Photo Finish

Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfiction

By Amber Gaze

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the characters. All rights go to their respective creators.

mmary: Roy x Ed, Ed groaned. He hated amusement parks. In return, amusement parks seemed to spite him as well. Yet here he was, accompanied by half the military unit...


- A lot of OOC-ness so if you don't like characters not acting as they normally would please don't read.

- This story is yaoi, which means male x male relationships. If you don't like to read this sort of thing stop now.

- There will be modern things in this story seeing as amusement parks did not exist in the Fullmetal Alchemist time period.

Chapter one:
Unexpected Turn

Ed groaned, he hated amusement parks. In return, amusement parks seemed to spite him as well. Yet here he was, accompanied by half the military unit, standing in front of one of the largest parks within a few miles of central in their regular clothing.

Yes they had been forced, possibly blackmailed into going undercover. Ed, of course, continued to wear his black leather pants and red overcoat, seeing as he didn't have a uniform. But still, it was weird to see the others out of uniform.

Colonel Roy Mustang had come along as well. He had been the one to announce that they were to come here and find leads on the latest case. Apparently the main suspect had been seen at this particular park, the only one close enough to central to be a ten-minute drive. They had stood around for hours waiting to see this mystery person but no one had turned up.

So Roy had given them the day off, just to laze around and have fun. If this had been his main objective since the beginning, Ed couldn't say. But Roy enjoyed slacking off from his paperwork so it was most probably true.

First lieutenant Hawkeye seemed to realize this as well and began muttering obscenities under her breath involving guns and a barrage of bullet holes in a certain Taisa's office.

Riza was not the kind of woman to slack off or stay off task. She had been forced to dress up as a normal amusement park attendee to not attract attention from other families and she wasn't about to let that go to waste.

She immediately began walking around, blending into the crowd in order to keep an eye out for this "suspect" that Roy claimed to have somehow escaped from the park while they weren't looking.

Only Riza would let a short vacation go to waste by doing work instead.

Ed sighed to himself, ever since he had restored his brothers body and his own he always seemed to get himself into the weirdest situations. Why did they have to come here, to an amusement park of all places?

As the rest of the military unit, consisting of John Havoc, Cain Fury, Breda, and Roy began to go their separate ways, excitedly discussing their plans for the day Ed heard a loud screaming coming from above his head followed by a familiar rumbling.

Ah yes, a roller coaster. Sure Ed was seventeen, had grown several inches over the past few years, and was much more mature than he had been a few years ago but he was still scared of roller coasters.

He wasn't sure what it was about them that scared him the most.

Motion sickness?

Nah, if he could stomach John Havoc's driving, he could stomach anything.

Speed, height, corkscrews, and upside down parts?

Nah… Well maybe a little… Okay, maybe a lot.

Ed scolded himself for acting so childish. To top it off people were beginning to stare at him. Maybe he should stop mentally talking to himself in public, it could definitely get into some kind of trouble one of these days.

Unfortunately for Ed, this was "one of these days". The trouble just didn't come as he would have expected it to. No mental institution car had driven in with about a million doctors with sedatives to take him away to a nice padded white room for talking to himself, no, someone placed a hand on his shoulder.

It was comfortable, reassuring, and warm.

"Fullmetal…" A familiar voice whispered uncomfortably close to his neck. The persons breath caused the hair on the back of his neck to raise and Ed almost shivered. Luckily he controlled himself and he turned around, placing his best "don't ask me why I'm standing here or I'll transmute something" look on his face.

The blond haired alchemist turned around to face colonel Mustang who had somehow managed to get in back of him. He noted with a dull sense of satisfaction that he was finally able to look into Roy's eyes without craning his head back. Well not too much, anyway.

He sighed inwardly when Roy took the comfortable weight that was his hand off his shoulder leaving a tingling sensation in its place.

"What, Taisa?"

"Nothing, just wanted to know why a seventeen year old isn't running around a theme park like a mad man," Roy said before continuing with an evil glint in his eyes, "Are you still too small to go on any rides? I heard the kiddie rides will accept almost anyone…"

Mustang always made bad choices in order to infuriate Ed...


Riza looked into the clear blue sky when she heard a familiar voice ring through the air. Damn that kid was loud.

'There goes Mustang again.' Riza thought, exasperatedly. 'Always provoking that boy.'

"Men…" She grumbled scaring a small child with a mere glance as she walked by. She had a lot of practice in the field of scaring… Perhaps she could use it on Roy. Sure she was his subordinate… But that didn't mean she couldn't strike fear into his heart in an instant.



Ed angrily stomped off leaving a smirking Roy to be stared at by several adults. As the teen pushed through crowds of people many gave him curious stares at his sudden outburst and one woman whispered loud enough for him to hear,

"Child molestation these days…"


The crowd in front of him parted. No one wanted to mess with an angry teenager. If they knew he was Edward Elric, the Fullmetal alchemist, a very pissed off teen with two hands to transmute things. They would have been long gone.

"Damn Taisa…" He grumbled to himself, walking into a nearby restaurant, one of the various establishments in the area of the park that he was in.

The restaurant was cozy, if not a bit irritating with it's purple theme color. Oh well, Ed couldn't be choosy right now, all he wanted to do was sit down and let his fury pass.

The restaurant wasn't crowded and he followed the maze of chairs and tables to the center of the restaurant where three giant lamps tinted pink, yellow, and purple were.

No one was in the center except for an old lady and a small girl who appeared to be her granddaughter.

They were both eating their lunches and Ed's stomach lurched, 'Food...'

The old lady looked over and gave him a warm smile, which he sort of returned before plopping down at the table that was under the yellow lamp.

He sighed in relief as he placed his head on the table. 'Why am I so mad? But still…'

Ed let his thoughts drift to Roy's moist breath on his neck making him shiver again. He frowned and violently banged his table.

"Damn that man!"

The once friendly old lady looked over, scandalized, and covered her grandchild's ears: "Avert ye eyes and ears child."

Ed ignored her completely and propped his feet up on the table earning a disapproving look from a female employee. He closed his eyes and sighed, letting his anger slowly dissolve.

"Edward?" A voice asked placing yet another hand on his shoulder.

Ed jumped up, "Colo- I mean Hawkeye, What?"

Now this was a very awkward situation. Ed was not the kind of person to jump about four feet off the ground when someone tapped his shoulder, overturning his chair in the process. Riza was not the kind of woman to get surprised, but now she was and very much so.

"Scandalous, just scandalous…" The old lady murmured now completely covering her grandchild.

Ed glared at her and once his heart rate returned to normal he righted his overturned chair and placed himself in it. Propping his feet up once more Ed closed his eyes, determined to act normal.

'Normal… I'm normal…'

Hawkeye settled herself down onto a chair opposite the frowning alchemist and folded her hands unsure of what to say. Sure she could scare any man in the universe into thinking he was a piece of cheese, but she wasn't very useful in these kinds of situations.

"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." Ed grunted, his brow furrowing in concentration.

"….. Alright," Riza said deciding to switch tactics, "How's your brother?"

"Uh…" Ed let out, recalling the last moment he had seen his brother, which had been earlier that morning

"Ed! You can't leave me with this woman! She's crazy!" Al cried, standing on top of a chair as though it would save him from Winry's 'drowsy moments of the morning'.

"Maybe you could leave me here when she's regained her mind…" Al pleaded, "It's too early!"

"Where's my fish?" Winry yelled walking around with a salmon in her hair.

"See what I mean?"

"See you later Al." Ed said unconcernedly, before closing the door, getting a last glimpse of his brother's fate.

"Why have you betrayed me brother? Why!"

"You stole my fish!" Winry yelled drowsily launching herself at Al while pulling out all kinds of dangerous mechanic tools.


"I left him with Winry…" Ed replied vaguely, his eyes still closed.

Riza nodded acceptingly. A brief and awkward silence fell over the two as Riza twiddled her fingers and Ed's frown grew deeper.

'I'm not even that small anymore!' He thought, his mind wandering to his previous fury, 'I'm almost Mustang's height!'

Riza stared intently at the Fullmetal Alchemist's face, trying to guess his thoughts.

"Damn Taisa." Ed let out once more, no louder than a whisper.

"What of Mustang?" Riza asked, startling Ed out of his stupor.


"I heard you two arguing again."

Ed cracked one eye open, sizing Riza up, "so?"

"Haven't you ever wondered why he always does it? It's like he enjoys teasing you."

Ed closed his eye defiantly, "Pshh, whatever."

"I think…" Riza started, "that you enjoy it as well…"

Both of Ed's eyes snapped open, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, it's just that…"

"Just what?" Ed asked, Riza now holding his full attention.

"It's like you two are shamelessly flirting."

The response was immediate, "WHAT? ME? WITH A GUY?"

The old lady now looked even more scandalized than before and scooped her grandchild up in her arms. With amazing accuracy, speed, and grace for such an elderly woman she flung the bill at a nearby waiter and jumped over several tables and chairs in order to leave the forsaken restaurant.

"My lunch!" The young girl yelled as the lady escaped through the restaurant door.

"…." Ed looked at the mayhem the lady had left. Overturned tables, chairs, and scared customers.

"I never saw her coming… Until the lady attacked…" One particular scarred couple reported to a news station later that night after intensive surgery.

'Deny it all you want…' Riza thought smugly.