Disclaimer: I own nothing, so don't sue

A/n: I know, you are all pretty angry right now, but let me explain why I am re-writing this fic. I was just about to update the final chapter, when I got an email from They had removed this fic. Someone had reported it and had it removed. So now I have to re-write it all. I will be updating once everyday to get these chapters and this fic out of the way so that I can concentrate on my others. I am sorry for an inconvenience. I just hope you will all continue to read and review. I want to get back all of my reviews if I can so please review again. Thanks for reading this long A/n you are all great readers. I love you all.

Thanks to my beta Monica7725 you are awesome

Chapter One – Back to Hogwarts

Hermione sat in her room waiting for her mother and father to get ready, so that they could take her back to Hogwarts. She was due to start her seventh year and she couldn't be happier. She had been made Head Girl, but didn't know who had made Head Boy. All she knew was that it wasn't Ron nor was it Harry.

Ron, Harry and Ginny had all sent her a lot of owls over the summer, inviting her to spend the holiday at the Burrow. But she had to say no, since she was spending vacation travelling with her parents. She had convinced them to make Egypt their last stop. Ever since Ron had told her about all of the tombs, she had been dying to see them.

"Hermione we're ready now, you're trunk is already in the car. We just need to get Crookshanks settled and we can go. Are you ready yet?"

"Yeah, just a minute" Hermione double checked her room, just to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything. Once she was happy that she hadn't, she headed downstairs.

Her parents laughed at how excited she was. She had been enjoying her summer holidays, because of all the historical places they had visited. But even then, she was never this excited.

Once they were all in the car they headed to the train station. Even though Hermione could apparate now, she preferred to drive there. It made it seem much more special somehow.

Once she reached the train station she said her good-byes to her parents and headed for platform 9 ¾. When she got there, however, she saw that there were a lot of people hanging around the entrance of the platform. Once she got closer she heard people talking and laughing.

"I've never seen this happen before!" said one excited 6th year, who she knew was Colin Creevey. His excited little brother was just as excited as Colin was apparently, because he was jumping up and down with glee.

"Aww, the poor guy…" came from a girl who was in the 5 yr, but Hermione didn't know the name of.

Hermione decided to see what the hold up was, when she got to the entrance she couldn't help but laugh. She had to lean on her trolley for support because she was laughing that hard, she felt like her knees were going to give way anytime soon. What she saw was that Ron was stuck in the entrance to the platform, only his top half was sticking out to this side of the platform and his legs were obviously trapped on the other side. His face was maroon from the embarrassment, but when he saw Hermione he screamed her name "Hermione, Hermione, HERMIONE stop laughing and help me out!"

Once Hermione had stopped laughing she walked towards him and used a simple charm to free him from the wall. Apparently, what happened was, he had annoyed Ginny so much to the point that, as he was walking through the barrier, she put a charm on the entrance to close it.

Once everyone was settled on the train, Hermione had to go up to the prefect's compartment to tell them of their duties. As she walked in they all looked up at her waiting for her to speak. She had gotten all the details from Professor McGonagall before hand. "Ok when you get to the great hall your main responsibilities are to get the first years to their dormitories. The passwords are Ravenclaw – Scintillating, Hufflepuff – Loyalty, Slytherin – Pureblood and Gryffindor – Bravery. You will also have check that the students are in their dormitories or common room before 10pm, as that is the curfew. Anyone who is found loitering around the halls past that time will be given detention and will have points removed from their house; make sure that they understand this. You will also have to patrol the corridors of the train until we reach Hogwarts, to make sure no one is using magic. Anyone found doing magic should be either brought to me or one of the Head Boy to be punished. Come to think of it. I haven't seen the Head boy, has anyone seen him or know who he is?"

Everyone in the room shrugged and Hermione sighed "Okay, well just bring them to me for now, until I find out who the Head Boy is. You can go now, you can choose to stay in this compartment or go and sit with your friends. Either way remember that you are all now prefects and have responsibilities and those along with the benefits will be taken away from you, if we find out you have not been doing you're job correctly."

Everyone nodded and murmured that they understood, and they all walked out of the compartment. Hermione turned to follow them but as she began to walk out of the compartment door, it opened.

"Granger? Should have known you would be head girl." Draco was looking up at her with his usual smirk in play.

"Malfoy. You're the Head Boy?" Hermione was shocked. She knew he was second in all of his classes, but she didn't think that Dumbledore would be daft enough to put him in such a high position.

"Yes." Draco smirked at the fact that she was shocked.

Hermione composed herself "Well you should have been here earlier, to tell the prefects their duties but obviously that is beneath you. Anyway, they have been told everything that they need to know"

"Well seeming as I am not needed, I will go back to my compartment"

He was about to turn around and leave, when Hermione stood in his way. "No you will not, considering I have just done the briefing on my own you will have to do the rest alone."

"Which is?"

"You have to go and find all of the first years and make sure that they are changed into their robes, and tell them that we will be reaching Hogwarts in four hours. Also tell them that once they get off the train they need to follow Hagrid."

Draco looked displeased "I am not doing all of that on my own, I will not let a mudblood like you drop all of the work on me" Just then a little cough came behind them. It sounded so much like Umbrigde that both Draco and Hermione jumped and spun around. It was Professor McGonagall. "Mr Malfoy you will do as Ms. Granger said, if you do not you will no longer be Head Boy and you will have detention for a month. Now if you excuse me, I need to talk to Professor Hagrid before we reach Hogwarts"

Hermione smiled innocently at Draco, just to let him know that she had won that round, and now the score was one to her and nil to him. She walked passed him to find Ron, Harry, Ginny and Neville.

Please Read and Review. Again I am going to apologise about having to do this but it wasn't something I have control over. If you reviewed to chapter 16 before I will write your reply below. Look out for your name.

ELvEnWiCca: Thanks, I hope you will continue to read this even though I have had to start from scratch.

Samantha Cameron : I will be making a sequel after all this is reposted. If anyone has any ideas for the name, drop me a review and let me know

xoKaSsIeox: I'm glad that this was one of your favourites and I hope you will read it again

Purple Raveness: Yes our Draco is very smart lol. I hope you will continue to read it

Draco's Wife Lover: I'm sorry, when I got your review, I wrote the next chapter and was about to upload it when it got taken of, please be patient. It will be completed soon

Revelyn: I don't make my chapters long, I am aware of that. But when I get near the end of a fic I just want to make the chapters shorter and more often.

Mattiemalfoy: Don't worry there will be a sequel. I will write it when all of these chapters are out

Monica7725: Hey my wonderful beta, you will know everything that happens before anyone else. But I hope you will still review.

Curlyq2713: Thanks, I hope you will continue to review so that I know that people are still reading this fic despite it getting taken of the first time

DanRadcliffe5666: Hey I hope you will continue to read and review to this, again. But I look forward to reading your reviews

Twisted Slytherin: Lol you must have the same train of thought as me, I was thinking along the same lines.

hannah-901: Hope you will continue to read and review it would mean a lot to me to know that my readers like my fic so much to read it again after I re-post it.

Lady of the Realm: Lol I hope you continue to read this fic, and I must say that I am awaiting your next update. I love your writing, you are awesome.

Dynasty: thanks, I have a lot of ideas for new fics, but for the moment I want to get these finished before I write anymore

sleeping:o)beauty: thanks I hope you will continue to read and review even though I have to re-write it all lol

alcathous: Its Hermione she gets happy about a book, I think actually visiting the tombs would be great for her. Hope you continue to read.