When It Rains In New York

A C.S.I. New York fan-fic

Written by: Anti Darth Ani

Edited by: Anti Darth Ani


Chapter One: Prologue


Author's Note: Some of you might be wondering what I'm doing back on chapter one of this fan-fic I've been writing. Well, for those of you who do not read my update information on my author's page, I stopped updating this story on the internet for a while because I began to write it in a composition book I bought. But, instead of beginning where the old When It Rains In NY left off, this story took a whole new turn, from the very beginning. So here it is, the new and hopefully crosses fingers improved first C.S.I. New York fan-fic I've ever written. The basic plot is the same, I promise. However, it's completely different, so don't just skip to the end thinking that it's the same as the old fan-fic. I'm really sorry about this change. For those of you who don't like the new story as much as the old, please note that in your review and I might do something about that. And for my new readers, I'd really love your input about how you think I could improve my story. Thanks to all of you for your continued support and kind words that really keep me writing!


Sabrina Jackson looked up from her geometry homework when she heard the noise of a door slamming downstairs. She wondered if her father was coming home from work, or if her mother was finally back from her weekly bridge game with her friends. Either way, the loud noises coming from downstairs were distracting from her homework. Twisting her body to the side, Sabrina leaned to the other side of her mahogany desk and gave the volume dial on her boom box a slight flick, cranking up the volume to twice as loud as it was previously. No matter how much time she spent yelling to her parents about how important her schoolwork was to her, they didn't seem to believe that their actions had any effect on her study habits. But how did they think she would be able to concentrate on proving identities if all she could think about was the large ruckus coming from downstairs?

Ignoring the banging sounds, figuring her mother was searching the cabinets in the kitchen for God only knew what, Sabrina picked her pencil back up, tapping it repeatedly on her piece of notebook paper as she studied the example in her book. She let out a frustrated sigh when the banging noises from downstairs became slightly elevated. Sabrina began to wonder what had made her mother so mad this time at her social meeting. Had Mrs. Waters or Mrs. Granger looked down their noses at her mother's choice not to leave Sabrina's father? Sabrina still refused to believe the lies they whispered about her father sleeping with the secretary at his office. She knew her father, better than any of those stuck-up women with their enormous hats and annoying giggles they offered instead of greetings when they saw Sabrina and her father. They wrote her off as a silly little girl, confused by the complexities of the world, as if she wouldn't be able to understand the reasons that would push her father to have an affair behind her mother's back.

Sabrina understood what would probably cause her father to go to such ends, although she knew he never would. People like Mrs. Waters, and their husbands, were the cause of her father's stress. He was new money in this old money society they'd thrown themselves into. Their family didn't really fit in with the type of wealth these people around them obtained through generation after generation of family members. Although they sometimes pushed Sabrina's father to the edge, he always took three steps back and laughed at their attempts. He was stronger than any other person Sabrina had ever known and she just knew, somewhere in her heart, that her father loved her mother more than words could possibly express.

Her mother wasn't as strong as her father. Mary Jackson, time and time again, came home from her social events with those other women, tear streaked and heart broken. At first, Sabrina had tried to comfort her mother, but after being yelled at and even slapped once, Sabrina had quickly learned to simply give her mother some space to breathe before comforting her. So Sabrina tried once again to ignore the eruptions of her mother downstairs and to focus on her homework.

As she solved the current problem she was working on and started on the following one, Sabrina heard the sounds of feet pounding up the staircase just outside of her bedroom. Sabrina knew her mother would now disappear into her bedroom, where she would crumple up as a wad of flesh and bones at the end of her bed. She'd cry herself to sleep and then wake up a few hours later, smiling and laughing at the anecdotes her husband always told while the family ate their dinner. As Sabrina traced the triangle from her geometry book onto her homework paper, she heard the doorknob of her bedroom door turn and the door creaked open.

That's odd, Sabrina thought to herself as she reached across and turned the volume of her stereo back down in order to hear what her mother had to say. As she turned around in her rotating chair, Sabrina bit back a scream that rose in her throat.

The person standing in her doorway, the one who was striding quickly across the distance from her bedroom door to her desk on the other side of the room, wasn't Mary Jackson. In fact, he wasn't a family member of hers at all. Yet, as a shrilling scream escaped her lips and Sabrina swung out of the chair, she recognized the man heading straight for her, a gun stretched out in front of him, aiming directly at her head. She raced across the room, jumping unto the bed and falling back off as she scrambled for her bathroom door that led to the guest bedroom and then out to the balcony above the backyard.

Why is he holding a gun? Why was he banging around downstairs? Was he looking for some of Dad's work files? Is he going to kill me? Thoughts flew through her mind as Sabrina Jackson ran blindly through the bathroom, not taking the time to close the doors, knowing that they wouldn't stop him for long. She ran through the guest bedroom, jerking to a stop and she reached out and grasped for the handle of the sliding glass door that lead to the outdoors. Then she would only have to manage the spiral staircase and the iron gate that led to the busy New York street in front of her apartment building.

Sabrina's heart stopped when she yanked the door handle and it didn't budge. Oh, God no! Sabrina cried to herself, choking on her screams. She gave the door another tug, but it wouldn't move. She had just enough time to glance down and see that a metal object was suck in the track of the door before she felt his strong hands around her throat. Automatically reaching up to claw at the hands and arms of her attacker, Sabrina realized that he was going to kill her. Or at least take her away from her family. Why he would ever do this to anyone, especially her, Sabrina couldn't grasp. Tears flowed freely from her eyes and she gasped for air, her wind pipe being squeezed too tightly. Her feet and legs swung out dangerously, pushing against the glass before stomping down at his feet. If she could only get away before it was too late...

Sabrina suddenly felt the return of air to her body. He was letting go of her throat. She wanted to cry with relief, but she never got the chance. Her vision went black and Sabrina fell to the floor when he used the butt of his gun across the back of her head to knock her out.