Alphabet Soup

Chapter One

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of the characters in this story (except for Alex, the son of Zechs and Noin). That's simple enough, isn't it? Oh, and if there are any products that I may mention (Legos, Spaghetti-O's, etc.), I don't own them either. Really, I'm just an innocent with no money whatsoever, so sue me not!

Read away!

A.C. 202, October 3rd, 5:54 PM

"Well, here we are."


"Now, you're absolutely positive you want to do this?"


". . . Should I take that as a 'yes'?"

". . . Hn."

"Very well, then, but you DO know you don't have to do this, right? I mean, I'm perfectly capable of handling this situation on my own. I've dealt with far more serious predicaments in the past and I've come out fine."

"I know that."

"And you still feel the need to accompany me?"

"I AM your bodyguard, you know."

"But this won't be dangerous at all!"

"I still must protect you."

"Protect me?"




"From my four year old nephew?"

". . . You say that like you don't think I'm needed."

"He's a little boy, Heero!"

"I know."

"And just what do you think he's going to do? What, is he gonna throw a can of Spaghetti-O's at me, fracture my skull, and give me a concussion?"

"If he's truly your brother's child . . ."

"Oh, forget about it, Heero. I suppose I'll ring their doorbell now."


"Oh, and please DO remember to behave yourself. I can try to accept the fact that you and Milliardo continue to see each other as enemies, but that's no excuse to be lunging at each other's throats or pulling guns on one another, especially when little Alex is around. We don't want him getting any ideas. Just because YOU could accurately shoot a gun at age four doesn't mean every small child should."

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing."

"Heero . . ."

"It could always be an opportunity to teach him self-defense at a young age . . ."


"Well, it could."

"Would you PLEASE stop thinking like a Gundam pilot?"

"Uh . . . is that a trick question?"

"I suppose that's too much to ask, isn't it."

"Can't help it, Relena. Habit."

"I swear, Heero, you'd think after all these years . . ."

"We're stalling. It's almost 6:00."

"Right, okay. But before I ring their doorbell, may I ask you something?"


"Are you absolutely POSITIVE you want to do this?

"Just ring the doorbell, Relena."


"Okay, where is she?"

"Patience, dear. She'll be here."

"But it's almost six! Relena's always at least fifteen minutes early for everything."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Zechs. Perhaps she just got a late start."


"Stop looking at your watch! You've been doing that every two minutes for the past half-hour. You're driving me crazy!"

"But Lucrezia . . ."

"She'll be here! Don't worry so much, you'll get wrinkles."

"I'm not worried."

"Sure, you're not."

"Really, I'm not . . ."

"Stop looking at your watch!"


"Zechs, honey, you seem a little tense."

"Tense? Not me."

"Oh, of course not. Here, let me get your tie."

"Thanks. Luc, are you absolutely positive you want to do this?"

"What do you mean? Of course I am. This is our five-year anniversary."

"I know."

"Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"

"I just hope Relena knows what she's doing, looking after our little terror."

"Relena adores Alex."

"Yeah, but she's never actually watched after him for more than fifteen minutes at one time . . ."

"You're making him sound like a bad child!"

"Well, I only meant to say that he behaves well for US . . . but . . ."

"If you're always gonna be this worried, do you just wanna stay home every night until Alex is sixteen?"

"Of course not! If we did that, how would I have any fun?"

"I'm sure you'd manage, dear. Oh, there's Relena. She just pulled in."

"Geez. It took her long enough."

"Oh, yeah, right, Zechs. She's six whole minutes early. Boy, is she slacking."

"Don't be so sarcastic."

"What can I say? You're rubbing off on me. Uh-oh . . ."

"What's wrong? What's 'uh-oh' supposed to mean?"

"You're not gonna like this, dear . . ."

"What? Did Relena dye her hair black and get multiple face piercings since the last time we've seen her?"

"Um . . . no . . ."

"Then it can't be that bad."

"Right. In your eyes, this will probably seem worse."

"I doubt it."

"If you say so."

"Well, what's so bad?"

". . . Heero's with her."


"Told you so."

"Yuy is with her!"


"Uh-uh, no way. There's NO way I'm gonna let that maniac near my son!"

"Zechs, sweetie, maybe you're overreacting."


"Well, I'm sure Heero will help Relena out. Perhaps he's good with kids."

". . . Seriously?"

"Well, he might be!"

"Nice thought, but I don't see him being good with anything that doesn't have to do with guns or big explosions."

"Zechs . . ."


"It isn't just that, is it?"


"It's the fact that she's with him that bothers you, right?"

"AGAIN, you mean."

"Zechs, I hate to say it, but you're probably gonna have to get used to them being together. Can't you see how happy Relena is when she's with him?"

". . . I guess . . ."

"And you do want Relena to be happy, right?"

"Sure, but . . . well, I . . . I still don't trust that guy around my little sister."

"You're cute when you're overprotective."

"Yeah, real cute . . . I'm not as protective as HE is, though! You've seen how obsessive he is about guarding her. It's ridiculous!"

"And that's why you don't trust him? Because he's protective?"


"Zechs, aren't you happy that your sister is involved with a man who cares for her enough to protect her?"

"I don't know, Noin. I guess I'm . . ."

". . . Afraid he loves her too?"


"Don't look so appalled, dear, I know what you're thinking."


"Yes, and I think you'll have to get over that fear of yours. If the way that they look at each other when they think no one's looking is any indication, I'd say that in a few years, we may be repaying them the favor of babysitting."

". . . Please don't say that."

"Zechs . . . ? You look a little pale."

". . . I feel a little sick."

"Oh, there's the doorbell! C'mon, let's go!"

"Okay, okay. Are you absolutely POSITIVE you want to do this?"

"Just get the door, Zechs."


Clenching his teeth together and taking a deep breath to remain calm, Zechs Merquise glanced uneasily at his wife before making his way over to the front door. The tall man gripped the doorknob and turned it, allowing the door to open a little. No sooner had the door been cracked open that the blonde on the other side of it decided to poke her head inside.

"Knock, knock," Relena said. Zechs smiled at his younger sister as she grinned and stepped inside, throwing her arms around his neck and giving him a big hug.

"You look well, Relena," he greeted her, smiling.

Bright blue eyes peered up at him as she stepped back a bit, studying him seriously for a moment before smiling happily again. "You, too," Relena replied, laughing a little. "It's good to see you again, Milliardo."

He smirked at her, and the petite blonde smiled up at him for a moment before shifting and looking towards the young woman standing behind Zechs. Her eyes lit up.

"Lucrezia!" Relena exclaimed, moving in to embrace her sister in-law.

Zechs watched with a growing smile as his sister and wife exchanged friendly hugs, but that smile suddenly hardened on his face at the sight of the young man who was carefully watching him from the doorway. Turning fully to face him, Zechs stared at the younger pilot, who glared in his direction. They stood there, watching each other carefully, and instead of the friendly hugs or handshakes that old friends would give each other, the angry scowls of old enemies were exchanged.

Remembering Relena's warning to him moments before, Heero attempted to be somewhat civil and sent a curt nod in the taller man's direction, pressing his lips into a thin, tight line to cover up the snarl that threatened to surface the moment he gave it the chance.

"Zechs," he growled carefully.

Icy blue eyes narrowed. "Yuy."

They didn't say anything more; they only glared angrily at each other for another long moment as Noin and Relena began chatting away, easily making up for the silence of their companions.

Relena grinned at her sister in-law. "You look great."

"You, too, Relena." Noin looked over at the glaring Heero and smiled. "Hello, Heero."

Heero glanced at her and nodded. "Noin."

Relena's eyes quickly scanned the room, then she turned, blinking up at Noin. "Where's Alex?"

"Hmm? Oh, he's just in the other room," replied the taller woman, then she turned and called, "Alex! Aunt Relena's here!"

A moment later, a small blond boy scampered into the room, a toy car gripped tightly in his chubby hand. Dark eyes brightened happily.

"Aunt Relena!" he squealed, dropping the car and running to throw his arms around her legs. "Aunt Relena!"

Relena beamed at him, slender arms dropping down to scoop the small boy up and squeeze him. "Alex!" she greeted him happily, pressing a heavy kiss on his cheek. The child squealed again, wrapping his arms around Relena's neck and laughing.

Noin smiled at them as Zechs put an arm around her waist and chuckled. "Maybe you're right," he said quietly, smiling as Relena swung the little boy into the air. "Maybe they'll be okay."

Noin grinned at him. "Of course, they will," she replied simply. "I'm always right."

Zechs smirked. "Oh, sure," he said, rolling his eyes. "I forgot."

Laughing, she swatted at him. "Shut up," she grinned. "Are you ready to go?"

But her husband didn't reply; he was strangely studying the young man standing by the door. Frowning suddenly, Noin followed his gaze.

Heero was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, watching Relena chase Alex around the room. But something was unusual about the way he looked. It took Noin a full two seconds to realize why.

He was smiling.

Heero Yuy was smiling.

It was a small, affectionate smile, too, not a scary I'm-going-to-make-stuff-explode-and-then-laugh-loudly-and-blow-myself-up kind of smile. Actually, looking at Heero with that little grin on his face, he looked almost . . . well . . . like a normal human capable of normal thought and normal behavior and normal feelings.

Noin smiled and placed her hand in the crook of Zechs's arm, causing the tall man to look down at her. "See?" she asked quietly, squeezing his arm and gesturing towards the smiling Heero. "They'll be fine."

He didn't reply immediately, but Noin noted in satisfaction that her husband's shoulders relaxed slightly, and he quietly let out the breath he had been holding.

"Yeah . . ." he finally answered after a moment. "I guess they will." Raising an eyebrow and smirking, he looked down at his smiling wife. "You ARE always right."

She tossed her head, daringly looking up at him through mischievous violet eyes. "It's about time you noticed," she replied, tugging his arm and pulling him towards the door. "Now, c'mon, let's go."

He couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, alright." Zechs turned towards the giggling Relena and squealing Alex, smiling. "We're leaving now, Relena."

Relena released her nephew from her grip, standing up and brushing a few stray golden hairs from her flushed face. "Okay, then," she replied, smiling in amusement as Alex ran back and forth from parent to parent, giving them hugs. "You two have a good time."

Noin kissed her son's chubby cheek, leaving a little smudge of lipstick on his face. "Bye, sweetie," she smiled. "Be good for Aunt Relena."

"I will!" the little boy chirped, giving her another quick hug before running to his father and wrapping chubby arms around him. "Bye, Daddy!"

Zechs grinned at him, ruffling the soft blond hair on his child's head. "Bye, squirt. Don't give them a hard time."

"I won't!" Alex replied, the smile of a cherub on his face as he ran back into the waiting arms of Relena.

The couple gave them a small farewell before making their way out the door. As Zechs passed Heero, he looked at the smaller man dangerously and narrowed his eyes, sliding his finger across his own throat in a swift cutting motion. Heero's eyes widened very slightly at the warning.

Oblivious to this exchange, Relena had a hold of Alex's chubby wrist and was waving his hand at the departing couple. "Bye-bye!" she called. "See you later!"

And they were gone.

Grinning happily, Relena grabbed Alex around the stomach and carried him over to where Heero was standing.

"Alex," Heero could hear her whispering in the boy's ear. "I'm gonna introduce you to my special friend, okay?"

"'Kay!" Alex grinned at her.

"Do you think you can be nice to him for me?"

The little boy nodded enthusiastically, his smile growing.

Relena squeezed him affectionately. "That's my boy."

Heero smirked as Relena carried the child over to him and set him on the floor in front of him. Heero crouched down so that he was at eye level with Relena's nephew, then, after attempting to smile at the little boy in a somewhat friendly manner, he looked questioningly up at Relena. The blonde grinned at him and nodded encouragingly, putting her hands on Alex's shoulders.

"Alex," she said sweetly, sending a wink in Heero's direction. "This is Uncle Heero."

Heero's eyebrows arched upwards slightly at the title, and he gave Relena a strange look, but she only smiled at him and made a small gesture towards her nephew. Heero frowned, then cleared his throat awkwardly and looked back at the down little boy, who was studying the brown-haired man with interest.

"Hello, Alex," Heero said evenly. "I'm Heero. It's nice to meet you."

Blond eyebrows furrowed as the little boy studied the man in front of him. "Heero?" he asked, repeating the name carefully. "Heero . . . Yuy?"

Heero found himself blinking. "Uh . . . yeah."

A huge grin broke across the child's face, and he stepped up to Heero and shook his hand vigorously. "Nice to meet you, Heero," he said happily. "I know who you are. My daddy told me about you."

Dark eyebrows arched in mild surprise. "He did?"


Quite certain that anything Zechs had to say about him would not be pleasant since they both shared the mutual urge to beat the crap out of each other, Heero looked hesitantly up at Relena. The blonde only grinned at him in amusement as Heero turned back to Alex, frowning slightly.

"Well, what did he say?" he asked, an eyebrow raising in slight suspicion.

Puffing out his chest and frowning in an expression that perfectly mirrored Zechs' usual expression of annoyance, the little boy looked at Heero and put his hands on his hips. "'Stay away from Heero Yuy, Alex,'" he quoted in a deep voice that made Relena laugh. "'He's a dirty, heartless bastard who eats little boys.'"

Relena's laughter disappeared and a hand flew up to her mouth in shock. "Alex!" she exclaimed, horrified that her brother would use such profanity around his son.

Heero, however, wasn't surprised.

He grinned down at the little boy, the amusement in his smile causing Relena to frown at him. Having never really seen Heero grin before and therefore not really having a clue what to expect next, she watched him carefully as her bodyguard knelt down in front of her nephew and looked directly into the small child's face.

"Do you really think I eat little boys, Alex?" Heero asked seriously.

The child paused, as if deep in thought, then he grinned up at the man. "No," he replied enthusiastically, throwing chubby arms around Heero's neck. "I think you're nice."

Relena's uneasiness melted away at that gesture, a smile appearing on her lips as a terrified Heero looked up at her in question. Relena merely grinned at him as Alex pulled away from the little hug.

"See?" chirped Alex. "You didn't eat me!"

Heero relaxed slightly and chuckled, rubbing the top of the little boy's head. "Well, you just tell your daddy he was wrong, okay?" he asked, smirking. "And tell him Heero Yuy said Zechs Merquise is an arrogant, prissy, egotistical son of a . . ."


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