Hey there! I just figured I should apologize to all the people who have read this story and are expecting updates.
I haven't updated this story in what seems like forever, I know. I don't plan on finishing it, or my other fic Life or
Death, to be honest. I have sort of lost interest in the Pretender. I have moved on. Truthfully, I found the Island
of the Haunted telefilm sort of disappointing. It just left the show on a sour note... The shows been cancelled for a
while. I have gone on to other shows, other interests. So, I'm sorry. If there's anyone who would like to maybe finish
either story for me that would be great. Just send me an e-mail telling me and I'll gladly hand it over to you... it's just
that my heart really isn't in it anymore. Again, sorry.

-Space Cadet