Yay I got some reviews lol well I thought that it would be good to post the first chapter soon well I hope you enjoy it

Well thanks for the reviews

Disclaimer: I do not own the YYH characters well if I did own them I would have made that Yusuke and Botan end together cause for me its a way lot better couple than Yusuke/Keiko

Well when I saw the start of YYH I thought that Yusuke was going to end with Botan not with Keiko and when I saw the end I was shocked well someone told me that the YYH movies had a lot of YB hints I hope that they are true

Summary: (YB slight AU) Yusuke is the spirit detective,Botan is his assistant.As they keep on taking missions they become close.Will something bloom within them?

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Romance/General

Text like this means thoughts

"Forbidden Love"

Chapter I:

Botan walked down the stairs thinking of the mistake she did, if she was another girl she would take it as a chance to get the guy that she liked, but being the good person that she is, she saw it like she had just ruined her best friend life

Botan you screwed it up big this time´ she thought to herself as she walked slowly down the stairs. She stoped at her locker to pick up her books and the bell rang before she could close her locker How much time I wasted up there?´ she thought to her self as she closed her locker Well no use on asking since there is no one to answer that´

She walked to the classroom, but it seemed that her steps were slower than usual. She felt as if she was walking miles and then she noticed that she was infront of her classroom Oh no the door is closed... that just means that the clas has already started, maybe if I skip class´ she thought it for a second but then she kicked the thought away If I skip class I´ll probably see Yusuke so I will go to class even though that it will be shameful´

She took a deep breath and then gather some courage and opened the door and saw Takanaka staring at her

"Miss why are you so late in class?" profesor Takanaka asked madly "I wanna hear a good explanation"

"Well I was at the roof and I didn't heard the bell" Botan tried her hardest to make it sound real Well at the time Yusuke left all the sounds stopped so I'm not lying´

"Well Miss if thats the best you can do for an excuse then I´ll see you in detention the rest of this week and the other" Takanaka gave Botan a piece of paper with her detention schedule

Great now I have to stay here' Botan went directly to her desk and placed her books slowly so she wouldnt make any sound she didn't wanted to pick anymore atention 'Koenma-sama will sure kill me because I'll be late for work'

"Well looks like the good girl has turned to be bad girl in more than one way" Botan heard Akiko soflty said

Botan new what Akiko had meant, she meant of what Keiko thought, that she and Yusuke were a couple, Botan didn't minded the thought after all she liked Yusuke but it was just a stupid thing that Keiko thought that Yusuke will cheat on her after all the effort he did to be with her.

Botan sighed and looked around the classroom when she saw at the corner she saw Yusuke, sitting there If he knew that I´m staring at him he would start to yell at me even though we are in public´

The last classes passed fastest than Botan thought they would, the bell rang and all the students were free to do as they pleased, except for those chains that profesors call homework "Miss" Takanaka called, Botan walked so she would face him "Your detention will start tomorrow"

Botan nodded and then she walked out of the classroom, then out of the school as fast as she could Well why dont I apologize to him?´ she thought as she reached her apartament "Botan why didn't you thought about it before? It´s so simple, well I´ll change my clothes"

She walked to her room, she threw her bag on her bed, her bag opened and her books were scatered eveywhere, she went straight to her closet and picked a pale pink shirt and a pair of balck jeans, after she dresed herself she went out When I come back from Yusuke´s house I´ll go buy some groceries or I´ll starve to death´

She walked on the streets while some people stared at her, she thought it was weird and they where whispering something and kept their eyes fixed on her , she saw a bench and sat on it so she could hear what they where whispering all about

"See she´s is Yusukes Urameshi´s girfriend" a woman said

"Well she is too pretty to be that jerks girlfriend" a guy replied

"Yeah he is so rude and he kicks the ass of everybody in the city" another woman joined in the conversation "He doesn't respect anyone and I blame the pathetic drunk excuse he has of a mother"

Botans anger finally rised, she stood up and screamed at the people "I´M NOT YUSUKE´S GIRLFRIEND,HE IS NOT A JERK, DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO INSULT HIM AND HIS MOTHER AGAIN AND TELL KEIKO TO STOP THOSE RUMORS JUST BECAUSE SHE'S JEALOUS ABOUT NOTHING!" Botan started to walk away from the shocked people

Botan finally got to Yusuke´s house and knocked the door some instants later Yusuke´s mother, Atsuko opened "Oh hello Botan, how have you been?"

"Well I'm fine" She brightly smiled at Atsuko before she gently asked "Well I came here to talk with Yusuke, May I come in?"

"He´s upstairs" Atsuko took a cigarete to her mouth as she went out

Botan walked up the stairs till she was finally in front of his door, she didn't knocked cause if she did he wouldn't let her in , so she decided to just open the door. After she opened the door she gave a step then another one and she saw him sitting on his bed, looking out of his window, staring at the sunset, she stopped there in awe, the dim sunlights were enhacing his skin and his chocolate orbs seemed to shine with an deep fiery light.

"Yusuke" she lightly called with a small blush tainting her cheeks 'God, He's so handsome'

Yusuke turned his head to see Botan, the dim light over her white skin created and angelic halo over her, the few lose strands of her powered blue hair caressing her flawless skin as her deep and gentle pink orbs were looking at him, it was the first time he noticed how beautiful she really was.

"Botan I suposse you came to talk" Botan only nodded "Well havent you learned that you have to knock before entering a room?" he said loosing his fiery temper a little bit, then he stood up and walked to Botan

"I know that but I came here to apologize" she said looking into his intent mahagony orbs

"Well why do you have to apology for?" Yusuke asked

"Why do I have to apology for?" she said glaring daggers at him and losing her temperament as well "I mean I have to apologize cause you and Keiko broke up for my fault, I was only trying to make you taste my food" she looked down a bit ashamed

"Well you dont have to apologize for that I heard from Kuwabara that Keiko is dating Aaron and now I think that she just used you as an excuse to break up with me" he sadly said finally calming a bit "Oh and by the way I liked your food it´s better than Keiko´s food and she works in her family restaurant" he sat on the chair of his desk

Botan sat on his bed "But Yusuke don´t you still love her?" She fliched a bit when she asked that and hoped that he didn't noticed.

"Yeah I do but..." he said looking away from her

"But what?" Botan asked wanting him to continue

"But I decided to give you a chance" Yusuke looked straight into Botan´s eyes

The moment their eyes meet Botan blushed "Yu... Yusuke" she escaped his gaze, and just when she was about to tell him something he began to laph "Why are you laphing at?" her temper broke again

"You looked so funny that way" He answered still laphing

Angrily she stoop up from his bed "Yusuke you almost made me believe that"

"Almost" He looked at her and couldn't stop laphing at the angry ferry girl "I say I made you believe it"

Botan was now really pissed off now and she only looked at Yusuke with a killing glare, the next thing he saw was Botan with her oar in her hand just when he thought she was leaving , she gave him a well deserved hit with the wooden oar that echoed through the room.

"Hey that hurts!" Yusuke complained as he held his sore head.

"I´m so sorry!" she said dripping with sarcasm

"Yusuke stop teasing the girl and just tell her that you wanna date her" they heard Atsuko say from downstairs "Kami, in my time boys weren't that shy"

"MOM! I dont wanna date her!" he yelled back at his mother

"Yeah right" they heard Atsuko reply

"Botan don't we have to go to the mission tonight?" he asked trying to change the subject

"I´m afraid not Koenma-sama sent Hiei and Kurama to take over this mission because you say you didn't wanted to do it" To Botan it seemed like they have talked for some minutes but they had been talking for hours, they where embraced by silence, until Botan came and broke it "Well I have to go"

Botan began to walk to the door when she felt Yusuke pull her back again, she turned around to face him still a bit angry

"I´ll walk you home" he said

"No thanks" she said and started to walk to the door again

"Can you imagine a girl walking down the streets at this hour at night all alone?" He asked to the blue haired ferry girl "I mean your house isn't exactly 5 minutes away"

"Nah, I´ll be fine" She opened the door walked down the stairs, then proceded to the kitchen to bid farewell to Atsuko and the she went straight out, she sighed before saying "You know that you dont have to come if you don't want to, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know that" He steped in front of Botan and looked into her eyes as she looked into his "But I want to" She only nodded

She wasnt sad anymore instead she was happy cause now Yusuke was walking her home, she was ignoring the whispering of people, but now she couldn't blame them they looked like a real couple even though they weren't one, even though she wanted for it to be true, but for now she just wanted to enjoy and cherish that rare and special moment with the Rekai tantei.

A/N: Well I hope I didn't updated to soon I just wanted the first chapter to be out and plz review by the way wouldn´t you mind if I put Hiei/Kurama as couple? I got request for it but if you don't like it I wont put it but if you do I´ll put it but still the main characters would be Yusuke and Botan

I hope I didnt disapoint and that you liked it, and that it wasnt to short

I gotta thanks again to my beta reader Arwen Dark Sorceress Of Fate for her good work

Plz review see ya in next chapter