I finally played Dirge of Cerberus. It took a while to get use to America's Vincent's voice, because in the Japanese he's voice is so soft, and then it goes to being harsh, but still kinda has a soft nature too it, at any rate I've accepted it.

Chapter 31: Innocent Deception.

"Come on we gotta keep fucking moving." Cid called out as Sora and the gang headed to the underground training arena where Leon and Yuffie use to practice. Leon rubbed his eye as he swung at another heartless. They were endless. It was hopeless.

"Face it Yuffie, It's hopeless." His brown hair clung to his face as he wiped his forehead looking down at the young teenager lying on the ground.

"I'll beat you one day, Squall. Just you wait damn it!" Leon laughed as she struggled to get back up.

"Its not worth the effort, Yuffie. In the end I'll just beat you over and over again. It's what I've been doing the past five years, and I don't think it's about to change." She lunged at him. He grinned and summoned a fire spell at her.

Back then I couldn't care less if she died or not. Back then I was still mourning over the loss of Rinoa, if only it was still back then. Yuffie would at least still be here with me, with us. God knows what that man, Vincent, is going through. Leon let his head hand low as they continued on. The heartless following.

"Stay down!" Sora yelled as he swung the keyblade.

"Thunder!" Donald roared, as he took out a good number of heartless only to have them replaced with new ones. Red eyes looked on wearily towards the sky. All the stars had gone out. All the lamps, all the signs, all the neon yellow signs. Yuffie. Yuffie had gone out. They were elapsed in complete and total darkness. Strangely Vincent wasn't afraid. Deep in his heart he knew he'd be joining Yuffie in the afterlife soon. He just hoped he was able to go where she was. The gods could strip him of his body, soul, and organs, anything they wanted, just as long as he could see her, one last time.

"Vincent." A hand was on hi shoulder. He glanced up and saw the brown hair youth looking at him. "I'm sorry. I know what you're going through." The hand squeezed as Vincent gritted his teeth together.

"You do not. Now remove your hand." Leon pulled his hand back as Cid snorted.

"You're not the only one who loved her." Vincent glared at the man with his ruby eyes; they seem to be glistening with tears. Vincent looked away as more heartless came after them.

"There's so many." Sora whispered as he knelt down from exhaustion.

"Don't give up!" Goofy shouted, throwing his shield at the countless heartless.

"Sora go on ahead with Leon." Cid said as Vincent merely looked away. "Me and the fucking vampire need to talk."

"There is nothing to discuss."

"Like hell there's not, ya fuckin' prick!" Vincent looked at the heartless as Leon led them away. The only living forms around for miles were he and Cid. He looked up. There were no stars. No light. He vaguely remembered a conversation Aeris and Cloud had some time ago on the Highwind.

"Cloud you're life doesn't have to be full of darkness." He sat there staring into his cup. Sighing softly to himself he turned away. He, Vincent Valentine, was always at the wrong place and at the wrong time. The story of his life.

"There is no light for me." Her hand found its way onto Cloud's.

"No matter what you'll always be able to find your light, even in a sea of darkness. Once we beat Sephiroth you'll see that." She smiled as Vincent slowly walked out the door.

But we didn't beat him. In the end he got what he wanted, Yuffie.

The wind blew up some of his ebony hair into his pale face. His red eyes glistened as he heard the sound of sneakers. He sighed as he closed his eyes as the figure approached.

"Yuffie." The teen giggled as she stood beside him on the Highwind deck. "Do you need something?" The skin on her neck pricked as the hairs stood on end. Vincent sensed her discomfort and opened his eyes, glancing at her.

"Why aren't you celebrating with the rest of us?" A powerful gust of wind blew as she shivered from her lack of clothing. He noticed and reached up to un-buckle his cape. Yuffie didn't notice. "I mean we just defeated Sephiroth and here you are moping around. I mean come on, Vinnie, we just saved the world…" She continued as Vincent continued to un-buckle his buckles. "Are you listening to…" He placed the cape over her quivering body and met her surprised gaze.

"I was listening. It was another sin I must atone for…."

"Hey I thought you were over that! Vince, don't start this monster crap! I…" His pale finger pressed itself against her lips, and had an instance effect.

"I wasn't finish. At first I thought it was to be another sin for me to atone, but then I remembered you."


"Yes, you told me, long ago, that I shouldn't forget the past, but not to live in it. I have moved on."

"Vince…" She stared at his pale lips as his pink tongue darted out to lick across them. This was the first time they had been able to talk face to face since the whole chaos incident. His face had gotten so close to hers, as well as his body, she could feel the heat coming off of him. His hand came up to cup her chin, stroking her jaw line with pale, long fingers.

"Yuffie…I.." He closed the distance between them as his lips lightly connected with hers. A moan slipped from his throat as she was crushed up against his body. His tongue licked across her lips, begging for entrance. Slowly he slipped it into her mouth, and slowly slipped it in and out, softly at first, but getting harder, and faster. Growling his claw gripped her waist at the lack of respond from her. His human hand found it's way up her shirt and under one of her cups of her bra. She gasped as he squeezed a nipple, running a long elegant finger over it slowly. Pulling back she barely had a chance to catch her breath before his lips were on hers again, in an urgent manner, like she was his last bit of sanity. He pushed her up against the railing as his cloak slid down her body on the ground. Sensing his agitation she bit his bottom lip, and nibbled on it gently as he pushed himself closer. His hand grabbed her left breast and soon was down to her unbutton shorts. He slipped his hand into her tan shorts and pulled her underwear down. Pulling back for air she looked at his red glowing eyes. A possessive growl reached her ears as he attacked her exposed neck. She jumped as his finger slipped between her folds; she thrust into his finger as her hands found their way under his shirt.

"Augh, Vinc.." He slammed his lips again her bruise ones and slipped in another. Suddenly and swiftly he pulled back away from her and gathered his cloak about him. His fingers left her and zipped up her shorts hastily.

"Why did you…"

"Hey? Any luck with him Yuffie?" Tifa asked as the deck's door flew open. Yuffie's gray eyes snapped up to Vincent as he glanced down in amusement at her.

"I guess."

"Well come on, the party's getting good. You're welcome to join us Vincent." She closed the door and left the two alone. Vincent returned his gaze back to the stars as Yuffie started towards the door. She reached slowly to open it when a hand shot out and stopped her. Vincent slowly reached and turned the knob beckoning her to go first. Smiling she reached up and pulled his cloak down away from his face, leaning in she softly kiss him on the lips. He complied and opened his mouth against hers. She drifted inside his mouth for a taste as his tongue touched hers affectingly. Pulling back she heard him sigh softly. She stepped through the door as his hand grasped hers.

"Ya gotta pull it together, Vince. I swear I've never seen you look so fucking depressed." His red eyes widen. Had he really shown that much emotion on his face? He turned his back on Cid and remained silent. "Do you really think Yuffie would want to see you like this?"

"Yuffie's…" He started as her gray eyes filled his mind. His memories of them together tugged at his heart. Would she honestly like to see him like this, no, but she wasn't here. She was never coming back. "Gone." He finished in a somewhat strangled voice. "We were close Highwind, even in our years of Avalanche. We tried to become intimate on numerous occasions, but if it wasn't chaos it was always another factor. It was as if fate were keeping up apart until this day."

"Listen Vince." Cid stated as he slowly walked up to the shivering man. "It's ok to show emotion, it's ok to cry in front of other people." Cid tried walking around to see Vincent's face, but Vincent moved in step with Cid to keep his back facing the blonde. "Hell I feel like crying right now, but we can't. We got a job to do. We have to save Yuffie. Now ya gotta pull it together." Cid raised his arms and let them fall around Vincent's thin waist. Vincent's eyes went wide as he made a gurgling sound, and quickly pushed Cid away.

"Don't touch me." Vincent backed away from Cid. The memories became so real. It wasn't Cid standing in front of him. It was Yuffie. She smiled and started towards him again. He backed away. "Leave me alone." He hissed as the tears spilled down his eyes.

"Vincent. You can't give up now. Think about it, when it's all over. You'll be together again."

"Yuffie." Slowly Vincent reached out his hand to her, his bottom lip quivered as he did so.

"We gotta save that fucking brat." Cid replaced her. Vincent let his hand drop.

"She's gone. Jenova told me she was gone. Her soul is fading away in Kingdom Hearts."

"Like hell it is! We'll get to the training area first, and then we'll get Sora to take us to this world heart. Then we can get into Kingdom Hearts." Vincent started in the opposite direction.


"Fuck you!" Cid yelled as Vincent stopped and glanced at him over his shoulder. "You're right. You're a monster and you don't deserve fucking Yuffie. I hope that when she gets back, that Leon will fuck her, cause you sure as hell don't deserve too!" Something snapped in Vincent then. Cid found his air being cut off by Vincent's pale hand, gripping at his throat.

"Say it again!" His grip tightened as Cid smirked at him.

"I thought it didn't matter if she was gone? Haven't you given up all hope of ever seeing her again anyway? What's the matter don't like me bad-mouthing her. I said maybe Leon would fuck her because a damn monster doesn't deserve too." Vincent's eyes glowed red as he felt anger surge through his body. He threw Cid across the pavement and his blood splattered across the cement.

"Take it back!" Vincent lunged at Cid with his claw extended. A scent hit his nose as he stopped in terror.

"Hi, Vinnie!" Vincent whipped around to find Yuffie standing behind him. Cid growled and pulled out his spear.

"Don't you dare fall for it Vince, we know it's not her." Yuffie's lips quivered as a tear fell from her left eye.

"How can you let him say such bad things about me, Vinnie? Aren't I important to you." Vincent's mind swirled as he gripped his head to try and clear it.

"I…Yuffie…. not…" She smiled and walked closer towards him. Vincent gripped his head with his human head, as the pain got worse. Her hands were around his waist, her tiny body rubbing up against his, her lips being placed over his. Letting his eyes drip shut he embraced her as she ran some fingers over his forehead in an attempt to calm him. "Yuffie." He muttered against her lips, as her tongue entered his mouth, her grip on him hurt, but he barely felt anything anymore, just her, his Yuffie, his lover. He opened his eyes at the sound of burning flesh. He tasted blood, her blood.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Cid yelled and summoned another fira spell. Yuffie's body melted away in his arms as Jenova growled and threw out a fira spell of her own. Cid was thrown back into a nearby building. Vincent's body froze as the pain tripled and he fell to one knee trying to aim and point at Jenova.

A mouse and cat game, Valentine. You lose!

"Ah! …Stop…" Cid had never heard Vincent utter a single sound in battle, he never once cried out when in pain, or complained. To hear Vincent scream in agony was almost too much for him to take. Chaos's wings ripped out of Vincent's back as the man clawed at them, screaming writhing in pain. A pair of second arms emerges from the holes that the wings had made. Jenova gripped Vincent down as he screamed over and over again, begging her to stop. He kicked, struggled, finally his arms stopping failing, his body just seem to stop moving. Another being emerged from the gaping hole now that was over Vincent's entire back. The beast grinned and flexed it claw.

"It's good to be back, and out of that horrible excuse for a body."

"Welcome back, General, or Chaos, as you are called now." Jenova said as Vincent's body flinched. Chaos sighed and pressed his claws against the hole.

"Can't have you dying just yet." He healed Vincent with his demonic powers.

"Come we have things to do. In a swirl of heartless the two disappeared. Vincent's remained still as his tears flooded the ground, mixing with his blood. They left red trails down his pale cheeks. His ebony hair was matted to his forehead as he left out an unwilling sob of despair. He was shaking, he needed comfort, he needed someone to hold him, and he needed Yuffie.

"Vincent!" a gloved hand gripped his shoulder as he howled out in pain. The hand retracted as Cid's face came into his line of view.

"Cid." Vincent voice cracked, his usual cold, steady demeanor gone. A small sob escaped through his parted lips as he allowed his eyes to squeeze shut. He was pulled into Cid's warm embrace.

"Shush, Vince, hell, let it all out." Vincent not knowing what else to do buried his head in the nape of Cid's neck and sobbed like the scared man he was. He was in shock, he was scared, and he was confused. His lover was gone; he let another one be taken away, by Hojo. His demon just forced its way out of him, Jenova, who was using his lover's body, tricked him. His last bit of sanity was gone. Cid's voice was so far away, "Hell Vince, let it all out, damn it. They'll pay for this, we'll make sure of it. Cry it out son, no one will fault you for being human. We'll get to SOB's and get Yuffie back no matter what it takes. It's not carved in stone yet."

"Highwind." Vincent whispered quietly as Cid stopped talking and remained quiet.

"Yea, Vincent?" Gulping Vincent pulled back away from the other man's warm embrace.

"How are you so sure?" Cid smiled and wiped a stray tear from Vincent's pale face. Staring the man straight in the eye Cid laughed.

"How can you not be?" Vincent, the might Vincent Valentine, averted his gaze from the intense blue glow.

"We defeated Sephiroth, Hojo, and Jenova, before. It should have ended there, but then three years later the heartless came. We were separated, some of us died, and now it's the end of the world. Our efforts were worthless, Highwind. They won in the end."

"It's not over yet."

"Is it?"

"No, Yuffie's still with us, Vincent. Can't you feel her? Have you truly given up? Will you spend the next thirty years laying in a coffin telling yourself Yuffie's death was your fault."

"She's not dead."

"You said she was gone, she might as well be from you."

"I will die before I see her taken away from me."

"Hot damn! That's what I wanted to hear from you, you moody bastard! Let's meet up with the others!" Cid got up and started towards the district.

"Hey, High-Cid?" Cid turned around and looked at Vincent as he composed himself.

"Thank you." His pale lips stretched out as he revealed his white teeth.

"Hell Vince, it must be the end of the world, you're fucking smiling." Vincent's smiled dropped.

"That's not funny."

"Hell it is!"

In the old Training Place

"You made it!" Sora said as Cid and Vincent walked in. Leon nodded at the two as Donald and Goofy waved. Cid pulled out the bag of Materia, digging through it he found holy.

"This is Holy." Cid stated holding up the white orb. "Aerith prayed to the planet a long time ago for this. When the heartless attacked our world we received holy again, for a second time. It saved our planet from Sephiroth and Jenova before, it should do it again."

"How will you activate Holy's effect? We no longer have Aerith, nor a pure light source." Vincent stated as his eyes bore into Leon's. Cid smiled as he flipped them a thumbs up.

"We'll do it, by forcing Yuffie out of Jenova!"

Cid's making a plan, no that's a scary thought. Vincent's human! He cried and needs somebody for comfort collected gasps and awes I thought it was cute.
