I own nothing & nobody except myself and the situations these characters find themselves in... Enjoy!

All I Know of Love - a post wedding story by Posh

Part 1

Hours later he would come to wonder just how he managed that short walk down the aisle. Physically shaking and feeling more than a little stunned at her proposal he clung to her arm in an attempt to ground himself. The alter seemed a lifetime away, he tired to smile, tried to remain calm and not start laughing uncontrollably. Could it be possible that this was real? That finally they were to marry.

She said something, tried to lighten the mood but he knew her voice was trembling as the words passed her lips. He allowed himself a glance to the side, taking in her beaming profile. She was positively radiant, exuberant. The thought spurred him on, and together they took the final steps towards the archbishop.

He trembled as Motaz handed him a makeshift wedding ring, stumbled over his words as he attempted to slide it onto her finger. This was it, they were joined, forever. Every dream he'd ever had, every instant he'd ever dared to imagine that one day she would be his, collided into this moment.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He daren't move, he held her hands between his, felt her fingers rubbing his reassuringly. Smiled at her beautiful face as she leant forward, fluidly and smoothly meeting his mouth for a kiss. It was tender and gentle, yet so much was communicated in that brief touch; she pressed his lips with hers so ardently, firmly stating her pledge, reinforcing her vows.

Shocked, stunned and dazed Joseph remained rooted to the spot, gripping Clarisse's hand, staring, smiling, at the hundreds of faces smiling in return. He heard Mia behind them cheering the loudest, noted Charlotte's tearful expression as she applauded along with the others. He wondered if this were truly real, waiting for somebody to rise at any given moment and object to it. Drag him from her and throw him from the palace, this commoner has no right to wed such a woman.

Instead he felt her lean closer, he inclined his head towards hers as she whispered in his ear.

"I believe a moment alone might be appropriate." She looked up to him, her eyes sparkling with such joy, such open delight and happiness.

His voice failed him and he only managed to nod in return.

Leading the way down the steps they made their way back down the aisle, receiving handshakes on the way from a few dignitaries. He caught Charlotte's eye and nodded thankfully to her, to his amazement she rushed forward and kissed his cheek before moving to the open door. He followed, still clinging to Clarisse's hand. The world appeared to spin around him, for the first time he felt completely incoherent, the mumbled voices rambled on behind him, rising in volume as people began to stand in preparation for exiting the chapel.

He had little awareness of where they were going, he paid slight attention to his surroundings, just kept his eyes on Charlotte's back and let his feet take him along. Clarisse's hand burned in his, her touch was the only thing he could focus on, the weight of it the only thing his mind could register. He longed to hold her to him, to feel her mouth on his again. To kiss her properly as husband and wife, to be alone with her and say those words he'd rehearsed so many times before.

Finally they entered the small private chamber, the place Mia had waited in and he'd stood guarding the entrance. There was silence as the doors closed, still he stared at Charlotte and she smiled wonderfully ecstatic.

"I'll leave you alone your majesty."

"Thank you Charlotte." Clarisse's voice sounded distant yet she stood right beside him, her hand still holding his.

Charlotte stepped past them and exited the room and finally Clarisse stood in front of him, taking his other hand and sighing.

Her face was flushed, her mouth curving into a shy smile. Was this the same woman who had stood up to a hundred parliament members, prime ministers and foreign leaders and given speeches almost every day of her life? She seemed so afraid.

"I can't believe…" She muttered then registering the look on his face reached forward and touched his cheek. "Joseph, you seem shocked."

"Absolutely." He shook his head. "I never thought…I honestly thought I'd lost my chance, that you and I would never…"

She placed her hand over his mouth. "Shhh, we have each other."

He took a deep breath, he needed to say the words, to tell her just how much she meant to him, to communicate every feeling and nuance of emotion. "Clarisse, my darling Clarisse I love you so very much."

"Oh I know, I've always known." She rested her head on his chest and he held her close to him, feeling her heart beat against his chest.

"Joseph, you're all I've ever known of love," She looked up to his face. "You've always had my heart, I'm sorry I hid it for so long."

He felt the tears tumbling down his face, but didn't seem to mind. He clasped her hands. "So many things to say. So many things I need to tell you…"

"We have all the time."

She moved closer to him, her lips just brushing across his, he trembled at the sensation, this was the moment he'd waited a lifetime for, this was the moment he'd been travelling towards forever. He pressed his lips to hers, taking in each single sensation; the feel of her arms around his neck; her scent invading his senses; how soft her mouth was; how heated the moment was as they stood there kissing for what seemed an eternity.

His arms travelled down her back then linked around her body lifting her up, she almost squealed in delight and her mouth left his for a second as she looked at him smiling. She kissed him again and he swung her around, she giggled admonishing his behaviour and reaching for the tiara on her head holding it in place.

"Joseph, we have a celebration to attend."

"I don't wish to share you." He slowly let her back down yet still held her tightly.

"You won't have to," She couldn't resist kissing him lightly, fussing over his collar as she leant against his body. "But we have photographs to take, champagne to drink… a cake to cut together."

"Oh how could I resist that madam?"

"Exactly. And no more of the 'madam' business."

"My dear…" he kissed her fingertips. "…most precious…" kissed her palm and wrist. "wife." Took a deep breath. "My wife. I think that might take some getting used to."

"Oh I don't know." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his forehead. "I rather like being Mrs. Romerro."


"Already." She smiled dragging her hand lazily over his chest. "Shall we face the music?"

"If only for a while."

She turned and stepped towards the door holding his hand then swung back around and threw her arms around his neck again giggling. "Oh Joseph, I feel so… light headed."

"And we haven't shared any champagne yet." He held her to him thanking whatever gods were smiling down on him for bringing this truly amazing woman into his life.

"Happiness is so overwhelming, I'd forgotten how good it could feel…" She lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him. "I feel like singing."

He touched her face, that face that he'd dreamt of for so many years, that he'd adored and worshipped. "Then sing away my darling."

She laughed. "I have no idea what fits the moment…"

"Happy days are here again."

"The sky above is clear again."

She lowered her mouth to his in another delicious intoxicating kiss.

She kept her promise and didn't leave his side the entire afternoon, in fact for the first time in living memory Clarisse danced with only one man that day – her husband, and not one person dare to break that pattern.

Although still nervous Joseph posed for photographs with her as naturally as if he'd been standing under the public gaze his entire life. Official photos were taken in the grounds, with the sun shining on them, the shots that would grace the covers of every national newspaper the following morning. Private family shots followed, Mia had changed from the wedding gown and now posed happily filled with relief and thankful for her Grandmother's guidance – and eventual bravery.

Clarisse gave in to Helen's request and agreed to not only hold Trevor for some photographs, but to also serve as his godmother. It had been many years since she handled a baby and the feel of that tiny being sleeping in her arms was a little overwhelming. He was absolutely gorgeous but when he started to fuss and cry she was more than happy to hand him back to his mother.

After an hour in the garden Clarisse insisted enough was enough and it was time dinner was served.

"The guests await." She said motioning for the party to return indoors.

Joseph caught her arm before she climbed the steps. "My dear stay for a moment, Andrew wishes to take a few shots."

"Oh bother…" She looked down at him. "Haven't we got enough."

"These ones are private." He said gently and her gaze softened.

"All right."

She followed him across the lawn to stand beneath the willow tree, the sun was just beginning to set and sky had turned a wonderful shade of orange.

She hardly noticed Andrew gladly snapping away, her only point of reference was Joseph, holding him close beneath the shade of the tree, privately absorbed in the feel of being married to him.

"Do you think it would be apt for us to kiss now?" He said tracing a hand along her neck.

"Oh I don't know, somebody might see."

"Andrew will see my dear, does that bother you?"

His face was so close to hers, she could feel his breath warm on her skin, the scent of his cologne so familiar and yet so fresh and new. She folded her hand with his, lifting her mouth to his.

"One for the album!" Andrew shouted to them and she looked to her feet blushing.

"I'm getting carried away." She said gently. "Perhaps its time we returned in doors."

"As you wish darling."

Dinner was a very formal affair, yet somehow they managed to survive the many courses engaged in friendly chitchat with the others on their table. Occasionally she would hold his hand beneath the table, he relished the way she would lean against his arm, how melodious and natural her laugh seemed. He'd never witnessed her so relaxed and at ease.

"Excuse me for a second." He announced dropping his napkin to the table and rising.

She looked over at him quizzically, reluctantly letting go of his hand.

"I'll just be a moment." He said kissing her hand.

She watched as he made his way to the head of the dining room and asked for attention.

As hundreds of heads turned in his direction he felt a lump rising in his throat, perhaps this wasn't such a good idea.

"Erm," he coughed. "I understand that today has been one of many surprises, possibly shocks for many of you – myself included." He allowed himself a smile. "But today has been the most joyful I have ever known, and, I realise there is no need for speeches, and I also realise that I'm not really that wonderful at making them. Therefore I will not bore you with my ramblings, instead I turn to a rather splendid poet for my speech… if I'd had preparation time I would have written something myself, instead I hope this will suffice."

He looked towards Clarisse, studying him closely, her hands folded beneath her chin, a quiet soft smile on her face.

"I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart, I am never without it. Anywhere I go you go my dear, and whatever is done by only me is your doing my darling. I fear no fate, for you are my fate my sweet. I want no world, for beautiful you are my world, my true. And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant, and whatever a sun will always sing is you."

He took a deep breath, still holding her eye contact, noticing how she never moved, how she gazed at him intently taking in each word.

"Here is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life which grows higher that the soul can hope, or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart… I carry it in my heart."

He smiled sincerely. "I apologise for the sentimentality, and ask you all to raise your glasses to the most extraordinary woman, my wife, mi amor, Clarisse."

"You shouldn't do that to me." She whispered into his ear as they swayed across the dance floor.

"Do what?"

"Say those things in public, I desperately wanted to cry."

"You should have, only one wedding day." He lifted his head back to search her face. "Did I really say the wrong thing?"

"Oh no, of course not, you caught me off guard that was all I meant. I'm not used to losing it in front of others…"

"That I know, but if I can't say those things about you today then I never will. Today of all days I will tell the world exactly what you mean to me."

"Oh Joseph…" She kissed his lips lightly and he spun her around, gracefully performing the most intimate and intricate steps.

"You know people have been watching us all day." She said gently, running her hand down his arm.

"I know. I don't mind… I'm far too happy to care what anybody thinks right now."

She nodded. "I know, shout hallelujah come on get happy."

He laughed. "Is this your musical interlude moment? Still feel the need to sing."

"Oh absolutely." She squeezed his arm as the song ended and flowed into another slower melody. Her head rested against him and she closed her eyes, oblivious to the stares of many guests.

"It's getting late." She whispered.

"It is."

She lifted her face close to his. "Do you think anybody would notice if we disappeared?"

"Oh I hardly think so." He smiled raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, goodness they will… perhaps Charlotte could create a distraction."

"I do believe there are fireworks later in the evening my dear."

"Are you suggesting we miss out on them and sneak away?"

"Something like that, only if you think it appropriate."

"I've all but forgotten what appropriate means."

"Good… then we have a plan."

"Just between the two of us, I think we do."