Learn to Fly.

Author's Note: Okay, here we are again. This is the second piece in the "Koinu Ai" series. This fic contains yaoi (male/male relationships) so if you don't like it, turn away now! Oh, and the cheesy title refers to Jou learning to live his life as he wants to, and not be held back. Okay? Ugh, so…much…cheese…

Anyway, this is set a week after the events of "Take Me Away to Paradise." I suggest reading that first, so you aren't confuzzled (gotta love that word). Jou and Seto haven't been to school yet, so they have no idea how people will react. Not well, I expect! evil grin. Gotta love that Jou/Seto- angst.

Pairings: Jou/Seto, Yami/Yugi, Ryou/Bakura, and Honda/Anzu. Oh, also some one-sided Otogi/Jou. Who knows? I might even shove Marik/Malik in here somewhere. You'll just have to wait and see! I HAVE THE POWER!

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Poor, poor me. Wait! I own Akiko! That's it though.

Well, here we go! Sorry about the delay, minna-san!

Chapter One.

Seto Kaiba strode purposefully into his large bedroom, muttering under his breath. He bit his lip nervously. Today was the first day that he and his lover would go back to school, and face everyone…

"Of all the days to pick a lie-in, it simply had to be today. Stupid, lazy, no-good…"

He grinned to himself. A year ago, before the events at Battle City, he could have said those words, and meant them. That was before everything had changed.

He sighed. Things certainly had changed, for the better he thought.

He glanced towards the bed where his lover lay, and smiled fondly at the mop of shaggy blonde hair just visible under a mound of covers.

"Jou?" he called softly. "Jou? Come on, wake up, puppy. We'll be late for school."

The mound of blankets moved a little. Encouraged by this progression, however small it might be, Seto moved a little closer.

"Jounouchi? Come on, it's time to get ready for school. We have to be there in an hour."

The mound emitted a groan.

"Don't wanna."

Seto smirked at his lover's childish antics. He poked his boyfriend, who proceeded to offer a reasonable ultimatum.

"Five more minutes…"

"Lazy slob."

"Hard ass!"


"Slave driver!"



The brunette boy sighed, and picked up the blonde in his cocoon of sheets, thoroughly enjoying the squeals coming from within. He took the screeching boy to the en-suite bathroom, turned on the shower, and threw the bundle inside. The squeals turned to screams, as his puppy found out that the water was cold.

Seto smirked, and walked out calmly, ignoring the yells concerning what the blonde would do when he next saw him.

Katsuya Jounouchi stepped out of the shower (A/N :- droooooool), freshly washed after disentangling himself from the sheets and exchanging the freezing cold water for hot. He wrapped a towel around his waist and looked in the steamy mirror, inspecting his bruised face.

"Hard to believe it was only a week ago I got out of the hospital," he mused. He shuddered as the events of the previous week flooded his mind. His father beating him, the nurse getting shot, then turning out to be he and Seto's guardian angel. That one still puzzled him, so he tried not to think about it too much.

He gently touched the bruise on his cheek. It was fading, sure, they all were, but…


It would always hurt. Okay, the physical pain would diminish, but the emotional hurts wouldn't cease. He smiled softly. At least he had his friends, his sister, and his beloved to take his mind off of the ache.

He pushed these depressing thoughts out of his moment, and started to get dressed. He had only pulled on his jeans when Seto came in.

"Come on, Jou, breakfast is on the table, and…"

Seto paused, and looked at his lover. Jou still had water beading on his skin, which was tanned a light golden shade, and slightly flushed from the hot water. His flaxen locks were damp and hanging around his face, which made him look totally different. He looked totally innocent, not so tired and world weary. He looked like a normal teenage youth, one without such a terrible past. He looked…


Seto craved him, needed him. And Jou knew it. He smirked at the stricken brunette in front of him, and stretched languidly. Seto made a sound that sounded suspiciously like "erk!" and raced back down the stairs. Jou sniggered, and continued to dress.

Seto ran down the stairs to the kitchen, cursing Jou.

"Stupid sexy Jou!" he muttered, much to the confusion of Mokuba and Shizuka, who were eating pancakes.

"What's wrong, Seto?"

Seto glanced at Jou's sister, deciding that he really shouldn't say anything. "Nothing."

Shizuka and Mokuba exchanged a "do I really want to know?" look, and went back to their breakfast. Seto grumbled to himself, and opened the newspaper in front of him. A few minutes later, when he was thoroughly bored of current events, he heard a loud yell of delight above him, followed by a strange screeching sound. He, along with Mokuba and Shizuka, ran to investigate as a loud thump shook the floor. They ran into the hall, and saw Jou sprawled on the ground, a look of pure amazement on his face.

"Wow!" he cried. "I didn't think I'd go that fast!"

Seto was highly confused. "What did you do!"

Shizuka looked at her brother. "Did you…slide down the stair rail?"

Jou nodded happily. Seto looked at him, a look of utter disbelief written all over his features. "What are you, eight?"

Jou got up and stuck out his tongue, walking into the kitchen. The next thing that the three people gathered in the hall heard was "HEY! Pancakes!"

Seto rolled his eyes. "Oh great. Now he'll be on a sugar high all morning."

Woo! And that, my little yaoi-kins, is a very fluffy (or, as I accidentally wrote, "fluffly") first chapter! I hope you like it! If not, come on! I can handle criticism! Please don't hurt me, I only just got over seeing The Grudge, and I'm emotionally fragile! Eek!