Clinging to sanity was something Faith had to do often. Yet this was just impossible. He stood there shirtless, and a pair of torn up jeans. She hated his guts, he was a fuckin bastard. Then why the hell was her heart pumping so damm fast?

"So, dip-shit what's your story anyways?" she asked him as he came out of the bathroom, his chest full bandaged.

"None of your business!" he snapped. Which made Faith jump backwards slightly. His eyes were on fire. He was so passionate about keeping this a secret. This so made Faith want to find out even more.

"Oh come on, your not like most watchers. I mean your still annoying but your defiantly not wearing tweed," she said lying on her bed. He sighed deeply sitting in the only chair in the room in the corner shaking his head. The candlelight illuminating his eyes.

"Faith, this is not something we should be talking about." he sighed.

"Oh come on, Wes. Tell me."

"Fine." he sighed deeply. For the first time since she had known him, Wesley looked weak...he looked tired... he was giving up the fight. Faith hated it.

"So watcher boy, tell." she grinned putting her hands under chin to keep her head prompt up.

"I was head boy, and I was top of my class. Yet I ran away from home after graduating."

"Couldn't stand the pressure?"

"No, a girl."

"Aah one of those stories."

"She was smart, kind, gentle-"

"Everything you were, back then huh?" Wesley glared at her and she placed her hands up in defeat.

"Sorry, keep goin."

"We were young, but madly in love. Were planning on getting married the day it happened."


"I got the letter from the council saying that I was to come home. The council when they give an order you should obey, for the consequences are always deadly." he sighed. "Yet I was foolish, and only at the age of 20. I ran thinking I could get away. But because of my stupidity, the only girl I ever loved died, before I could ever have her hand in marriage."

Lighting struck, and thunder rolled. For the first time in her life Faith was speechless.

"What happened?" she whispered unsure of what else to say.

"I was mad and angry, kept on running, picked a few tricks-"

"A few scars." mumbled Faith. Wesley heard yet ignored.

"Then I stopped running, placed on a mask, lied to the Council told them I wasn't running from them yet some demon or something. Then they gave me the ticket to the states."

"And you were originally planning on running, not becoming a watcher."


"What made you changed your mind?"

"I went to a bar, met another girl."

"Really? Who?"

"You." he merely said deadly seriously, looking at her straight in the eye, Faith felt herself turn into a giant puddle of pudding, and her heart leap out of her chest.

"Me?" she questioned in disbelief.

"We should be getting to bed." he stated simply before taking one of her pillows wordlessly off her bed and crashed on her floor.

"Man, you are a piece of work aren't you?" she asked shaking her head.

"Excuse me?" asked Wesley.

"Get your ass up on my bed you just got tortured."

"I may not be wearing tweed, but I was raised a gentlemen." he mumbled.

"Gentlemen my ass, you are anything but gentle Wes, not get your ass up on this bed." she yelled. He sat up and looked at her darkly which she only saw because of the lighting. Her watcher merely sat up and lied in bed, and for a moment Faith didn't move.

They both sat there, watcher and slayer. Slayer and watcher. A team, he was her mentor, not her lover. And they both knew there could never be anymore then there was at that moment between them. There could never be more for them as they lied in the same bed, facing each other for a brief moment, sitting their locking eyes, breathing heavily.

Faith could smell him, he smelt of musty old books, peppermint, and oh dear Jesus Christ he smelt of something that made her heart go thump thump thump. Then she merely rolled off the bed and fell on the floor, covering her chest, hoping to muffle the sound of her heart beating, unknown to her Wesley was doing the same exact thing.

Waking up in a strange bedroom Wesley awoke with a start cold sweat dripping down his face and he yelled loudly. Suddenly he felt someone pinning him to the chair.

"Wesley calm down it's me." Faith said as she pinned his arms behind his head. His breathing went back to normal as he gasped for breath.

"Sorry, I-I just had a dream I-" he stopped as he saw Faith so incredibly close to him. "Fuck" he merely said breathlessly.


"Nothing." He grumbled pushing her off of him. In reality, he had never realized how brown her eyes were. Dam-it, dam-it, and major fuck. He can't be falling for his own dam slayer.

"Good, stop signaling," Wesley stated as he watched his slayer move with much more grace than when they first started being watcher, and slayer. "Buffy, your form is bad." He said, in truth, it was much better then Faith's yet there is always room for improvement Not matter how cliché' that saying is it's true.

"Wesley behind you!" yelled Faith as she threw him a stake. He grabbed it and was about to stake the vampire when he stopped.

"Fred?" he gasped, the vampire smiled.

Authors Note: Fred? Plot Twist? Oh hell yes.

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