Could there ever be a more beautiful heart dwelling in this world? He thought not. A smile played across his lips, the first in a very long time, it seemed. He ran his gloved hands through her silky hair and idly played with a few strands, wrapping and unwrapping them about his fingers. He looked fondly upon her cherub-like face, so serene as she slept. He tilted his head to the side. Someday, he would tell her. He would pour out his every dream and desire, his intense love, his hopes of a future with her.

He gently ran his hand over the back of her head as she shifted her position, gripping the edges of his cape more tightly. He felt her head snuggle deeper into his chest and a shiver swept through him. She was so amazing. When he thought about it, she really didn't belong there with him… she deserved to be with someone better. But somehow, by twist of fate, she had chosen to give her heart to him.

It was obvious how she felt; she never tried to hide her feelings the way he did. He loved that about her. Robin wrapped his arms tightly about her, pulling her close to his body. She murmured and stilled in his embrace. He sighed and laid a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Someday he would tell her how much he loved her. Until then, he would be her best friend, secret admirer, and guardian angel. Because Starfire was definitely his.

The wishing moonlight

Glances still,

Bringing on ponderings,

Of loving will.

That in the sunlight,

Umber bright,

Might I find the courage.

Seeing you in silent gaze,

Mine eyes are tiring,

Beginning to haze.

Of waiting.

Your touch is pure,

Gentle caress,

Yet you call only friendship.

Deny any less.

Cannot you see,

The ache in me,

To fly into your heart?

To bind our spirits,

Mind and will,

With a love so true and bold.

A poet's song,

To serenade,

The kindling of the fire.

Which burns within,

My deepest dreams,

And haunts my waking step.

Ere you are,

Shadowing pools,

Saffron pleading


And I accept,

That gentle caress,

Two roses scarlet still.

That send my mind

Swirling thoughts,

And pulls me ever in.

To fletch my wings,

And pull me high,

On your strengthened loft.

Tears of crystal,

Pooling down,

Mind us both of untold pain.

But yet I see,

Triumphant blaze,

It draws us tighter still.

To reap again,

The gentle flow,

Of time and time again.

We give light laugh,

At moments we spent,

Calling to silent ears.

But now,

At last,

Lying here,

Beneath the stars again.

The pale diamond orb,

Luna the call,

Our mystifying thread,

Binding us still,

Closer, Closer,

Cradled love in your arms.

Robin, someday you will realize I always knew our love was not one-sided and that you felt the same. Someday you will see I was only waiting for this love to be more than an unspoken bliss. You will realize, the day you finally talk to me, that I was never one to doubt your heart. I love you Robin and I know you love me. I'm just waiting for the day you tell me yourself.

Your beloved,


Author's Note: Well, this is incredibly short but it was an excuse to post this poem. I sort of took a different approach to their relationship in this story, I don't know, I guess I figureed I'd try something different... I would love yourthoughts as poetry isn't my usual element... well, it is but I don't share much of it. What I put in"The Third Quadrant" is only a very little snippet of my collections... lol.

Love,Princess Starfire of Tamaran