My Choice

By: Lacus Klein

Disclaimers: Tokyo Babylon and X/1999 belong is Clamp and others stated in credits. I'm just writing for fun.

Summary: An Hokuto story. Her point of view on her brother and what she did to save him.

I'd never seen you like that.

You sat there, your eyes staring blankly and yet unseeing. And as I stood before you in those robes, I couldn't help but feel that same pain that had paralized your heart.

You loved Seishiro-san. I knew it for a long time. And the truth is, I loved him too. He seemed so kind and caring. And now, seeing you like this, I cannot help but think that part of this is indeed my fault. I encouraged your relationship. I didn't see the warning signs. You paid the price. And your heart broke.

Subaru, I know I cannot really ease that pain you feel. Maybe it's because we are twins, but in my heart I feel what you do. That's why I did this. Perhaps it was selfish to sacrifice myself. But I couldn't let things go on like they were. I couldn't stand there and watch you die. Instead, I died. I told Seishiro-san the truth. He took you away from me. So I would seal his fate.

This was harder on you though, wasn't it? Yes, I was selfish in that sense to let you live on in so much pain. But I wanted you to. And I want Seishiro-san to live as well. As long as there is still life, then there can still be hope. No one can ever escape real love. Hopefully, one day, Seishiro-san will learn that. And he will see what I did all along.

And what of you Subaru? Do you still hate him for what he did to me? In my heart, I truly hope the answer is no. I don't want to see you hate anyone. That's just not you. You're so kind and caring.

I hope someday you'll understand that this was my choice. This was what I wanted. I wanted you to live and find happiness. You and Seishiro-san both. I loved you both, no matter what happened. And when the time comes, I'll reach out for both of you to join me in this place. But until then, I'll wait for you.



After Thoughts: Okay, just a short drabble on what I felt Hokuto might be feeling after her death. I'm saying that she's watching everyone from the other side. Yes, I know she knew Kakyuu too. But I wanted to focus on Subaru and Seishiro in this one. Hopefully nice reviews?