I know that I don't own Lyoko, but I do own Chen, Grent, Lori, and Tara.

Now, the dance was almost over, and it had been decided that Yumi would sing the last couple of songs. But, since Odd had decided to sing, she only had enough time to sing one more song. She sang And I Love You (Monsters Love Sushi) with the help of Ulrich ((i just had to put him as the other singer for this song. fits, don't it??)).

(Yumi)I'm the Queen of LA PAMPA

My Mama is Priscilla

My Papa is Dracula

And I love you

(Ulrich)I'm el Chef de Calcuta

My mama is Godzilla

My papa eats pizza

And I love you

(Y)I'm like a butterfly

Dancing in the sky

That joy could make me cry

And I love you

(U)I am two hundred feet high

And I can catch the sky

My hands could Make you fly

And I love you


And I Love you

(Y)I am dancing with no shoe

Tonight I'm here for you

This for me is so new

And I love you

(U)I'm the beast of the dance floor

My moving is hardcore

No one can give you more

And I love you

(Y)I am feeling so excited

What ever my mama said

I wanna go ahead

And I love you

(U)I am coming close to you

Your Dreams will all come true

This night I'm going through

And I love you

And I love you

(Y)You will be my everything

My every night dream

My sunrise on morning

And I love you

(U)Now the world is full of magic

Your smile is so romantic

We do not need to speak

And I love you

(Y)I love the way you flex

I can feel the vortex

Coming through my soul

And I love you

(U)You will always be my lass

Your moving is first class

I feel it in your soul

And I love you

Refrain III

And I love you

((if you want to hear the actual song, go to w w w. monsterslovesuchi . com ))

By the end of the song, all of them were exhausted. While people filed out of the gym, they dismantled the instruments. Yumi was unplugging something, when she was shocked. Her vision suddenly burst to life, but she felt nauseous. She stumbled out of the gym, since she didn't fell like spilling her stomach all over the gym floor.

"Ugh, what are you doing out here?" Yumi clenched her jaw at Sissi's sneer.

"I came out for some fresh air, but I mine as well go back inside, since your fumes are making me nauseous all over again." With that, Yumi started walking away, but not back to the gym. She just wanted to curl up in her bed. On her way back, she ran into Yune.

Now, she knew that Chen had a large disliking for Yune, but he had been nice to her when he saw her.

"Hi, Yune. Were you at the dance?" Yune shook his head.

"No, unfortunately, I wasn't. I feel very uncomfortable around large crowds of people, so I didn't go. Instead, I decided to enjoy this nice evening. Weren't you there?"

"Yep, but I wasn't feeling very good, so I decided to head home."

"May I walk you home?" Yune asked.

"Sure." They talked as Yune walked Yumi home. It didn't take long, and Mrs. Ishiyama opened the door when they got there.

"Yumi, you're home early. Hi, Yune. Please come in." Yune was confused, but went in all the same. Wouldn't you be confused too, if the woman who was to have stolen your little sister invited you into her house, even though she knew who you were?

"Yune, would you like to help me with some tea?" Yune nodded, and followed her into the kitchen.

"Why are you acting all nice to me?" he asked when they were in the kitchen.

"Because you're Sora's son," she said, as she put the tea pot on.

"Then you should know why I'm here." She looked at him.

"I know what it is that you might've been told by your father. But I can assure you that Yumi is my biological daughter. Me and Sora were pregnant at the same time. I went into labour a day before her, and gave birth to Yumi. Sora gave birth to her twins, but one was a stillborn. Yuna died two days later, but we had already left the country for France. I'm pretty sure Sora told your father that both girls had died, but he never was one to listen." There was a sudden crash from the living room, and Mrs. Ishiyama ran in, with Yune right behind her.

The window was broken, and there was a bit of blood on the pane. Yumi was nowhere to be seen.

YAY!! I finish!! There will be no more updates for this story anymore, but keep an eye out for the Sequel!
