Akagi Sphere.

By Sdi hypervelocity

A small reaction can change the course of the world. It takes efforts from both sides, it's the only way to stop it. The deceased inside of the Farplane, and the living in Spira. Whether it's stopped or not, Spira will change forever. Shuyin/Baralai Baralai/ Gippal, Shuyin/Tidus

Chapter one: Black Velvet

This was it, finally the day had come, the one he waited for years. In the farthest reaches of the Farplane, a secluded place, cut off from everything. A place where wandering and angry souls found strength and became some of the strongest fiends Spira had ever seen, possibly the most dangerous place ever conceived. This seemed like the perfect place where no one could ever find him, a place he could carry out his plans in peace. This place only seemed right, the Farplane, and the place of his torture. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find her, he couldn't see her. Not in this place of rest for those that had passed on, the only place she could possibly had gone to, and after so much searching, nothing. Both of them died together, but now were separated.

Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell

This world was a horrible place, even though it had changed much from Zanarkand a thousand years ago. The same meaningless fighting that took so many life, still taking place. The exact same thing that happened then is was still happing now, the same war was going to take place, and the only difference was the names. This world was doing it to itself, it was getting what it deserved.

Jimmy Rogers on the Victoria up high

This world denied him the only thing he wanted, the only thing he needed. This world was full of ignorant people, senseless fighting and meaningless hate. This place was useless, bringing him nothing but pain and sorrow with all of it. She was so close, he could feel her, but when he felt like he was almost there, almost to her, this world took it away, he couldn't be with her. Just teasing him and taunting him. Every second made him lonelier and angrier, thinking about it only made these feelings grow.

Mama's dancin' with baby on her shoulders

He had nothing left to lose now, this world had taken everything from him. Now he would destroy this place from the inside out as it had done him, this world that sentenced him to a 1000 years of growing despair and isolation.

The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky

Shuyin just wanted to be with someone, so he wouldn't have to feel this sorrow anymore, just for a moment. But there was only one person he wanted to be with...

The boy could sing, knew how to move, everything

Using the body of another to do what he wanted in this world he knew it would be over soon, all he had to do is activate Veganagun's weapons system and it would be over.

Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for

But this rising despair inside of him was making him lose focus, it became the only thing that he could concentrate on anymore.

Black velvet and that little boy's smile

All he needed was somebody, for one minute, for a second… then he could focus again. Right now it was so bad he couldn't even remember how to activate Veganagun, he had to do something.

Black velvet with that slow southern style

Shuyin fell to his knees, letting his hands fall off the keyboard structure used to control the weapon and slam down to the ground. His current host, Baralai, was the only thing he had right now, the only other person here, and the man's mind was like an open book. Everything Shuyin was feeling, Baralai felt, every movement he made, Baralai made. This deep connection and the thought of some one sharing his pain was a little amount of consolation, it helped. Right now Baralai was the only one that knew how it felt, the only one that understood.

A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees

A glow surrounded Baralai, a light yellow aura. Pireflies started to rise out of his body. A small amount of willl returned to him, but it was clear that Shuyin was still mostly in control. His breath went cold, appearing in a visible white cloud before him, Baralai could feel Shuyin standing behind him. He could feel a lot of things about Shuyin, n o longer a body inhabiting spirit but something more real, more physical.

Black velvet if you please

Baralai could guess what was going to happen next, he still felt what Shuyin felt. Everything in side of him was overwhelming, this raging anger, this painful sorrow, and the overwhelming loneliness, everything that Shuyin had. In a way he wanted this to, but since it was all from Shuyin he would never admit it to himself.

Up in Memphis the music's like a heatwave

Shuyin wrapped his arms around the man's neck, slowly and unsure of his actions. The warmth felt good on his cold skin. Shuyin pulled him closer, pressing his head against Baralai's neck, softly kissing the small area just above his shoulder. Shuyin slipped his hand under Baralai's arm, reaching under the green over coat, running his hands over the dark skin and the warmth that lay there.

White lightening, bound to drive you wild

It was like a feeling of Shuyin's came in to his body, it entered his mind feeling as natural as his own thought that he was compelled to follow. And he did so, Baralai reached up and untied the collar, taking off the over coat. Shuyin's hands lifted from under his shirt, moving down to his waist, untying his yellow belt and tossing it aside. Watching intently as the white robe like shirt fell open and his pants sagged substantially. Baralai was suddenly pulled backwards, pushed down to the floor roughly. Shuyin slipped through the small space, climbing on his knees above Baralai's chest.

Mama's baby's in the heart of every school girl

The light hands pressed on to Baralai's chest for support, Shuyin lowered his body, face to face with Baralai for the first time. He couldn't help but study his features.

"Love me tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle

For a second Shuyin froze, both men stared at each other. Baralai looked up at him, his mouth open slightly, his eyes filled mixed emotions, confusion, sadness, worry, and a quiet desire. He wanted this, he didn't want to desire this but he did...

The way he moved, it was a sin, so sweet and true

Shuyin smiled in an uncharacteristically warm manner, kissing him softly, exploring every inch of Baralai's mouth. He just wanted to lose himself, to forget everything and stay in this moment for as long as possible. Shuyin's tongue drew back and he broke the kiss, mad at Baralai's body for it's need of air. His stayed still, moving his hands to the floor above Baralai's shoulders and pushing himself up off of Baralai, his eyes falling closing. Baralai planted one hand on the cool ground behind himself to sit up, lifting the other hand to the spiky blond strands Shuyin's of hair. He leaned forward in to another kiss. Shuyin was controlling his body again.

Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for

With graceful agility his hands moved down Shuyin's back until it reached the rim of his shirt, then carefully he pulled it away with a small amount of help from Shuyin, still holding his body up with his right hand. He broke the kiss for a second to finish removing the article of clothing, not an easy task with one hand and the rest of your body in a very awkward position. He slowly lowered himself down to the ground taking Shuyin with him with his arm wrapped around the man's neck. The older man above him showed his gratitude with an incoherent moan into the recaptured kiss.

Black velvet and that little boy's smile

Shuyin broke the kiss, muttering a curse at himself for some reason unknown to Baralai. Then he stood up, pulling off his shorts and boxers at the same time until he was completely naked except for his shoes, which he didn't bother to take off.

Black velvet with that slow southern style

Baralai felt two cool hands on his waist as Shuyin lowered himself on to his knees above the other man, they were still for a moment, Shuyin studying Baralai's face once more before he pulled off Baralai's pants. Shuyin let his eyes roll over the warm body reveled in front of him, the only thing that remained was the blue headband on his head.

A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees

Shuyin laid his head on the other man's chest, just feeling the warmth for a while, it felt good since he was so cold... Heat, Something that he never thought he would experience in his 1000 years of afterlife. He reached up and pulled Baralai's arms around his torso, he was completely surrounded in warmth of Baralai's embrace. This is what he wanted, to feel that warmth, to feel something, anything but pain and despair. He felt like a child in this kind of embrace, but he didn't care, he wanted more, he needed more, of this touch, he hoped nothing would make him stop.

Black velvet if you please

The cool hands roamed down Baralai's exposed torso, the man jumped when he felt them wrap around his growing erection, the erection didn't have any corrosion by Shuyin, this was all by his own admission. Right now it was the warmest part of Baralai, the heat drew him to it like a moth to a flame. "Baralai..."

Every word of every song that he sang was for you

Shuyin wrapped his mouth around the sensitive flesh, moving his tongue along every part of it he could manage almost hungrily. Baralai reached down, clinching Shuyin's golden hair in a grip that had to be painful, letting out a soft moan that was followed by a deep sigh. He couldn't tell if Shuyin was making him do this or was he doing this on his own. Shuyin didn't seem to mind, blowing a soft-wet rush of humid air that surrounded the head of Baralai's erection.

In a flash he was gone, it happened so soon, what could you


"Shu...yin." Baralai's soft moans grew louder, prompting Shuyin to reach up with his free hand and pushed Baralai down when his body would have arched up. With one last humid breath that sent a tingle up Baralai's spine, Shuyin stopped completely, lifting his head.

He looked up at Baralai, he had that same look on his face as before, one filled with confusion and questioning. A smirk crossed Shuyin's lips as he took hold of the man's waist with both hands, with his strength he lifted him off the ground and quickly turned him over on to his stomach. It happened so fast, leaving Baralai more confused then ever.

Black velvet and that little boy's smile

Shuyin crawled over the other man, his fingers gently clinging his shoulders as he pressed his erection against Baralai's entrance, dripping with pre-cum. It seemed to be the only warm part of his body. He went slowly at first, going in as far as he could manage until his length was completely inside of the other man. Baralai clenched his hands together tightly and burred his head into his arms, biting down on his lower lip. Shuyin went even slower, despite his current situation he didn't want to hurt Baralai.

Black velvet with that slow southern style

Shuyin paused, lowering himself on to Baralai until his chest was pressed against his back. And with tightening grip on Baralai's shoulder he moved again, thrusting in to Baralai.

A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees

His eye flared wide as Shuyin withdrew from him. A drop of sweat rolled down his head from acquired heat, quickly being stopped by his head band. He felt Shuyin stop again, changing his angle again to the left before continuing. He hit a spot in Baralai that made his whole body tense instantly and his mouth open wide, drawing a moan of pleasure from him. His breath grew short, his hart raced and his body became hotter with every movement.

Black velvet if you please

Baralai clinched again when Shuyin hit that spot again, this time intently. Shuyin increased his pace to adjust to the tighter space... "Baralai..." Shuyin called out softly, burring his head in to Baralai's neck, grazing it with warm breaths and wet kiss.

Black velvet and that little boy's smile

It finally be came to much for him, the last quick thrust from Shuyin pushed him to his limit. Every muscle in his body tightened, his body surging from long a waited and overdue release. Baralai forced his head deeper into his arms, "Shu...Shuyin...!" Stifling a fairly audible groan as he came, spilling his seed on to the cold metal floors with a few successive spurts.

Black velvet with that slow southern style

Shuyin removed an arm from the man's shoulder and wrapped it around Baralai's waist, pulling him up on to his hands and knees for his own ease. He drove his cock in harder, moving faster, pulling Baralai's body back in time with his thrust. He could feel Baralai tightening around him again as he hit that spot, squirming sideways at his swiftly driving cock, adding just that last bit of stimulation needed. Shuyin dropped his head and panted as the warm cum spurted in to Baralai out as Shuyin withdrew from the warm body.

A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees

But...he still couldn't concentrate…..

Black velvet if you please

The sound of two voice interrupted them. One belonging to Gippal, the other to Nooj.

Shuyin quickly gathered himself, his body decomposed in to nothing but a small sea of Pireflies and lights, then he re-entered Baralai's body to bring it into his full possession. Silently mumbling a small curse for this.

He wasn't even finished.

if you please

Black Velvet by Alannah Myles

I had to do this, I stopped everything else to write this. After beating Final Fantasy X-2 with a PERFECT COMPLETION 100. So I Know all of what happens at the end of the game. But finals are coming up, I shouldn't have stopped everything