Disclaimer: Anything that you recognise does not belong to me; it belongs to the very talented J.K. Rowling. Lucky her! I am doing this purely to see if I can, I am not making any money off of this what so ever. Unlucky me!

Also, I have read a lot of stories on this site, so if anything is familiar, it is not on purpose… Could you simply take it as an homage?

A/N: Hello everyone, I am so sorry about the huge delay, school suddenly got very intense and I couldn't get on my coputer without compulsively doing my asignments... You all actually have the band SIMPLE PLAN to thank for this as I went to their concert two weeks ago and it inspired me to write more. Then my internet connection died a horrible and painful death. So, finally I am back online and without further adu (spelling?) I give you chapter twenty seven, I hope people still want to read it!

Draco stretched luxuriously in his bed, slowly coming out of sleep and reaching for his mate. They had spent the entire night talking things over about the 'veela issue' and he was now feeling much more confident in his relationship with Harry. Not encountering Harry's body in his half asleep state bought Draco completely out of slumber and he sat up looking around wildly for his mate, when they had fallen asleep, Harry had been right there next to him. Sighting him down the other end of the infirmary, Draco's heart slowed from its panicked gallop and he smiled as he watched Harry race towards him.

"Dray! Its here! Its here!" Harry called, waving a newspaper above his head

"Hurry up then!" Draco called back with a big grin

Laughing at his soul mate's unabashed smile Harry bounced up to the end of the bed and sat down. "The Daily Prophet is here!" He sang, waving the folded newspaper above his head

"Stop dawdling, you are wasting my time at being able to order you around today, Potter," Draco responded, smirking at Harry's unabashed enthusiasm at enjoying the little things. He knew that life would never be boring with Harry in his life always finding something to be excited about.

"Okay, okay, but don't be so sure that you are going to win our bet, the wizarding world is has more class than you think" Harry replied unfolding the newspaper "And the headline for the Daily Prophet today is….. I don't believe it"

Harry threw the paper on the bed so Draco could see the banner headline screaming across the page



"Ha ha! I win! You are my slave for all today! Yes!" Draco dropped all pretence at being regal and contained in his excitement, going completely over board and doing a victory dance right there on top of the bed.

"Okay slave, my first order to you today is to get Madame Pomfrey, I want to get the hell out of here, we are going shopping!"

Harry groaned, but complied with his 'master's' wishes, going to get the nurse from her office.

As Madame Pomfrey gave Draco a thorough examination, Harry sat on the side of his bed dwelling over his loss.

"I can't believe it. The worst Dark Lord EVER was reduced to ash and cinder, leaving the world free from his terror and they report on my love life? I think I am going to have to write a letter"

"Get over it," Draco sighed as Madame Pomfrey poked and prodded him, muttering spells under her breath the entire time. "You need to understand that the press is unbelievably stupid, so just put the article in a box to show our kids when they ask about how you vanquished the big bad and move on. And that's an order slave," he finished with a grin.

"What ever," Harry snorted, moving out of Madame Pomfrey's way as she concluded her examination.

As they stepped into the fresh air outside the front doors of Hogwarts, Draco grabbed Harry's wrist and started to drag him down the hill towards Hogsmeade

"Come, I am not going to let any slave of mine be seen in public dressed as you usually do. We are going to take advantage of this school free day and get you properly attired"

"What if I wanted to spend today with my friends? Huh? I may have wanted to explain to Hermione what was going on, rather than let her read it in a newspaper," Harry tried, partly to stir Draco up, but mainly he was worried about how Hermione was going to take the news

"Don't worry about Granger," Draco smirked, "She is smarter than you give her credit for. She figured it all out weeks ago, she knows we are soul mates and she threatened me with death if I hurt you. Although, if you are a very good slave today and submit to my will gracefully, I might let you go talk to her tonight. Now come on, we need to get you out of those awful things you seem to think are clothes!"

"Hey!" Harry protested, looking down at his clothes. He didn't think they were that bad, they were ones he had bought himself and not Dudley's cast offs at least.

"Harry, you are a Potter, a member of one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. And even if that weren't so, you are the soul mate of a MALFOY. You can not be seen in public wearing generic brand clothing." Draco scrunched up his face as if he had tasted something foul. "Don't you realise that you have been put on a pedestal, and if you do not live up to expectations that pedestal will crumble. The public is fickle, you need some semblance of defence against them and changing your clothing will be the first step towards this."

"Dray, I am not going to act as if I am better than everyone. I do not feel like I am above anyone and I am not going to go swanning around putting on airs and graces in fancy clothes!"

"Well I happen to think you are better than everyone, but we will let that go for the moment. I am not expecting you to act any different to how you are now. You will simply be better dressed. That is all. Now come on, hurry up" Draco replied as he pulled Harry along through the town.

Harry couldn't believe the change in the village as he walked through its streets. People were stopping to look in the windows of stores, they were smiling, they were laughing, and they were acknowledging others in their path. It was as if a huge cloud had been lifted from the village of Hogsmeade and the people were rejoicing

"Wow, look what we did…" Harry whispered in awe

"Hmm?" Draco hummed his enquiry into what Harry had said

"Nothing" Harry replied with a brilliant smile, before taking Draco's hand and dragging him closer to him so he could wrap an arm around the blondes waist

"Come on, we are going in here" Draco said a while later, pulling Harry into a small boutique 'Chez Claude, International Couture'.

Harry found himself shoved into the largest dressing room he had ever seen in his life. Little did he know that the dressing cubicle was going to be his prison for the next few hours as Draco and Claude (who had greeted the young Malfoy heir with dollar signs in his eyes) forced him into what felt like every single item of clothing in the store and then critiqued him ruthlessly. At last Harry reached his salvation when he heard Draco call over the door

"Okay Harry, that is all for today, I think we have enough to work with for the time being. Once the school year is over though we are going to have to go to Diagon Alley and London for a more extensive wardrobe. Put on the red Givenchi button down shirt with the black Vuitisse wool slacks and the Mary Williams black dragon hide belt with the silver etchings and buckle. For the shoes try the black Ribicci loafers, no socks. While you have been in there a crowd of people have appeared outside the door. This is the perfect time for your debut in your new clothes."

Harry struggled into the clothes that Draco had dictated, and while he did not agree with the sentiment of dressing as if he were better than everyone else, he did have to admit that Draco knew his shit. Harry didn't think he had ever found clothes that worked so well together, or looked so good on.

Walking out of the fitting room he stood for inspection and after receiving a quick 'you'll do' from his boyfriend, his hand was grabbed and he and Draco pushed their way into the crowd. It was overwhelming, there were hands grabbing at him from all directions, people screaming, people weeping their gratitude and reporters firing questions at the pair. Draco guided Harry out of the crowd, the boy who lived simply smiling and following along, ignoring the questions being fired at them. Until one question caught him by surprise…

"Mr Potter, when are we going to hear about children from the pair of you then?"

Before he could react Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and apparated them out of the crowd.

Harry and Draco landed outside of the gates of Hogwarts with a light thump, leaving his arms around the slightly smaller boy

"Sorry about that, I could see more of the crowd, and it went on forever. I figured that it would be best to just apparate out of there."

"That's fine. Dray," Harry started uncertainly "One of the reporters back there mentioned something about children, and now that I think about it you mentioned something about them earlier this morning. I don't understand, are we expected to adopt immediately or something?"

"Harry, I thought you read that bit…" Draco was a bit thrown and unsure of how to continue, "All veelas are able to bare children. It is rare in part veelas, but if the bond is strong enough, you would be able to impregnate me. And considering that you were able to apparate to my whereabouts the day before yesterday that could be an indication that a strong bond is to follow."

"Oh," was all Harry could think to say.