Hello all. I know it has been soooo long since i have updated this story but i have been on a very long vacation so i really have not had time. I hope you enjoy this chapter and can give me some hints in your reviews because i really have no idea where i am now going to go with this story. Thans :)

By the way. I am looking for an artist who is willing to draw somthing for one of my stories. If you interested please e-mail me and let me know.

Harry Potter – The Slytherin Savior



Harry snuggled deeper into the warmth that surrounded him as he slowly began to wake in his bed deep within the Slytherin dungeons of Hogwarts. The sound of a soft rhythmic beating heart lulled him out of the final stage of drowsiness and he smiled down into the warm flesh beneath him.

Looking up through slightly foggy eye's, Harry noticed the sleeping form of his lover. Draco. This thought brought a bigger smile to his face as he watched the blonde's semi opened mouth draw in the air around him. Last night he had kissed those soft pink lips and his tongue had explored the dark depths beyond them.

Harry listened as the blonde's breathing became slightly heavier as he began to wake and he idly wondered how he had ended up in Draco's arms after they had gone to sleep.

"Morning love." Draco whispered as he spotted Harry through half lidded eye's.

"Morning." Harry smiled as he crawled up his lovers body to place a gentle kiss on the half-asleep boys lips. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." Draco yawned as he stretched and wrapped his arms around Harry's body. "Better then ever."

"You know lunch is starting soon." Harry said with another kiss.

"Do we have to get up?" Draco pouted. "Can't we stay here until tomorrow?"

"Well." Harry purred seductively. "If you get up, we can have a shower."

"I think I could get use to these water sports." Harry whispered in Draco's ear as they made their way, hand in hand, to the Great Hall and hour later.

"Mmm." Draco moaned as pinned Harry to the wall with his body. "Me too."

"Come on." Harry giggled as he kissed Draco lovingly on the cheek. "We're not going to get anything done if we keep this up." He finished as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boys waist and pulled him towards the Great Hall.

The applause they got when they entered the Great Hall for lunch was deafening, and the standing ovation from their housemates caused the boy's the blush crimson as they walked towards the Slytherin table in each other arms.

"Good afternoon." Pansy winked as the boys sat down across from her and Blaise. "We didn't think you were bothering."

"You two put on quiet a show last night." Blaise said with a smile.

"Oh my god." Harry moaned into Draco's shoulder. "I forgot everyone saw that. Was it that bad?"

"It was… entertaining." Pansy said before falling sideways into Blaise's arm's. "Oh Sev, take me now." She wailed through a fit of laughter.

"Oh no." Draco exclaimed worriedly as he glanced up to the empty teachers seat were his godfather usually sat. "Was he mad?"

"More like totally embarrassed." Blaise replied.

"Yeah." Pansy laughed. "But you know what my favorite part was?"

"Harry?" Blaise whispered seductively into Pansy's ear.

"Yes Draco?" Pansy's replied in a deep voice.

"Kiss me." Blaise sighed.

"Oh Draco!" Pansy exclaimed dramatically.

"HEY!" Harry shouted in outrage at the pairs performance.

"I thought it was romantic." Draco pouted.

"It was babe." Harry soothed as he slipped his arm around Draco's waist and sent a glare at the other two laughing Slytherin's.

"Don't worry Draco." Pansy assured, "Totally drool worthy. And hey it won me thirty Galleons."

"What?" Harry asked the blonde haired girl.

"Draco, what's that on your neck?" Blaise inquired, effectively changing the subject.

"Um……" Draco blushed as he covered Harry's mark with his hand.

"Oh my god." Pansy shrieked, "What did you two do last night?"

"Just had a bath." Harry replied before he could think about what he was saying. "Oh god." He mumbled again into Draco's neck.

"Errg." Blaise cringed in feigned horror. "Spare me the detail's."

"What are you smiling at." Draco glared at Pansy as he stroked the ebony locks of hair on his lovers hiding head. "Don't think your off the hook for your antic's."

"Me?" Pansy said with false innocence. "What ever did I do?"

"You know full well, Miss I'm-sure-he-likes-you-too." Draco hissed angrily at the girl. "You never once told me that Harry liked me."

"Oh that." Pansy replied with a wave of her hand. "It was more fun this way."

"Yeah well, your Christmas present has just effectively been sent back." Draco said as he trembled when he felt Harry's tongue slither over his neck.

"Draco! You wouldn't." Pansy cried in pretend shock.

"Well no." Draco mumbled while a blush spread up his cheek. "But your still in for a world of trouble."

"Harry?" Blaise inquired with a raised eye brow as he noticed Draco squirming. "What are you doing?"

"Hmm?" Harry smiled as he returned from Draco's neck, leaving behind another red mark.

"Oh, leave it in the bedroom boy's." Pansy scolded.

"So what are you two doing for Christmas?" Draco asked Pansy and Blaise from his seat in Harry's lap on the Hogwarts Express the next day.

"I'm going to Aspen until boxing day." Pansy said with a smile. "Then I'm staying at Blaise's until school starts."

"And I'm spending Christmas at home." Blaise answered. "And then yeah, Pansy's staying over."

"Cool." Draco replied. "Harry stop that." He giggled as he shrugged Harry's mouth off his neck.

"Sorry." The raven haired teen boy blushed. "You taste good."

"Be that as it may." Draco continued as he snuggled back deeper into his lovers body. "What's Mother and Father going to think when they notice the twenty or so bruises marking my neck?"

"That's why man invented Turtle neck sweaters." Harry said as he replaced the collar on Draco's shirt. "Convenient and tasteful."

"How do you think they will react?" Pansy asked with a raised eye brow.

"Dunno." Draco shrugged. "They'll either be thrilled because Harry's practically part of the family, or horrified because Harry's practically part of the family."

"Then there's no more sharing a room at school." Blaise said with a smirk.

"They have to share a room." Pansy said to her boyfriend. "Draco cant sleep without Harry."

"Harry cant sleep without me either." Draco pouted.

"You mean you already share a bed?" Blaise asked in surprise.

"Well yeah." Draco squirmed.

"Since when?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Um…" Draco blushed. "The night he came to Malfoy Manor?"

"You mean to tell me." Blaise said in shock. "That you have been sharing a bed for almost six years and you have only just got together?"

"Shut up." Harry said in a frown from over Draco's shoulder. "It's all Pansy's fault."

"Hey." Pansy said in defeat. "If you two are stupid enough to go two year's without knowing how the other feel's then you have no one to blame but your self."

All she got was two poked tongues in reply.

"DRACO! HARRY!" Narcissa Malfoy shouted in joy as she saw the two boy's step off of the train and onto platform 9¾.

"Hello mother." Draco said with a smile and a hug as he greeted his mother.

"Hello Narcy." Harry greeted with a similar hug and smile.

"How are you boy's." Narcissa gushed as she eyed the two. "You've both grown so much."

"We're fine thank you mother." Draco said with a smile. "Where is father?" He asked as he scanned the crowd.

"Oh…" Narcissa said nervously. "Your fathers taking care of some… business."

"Right…" Harry drawled as he eyed his semi-adoptive mother with suspicion.

"Well!" Narcissa exclaimed hurriedly as she noticed the green eyes watching her. "Best be off."

Harry nodded sceptically and he and Draco followed the blonde women, both stealing secret smiles to each other behind Narcissa's back.

The trip home to Malfoy Manor was uneventful. As usual the enchanted car drove itself and its occupants all the way to the front gates of Malfoy Manor were they all exited and boarded one of the Manor's horseless carriages.

When they arrived in the Manors entrance hall Dobby, the house elf, collected their belongings and took them up to their respective room's.

"If you will excuse me boy's." Narcissa said with a smile. "I have something to attend too. Your father and I wish to speak to both of you in the lounge at four."

"Of course mother." Draco nodded politely. "We will be there."

And with that Narcissa took off in a hurry up one of the many staircases.

"I'm going to have a shower Harry." Draco said with a quick kiss to his boyfriends cheek. "See you in a bit?"

"Sure," Harry smiled lovingly. "I'll be in the study."

Draco gave him a brilliant smile and bounded of happily to his room.

Harry let out a sigh of content and smiled at his boyfriends retreating back and then he made his own way into the study.

He'd been lying on his back on the floor in the study for close on an hour when Draco slipped into the room and lay beside the raven haired teen, his head resting gently on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he traced lazy circles around the shirt covered stomach.

"What ya doing?" Draco questioned idly as he glanced up at his lover.

"Just watching." Harry replied dreamily.

"What?" Draco asked with a slightly inclined brow.

"The ceiling." Harry smiled as he ghosted his hand through the slightly damp blonde hair.

"You know there is a sky out side?" Draco said with a small chuckle as he looked up at the enchanted sky above him.

"I know." Harry replied as he drew the other boy up closer into his arms. "It's just a reminder."

"A reminder?" Draco whispered as a hand stroked his back lovingly under his shirt. "A reminder of what."

"How lucky I am." Harry smiled as he kissed the blonde on the crown of his head.

"I don't follow." Draco said as his eyes slowly began to close.

"When I first came here." Harry began. "The ceiling was first thing I saw. It was the begging of my life. I like to remind myself some times of how fortunate I am."

"That's nice." Draco said with a smile. "What was the second thing you saw?"

"You." Harry whispered.

"Me?" Draco asked as he propped himself on his elbows so he could watch his lovers face.

"Your portrait." Harry said as he inclined his head over to the family portrait who's three occupants were watching the two boy's with smiles.

"Oh…" Draco said as he closed his eyes to lean down and kiss his love.

"Boys!" Came a shout from out in the hall, effectively startling the boys into standing positions as far away from the other as possible, so not to get caught.

"Yes mother?" Draco shouted back somewhat angrily at the intrusion.

"Lounge please!" Came the reply.

"Come on." Harry said with a smile. "And for the record, that would have been a hell of a kiss." He finished as he pecked the smaller boy on the lips before leaving the room.

"Hello father." Draco said with a smile as he joined the three others in the lounge a few moments later.

"Draco." Lucius smiled lovingly. "How is school?"

"Fine." Draco replied as he sat him self next to Harry on the leather sofa. "How's work?"

"Same as always." Lucius said with a chuckle. "Fudge still as annoying as ever."

"Don't worry Lucius!" Harry said childishly. "You'll be Minister one day!"

"It's tempting." Lucius laughed.

"You'd make a great Minister of Magic." Narcissa smiled at her husband.

"Yes, well." Lucius blushed at the praise he was getting. "'Cissa, a moment please?"

"Of course." His wife smiled. "Excuse us boy's."

Lucius and Narcissa made their way over to the other side of the room, leaving the two boy's to them selves.

"Draco, there up to something." Harry said as he eyed the two adults cautiously across the room.

"There always up to something." Draco replied with a chuckle as he to watched his parents conversing in whispers.

"This is different." Harry said slowly. "Remember that Christmas when they bought us new broom sticks and for like a month beforehand they had that wicked gleam in their eyes?" He asked the blonde.

"Yeah?" Draco said with a raised eye brow. "So what?"

"They have that gleam again." Harry said urgently as the two adults in question glanced the boy's way and slowly made their way over. "This time though, its something different. Something big."

"Harry, your just paranoid." Draco whispered as his parents came into ear shot.

"What's going on?" Harry asked Lucius and Narcissa suspiciously as the two seated themselves on the chair in front of them. Lucius on the chair, Narcy on the arm to Lucius right.

"What make's you think something's going on?" Narcy asked with a brilliant smile.

"That." Harry said pointing frantically at the blonde women's mouth. "You don't smile like that unless it's something really big."

"Harry." Draco whined as he slumped back into the couch. "I told you, your just paranoid."

"Paranoid?" Lucius asked with a raised brow. "What ever would you have to be paranoid about?"

"Nothing." Draco and Harry said quickly in union.

"Really?" Lucius drawled slowly as he eyed the two boy's suspiciously.

"Yes, really." Harry proclaimed. "Now tell us what's going on."

"All ways the impatient one." Lucius said with a laugh. "Very well, you caught us." He finished waving his arms around crazily.

"Harry." Draco squeaked at his fathers actions. "Your right. Now I'm scared."

"Draco." Narcissa said calmly. "Calm down. This is important."

"What is?" Harry inquired dreadfully.

"There's something we want to ask you." Lucius smiled. "Something we have been thinking about for a while and will benefit all of us." He finished with a nod to each occupant in the room.

"W-what?" Harry stuttered nervously.

"This." Lucius replied as he pulled a red folder from his cloak pocket and handed it to Harry.

"What is it?" Harry asked as he opened the folder and began reading. "Oh my." He finished in a whisper as he read the first few lines of the document within.

"We thought it time to present this to you." Narcissa said with a smile as Harry dazedly read the contents.

"What is it?" Draco asked excitedly from next to Harry.

"Oh my." Harry repeated again as an answer.

"Harry." Draco sighed as he leaned over the taller boy to read. "Why do you keep saying…… oh my." He finished with a frown as he read.

"When we brought you here." Lucius began. "We acted only as your legal guardians. Signing this will not only make you a Malfoy, and part heir to the Malfoy estates, but will also make you our legal son." He finished with a smile.

"Oh my." Draco and Harry repeated as one.

"Boy's?" Narcissa asked with a worried frown as she watched the twin reactions. "We thought you would want this?"

"Um…" Harry said nervously as he closed the folder and pushed it far away as possible on the coffee table in front of him, avoiding eye contact with the adults. "This is… um… great. Yeah… but… um… you see… Draco?" He finished with a pleading look to the blonde.

Draco took a deep breath. "Mother, Father." He began with a nod to each. "While this is really great and all, you can't adopt Harry."

"Can't adopt Harry?" Lucius asked with a frown. "Why the heavens not?"

"Well, you see…" Draco began to fidget. "Should you adopt Harry, he would legally be your son. Effectively making him my brother, and he can't be my brother and my… my… um…"

"Lover." Harry whispered though loud enough for the adults to hear.

"Lover?" Lucius asked in confusion. "Oh…OH!" He finished in a blush.

"Well…" Narcissa said flustered as she absently glanced around the room. "That would cause a problem wouldn't it."

"Well… yeah." Draco replied, still looking anywhere but at his parents.

"How… um…" Lucius cleared his throat. "How long?"

"Couple of day's." Harry absently shrugged as he began to find the floor rather interesting.

"Well then." Narcissa begun happily. "I believe congratulations then?"

"Huh?" Both Harry and Draco asked as their heads shot up to gape at the smiling women.

"Congratulations." Narcissa repeated. "Frankly I believe it took you long enough."

"Took us… Huh?" Draco said again.

"Long enough." Lucius chimed in with a smile of his own. "We were expecting this for some time."

"Y-you were?" Harry asked in shock. "Then why the adoption?"

"Well…" Lucius begun. "I first thought about it in your second year, but Narcissa seemed to think that their might be something, er, more to your relationship."

"That's when we decided to wait." Narcissa continued. "See what happens. But then after four year's…" She finished with a shrug.

"Nothing seemed to have happened." Lucius smiled. "Then we decided to present the adoption to you."

"Does it," Harry whispered as he eyed the folder. "Does it mean that much to you?"

"You mean that much to us." Narcissa assured. "It's not about the adoption, it's about having you in our family, you two obviously found a different way to approach the matter."

"Thank you." Harry whispered with a watery smile.

"How um…" Lucius said embarrassedly. "How serious are you two?"

"DAD!" Draco exclaimed horrified. "I really don't think we need to tell you that."

"Um right." Lucius replied with a blush. "What I meant to say was… um… 'Cissa?" He finished with a pleading look at his wife.

"Your fathers not really good at this sort of thing." Narcy said with a smile. "What he means are you too serious, about each other."

"Of course!" Draco said offended.

"Draco." Narcissa said quietly. "I mean marriage. Are you planning on being together, forever?"

"Oh!" Draco said embarrassedly. "Well it's only been… and I haven't asked… and we've never discussed… that is to say…"

"Yes." Harry said sincerely as he grabbed his lovers hand. "Yes, one day, soon, maybe, but yes."

"I understand." Narcissa smiled. "So, Lucius, which one do you want to take?"

"Take?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Just your standard talk Harry." Lucius grinned. "What are you intentions with my son and what not, and considering we are acting as both you parents, then we will take one of you each. You decide 'Cissa."

"Hmmm." Narcy pondered as she eyed the boy's. "You take Draco honey."

"Ok." Lucius agreed. "Draco, follow me."

Draco gulped but stood and followed his father out of the room, Harry watched with trepidation.

"Don't worry Harry…" Narcissa begun. "You will see him again. Lucius just wants to make sure that his intentions are honorable."

"Ok." Harry swallowed as he looked back up to Narcy.

"Now, Harry." Narcy began seriously, "Tell me everything." She finished with a childish gleam in her eyes.

Draco followed his father into his private study with apprehension. This room was only used for the most serious of meeting's and he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Don't worry son." Lucius tried to calm. "I only brought you here to discuss a few things."

"Right." Draco gulped.

"Do you love him?" Lucius asked with a raised eyebrow.

"With all my heart." Draco replied truthfully as he calmed down at the easiness of the questions.

"For how long?" Inquired Lucius.

"Forever I guess." Draco said with a shrug as he flopped down onto one of the leather recliners situated in front of his fathers desk. "I mean, he has always been there, for almost six years now. At first I was a bit young to understand but then in fourth year it just hit me. BAM." He finished with a clap of his hands.

"Do you intend to spend the rest of your life with him?"

"Yeah." Draco said with a smile. "Ever since first year I haven't imagined my future without Harry in it. Even when I'd think 'where will I be when I'm thirty', it was always, having fun with Harry, joking around with Harry, talking with Harry, then crawling in bed with Harry." He finished with a flush.

"You still sleep together?" Lucius asked with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you stopped that in second year?"

"Well, we did." Draco said as he began to fidget on the chair. "But it didn't work out."

"I see." Lucius replied slowly. "I hope I don't have to warn you to be careful?"

"Careful?" Draco asked in confusion. "Oh!... Careful… Um… yeah." He blushed as he studied his folded hands.

"Right…" Lucius began with his own blush as he opened the drawer to his study desk and pulled something out, "You will be needing this." He finished as he handed the small ornate black felt box over to his son.

Draco accepted the box and opened it to display a gold band with the Malfoy family crest engraved on it's surface; a rearing dragon with an python curled up at its feet, flanked by two sword's on either side of it.

"Isn't this Mothers?" Draco asked his father questioningly.

"It's a replica," Lucius corrected. "One of many. Each generation of Malfoy male is presented with this ring to give to whom they choose as a spouse. It's not only a symbol of love, but a representation of rights. Who ever wears it is accepted into the Malfoy family and is considered one of our own, and will receive the same respect as a Malfoy. I gave one to your mother as you will some day give one to Harry."

"Father…" Draco began as he traced the design on the gold band. "We've only been together a few days, it's to soon for marriage."

"I said someday." Lucius reminded. "Though I know you and Harry, your love will only get stronger. When you feel the time is right, be it today, or a year from now, present him with this ring so that he too will carry the Malfoy name."

"Thank you father." Draco said with a kind smile as he closed the box and pocketed it.

"Now." Lucius said with a mischievous smile. "One more thing to discuss……"

"……so then, after the Weasel interrupted and Sev left," Harry said with flourish. "Draco and I were all like, 'Oh Sirius I love you so much'. And we got so into it that, I dunno, something clicked, and Draco was like, 'Harry, kiss me'. And I was like, 'ok'…… It was beautiful." He finished with a dreamy smile.

"Harry, that's wonderful." Narcissa, who had been listening to the whole story, said with a brilliant smile and watery eyes. "What happened afterwards?"

"Well…" Harry begun. "We ran, well I dragged Draco, outside, and we just ran through the snow. Then we fell over and kissed again, and again and again." Harry finished with a blush.

"Go on." Narcy said as she got more comfortable on the couch and watched Harry with dazed eyes.

"Well then…" Harry continued with the same enthusiasm. "We went back to our room and…um … slept…" He finished lamely.

"Really?" Narcissa drawled with amusement.

"Um… yeah?" Harry replied with a blush.

"Harry…" Narcissa began comforting. "It's ok if you and Draco have had sex. Your both old enough now."

"Oh…" Harry began as he studied his clasped hands. "We haven't… um… had… you know."

"That's fine as well Harry." Narcissa smiled. "Though if that is the case, then I expect you go see your uncle and godfather first."

"What?" Harry asked in shock. "I'm NOT going to Sev and Siri for advice on… on… sex!" He finished in a whisper.

"Harry…" Narcissa sighed. "I urge that you do. When a man and women are together, there are certain precautions to take to ensure it's an enjoyable experience for both of them. When it's two male's together then extra care has to be taken, you understand right?"

"Well, yeah." Harry replied defeated. "But does it have to be Sev and Siri?" He whined.

"Harry." The blonde women smiled comfortingly. "Lucius and I wouldn't know the first thing about it. Sirius and Severus would."

"I suppose…" Harry sighed.

"On that topic…." Narcissa smiled devilishly.

"Pregnant?" Draco cried in disbelief as he studied the clear blue potion in the vile his father had handed him.

"Yes Draco." Lucius smiled. "Pregnant."

"But… but… how?" Draco asked his father in confusion.

"Draco," Lucius began. "You are not the first Malfoy to take on another male as a companion. If it wasn't for this potion then the Malfoy name would have died out centuries ago."

"But Harry and I haven't even…" Draco whispered with a blush.

"It doesn't matter." Lucius continued. "One day you will. And one day you will want a family of your own and this will grant you that."

"So who… How does it work?" Draco asked his father still seated across from him.

"Who ever drinks the potion…" Lucius explained. "will be able to bare a child. The potion stays in the blood stream until the drinker becomes pregnant. After the nine month's of pregnancy a medi-witch performs a magical caesarean."

"Oh…" Was all Draco could say.

"Go put the potion and the ring away some were safe, until the time is right to present them." Lucius said as he rose from the chair. "I think its best now that we get back to Harry and your mother. I am sure she has managed to find new ways to embarrass him by now." He finished with a chuckle.

"Pregnant?" Harry asked in shock as he watched the smiling women in front of him.

"Yes Harry." Narcissa smirked. "Pregnant."

"But… but… how?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"There is a potion…" Narcissa began. "Very expensive, but has been used many times throughout history."

"S-so Draco or I c-could…" Harry stuttered in shock. "… have a baby?"

"Yes." Narcissa smiled warmly. "As you know, having an heir is very important to the Malfoy's, because if they didn't then the entire fortune would go straight to the Ministry and the legacy would be lost."

"Uh-huh." Harry nodded dumbly. "So your saying… Wait, PREGNANT?" Harry cried once again in disbelief.

"Yes Harry…" Narcissa laughed. "Pregnant, up the duff, bun in the oven. One day, should you and Draco decide, which I hope you do, you can have your own little Malfoy running around the house."

"Our on little Malfoy." Harry echoed. "But who, I mean, who carry's the child?"

"That's up to you and Draco." The blonde women smiled.

"Right." Harry said dazedly. "Does Draco know this?"

"I believe he does now." Narcissa smiled as she rose from her chair and watched her husband and dazed son walk into the room.

"I trust all is well love?" Lucius asked his wife with a mischievous smirk.

"Just fine." Narcissa smiled kindly back.

"Very good." Lucius replied.

"My Draco," Narcissa said in fake concern. "You look awfully peaky. What ever is the matter."

"Nothing." Draco said absently as he sat back down next to Harry, a blush forming on both their faces as they looked at each other and quickly glanced away.

"Well now!" Lucius exclaimed. "Now that is done with I believe dinner should be served. Narcissa?" He asked as he offered his arm to his wife and they quickly left the room, leaving two dazed boy's in their wake.