AN: Same as the previous chapters.

Your eyes slowly open, blinking twice to clear the fog of morning. You look into my eyes and reach out a shaky hand to touch my face. I've forgotten how soft your touch is and I close my eyes for a moment, if not to stop the tears but to savor the feeling. When I open my eyes, tears are slowly trailing down your moonlit face. I brush them slowly away and whisper, "None of that." It sounds as if you suppress a sob as my hands move across your face, down to your lips.

I hold you, this time for real, at least as real as it can be. I can still feel your back rise and fall with each time you try to catch your breath. I wish you knew how I felt at that moment, bittersweet with the thought of the others, yet blissful that you are with me. I hear you whisper into my mind, "I'm with an angel." I whisper back, "You always will be."

I wonder if they know that we watch them, make sure they're okay. The breeze through a room- that blows open a case file and rustles pages- is only Grissom going through, making sure you haven't missed a detail for a case. That the sudden shiver you have is one of us looking over you're shoulder. Grissom is watching over Greg now, the way I watch over Lindsey. It's nice to know that you haven't forgotten us, even though it's been months. When you talk to us, in those long and lonely hours in the early light of dawn, when you feel alone in the lab even though you're surrounded by people who love you, when you pray and cry for us in the mid-afternoon sunshine, we listen… we always listen.

It's hard for us to sit and watch when you make mistakes. We know that it's going to be okay in the end and we try to leave you little clues to make things better. It's for the best, the mistakes you make, you learn through them no matter how hard it is to see beyond the present.

One day you'll wake up and your thoughts won't be of us; you'll go entire day without silently crying in the break room; you'll learn to laugh and enjoy life again. Don't feel guiltily about the joy you feel when you look into each other's eyes and draw the hope and strength to carry on. It's in those moments, when your soul is shining so bright that it lights the heavens, that we smile too.