The issue has been deal with, as it says in my profile! So here's very short chapter just to fill in…letting you know I'm still alive. Thank you everyone..though i'm sorry to say i won't be updaing very fast... school's a drag, along with the problems a teenager's life would lead... it all sux so much...but thx for being here...reading this D

Disclaimer: i don't own SK

Welcome to the Asakura's Residence
Chapter 13: Parchments

When no one gave a response, Wolves reached for an envelope and turned it over…only to find a badly drawn smiley face. Staring at it bewilderedly, Wolves looked around the room for clues.

Lyserg slammed his fists on the table, making everyone in the room jump. "It's so obvious that it's Hao! But we can't do anything!" Wolves held her hand up as a signal as if disagreeing with him. The others stopped what they were doing and looked at her, who was pointing at Tamao.

"It's as if," Tamao said, reading a perfectly fine piece of paper, "it's some kind of prophecy." Everyone turned to her as she pointed out a certain phrase. "As the white blanket coats the world, the meteor will strike all shall fall but a few chosen ones. What does that mean?"

Yoh reached for her sheet and everyone crowed around him, reading and rereading the sheet. "Maybe Anna should see this," he said, but Horohoro quickly added, "But she went out for business."

"Why don't we just see if we could figure it out ourselves?" Yoh said finally, after a silent moment.

Everyone turned to Wolves, who simple agreed with Yoh. Everyone grabbed a sheet and began reading, looking for other clues of who this is from and what they want. But their research didn't last long when Anna came home from her business and demanded for dinner. When they asked where she was all day, she just glared at them and walked away.

"I think it's a secret," Horohoro whispered, as if he discovered something rare. After receiving odd looks from everyone, he resumed reading the burnt sheet in his hands, mumbling something under his breath.

Losing the chance to ask Anna to check out the mysterious mail, Yoh and Tamao headed towards the kitchen to prepare dinner while the others remained with the letters. Finally tired from reading all the nonsense, Wolves got up from the sofa and went to help them with dinner.

"What are we having?" she said casually, slipping into an apron. Tamao and Yoh exchanged glances and Yoh managed to mutter "chicken noodle soup".

Dinner was exceptionally quiet today. Chocolove didn't crack any stupid jokes. Horo didn't do anything brainless. Anna didn't shout at anyone. Wolves's illness was enough pressure and now with the letters that seem to be referring to her, no one dared make a comment, afraid to say the wrong thing. And this made Wolves incredible tense, seeing as it was her fault peace was stolen from the home.

"Well," Yoh said, hoping to break the suffocating silence, "I had a jog today."

"Dude, you have one every day," Horohoro said.

"Yea," Yoh snapped childishly, "Well, this time something happened." Everyone turned their attention from their meal to Yoh.

"What happened?" Anna said with boredom in her voice, she was the only one still looking at her slimy, fish look-a-like.

"I met someone," he said, adding suspense to his voice, "someone very eh…special."

"Special?" a few said in unison, their undivided attention still on Yoh, who was now pretending nothing had happened at all. "So?" Horo asked, "What happened?"

"I'm not telling," Yoh teased, "It's a secret."

Wolves quirked her eyebrow and was not distracted by Devilon who was seated carefully on her lap. "AW, come' on Yoh! Tell us! Who did you meet?"

"You'll know next week," he said mysteriously, rising up his bowl again.

After dinner, everyone stayed in the kitchen, purposely avoiding the parchment filled living room. Tamao had found the excuse of baking cookies and Horohoro had volunteered to help. Yoh was given a new training schedule and was outside training. Lyserg was resuming his reading on a Sherlock Holmes novel. Ren was in his room, nobody knowing what it is that he is doing. Anna claimed she was tired and retreated to her room.

In the deserted living room are and Wolves, alone with the mysterious papers and the report Faust had given to her. "Hmm," Wolves looked back and forth between the mail and the report, "Eenie meanie miniey moe, catch a tiger by the toe…"

Ren descended the stairs, each step thumping loudly on the wooden boards. It was not considered late but his throat was begging for moisture.

"Aha!" a voice exclaimed from below. The muffled voice engaged in a rather long monologue.

Ren turned his attention to the closed door of the living room. The paper doors were translucent, letting out nothing but a glow. The halls have long been abandoned, making the glowing door seem almost magical. Opening the door cautiously, Ren peered through the slit.


"Ren? What are you doing here?"

Ren's gold eyes scanned the room. It was a hell lot messier than it was before dinner. Parchments are now everywhere and on the table was a big mug of coffee. In Wolves's hands is an opened 2½ centimeter thick book that greatly resembles something…

"You're reading a phonebook?"

Wolves's eyes widened and waved her hands frantically. "N-no! Th-this is the r-report Faust g-gave me."

"Right," he said suspiciously, unable to keep his eyebrow from tilting upwards. Taking a seat next to the nervous Wolves, he picked up a random parchment. "So, did Faust say anything?"

Wolves, too, sat down and resumed reading the 'phonebook'. "No, he just gave me this thing. Want to help me read it?"

Checking the clock, it read 11:30. Wolves fell asleep in the middle of reading a particularly long parchment, leaving Ren alone to read. Ren scowled upon looking at the sleeping girl, regretting drinking more than half of the coffee they were sharing. Shaking faintly, Ren's eyes twitched uncomfortably from the caffeine. Dragging himself onto the sofa, Ren pulled his jacket over Wolves's sleeping form and laid himself down in the soft surface of the sofa.

He was so close to the border of sleep he didn't hear the creak of the 6th step on the stair echo in the soundless house. "SHHHH!" a voice hissed to the stairs. Quietly, the dark shadow made its way down to the kitchen, where he silently plotted his evil plan.

"Do you think Wolves will be okay?"

"What kind of stupid question is that?"

"Hey, I was just curious…"

"Guys, shut up! We're in a meeting!"

"It hasn't even started yet, you weirdo!"

"Don't you call her a weirdo, you…fatso!"

"You know, that diss would be good if he was fat. But as you can see, he's the slimmest of us all."

"You can't turn your back on me! I was defending you!"

"Good try, but she knows she's a weirdo, don't you, weirdo?"

"Yes I do, boogerbreath."

$ dry cough $

"If you don't mind, the meeting has begun."

I'm considering adding more OC's to this story…please give comments on that idea since I'm still wondering…should I?

Thank you reviewers! I'd love to make a comment but I think we can't do that any more. But thanks anyways all my reviewers and readers!