I promise. Go get dressed and have fun, there will be a party after all."

"For Paige and Kyle," She empathized Brody's name with utter disgust, "Six month anniversary. Whoopi doo." She twirled a finger up in the air, rolling her dark brown eyes. Tonight she wouldn't enjoy; simply because she had to watch and bite her tongue at the couple.

"Your getting back to normal quickly, I see."

"Well, dwelling is not a good thing."

"There's the spirit!" She laughed, nudging Phoebe with her elbow. As soon as her elbow touched Phoebe's side, the middle sister gasped, as she was thrown into a premonition.

A large, inclosed, pure white room - white walls, white floors, and white ceiling, let off echoes, of heart wrenching sobs. Belonging to Piper Halliwell. She shook the lifeless body of a teenager, who was matted in blood and covered in large bruises. "Patrick, please-" She choked, becoming hysterical. "Wake up! Please! Come on... you have to... go home. You're supposed to go home! Wake up..."

Sobs racked her body violently, as she held his limp form. "You're not supposed to die, not now. I love you, kid. Please don't go..." She gave his body one last shake, but he never moved. Pressing her lips against his swollen fore head, kissing him lightly. "You were supposed to be happy. You're supposed to be home. I'm sorry...I-I..." Her sobs became harder to control, "I failed you."

Phoebe's eyes shot open in horror, stumbling backward from the impact of that one premonition. "Oh my god.." She cracked, her voice trembling. "Oh god no.."

Piper latched on to Phoebe's arm, concerned, "Talk to me. What? What did you see?" Her face drained, swallowing hard.

"You and Patrick." She took in a deep breath, grabbing on to Piper's shirt. Nobody could hear them in the kitchen, but still she kept her voice shakily low.

"What about us?" She ushered.

"Him dying." Phoebe looked into Piper's now wide eyes, which were filling with shock. "In your arms."

Piper pulled away, then griped the handle on her stove. She tugged at her ear, trying to pretend she heard wrong. She did hear wrong, damn it! She didn't just hear Phoebe say Patrick was going to die. It had to havebeen her ears playing a trick on her. "W-what did you say?"

"You heard me.." Phoebe answered quietly, fighting back the urge to scream. Piper shook her head persistently.

"I heard wrong." Her lips shrunk in, becoming smaller as her jaw line became bigger. "I heard it wrong."

"You didn't." She stated, her heart breaking as she did so. Then she suddenly recalled the details about the surrounding, "A white room. Don't go in a white room."

"I can't believe this."

"What do we do? We have to keep our nephew safe." Our nephew. She knew. But that didn't matter right now. This premonition of her nephew's death, did.

She looked at Phoebe for a moment, before answering, "Don't say a word tonight. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

"I will not do that. He needs to know now."

"No he doesn't. Not tonight anyway, it's his parent's," She stopped, realizing that sounded funny saying it in front of Phoebe. She noticed Phoebe flinch slightly, but continued, "party, and he has too much on his mind."

"This is wrong..."

"Just go with it, act like you never got the premonition tonight. We can worry about it tomorrow. We will not be going into any white rooms today." Piper bit back all her emotion; she was the big sister; she had to stay strong. Phoebe was emotionally weak and Paige was oblivious. She was the only one who knew everything. And now, she knew more than Patrick. More than she wanted to know. "When does it happen?"

"Um, I don't know. I could sense it was in the distant future."

Piper closed her eyes, looking completely lost. After hearing more than than she could take, she asked a question that Phoebe might have a hard time answering, "How did you figure it out?" She switched the topic, knowing all that needed to be said had already been said for the premonition. It would work out. She would stop it.

Phoebe - still reeling from the premonition, lightly shrugged her shoulders, leaning against the counter top, "I was suspicious for a while, but after last night," Her voice pained, more so than it already had been, "I had it confirmed for me. The thing is, how to keep Paige from knowing, and Patrick from knowing that I know. He needs believable cover."

"Just keep up what you've been doing." She joined Phoebe in leaning on the counter, where she stayed completely silent. Her mind stayed on Patrick. She couldn't picture that ball of energy and youth possibly dying. He wouldn't die. Not in her arms. Not in Phoebe's arms. Not in anybody's arms. Patrick was a Halliwell, he could escape death. And even if he couldn't, she would make sure he would survive. She wouldn't lose him; not like she lost Chris. He would be saved. Even if there were dire consequences...


The evening got there quickly, Wyatt and Chris had taken their naps and were fully awake for the little party. Kyle had arrived and now was sitting on the couch with his lovely girlfriend. They seemed joined at the hip because of how close they were sitting next to each other. Phoebe sat on the other side of the room, holding baby Chris, not enjoying what she was seeing. But now, not only for Paige's sake did she have to pretend to like Kyle, but for Patrick's too. That downright sucked.

Patrick, was not that far behind Phoebe. Although he loved seeing his parents happy, hell, he just loved seeing his parents, there were some things he'd rather not see. Such as them being lovey dovey. They were never like that in the future. They were just mommy and daddy. The people who walked him to the park, took him to school, took him to play baseball, made him food, tucked him in at night. And loved him. Not two people that liked to sit around and drink fine wine, have romantic dinners, snuggle with each other, and... kiss. They kissed in the future, but those were just pecks on the lips or on the cheek, these kisses were lip locks. Each kiss was like their last.

There were some things he'd just rather not see.

"I love you." Kyle whispered gently in her ear, making her get goose bumps.

"Love you too." She responded, in the same gentle tone he had spoken in before. He whispered a few other things in her ear, making her giggle like a school girl. Phoebe stuck out her lips, becoming overly disgusted, and sat Chris down on the floor.

"I'm just gonna..." Patrick looked up at her with a pleading face, "Go in the kitchen and help Piper." She patted him quickly on the shoulder, darting for the kitchen. He reached up to grab her and pull her back, "I'll go with..." But she was already gone. He slumped his shoulders, "You." The in love couple couldn't take their eyes off each other to even notice. He was going to be sick.

Phoebe hurriedly made her way toward Piper and Leo, who were in the middle of pulling potato's and a roast out of the oven. Piper was still dressed in her red buttoned down blouse, and a pair on blue jeans. Leo, a black shirt with a sueded jacket, and a pair of black jeans. Phoebe, still wasn't up to par with what she usually wore, but looked better than she did this morning. She had her hair pulled up, had light make up on, and wore a conserved black top with a matching loose skirt which hung to her knee's. "You guys need any help?"

"We're good." Piper shut the oven door, throwing the towel that hung over her shoulder on the counter. "How's it in there?"

"Sickening," She stuck her finger in her mouth and did a fake gag, "Why do you think I'm in here?"

"They're in love." Leo smiled, "When you're in love," He looked at Piper and took her hand, "You show the person you love how you feel. Every moment you can." Piper tried to bite back a laugh and she awed silently in her mind. This Leo was so much better than Elder Leo. This was her Leo.

"Well aren't you sweet." She kissed him on his warm lips; he could somehow always make her feel better. Even in the worst of situations.

"You two are a lot less sickening to watch than the two love birds out there."

Piper raised an eyebrow, then reluctantly pulled away from Leo, "Opps, forgot I had an audience in the room." Leo rubbed his chin, slightly embarrassed. Phoebe stepped in between them and eyed Leo, "Does he know?" She asked her sister.

"I know," He answered for her, his face falling as he did so. "I'm glad you're not mad."

She furrowed her eyebrows, confused, "Why would I be mad?"

"We made you think Patrick was your son. You have to be somewhat angry..." Phoebe looked at Leo; the thought never occurred to her to be mad about it. Piper gritted her teeth at her husband, silently giving him unkind gestures. He had to open his mouth about that! Phoebe turned to Piper, who quickly stopped mouthing off to Leo and grabbed a hand full of her own hair and started to twirl it with her fingers. Phoebe looked appalled, "You did do that to me, didn't you!" She screamed in a hoarse whisper.

"Oh, Phoebes, it wasn't purposely." She managed to say innocently through a forced smile. "We just... had to..."

"Why?" She flared, her hands meeting her hips, "Why would you do that?"

"Patrick was afraid -" She tried to explain quietly, but was taken back by Phoebe's venomous glare. Although Piper was usually the one giving out the evil looks; Phoebe could also do them just as well. As too could Prue, when she was alive. It was a Halliwell thing. Maybe Paige would master it when she got older, and became a mom. "He was afraid to tell you the truth." She continued, "He thought you might tell Paige."

"I'm not mad at him. I'm mad at you for going along with it. I knew about Chris before anyone. But did I blab it? I didn't. I kept my mouth shut, and I would have for Patrick too."

"I know, I'm sorry. About Drake and Patrick... but can we focus on something else? Like your premonition. I'd like to keep my nephew alive." Shaking off her regretful tone, Piper returned talking in her 'in command' tone. "We're busy tomorrow, you can be mad at me sometime next week."

"Next week?" Phoebe grumped, not knowing how she went from being the one in control of the conversation, to her older sister being in control. She always turned things around on her! Flinging her hands in the air, she gave up. "Fine," She took in a deep breath, closing her eyes, "In with anger, out with love." The breath blew out from her lips in a small whistle, as she made a flowing motion with her hands.

"All that advice you give to people is finally starting to get to ya." Piper quipped, taking the deep pan that held the roast, and walked out into the dining room with it. Phoebe gaped her mouth open, turning to her brother-in-law, who had been quiet that whole time. After getting ready to say something smart to Leo about Piper, she closed her mouth and looked in Piper's direction. A comeback for that wasn't easy. "And what's that supposed to mean?" She asked, slightly insulted as she followed Piper.

Leo rolled his eyes - they had been fighting more than usual lately. More than likely due to Patrick. Now that Phoebe knew, and her premonition of his untimely death was hanging over them - they would work together more. And stop arguing. But he knew something nobody else did. A Prophecy. About Chris and Phoebe's death. He had to tell them, soon. Before anything happened. All he could think about was making sure Patrick didn't harm his family, but Patrick was family. He couldn't hurt him.

His mind focused on Patrick; and made the decision to try what Phoebe had just done. Making sure nobody was looking at him, he shut his eyes and took in a breath. "In with anger, out with love." He murmured quietly, blowing out the air. A green eye popped opened, as he looked around - wanting to know if he felt any different. Both eyes opened; after realizing he still felt hostility toward the teen that sat on the couch. "Humph," Leo said, wrinkling his nose. "It doesn't even work."


Piper's home made meals were always delicious, but this one, to Paige anyway, had been the best. She had her favorite meal, and her favorite guy. On her now favorite day. Six months wasn't a big deal, it was only half a year, but to her, it was. She had never felt this was about a man since Glenn - and this was even different than Glenn. This was truer. This felt deeper. She had loved Glenn, and a part of her always would. She had known him since she could remember, and he had helped her through some of her most difficult times. Her parent's death and her bout with being an alcoholic. And she was forever grateful for that, and to have him there at that time in her life. But the truth was simple.

She loved Kyle more.

Glenn was once upon a time.

Kyle was now and forever.

Paige laid comfortably in the agent's warm embrace; laughing every now and then at Patrick's small stories about Wyatt and Chris' adventures. Piper was very interested in what he had to say about them; but he kept it short and sweet - hardly any details. This irritated her to no end. He knew it and loved it. It wouldn't be fun if he couldn't get under his aunt's skin every now and then. She got under his skin at any given chance. "Chris set the rug on fire, blamed me and I got in trouble."

"He what?" Piper shot out, "When does THAT happen?"

"I can't say." He said with a sheepish laugh. Little things like this are what pissed her off. They all shared a laugh at Piper's slightly angered face, even Wyatt and Chris, who were playing in their play pens, joined in. Kicking over a bobble toy with her foot; she shifted uncomfortably before offering, "Okay, anyone want desert?"

"Cake!" Wyatt screeched at the top of his lungs, orbing out of the play pen and into her arms. "Cake, cake, cake!"

"Wyatt, it'll be time for night - night soon, you can't have cake before bed."

"Mommy, pwease?" He pleaded, clasping his hands together in front of her face.

"Sorry, baby. Tomorrow, okay?"

Wyatt turned his head, on the verge of throwing a tantrum, but kept it inside. Instead, he pouted, but said a weak, "Otay."

"Buddy, don't worry. Tomorrow comes quick." Leo tickled the side of his cheek with his finger, lightening his son a little. Piper sat him back inside the play pen, next her big crawler, Chris. "Hey there, angel." She cooed, rubbing the top of his soft head gently, "You crawl a lot for mommy tomorrow, so she can get it all on tape."

"I could tape him too,"Leo uttered pitifully, looking at the floor with his bottom lip sticking out. So that's where Wyatt got it from.

"It's fragile, honey. Fragile, expensive, and mine." She pointed to herself, then sent out a warning look to everyone in the room.

Paige leaned away from Kyle and nudged Patrick in the back, he looked down at her with a questioned face, "Yeah?" He whispered, as Piper was in mid rant to Leo about how her camera needed to be protected.

"Does she still have that thing in the future?" Paige snickered quietly.

"Yeah; nobody's been able to touch it yet." He leaned back up, re adjusting himself on the arm of the couch. Paige positioned herself back into Brody's arms, with the same look of amusement as her son had. Kyle pressed his cheek against the side of her head, whispering into her ear, "I didn't know your sister was stingy."

"You'd be surprised." She kept her voice low, still looking at her oldest sister. Clapping her hands together, Paige made an effort to stop her rant about the camera. "Okay sis, why don't you try it out down here. We need someone to film us." Paige pointed to Kyle and herself, "Anniversary couple, dude!"

"Hmm," Piper hummed, liking the idea of using her new video camera. "Okay, let me go get it!" Her voice rang out, as she jogged up the stairs happily.

After making sure Piper was gone and out of hearing range, Phoebe sighed, "Living a magical life makes non-magical things so precious."

Kyle smiled, agreeing, "I can imagine. Hey, uh, Phoebe? I'm sorry about Drake. He seemed like a good guy from what I seen of him."

"Oh, well - thanks..?" The least person she'd expect to get sympathy from was from Brody; it was hard to reply with a nice comment. Patrick and Paige shared a quick confused look with each other; this was a one in a lifetime moment. "Nice to know you care." Phoebe continued gingerly, sending him a small smile. Okay - she was offically in the twlight zone!

"Well I'd say sorry to anyone if they went through what you're going through."

"Oh," Dissapointment became evident in her voice, "Yeah, of course."

"Kyle." Paige slapped him with her backhand on his chest, half warning and half being playful.

"Ouch." He faked being hurt, rubbing his chest. "That hurt." The dark haired mortal smirked casually at his magical girlfriend, "But I forgive you." Kyle became all smiles as he pulled out a long black box from inside his jacket. It's velvet top and leather bottom gave it away to Paige on exactly what it was.

"...you didn't..." She gasped, on the verge of tearing up.

He handed her the box, "Only for you, dear. Open it."

Patrick got up from the arm of couch, now standing next to Leo. He did a half hearted smile at Kyle and Paige; so this is how his mother got that braclet. A braclet that was so special to her that she would even ask to be buried with it. She slowly took it from him, her eyes glittering with happiness.. "If this is what I think it is..."

Then she stopped, her chocolate eyes had just been full with pleasure, now they filled with dread and concern.

Patrick's leasuire stance now became defensive, as he whizzed around and looked behind him. A sweat drop formed at the side of his face; something wasn't right. Phoebe also stood up, looking around her suspciously. Leo stood protectively over his boys, "Wyatt, danger," He said in a quiet yet alarmed voice, "Orb you and you're brother to Magic School, now."

Wyatt nodded, laying a hand on his brother's leg, and orbed out wordlessly.

Paige shot up from Kyle's arms, "Okay, guess I'm not the only one who sensed that."

"What the hell..." Patrick muttered uneasliy, his hands held up protectively around him.

"Paige, what's going on?" Kyle asked worriedly, standing up next to Paige. He looked around like everyone else was doing, but he saw nothing. He felt nothing. Was he missing something?

"Power. Evil power. It's all around us." Phoebe answered to eveyone in the room, even though Kyle was the only one who asked. Their faces were grim; the power was surging through the air. It was coming. Quickly. So much power.

His hands formed into fists as they squeezed tightly together. "Paige, orb Kyle home now!" Patrick commanded loudly, knowing they had no time to waste. He would tell her to go with him, but they needed Paige there with them. If tonight was the night, the Power of Three needed to be there.

She shook her head, turning to him and handing him the box. "I'll come over and open it tonight, okay? I need to get you home."

He shook his head, not understanding, "What's the matter? What power?"

"NOW PAIGE!" Phoebe shouted, her heart starting to pound.

Paige looked up hopelessly at Kyle for a moment, before leaning up and pressing her lips against his, giving him one last kiss. She pulled back down, caressing his cheek softly. "I'll see you later. Love you." Before he could respond, even with an 'I love you' she waved her hand, "Kyle's apartment." And he disppeared in orbs.

Patrick felt slightly better knowing his father was safe; but the power that was just about to arrive, made the relief feeling quite minimal. His green eyes scanned over the sitting room again, "We're about to get a lot of un wanted party guests. Get ready!"

As if almost on cue, demons, human looking ones, monsterous looking ones, three-headed ones, shimmered and blinked into the room. Each one carried smug looks on their deranged faces; and in their many hands, held weapons. Axes, athame's, swords, arrows - some even had multiple arms.

Phoebe felt like faking being dead.

Paige felt her heart skip a few beats.

Leo felt his body turn cold.

And Patrick, felt nothing. After all, he had faced worse than a couple hundred demons. This was a run in the park compared to what he had faced. But this time, he wasn't alone. His mother was there. Alive and needed to be protected. For her sake and his. His Aunt Phoebe, if she didn't live - his baby cousin wouldn't exsist. Leo needed to be there, he was an important part of his life. This time he wasn't onlygoing to be defending only himself; he had to make sure the other's came out okay as well.

And as if it couldn't get any worse...

"Okay! I got it working, but the tape only lasts for thirty minutes...so..." Piper came running down the stairs, not looking ahead of her, only at his small black camcorder. But her voice faultered off as she slowly looked up and noticed hundreds of odd looking cretures in her living room. Numbers of them in groups around each member in her family.

As soon as she had spoken, the demons head's shot up and all laid rest on the eldest Charmed One. She was another primary target. The youngest, the oldest, and the boy. Must be eliminated without hesitation. Or else.

Piper felt her knee's start to give away. One demon in praticular, a large, three headed demon - did not feel like waiting any longer. He grinned evilily, showing off his dull yellow fangs on each of his head's. His arm shot up; as if he was already anounncing victory over the Charmed Ones. "ATTACK!"

And all hell broke loose.

Piper, shocked by the sight she was seeing before her - dropped her camera.

A fireball came hurling at her; which she had just caught out of the corner of her eyes. Bracing herself for the hit; she said the words that only came natural to her in situations like these.

"Oh, crap."


Yes - there is so much more to this chapter! But, it was getting to long so I decided to stop there. The next chapter will be up in a few days because I already have most of it written.

So many secrets flying around now, the prophecy, Phoebe knowing, Patrick's past, the death premonition...ect... but they all get solved in time!

Excuse any errors you may have saw, I did not beta read the last part.

Witch Way Does the Wind Blow? pt 2: A battle takes place in the Manor, as more and more demons show up. Patrick shows off some of his impressive moves, and Piper watches Paige's back during the fight. Phoebe gets trapped but is saved by an unlikely person. Patrick and Triad face off in the attic. And later, Patrick gets a visit from a person from the future.