Author's Note: The end. No, really. This is the end of Hisoka and Tsuzuki's admirer story. The next one 'The Old Trick' is based around Tatsumi. We, and this chapter is kind of… More explicit than the others… But I don't wanna change the rating so this is now an R-rated chapter. Enjoy…

"Er… Muraki-san? What are you doing with… With a French maid's outfit?" Oriya asked. Muraki chuckled.

"Tsuzuki would look very hot in it, you agree?" He asked. Oriya shook his head but allowed the man to continue. "Earlier, Kotori Neko-chan came round and gave me this. It's a replica of the envelopes used from Tsuzuki's secret admirer. Therefore, I give him this and later can pretend to be the admirer. Perfect plan!"

Oriya would have told Muraki that Neko had told him that Tsuzuki and Hisoka were together. But this could be far too funny to stop Muraki now…

Hisoka walked into the apartment he and Tsuzuki now shared. He stopped when he saw a small package on the coffee table. Shuffling forward he picked it up. A green envelope? Hey, who'd raided his letter writing set?

He opened it, seeing as he sure as hell hadn't opened it and he was pretty sure that only Tsuzuki had been able to get into his letters recently…

"My dearest, I thought you could try this on for me?" Was all it said. Hisoka blinked and unwrapped the parcel. He choked. French… maid… kitty… ears… fluffy… tail… NO WAY!

He blushed, did Tsuzuki really want him to wear this? Sighing he picked it up, deciding he might as well try it on…

Tsuzuki walked in the house feeling refreshed. Now he and Hisoka were together, the boy had convinced him to move in about two weeks after the end of the secret admirer incident. Tsuzuki hadn't been reluctant, but he'd thought about everything it represented and wondered whether or not Hisoka was really ready…

That was until Hisoka had jumped him in the office one day and they'd have gone all the way if it hadn't been for Tatsumi walking in… That had caused a long bout of teasing but not much more.

He had decided to move in then and he'd rarely had a full nights sleep since.

And was proud to admit it.

However, as he walked in and saw Hisoka was no where to be found, he began to worry. Usually Hisoka would be curled up on the sofa with a book while something was baking in the oven. The boy made a great housewife (as it were) and always made sure that, when he got back from work, he did all the housework and got everything ready for when Tsuzuki got home. When asked about it, he'd reply 'Just because' and refuse to elaborate.

Tsuzuki speculated that was because Hisoka couldn't sit down.

He didn't mean that in a perverted way.

He gave up looking and just went into the bedroom where he was surprised to find Hisoka. His jaw dropped however, when he saw what Hisoka was wearing… His Hii-chan… His innocent little Hii-chan was… was…

"Gyah, nosebleed," Tsuzuki ducked into the en suite bathroom, splashing his face with cold water and blowing his nose. He looking in again, just to check he hadn't been imagining things. No, Hisoka was still there, looking very cute, and blushing in… In a French maid's outfit with cute little kitty ears and a tail.

"His…oka… You didn't need to…" He rasped. He didn't know how Hisoka had ever found out about the conversation he'd had with Watari about the one thing he'd like to see Hisoka wear, if only for comic value but suddenly… it wasn't so funny… In fact, he was having a pretty hard time swallowing…

"Ne, Tsuzuki-san? Don't you like it?" Hisoka asked, his eyes widening. Tsuzuki shook his head.

"It… You… It's…" Tsuzuki just gave up trying to speak and crossed the room in three strides, picking Hisoka up and dumping him unceremoniously on the bed. A few breathy "Asaaaatooo-saaaan!"s wouldn't be too bad tonight…

Outside the apartment, Muraki appeared, straightening his collar and smoothing his hair. Little did he know that Oriya had followed him. Or that Oriya had informed Tatsumi-san that Muraki was here, although he had spared the secretary the details. He had a horrible feeling that the man might have a coronary if he learned about all the perverse things people in love did with each other.

However, with Watari and Tatsumi in tow, Oriya couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Muraki, and Tsuzuki who was probably wearing a French maid's outfit now and comfortably in the middle of something with Hisoka.

Muraki went inside, Oriya and the other shinigami followed. Muraki went into the bedroom and froze. Hisoka was blushing like crazy, pulling up the covers as far as he could. Tsuzuki looked slightly confused as he just let the covers pool around his hips. The French maid's outfit had most obviously not been worn by Tsuzuki… Hisoka had kitty ears on…

"MY VIRGIN EYES!" Watari screamed, covering his eyes. Tatsumi gave him a withering look.

"You're not a virgin…" He pointed out. Watari shrugged.

"Someone had to say it…" Watari shrugged.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Hisoka was the first to regain his senses. However, Muraki had yelled the same thing at Oriya at the same time. It resulted in confusion.

"Well, I thought this was too funny an opportunity to miss… Seeing as, well, I knew Hisoka and Tsuzuki would be getting it on and I wanted to see your face!" Oriya said cheerfully.

"We're here to make sure you don't try to dismember anyone," Tatsumi said, gesturing quite clearly to Oriya and Hisoka. Watari nodded in agreement. Tsuzuki, deciding that the question was directed at him as well, leaned in to Hisoka's ear, whispering something only the boy could hear. He blushed and buried further under the covers.

"Just go away!" He squeaked from his hiding place.

"Tsu… Did you… The outfit. Where is it?" Muraki demanded. Tsuzuki blinked.

"Hisoka's got it on," He pointed at the mound of covers. Watari and Tatsumi looked at each other, and before anyone could stop the blonde he'd pulled back the covers to reveal Hisoka curled into a ball with half a French maids outfit on… And a kitty tail…

Tsuzuki hastily pulled the covers back up his legs. He'd rather not let Muraki see him butt-naked. The man might decide that 'look' meant 'touch'.

"KAWAII!" Watari squealed. Hisoka stammered and blushed and looked anywhere but at Muraki.

"Take. It. Off. That. Belongs. To. Me." Muraki spat. Hisoka blushed redder.

"But… All these people…" The boy choked out. Muraki's eyebrows rose.

"I've seen you naked before Hisoka…" He let that sink in to everyone. Tsuzuki's eyes darkened, Oriya looked at the ground and Hisoka seemed to shrink where he was curled up. "Oriya runs a brothel, I'm sure he's seen plenty. Watari already admitted he isn't a virgin, and the secretary… Well, he's so straight-laced he's GOT to have been to a soaplands.." At this Tatsumi blushed and confirmed Muraki's speculations. Oriya started to laugh. Watari opened and closed his mouth a few times like a fish. Tsuzuki just blinked stupidly.

"What's Soaplands?" He asked. Hisoka groaned and pulled the covers over him.

"Brothel," He muttered. Tsuzuki blinked stupidly.

"I'm sorry. Those words don't go together. Tatsumi. Brothel. No, see, they don't go in the same sentence!" Tsuzuki said cheerfully. Muraki blinked, then just held out his hand.

"Outfit. Now," He ordered. Hisoka pulled up the covers and began to take it off, remaining hidden and blushing furiously. Tsuzuki then had his ingenious idea…

"Here, let me help," Tsuzuki offered. Hisoka wanted to die then and there. Tsuzuki started to take it off as sensually as he could. The younger shinigami wanted to kill him. Muraki was virtually panting, god's knew what the psycho was thinking. Tatsumi's eyes were bulging. Oriya was laughing his head off and Watari just had… a smile on his face that clearly meant he had no idea what was going on.

"Oh, Hisoka. Here, you forgot something," Tsuzuki ran his hands down Hisoka's abdomen. Hisoka frowned, no he hadn't- Tsuzuki's hand squeezed and he gasped.

"Oh no, my mistake!" Tsuzuki said happily, handing the crumpled maids outfit to Muraki.

"See you!" He said cheerfully. Muraki disappeared. Oriya and Watari left also but Tatsumi seemed to be paralysed. Hisoka cleared his throat loudly and Tatsumi just… about turned like a zombie…

"T-T-T-Tsu…" Hisoka just gave up, allowing embarrassment to completely take over.

"Now… Where were we?"


Author's Notes:

Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout writing this. Please continue to read my work

Ja for now!

Another chance to beg for the winners listed in the previous chapter to email me permission to upload their gift fics and also, so I don't get confused and email to wrong person the wrong fic... It could get embarrassing...