Me no Mae ni - Before your very eyes

Another angle of Hitomi wo Tojite - A PoT fanfiction

by Thyphy


'I'm always there, but you can't see.

I'm always watching you, but you don't see.

I know I shouldn't, but there's nothing I can do

So it's my last resource to let you know I love you.'

Fuji sighed. It was the kind of thing he thought would never write to anyone. He didn't even like to think it really wasn't a joke of his. He was desperate.



He did EVERYTHING, so Tezuka would notice him, but it didn't happen.

Fuji knew he couldn't just tell Tezuka face-to-face he had a crush on him and get slapped for that. The tensai liked to compare the situation to a cacti culture. He had to prepare the soil and be careful to not prick the finger when touching the plant. But Fuji knew how to do it. Well enough. However, on the real thing, the cacti moved itself, so it was going to be a little difficult to seize him without pricking a piece of skin.


"20 laps as a warming up"

Fuji giggled as his teammates complained. Tezuka didn't even wait for his teammates to answer his formal good morning and had already laps ordered.

Jogging and wearing his usual playful smile, he watched Tezuka there, on the other side of the courts, looking absent-mindedly through the fence. The tensai couldn't help thinking Tezuka looked through him every time he tried to show his love for him. Pushing that thought aside,he smiled that smile that was a reflex.

"Nyah, buchou! If you're to join us, you'll have to run the three laps you missed!"

Fuji looked back and saw his captain running laps with them. He could see Tezuka's body was there, but his mind was wandering in another dimension.

"Ii data."

While the team waited for Tezuka to finish his laps, Fuji watched Inui scheming with the coach. Inui's new plans were always so fun to execute, thought the tensai. Smiling to himself, he watched his beloved enter the courts and stand by his side as Ryuuzaki-sensei and Inui started to tell the regulars about their new mission.

Since Fuji's eyes were small, nobody would notice if he looked at the courtyard without moving his head. There were the sakura petals being carried by the wind. It was so beautiful and pleasant to watch that Fuji decided he would take a photo sometime. Looking back at Tezuka, he thought it would be amazing if the buchou watched the sakura's fall with him. He wanted the stoic boy to watch these little things, because they were worth of being seen, rather then wasting his time on things that only pig-headed adults cared about.


With paper and pen in hands, Fuji started to write another message to Tezuka. He just wanted to keep a dialogue with him. However, Tezuka wouldn't answer with a letter. The tensai would read the answers through the captain's eyes and body.

'I know you were thinking about it. And so I were.

I saw the sakura petals this morning and I bet you watched with your stern look their loops in the air. It was beautiful.

I know you're not used to waste your time on things like that, when you have to be so responsible. But it's ok if that responsibility is your heart's desire.'

The prodigy rested his pen on his lips and tried to imagine how he would make the captain get into his game. He had to tell who he was little by little, so that Tezuka would have the time to digest everything, including the fact that he was a boy. Finally deciding, Fuji put an end on the message, inviting the captain to a hide-and-seek game.

'I just wanted to ask you if you like it when you close your eyes.'


When the tensai didn't want to be noticed, nobody could see him or what he was to do. With that ability of him, he made his message slip into Tezuka's clothes.

From a corner, he could see the captain finding and reading the message. His body stiffened and got a little pale. Amused with Tezuka's reaction, Fuji decided placing his bag next to the buchou's, so he would be able to see his expression. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. He saw the well-known frustration and determination in his eyes.

Tezuka was his life's challenge.

"Come, Fuji nyah! Our classes will start!"

"I'm coming"

Smiling satisfied, he left the locker room with Eiji and bounded to his class.


Fuji didn't like to sleep and didn't like to wake up either. He thought sleeping was a waste of time and waking up was hell, because he always felt dizzy when he did. He had wake up earlier because of it.

While bounding to school, the prodigy liked to imagine what he would find on his way today and what would be waiting for him on his destination. Fuji didn't like routine, but everyday he made his mind think about the things he liked, so he would keep his good mood.

On the moment he put his foot on Seishun Gakuen, the wind blew, as if welcoming him. The tensai just smiled cutely.

"Konnichiwa, Fuji"

"Ohayou gozaimasu, Inui"

"Ohayou Shuusuke nyah!"

"Hello there, Eiji"

The three players started to walk towards the locker room to morning's practice.

"Ano Fuji, don't we have an exam today nyah?"

"Um... we do"

They entered the room and found Tezuka and Ooishi there.

"Saa. Hi minna-san"

"Hi Ooishi nyah!"

"Hello Eiji!"

A smiling Fuji approached a Tezuka sat on the bench and looked at his face. He was daydreaming. And also looking through the floor. The kind of look Fuji didn't like to be shot at him.

"Ne, Tezuka?"


"Are you still sleeping?"

His buchou frowned and to Fuji, it was an answer that meant "No. Do you need something?"

"Saa, it's because you sat there and looked at the floor as if you could see through it." - Tezuka stared at him. Fuji stared at the buchou. Smiling, the blonde continued, realizing Tezuka wouldn't answer a question he didn't ask. - "Maa maa, everybody's in the courts already."

"Aa. Sorry."

Fuji watched his captain stand up, all proud of himself. Chuckling, the tensai couldn't help thinking Tezuka looked like a king. And his kingdom was the prodigy's heart.Then, since a king should lead his land, Fuji followed his captain.

To be Continued...

Wee! Fujiko-chan!-I just luv him 3 (But I think his thoughts are a bit OOC here... sorry)
I started writing "Me no mae ni" shortly after I concluded "Hitomi wo Tojite" (If you didn't read, take a look at it, plz :P ). I thought it would be tricky, and It's being IoI. Well... anyway...whether you liked or not,please send me a review:p

'til the next chp! ;3