Rob: Alright, only the plot and dialouge belongs to Caila/Ms Fonseca. Yeah. Everything else (Characters and the such) Belong to a charming Ms. Tamora Pierce. If I was her, I would have put Dom and Kel together a long time ago. Like, in Squire. But anyway... yeah.

And I think this is the last chapter for this fanfic. Caila should get back to her other fanfic. But don't worry. Short K/D's will be appearing all the time xD

Dom opened his mouth to speak, but Kel elbowed him and took Neal by the arm.

"Look, I'll explain where no one can hear," She said gruffly.

"You'd better!" Neal exclaimed. Kel dragged Neal into an adjoining hallway, and wrung her hands nervously.

"Who in Mithros' name are you? My father will have your head for this! My cousin will have your head-" At that Kel snorted before slipping her Yamani mask back on.

Why is it that when I'm with Dom I never use the mask, Kel though ruefully before turning back to the conversation at large. She craned her head around and saw Dom standing at the corner of the two hallways, making sure no one came.

"Actually, dear sir, it was his idea." Neal looked shocked.

"What- who- when- who are-" He spluttered. Kel dropped the gruff voice and said quietly,

"Meathead, be quiet."

"Kel? But- how- when- why-"

"Really Neal, are you having trouble speaking? Maybe I should drag you to see Un- your father," Dom drawled.

"I am fine!" Neal almost shouted, "Kel, it's you who's sick! Why would you do this?" Kel heard Dom snicker, and sighed.

"Remember milord's oh so charming hairstyle?" Neal grinned. "Well, he said it was the last straw. The epitome of events. Therefore, we were forced to dress like this."

"We?" Neal inquired, "Who's the other?" Kel smiled shyly. "Ah, so my dear cousin, I presume. Where is he?"

"Why do you- Never mind. I think you've seen him already, Neal," She remarked. He looked shocked.

"What-" He was interrupted by Dom running down the hallway and standing up against the wall, trying to make himself invisible.

"Kel, they're following me!" Kel raised an eyebrow, and Dom muttered, "Your knight 'friends'." In response to Neal's strange look, Dom said, "Hullo Meathead."

"Dom?" Neal asked, and Dom nodded. Neal grinned wickedly. "Aw, how cute you two-"

"Really Cristina," Garvey said, ignoring Kel and Neal, "That was rude, running away from us." He motioned to himself and Zahir, who had just caught up with him.

"Men," Kel said, "I believe the lady wishes that you would leave her alone."

"Oh, is the little sergeant telling us to leave the lady for himself to tumble? Are you going to fight us for her? I doubt you could even draw a sword, much less fight with one." Kel was happy that her Yamani mask was firmly in place. Only Dom and Neal could see the annoyance in her eyes.

"Garvey, Zahir," Neal said, "Please leave." He put his arm around Kel and Dom's shoulders, and after a few moments gestured rudely at Garvey and started walking towards his rooms, towing Kel and Dom with him. After they were out of hearing, he muttered, "Oh dear, cousin Dom, dressed as a court lady, attracting knight's attention… you'll never be able to live this one down." Dom made a face, and Kel laughed as she hit Neal's shoulder.

"Once a Meathead, always a Meathead… Do you think you could take these disguises off?"

"But of course! Do you distrust me, the most powerful of all mages? The most cunning, the most brave, the most courageous, the most handsome, if I do say so myself, the most-" Dom glared at Neal.

"Really, cousin Meathead, could you just remove the disguises?" Neal muttered something about evil cousins, and then waved his hand.

"Happy now?" Kel covered her mouth as she laughed, and Neal grinned to see Dom standing in the hallway, trying to pull his dress up.

"MEATHEAD!" Dom roared, and Neal ducked behind Kel.

"Mother, protect me!" Kel, still laughing, said,

"Neal, go get Dom some clothes. My rooms are right here. Dom can hide in here until you get back." Neal raised his eyebrows, but ducked under Kel's arm and walked in the direction of his rooms.

"Hmm, only hide in here?" Dom said quietly, making Kel blush. She quickly fumbled for her key, and after opening the door motioned for Dom to walk inside. He grinned, and leaned over to kiss her, but she pushed him away. "Kel, what-"

"Dom, I'm sorry, but I'm finding you a pair of breeches to change into, at least." Dom started to pout, but realized that he was wearing a dress.

"Oh, alright then. Do I get my kiss later?" Kel shook her head sadly, and then walked into her room, shutting the door behind her. Dom, following her intently, didn't notice the closed door, and walked right into it. "Keeeel," He drawled, "Please open this door." When she didn't respond, he jiggled the handle of the door, only to find it was locked. "Kel, really, this isn't funny." He started pounding on the door, and yelled, "Keladry of Mindelan, open this door right now!" A passing squire looked at him strangely… he glared at the boy before turning back to the now open door.

"Dom, why didn't you come in?"

"Kel," He said patiently, "You shut the door." She slowly smiled, and then said,

"Oh, that's why I was hearing shouting. I was looking for the breeches. I found them," Kel said softly, holding out the breeches.

"Kel," Dom said, almost cheerfully, "I'm going to kill you." She looked a tad frightened for a second, but then muttered,

"Why would that be?"

"Because, dear Keladry, I was standing out here, pounding on your door. While wearing a dress. So run." Kel started to walk backwards, saying,

"Oh, but you like me too much. You could never kill me-" She broke off as Dom grabbed her. Swooping down, he kissed her swiftly, and then held her close to him. "Wha…"

"You were right," He said simply, "I like you too much." She grinned, and held out the breeches to him again.

"Please change into these." He nodded, and started to pull off the dress. "Dom, dressing room. Now."

"Do I have to?" Kel nodded, and he walked into the dressing room, and pulled on the breeches. Bounding back out, he knocked over Kel and then caught her, looking into her eyes. "Could I get my kiss now?" She seemed to think about it for a second before nodding quickly. Dom grinned, and leaned down to her, only stopping when he heard someone pointedly cough behind them. He almost dropped Kel, but quickly spun around, pulling her with him.

"Oh, hello Neal." Kel murmured.

"Oh yes, hello. This is jolly, to put it lightly. I walk into my best friend's room, only to see her kissing my cousin!" He started rambling on and on, when Dom interrupted him.

"Er, correction Meathead, I haven't kissed her yet."

"Oh, thank Mithros. Otherwise this would be really awkward, and-"

"Meathead, I said not yet." Dom leaned down and kissed Kel, making sure he drew out the kiss. "There, now we have kissed. You were saying?" Kel blushed, and Neal remarked,

"Oh, so my stupid cousin can make you show emotions, but I can't?"

"I was the one who kissed her, Meathead. Not you." Neal looked exasperated.

"No, no, no- No kissing! Its just not- no!" He gestured at them for emphasis, before dragging them apart and placing them on opposite sides of the room.

"Mother Meathead," Kel grumbled, before remembering she was in her own room. "Nealan," She said in an annoyed tone, "You get out. Now. Or the practice courts are waiting." Dom grinned as Neal hurriedly backed out of the room. Glancing at Kel, he saw her shrug. "I should have remembered that one earlier."

Laughing, Dom replied, "So, where were we?" as he quickly crossed the room and kissed her. Pulling back for a second, he murmured, "Keladry of Mindelan, do you know how much I love you?" She looked a bit shocked at him saying the word love, but she said back,

"Almost as much as I love you." He raised his eyebrows.

"Almost?" He bent down to kiss her again, and was interrupted as another person walked through the door. "Meathead, she told you to leave alrea-" He broke off as he noticed it wasn't Neal standing in the doorway, but Raoul. "Sir," Dom said quickly, bowing slightly. Kel sighed, and bowed to Raoul as well.

"Milord, may I ask a question?" Raoul nodded slowly, and Kel continued, saying, "Why do people feel the need to burst into my rooms?" Raoul grinned, and backed out as Kel threw her shoe at him.

"I'm leaving, o so temperamental Lady Knight!" Raoul exclaimed, and muttered on his way out, "She gets to be more like Alanna every day." Dom grinned, and started to kiss Kel again, but was interrupted as Kel's stomach grumbled.

"Keeel," He drawled, and she smiled shyly.

"I guess I didn't eat much. Could we get something to eat?" Bowing to her, he grabbed the shirt that Neal had dropped in his haste to leave, and pulled it on. He led her out of the room, and after looking around cautiously led her to the kitchens. Kel raised an eyebrow of her own, and he said,

"They love me here. I'm ever so much nicer to them than Meathead." Kel grinned knowingly, remembering the last time that Neal had been allowed in the kitchen, more than a week ago. He had tried to create his own recipe, yelling at the cooks when they tried to force him out. He ended up tied to the roof, and forced to eat with the stuffy conservatives. Switching his grip from her hand to around her waist, he saw Kel blush slightly.

"Really, o so charming Protector of the Small," He dodged her hand, "Are you losing your Yamani face yet again? May I be so bold as to deduce that I am the reason for your new-found emotions?" Kel pursed her lips for a second, and then looked Dom in the eyes.

"Well I do declare, Domitan, are you insisting that you are the reason I decided to blush?" He nodded, and Kel kissed him on the cheek. "Well, I guess you are right." Dom grinned, and then kissed Kel lightly on the forehead before dragging her into the kitchens.

"My Lady knight-"

"It's Kel, Dom. Always Kel."

"Kel, right. It's just so tasking to remember not to call you by your glorious titles, whilst you are standing there, in all your beauty-" Kel looked at herself, and then looked back at Dom, raising the roll in her hand threateningly.


"Yes, Protector?"


"Yes, I know you're Kel, Protector." She sighed, and he continued, "I love you, my lady knight, my Protector of the Small, my blossoming flower, my-" Kel chucked the roll at Dom, who was still praising her and calling her by nicknames he was now making up on the spot. "-my Protector from the Peachblossom, my Keeper of the Meathead, my Protector of the Jolly-ness called Owen, my-"

"Dom, shut up already."

"Yes dear."

"Now Dom, I am going to finish eating. Then I will go back to my rooms. I will then see you in the morning. We will eat breakfast in the Own's mess. Where you know Neal will make fun of you endlessly." Dom grinned.

"Yes, but I can make fun of his reaction."

"Reaction to what?" She mused.

"You know."

"I do?" He grinned again, and stepped closer to her.

"Yes, his reaction to this." Dom took the few steps to her side, and kissed her swiftly. "Mm, Kel?"

"Yes, Dom?" She said quietly, panting slightly.

"I love you."

"Love you too, Dom," Kel replied, and pulled him down slightly so his lips met hers.


Review, Please! And thanks for reading!

Not such a great ending, I'll admit, but Tuttleh has had a bad week and its late at night and i just wanted to put this up. I know its shorter than normal, but live with it xD Toodles!