Nobody Will Miss Me

Author's Note: Wow... I guess people really like this story. I wasn't too pleased to get those reviews saying I was irritating and demanding I update it. Not to offend those nice reviewers who said please and how much they loved my stories.

But, just let me rant. I have a life too and it doesn't depend on sitting at this computer desk, writing eagerly to please my lovable tone crazed fans. I'm really flattered that you all enjoy my stories- and there's nothing more than I would like to than to make people read my stories and be entertained. But my life doesn't just depend on that.

With that said, I really hope you enjoy Sean's reaction and I'm sorry if I made you guys upset but I just wanted to make you wait a little because 1) I personally love cliffhangers because they give me a little extra time to write so I can make it better and 2) That was all I could really think of.

So now what you have all been waiting for...

Emma started to walk towards the shack, finally feeling like she was doing something right for a change. She felt like she was on another mission, like she was ' Joan of Arc' as Manny had so childishly called her.

And she knew that she was going to have Sean by her side again.


( Author's Note: I can barely remember this scene so if some of the lines are out of order, don't complain!)

Emma and Sean were walking down the sidewalk, Emma frustrated about her campaign to get rid of genetically modified foods, Sean listening patiently.

" If you don't like the cafteria food, then just don't eat it," Sean reasoned, looking at her.

She sighed. " That's not the point. There's fish DNA in some of the foods."

He gaped at her. " They have fish DNA? That's just wrong."

She looked at him and stopped walking. " Yeah," she sighed and looked down, obviously sad. Sean turned around to her and smiled.

" I don't know," he paused, looking puzzled. " I don't usually care about this kind of stuff... but... it seems like you have something important to say."

She shrugged at him. " I think I do,"she declared.

" Well, then, don't back down," he replied and kissed her on the cheek. As he walking to his house, he looked back at her, grinned and continued walking, an extra spring in his step.

She stared at him and smiled, feeling like nothing could bring her down.

' I think I'm in love.'


She was to the beach shack. She took a deep breath and started to climp up the stairs, taking each step at a time, thinking carefully.

" Ancient History."

" Should I be jealous?"

" Come on. A movie, a couch, double cheese... me."

" Why am I getting that weird, scary vibe?"

" I know, but this is more important."

" Sean, I like you."
" I like you too."

" If the wedding does happen... the party starts at three."

" No one really caught my interest."

" Sean, I never got to say... you saved my life."

" If Emma came up with it, it's got to be a great idea."

" Shut up! Let them dance!"


" Hi."

" The way you just stood up like that and told everyone off, it was so brave."

" Do you want to dance?"

" Yeah."

They had history. And they were about to let history repeat itself. For real.

She opened the door and there he was. Sitting against the wall, staring at her.

She gulped. Walking slowly towards him, she slid next to him against the wall. For a minute, both of them said nothing.

" HOW COULD YOU!" he exploded, jumping up, glaring at her. He started to pace back and forth. Emma watched him, scared. She had always been a little afraid of his temper.

" Do you realize how selfish you're being! ' Nobody cares about me', ' You won't miss me', ' You won't even realize I'm gone'... EMMA!"

She was reaching towards her bag, tears going fast down her cheeks, trying to hide her hiccuping sobs. He grabbed the bag from her and pulled her close. She tried to squirm away but he just held her tighter. Finally, she relaxed against him and grabbed his shirt.

" S-S-S-ean," she sobbed. " I love you, please, please, please don't leave me like everybody else did."

Not saying anything, he just hugged her tighter and let her cry.

When he wasn't looking, she inched her backpack away from him and tried to silently unzip it, not to raise alarm. When she found what she was looking for, she took it out and handed it to him. He stared at the letter curiously, loosened his grip on her, and started to read it.

She stood up, went towards the window and breathed in some fresh air. What would he say?

He cleared his throat. Emma turned around.

"I mive oo two," he mumbled. She stared at him, eyebrows raised. " What?"

" I love you too," he said louder. She stared at him. He reached forwards for him, a big fat tear slid down his cheek and she hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go.

But she forgot that her backpack was still open.

He noticed the knife glinting. " Emma," he gasped, looking sick.

She quickly took it out and tried to show that she wasn't going to use it.

But Sean misunderstood and tried to grab it from her. " Sean!" she screamed in fear, for the knife was dangerously close to her stomach.

" Emma!" he shouted, " I'm not going to let you kill yourself. No! I love you!"

" I love you too!" she shouted back. A storm was starting to rise in the background. A flash of lightning echoed on the walls and the shack started to shake a little due to the extreme thunder. It was getting harder to hear him.

" Sean, give me the knife! You're going to hurt me!"

As the glare of the storm was flashing in his eyes, Sean couldn't see and tried to grab the knife from her.

Instead, it ripped into her stomach. She screamed out in pain and slumped on the floor, blood oozing everywhere.

" EMMA!" he yelled, dropping next to her. His eyes were wild and his face had gone white. " EMMA!"

What had he done?

Author's Note: So... the story's not over yet. Nope. Yay, right?