Chapter 10: I'll Always Be There For You

"Hey Star. Robin! Wanna play foooozzzball with us?" Cyborg called from across the park with a football in his hand.

Starfire and Robin were both sitting under a tree and both shook their heads. Robin's arms were wrapped around Starfire's waist and Starfire laid her head on Robin's chest.

Cyborg frowned, but when he turned her smiled at the though of how the two were such a good couple.

"C'MON RAVEN! YOU JUST GOTTA BE REFEREE! WE EVEN HAVE A COOL COSTUME!" Beast Boy whined as he held up a black and white cloak similar to what Raven was wearing.

"Sorry, I'll pass." Raven said in her moody voice as she continued to read a book under the shade of a tree.

Starfire and Robin laughed as Beast boy went to play defeated that Raven wouldn't be playing as referee.

Starfire nuzzled her face in Robin's chest.

"Robin, may I ask you a question?" Starfire asked as the two other Titans threw the football at different side of the field.

"Yea Star?" Robin asked while he stroked one of his gloved hands through her auburn hair.

"Ummm...I am wondering...ummm...what will happen if we stay like this?" Starfire asked as she closed her eyes.

"What do you mean Star? Nithing is gonna happen." Robin said kissing the top of her head.

"Yes but...Slade said that he would be back for us." Starfre said opening her eyes. She then looked up at him.

"Star...Slade always says things like that. Besides..I'll always be there for you. And if something does. We'll be ready. For now...I'm just glad you're right here." Robin replied as he briefly kissed her and smiled. Starfire smiled and blushed. She laid her head on his chest again.


"Yea, Star?"

"Could you just promise me one thing?" Starfire said as she took one of Robin's hands in hers.

"Anything. What is it?" Robin asked as he gave her hand a little squeeze.

"Could you promise to never leave me. Because I in turn will protect you too." Starfire said blushing.

Robin gave a little chuckle. "I promise Star." With that he lifted her chin with one of his hands and pressed his lips against hers. Starfire then wrapped her arms around his neck and soon after, they were saying 'I love you', to each other.

Starfire and Robin laughed again when Cyborg was chasing Beast Boy with a football.


"I'M TELLING YOU IT SLIPPED! I'M SORRY! RAVEN CALL AN OUT! CALL AN OUT!" Beast Boy pleaded as he turned into a squealing pig.

Raven looked up from her book. "No." she replied in her casual moody voice and went back to her book.

Everything was back to normal. Raven was busy reading a book, Cyborg was threatning Beast Boy and Starfire and Robin were in love.


Auohers Note: Well that's it! Hope you enjoyed this fan-Fic I made. I may be planning to do a sequel to this. lol. anyways, I hope you will continue to read my other fan-fics that I will make. Well that's all for now! Please Review! Thanks! By the ways I'll be on vacation so i'll reply to your reviews 2 morrow or something. Well anyways, thanks again for reading! Please Review!

- xxterraxx