Return to the Past

By: Shadow Kage

Disclaimer: I don't own IY or YYH; they belong to their respected owners.

Disclaimer 2: I own all characters, items, techniques, and locations that I create.

"blah" – normal speech

'blah' – thoughts

"blah" – Youkai tongue

(blah) – alternate name

A/N: within ( ) – Author Note

Blah – Telepathy

Blah – Location, date, Flashback/End Flashback, Dream Sequence/End Dream Sequence

Summary: Five hundred years ago Youkai and Human's lived together, though it wasn't always in peace and harmony. Some were constantly or almost constantly fighting each other for survival. However, centuries later Human's and Youkai now live in two separate worlds. Humans oblivious that Youkai still exist have disregarded them as Legends and Myths. However the Youkai know of the Humans and some still try to return to the Human World to cause chaos. However another world where humans and Youkai alike go when they die as developed barriers to prevent this from happening. Still that is not always enough as some Youkai are extremely clever and still threaten the Human World. This is where the Reikai Tantei comes in, a specialized group of Youkai, Humans, and the mysterious third race work together to keep the Human World safe. This is where our story takes place…

Chapter One: Confrontation

The three worlds have coexisted with each other for centuries, with only Youkai in one world, only Humans in another and only a third mysterious race in the third. However it wasn't always like this, once there were four worlds, but a terrible war caused one of the four worlds to dwindle into a mere memory of what it once was. Youkai once lived freely in two worlds, the Makai (Youkai World) and the Ningenkai (Human World). During this time some Youkai mated with humans to create hanyou's, half Youkai, half human beings. However it was not to last as Youkai began to think the hanyou a disgrace and the humans also a disgrace. So humans and Youkai became bitter enemies, but not all were enemies, just misunderstood and feared because of their heritage. Many were subject to this and there are plenty of examples, however none more so than the one known as Inuyasha.

Son to the Inutaisho, the Lord of the Western Lands, Inuyasha was a hanyou who never knew his father. Shunned by his older half brother Sesshomaru, Inuyasha lived with his mother, where he was also shunned by the villagers. Growing up was difficult with many Youkai out to get him and villages refusing to take him in because of his heritage, because he was a hanyou. However as he grew older, he became stronger and more independent, not caring for either human or Youkai. But this was not to be forever, when Inuyasha was seventeen, he fell in love with a Youkai's worst enemy… a priestess (miko). Unlike these days in the modern times where one would simply ask a girl out, then he had to be careful not to be killed. Planning to have originally stolen the sacred object she guarded, the Shikon no Tama (Jewel of Four Souls, Shikon Jewel) he planned to use its power to become a full fledged Youkai and become stronger than ever. But as was mentioned before he fell in love with the priestess. Her name was Kikyo…

Time flew by like it was nothing, until that fateful day when Inuyasha and Kikyo had planned to use the jewel's power to make Inuyasha a full fledged human. However as Kikyo waited in the field for Inuyasha she was struck down. To her utter horror, it was Inuyasha who had struck her down and shattered her heart.

Later in that same day Inuyasha waited for Kikyo by the tree's to the forest. However several purifying arrows nearly stuck him as he turned to see that it was Kikyo who had attacked him. Fleeing from being shot by the arrows Inuyasha stole the Shikon Jewel from its shrine and proceeded to escape into the forest, only to shot through the heart by a purifying arrow. It was Kikyo who had shot him and placed the spell on him that would keep him bound to the Holy Tree for fifty years. Kikyo died that same day, taking the jewel with her into death.

Five centuries later it was a young girl named Kagome who had stumbled upon a portal to the past, who had freed Inuyasha from his slumber. Together they made their way across the land to collect the shards of the Shikon Jewel that Kagome had shattered in order to keep it from being used by a Crow Youkai. Along the way they were joined by several others, Shippo the Red Kitsune, Sango the Youkai Exterminator/Slayer, along with her faithful companion and friend the two-tailed Kirara (pronounced Key-La-La), and the perverted monk with a curse on his right hand, a void, Miroku. Together they collect the Jewel Shards to keep another evil hanyou known as Naraku from getting them. Getting into fights with Naraku, his incarnations, Inuyasha's older brother, and many others they continue their journey making new friends and ally's everyday. However something has changed… something that threatens not only the past, but the future as well, this is where our story begins…

Feudal Era – Kaede's Village

Kagome and the others were heading back to Kaede's Village after another trip out to find Jewel Shards on a tip that turned out to be false. Because of it Inuyasha was brooding again and was making everyone else uncomfortable. When they arrived in Kaede's Village though, they got the shock of their lives. Sesshomaru was waiting for them, in a human village!

"What do you want here Sesshomaru!" sneered Inuyasha.

"As much as I dislike you Inuyasha, we have a common enemy. You want Naraku dead, as do I and several others. I propose a temporary alliance, a truce if you will, until Naraku is dead. It is your choice Inuyasha, it is up to you to decide," said Sesshomaru.

"How do I know I can trust you? You have tired several times in the past to kill me and anyone else who was with me. I need more than just Naraku to strike a deal with you. What I want is a blood oath, Sesshomaru, something you can't go back on or attempt anything against those you are allied with," said Inuyasha.

"You are smarter than you let on Inuyasha… Very well, I offer my blood as proof that I shall not, nor shall I ever, attempt anything against you while we are allied, that I shall not break my blood oath. However if it is beyond either of our knowledge, that what this oath is binding us to, that anything that should happen afterwards shall not effect status of either of us. Are we agreed Inuyasha?" asked Sesshomaru as he cut his hand and let his blood drop onto the ground.

Inuyasha cut his own hand and let the blood drop to the ground and mix with Sesshomaru's. "We are agreed Sesshomaru, all decisions will be jointly."

Sesshomaru nodded his approval and noticed Kagome sneaking off towards a well. Curious as to what Sesshomaru was looking at Inuyasha saw Kagome sneaking off.

"HEY! Where do you think your going wench!" demanded Inuyasha angrily.

"HOME, I have tests coming up and I am not going to fail them!" replied Kagome angrily as she turned to him with her hand held out.

"OH NO YOU'RE NOT! You're going to stay here and help find Jewel Shards!" said Inuyasha defiantly.

"Inuyasha…," started Kagome as Inuyasha cringed back in fear.

"Yeah Kagome?" asked Inuyasha.

"SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!" yelled Kagome as Inuyasha was pounded into the ground over and over again.

Sesshomaru himself was curious how Kagome could hold such power over his younger brother as to make him cringe in fear with just one word. He noticed Inuyasha's companions shaking there heads as if this was common.

"Inuyasha will never learn," said Miroku.

"You monk, explain this," said Sesshomaru.

"Which part, Kagome making Inuyasha crash into the ground face first, or the well?" asked Miroku.

"Both," replied Sesshomaru.

"It's simple. The well is a passage way to Kagome's world. Only she and Inuyasha can go through it. Otherwise you merely crash into the bottom of the well, like any other dried up well. Now Inuyasha's necklace was put on him by the Priestess Kaede, with Kagome having the ability to bind Inuyasha into submission with a single word. That word is 'sit'. In her world, as she explained it to us, dos, no offense to you Lord Sesshomaru, are common household pets by humans. They use the word sit to command that dogs into sitting down. Now Kagome will say one of two phrases using this word, either 'sit' or 'sit boy'. Either one causes Inuyasha to crash into the ground face first," explained Miroku.

"So the girl is from another world? She is the strangest girl I have ever met," said Sesshomaru.

"Yes, well when she returns, she will bring items from her world. She brings food and other items back all the time, most are very interesting," said Miroku.

Present Day – 495 Years Later – Dream Sequence

'Strange that I should dream of the past, yet this isn't my past.'

The being stood on a large mountain looking over the land. It was actually quite nice; however he could sense thousands of Youkai. He knew when this was, as it was actually one of the few subjects he cared to study, this was the Feudal Era. This was before Enma had forced all Youkai into the Makai and separated the two worlds by a barrier. He was known in the Reikai as a great ruler, but he knew better. Enma did whatever it took to get things the way he wanted them. He wanted control over the Youkai, so he sealed them in the Makai. But in order to maintain his so called control he had to give certain types of Youkai areas to survive in. So he had the lands of the Makai split into four groups, all surrounding the center, which was the Neutral Lands, where the leaders of the lands met to discuss disputes. The Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Lands were what the lands were named as a way to make it seem like nothing had truly changed for them, even though it had. He had a deep personal hatred for Enma and he wouldn't rest until Enma was dethroned and his friend, Koenma, took over. Though he was the son of Enma, he didn't always agree with his father and often disobeyed many rules to help him out, at least when he could.

"One day Enma, I'll be the living hell out of you," said the being.

End Dream Sequence

"Yusuke get up or you'll be late for school!" yelled Atsuko.

"I'm up, I'm up, besides I'm just going to get kicked out of school again by the two teachers that have it in for me," said Yusuke.

"Well, if they give you any trouble that isn't justified, then give them one big headache!" said Atsuko.

Yusuke nodded and headed to school, he ran into Keiko along the way. She was his ex, but they were still good friends.

"Hey Keiko," said Yusuke.

"Yusuke are you actually going to school?" asked Keiko.

"Yeah, why?" asked Yusuke.

"Rat face as you call him went before the school board early yesterday and you've been suspended from school grounds until the hearing," said Keiko.

"Figure's he'd do that to me," said Yusuke. "Do you mind explaining this to my mother after school then?"

"Sure, Yusuke, I'll be glad to tell her," said Keiko. "By the way, Suichi's moving; apparently he and his mother were evicted."

"Thanks, for the info Keiko," said Yusuke. "I think I'll go give him a hand."

"See you at five Yusuke," said Keiko. "You better not be late!"

"Keiko, I'm not going to be home until eight," said Yusuke. "I'll be at work, making up the time I missed."

"Alright, but not a minute past eight thirty," said Keiko.

Yusuke made his way down to Kurama's apartment and saw the landlord giving Shiori a piece of her mind. Deciding to wait until the landlord or Shiori left, Yusuke would give the land lord a piece of his mind. When the landlord finally did leave, Yusuke went right up to her.

"Can I help you young man?" asked the landlord.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a nice little apartment to live in and I heard you had the best," said Yusuke lying through his teeth.

"Yes, I do. May I ask your name?" said the landlord.

"Yusuke Urameshi, number one thug at Sarakaishi High," said Yusuke.

"Never mind, you're not welcome here," said the landlord.

Three hours later

After Yusuke finished with the landlord he went up to Kurama's apartment and knocked on the door. Shiori was the one who opened it and smiled.

"Hello Yusuke," said Shiori.

"Hi Mrs. Minamino," said Yusuke. "I heard you got evicted, so I came by to help."

"Thank you very much," said Shiori.

Yusuke went on in and started to help pack everything up and move it down to the moving van. After a few hours of work Yusuke offered to drive them to their destination.

One hour later

When the arrived at their destination, he was bit surprised that it was the same place he was working at. He found a place to park the moving van and went with Kurama and his mother up to the shrine. When they made it up the steps they found a woman waiting for them at the front door.

"Hello Shiori," said Mizu.

(A/N: I'm calling Kagome's mother Mizu in this story, it's easier than Mrs. Higuraishi.)

"Hello Mizu, this is my son Suichi Minamino. This is his friend Yusuke Urameshi number one thug at Sarakaishi High as he says," introduced Shiori causing Yusuke to blush a little.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Suichi. Yusuke the tools are on the back porch and tell your mother I hope she gets better," said Mizu.

"Thanks, I'll see you around Suichi," said Yusuke as he walked to the back porch and found the tools and supplies needed. He found the list next to everything as well and found he needed to repair the well shed, again. Letting out a sigh of frustration at having to repair the well shed again he set out to get it fixed.

Meanwhile up in her room Kagome suddenly felt the familiar strange energy of Yusuke and two new energies as well. Going back to her work she saw Yusuke from her window making his way towards the well shed. She could tell by the way he was walking that he was frustrated from having to fix the well shed, again. Giggling to herself she went back to her homework and was surprised when she saw that she was nearly finished with all her work and make up work.

'Man I guess all those sits finally sent some sense through Inuyasha's head,' thought Kagome as she went back to her work when she heard a loud crash.

Looking out the window she saw that the well shed had collapsed. Scared and angry she went out to talk to Yusuke about knocking down the shed. However when she arrived, she saw Yusuke pushing boards of him and coughing from all the dust.

"Damn termites," grumbled Yusuke as he started to gather the broken pieces of wood together and throw them into a pile. "Oh, hey Kagome, how are you doing?"

"Hi yourself Mr. Urameshi, you missed three days of work and then you total the well shed! Then you have the nerve to ask how I'm doing!" said Kagome.

"I'm sorry about the three days of work I missed, but I had a good reason. The well shed came down on me, when I started to remove the broken pieces of wood that couldn't be repaired like I normally did. They were splintered straight through," said Yusuke.

"Well you can expect this to come out of your pay, if you can't get this shed up by seven thirty! If you can then you can expect that the three days of work you missed excused," said Kagome as she saw Yusuke frown and grab some wood and start working.

Turning around she saw her mother shaking her head sadly. Knowing she and Yusuke weren't in trouble, she went back up to her room.

Two hours later

Yusuke finished putting the skeleton of the well house up and began to put the walls on when Kurama came over and gave him a hand.

"You could have asked for some help Yusuke," said Kurama.

"I know, but I've done this much on my own and it's in pretty good shape. I made the well house a bit bigger and instead of standing on stilts, its ground level with a small trench for water to drain in on the outside. Now the shelves are already made up, since I was planning on replacing those things last time I was here," said Yusuke.

"I see, well then let me make a suggestion, instead of just a ditch, plant some flowers there to make this seem less dull," said Kurama as he pulled out several different varieties of rose seeds and planted them just around the ditch.

Yusuke nodded and went to work on putting up the shelves and the walls. After several hours of work he finished the new well house. He decided to let the Higuraishi's decide what color to paint it. Making his way to the door, he knocked and it was Kagome who answered it.

"Yes, Mr. Urameshi?" asked Kagome still mad at him.

"Finished the new well house, I just need to know what color you want it painted," said Yusuke as he pointed to the new well house.

"Where are the steps?" asked Kagome.

"Gone, I noticed that it took up a lot of room and useful lumber. So I put up a few extra shelves and a new door. Like I said before the only thing left to do is choose the color for the well house," said Yusuke.

"Whatever, I'll let my mother know. You've earned your pay, now get lost," said Kagome.

"Whatever, didn't know this job came with a bitchy boss," mumbled Yusuke.

"What was that!" demanded Kagome.

"Nothing that concerns you, now I'm out of here," said Yusuke turning his back to her, grabbing his stuff, and walking off.

"You jerk!" said Kagome angrily.

"Yeah, yeah, call me whatever you like," called Yusuke as he came to shrine steps and continued on, ignoring her.

Kagome just stormed back towards the house angrily about what Yusuke might have said about her. "The nerve of that moron!" grumbled Kagome.

"It is not wise to try and provoke Yusuke," said Kurama as Kagome jumped.

"Don't do that!" said Kagome.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," said Kurama.

"It's okay, I'm just not used to people sneaking up on me like that," said Kagome. "So exactly how did you come to be friends with that jerk?"

"A mutual benefit at first, we were not exactly seeing eye to eye at first. We each had our own agendas, which happened to eventually coincide with each others. Eventually we came to an understanding and became allies and friends," said Kurama a bit mischievously.

"I see, so can you tell me why it is, whenever somebody sees him, they pale?" asked Kagome curiously.

"That is easy. Yusuke has a reputation for being the number thug at Sarakaishi High School. He hasn't been expelled yet, miraculously, and he has been on the bad side of most teachers since he was in Junior High," said Kurama, chuckling a bit.

"That bad, why isn't he in jail then?" asked Kagome curiously.

"Because he has not done anything illegal, he is not as he seems Kagome. He is very loyal to those he considers his friends, which is very few, and he has been going through some rough years," said Kurama.

"How so?" asked Kagome.

"When he was fourteen, he was hit by a car. He had thrown himself in front of the car, pushing a child out of the way. He was put into an extremely deep coma, one where he was mistakenly taken for dead," said Kurama.

"Oh, but what about after that?" asked Kagome.

"His home was burned down, with him still in it, luckily his ex-girlfriend was able to save him before the entire house was consumed, taking him with it. He has gotten into several fights after he awoke; each one his life was put into serious danger. He had landed a job with a Detective agency that helped troubled teens. It was the perfect way for Yusuke to continue fighting and venting his frustrations out, yet it was also a way for him to help people. It was during one his cases that he met me. Yusuke is an extraordinary person Kagome, he has just had a troubled life," said Kurama.

"What about his mother?" asked Kagome.

"His mother is a drunk," said Kurama carefully. "Though she is a drunk, she still cares for Yusuke very much. When she is sober, she and Yusuke would get into many arguments over the most trivial of things. Such as Yusuke skipping school, getting into fights, and getting kicked out of school. But throughout it all, you could tell they care for each other and don't want to see the other hurt."

"What about Yusuke's father? Didn't he have any say what he did?" asked Kagome.

"Yusuke's father had been unknown to both his mother and him for quite a long time. However not too long ago, Yusuke found his father, but he was not exactly in the best of health at the time. It was three years after Yusuke had been living with his father that he had died, leaving Yusuke with just his mother," said Kurama.

"Okay, but what does this have to do with not provoking Yusuke?" asked Kagome.

"He is rather unstable at the moment… his mother is ill and is slowly dying. He is trying everything in his power to show her he is more than just a street punk that took advantage of her kindness towards him. If his mother were to die, before he ever obtained her forgiveness or her acknowledgement, he would probably go into a nervous breakdown," said Kurama sadly.

"That's sad, yet kind of noble of him," said Kagome.

"Yes it is, normally Yusuke would have jumped at the opportunity to fight. You are quite lucky Kagome, when I have sparred with Yusuke, we use no holds barred and usually one of his knocked out," said Kurama amusingly.

Kagome couldn't believe what her cousin was telling her. He had fought Yusuke with no holds barred and had ended up unconscious from it before. She was amazed, yet frightened of what Yusuke was capable of. Then for the first time she realized that there was something cryptic about what Kurama had said.

Yusuke's Apartment

"Mom, I'm home," yelled Yusuke.

There was no reply, but he knew she was still there as the T.V. was on, however when he checked the living room she wasn't there, so he checked her room. What he found scarred him, his mother was lying in a pool of blood on the floor, barely alive. Quickly grabbing the phone he called for an ambulance, but they couldn't be there for another hour, so he did everything in his power to keep her alive.

"Yusuke," said Atsuko.

"No mom, don't talk!" said Yusuke desperately trying to keep her alive.

"It's too late for me, Yusuke," said Atsuko touching his face.

"Mom, don't say that! You're going to make it," said Yusuke as he started to cry.

"It's alright, I'm not afraid, just let me see your other form just once," said Atsuko.

"Okay, I'll show you," said Yusuke as he begun the transformation into his Toushin form for his mother. "There, can you see me?"

"You look absolutely stunning Yusuke," said Atsuko sweetly.

"Save your breath mom, you're going to be okay," said Yusuke as he changed back to his normal form.

"Yusuke, I love you, I never thought of you as burden in my heart," said Atsuko. "I forgive you for disappearing those three years."

"I found him mom, I found dad, but he died three years after I found him. He was a full blooded Toushin, I'm his heir, I'm a hanyou, but I'm still your son," said Yusuke as he spilled everything to her about his life since he was fourteen.

"I'm glad you're happy Yusuke, I'm glad you found something to do with your life. Something that helped not just yourself, but others as well," said Atsuko as she died in his arms, causing Yusuke to break down.

Five minutes later the paramedics arrived to see Yusuke crying. They found his mother in his arms and knew by the way Yusuke was reacting they were too late.

Several Hours Later

The doctors had finished their examination of his mother and determined that something had killed her. It looked to be something that no human could do. Since the doctor was a retired medic for the Reikai he told him it looked to be done by a Spider Hanyou. This left Yusuke quite angry as he returned to his apartment and found the scent of miasma all over his the living room and his mother's room as well.

One Week Later

The funeral was being held at the Higuraishi Shrine as per his mother's will stated. It seemed that his mother, Shiori, and Mizu when they were in Junior High and High School were friends. Yusuke had already said a prayer for her and now he stood in front of everyone present. Even Mr. Takenaka, Yusuke's old Junior High and High School principal had shown up. After he finished with his speech about his mother, he laid his crest on her body. Slowly everyone else came up and said their goodbyes, lying flowers next to her. Afterward Yusuke picked up a torch from the pile of burning wood and set the funeral pyre on fire. His mother's will stated that she be cremated when she died.

Everyone watched saddened by her death, but none more than Yusuke, Kurama, and surprisingly Hiei, who had shown up to pay his respects.


Hiei had come back with Yusuke after a long and brutal sparring session. Both were tired and hungry, Hiei had lost and as per agreement, Hiei would try some ningen food. When they arrived at Yusuke's home though, Atsuko was there waiting for him. She was in a bad mood about Yusuke getting into more fights and missing school again.

"Yusuke," said Atsuko simply.

"I know. You're mad about me getting into some more fights, and for skipping school again. Truthfully, it was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday. Mr. Takenaka agreed to let me take the graduation test and well I passed with the second highest score ever recorded. Apparently the first highest was set by one Atsuko Urameshi," said Yusuke with a grin.

Atsuko was so shocked she fell back into her seat. She was proud of Yusuke, it was then she noticed Hiei.

"Who is that Yusuke?" asked Atsuko.

"His name is Hiei, we work together at the agency," said Yusuke carefully.

"I see, get out," said Atsuko.

"Why should I listen to you?" said Hiei smugly.

Atsuko did the one thing that nobody would think she would do. Instead of yelling some more and then threatening Hiei, she slugged him leaving a nice bruise on his right cheek, surprising not only Hiei, but Yusuke and Atsuko as well.

Atsuko was quick to apologize for her behavior and excused herself to her room. Leaving Hiei and Yusuke puzzled at to what just occurred. Yusuke's mother had been able to hurt Hiei without any sort of training.

"Your mother is gutsy Detective," said Hiei simply.

"Hurt her and you die Hiei," said Yusuke simply.

"I know, but why hurt one as rare as her? She hurt me, without training and without warning. You inherited her stubbornness, sneakiness, and temper from her. She is worthy of my respect," said Hiei as he watched Atsuko come out of her room and stare at him for a long moment.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll make you something to eat, please accept my apologies," said Atsuko as Hiei nodded.

End Flashback

Hiei had given Atsuko his respect for not only being able to quell Yusuke's temper, but for being as quick witted, sneaky, if not more, as Yusuke, Kurama, and himself put together, which was something to say.

Yusuke himself had walked off and found himself in front of the Holy Tree. He was sad for his mother's death, but he was angry at the one who killed her. Turning he found Kurama next to him.

"She was murdered by a Spider Hanyou," said Yusuke quietly to Kurama.

"I see. Was there anything else?" asked Kurama.

"Yeah, I smelled miasma all over the living room and my mother's room," said Yusuke.

"A Spider Hanyou, that control's miasma, there is only one Spider Hanyou who could do that and that is Naraku," said Kurama with an obvious hint of detest in his voice.

"I thought he disappeared when Sensui became a Tantei," said Yusuke.

"He did, but obviously he was looking for you. Naraku is no ordinary hanyou; he was once human who drew in Youkai to himself that created his body as Naraku. He can do many other things as well, which I do not know of," said Kurama.

"I'm not a normal hanyou either Kurama, or haven't you noticed that I can shift my forms at will now," replied Yusuke.

"I have noticed, which is why you are so powerful," said Kurama sincerely. "In your normal form you are powerful and feared by the lower class Youkai. However in your Toushin form you are feared by not only the lower class Youkai, but higher class Youkai as well, such as Yomi. You were lucky though, that you were able to form an alliance with Mukuro. I'm still surprised you were able to find the Plant of Rejuvenation. You were able to heal her and because of which she is in your debt, Yusuke."

"I know the Northern and Eastern Lands are in alliance. And since Yomi is dead, and you were his second in command, until his son is strong enough and old enough you are in charge of the Southern Lands. This means that three quarters of the Makai are in alliance. Let's hope we can find this scum, before he does anymore damage," said Yusuke as the two of them returned to the funeral.


Kagome was saddened by the fact that Yusuke's mother had died such a horrible death, especially since she was all that Yusuke, at the time, had left. But she could tell by the way Yusuke spoke that he was in pain, but was keeping himself together by sheer will. After he laid a crest on her body, everyone else went up and said their goodbyes, including her. She hadn't known her, but she could feel the sadness in the air. It was going to be a hard time for Yusuke and everyone else who had known her. She watched as Yusuke lit the funeral pyre and watched for a couple of minutes before walking off. She had already started walking off when she came to the Holy Tree. She sat down at the base of the tree and just sat there wondering how Yusuke had to feel at the moment. Her thoughts were interrupted though when she heard voices on the other side of the tree.

"She was murdered by a Spider Hanyou," said Yusuke quietly to Kurama.

Kagome almost let out a gasp when she heard Yusuke, but stayed quite and listened.

"I see. Was there anything else?" asked Kurama.

"Yeah, I smelled miasma all over the living room and my mother's room," said Yusuke.

This startled Kagome and had her very nervous now as to who the perpetrator could be.

"A Spider Hanyou, that control's miasma, there is only one Spider Hanyou who could do that and that is Naraku," said Kurama with an obvious hint of detest in his voice.

Kagome froze at his name. 'Could Naraku actually win in the final battle against us?'

"I thought he disappeared when Sensui became a Tantei," said Yusuke.

"He did, but obviously he was looking for you. Naraku is no ordinary hanyou; he was once human who drew in Youkai to himself that created his body as Naraku. He can do many other things as well, which I do not know of," said Kurama.

"I'm not a normal hanyou either Kurama, or haven't you noticed that I can shift my forms at will now," replied Yusuke.

That statement really caught her attention as she began to wonder how they knew of Youkai in the first place and where had they learned of them.

"I have noticed, which is why you are so powerful," said Kurama sincerely. "In your normal form you are powerful and feared by the lower class Youkai. However in your Toushin form you are feared by not only the lower class Youkai, but higher class Youkai as well, such as Yomi. You were lucky though, that you were able to form an alliance with Mukuro. I'm still surprised you were able to find the Plant of Rejuvenation. You were able to heal her and because of which she is in your debt, Yusuke."

"I know the Northern and Eastern Lands are in alliance. And since Yomi is dead, and you were his second in command, until his son is strong enough and old enough you are in charge of the Southern Lands. This means that three quarters of the Makai are in alliance. Let's hope we can find this scum, before he does anymore damage," said Yusuke as the two of them returned to the funeral.

To say Kagome was shocked was an understatement. Not only was Yusuke a hanyou, but he was a special hanyou of an extremely rare and powerful Youkai type. But to add onto that, he was Lord of the Northern Lands. Her cousin though, is what shocked her most, he currently was the Lord of the Southern Lands. The two of them were in alliance with the Lord (Lady) of the Eastern Lands, whom she could only assume was the one called Mukuro, who was in allegiance with Yusuke and her cousin for helping her. Making her way to her room she collapsed onto her bed in complete shock.


A/N: Well that's it for the first chapter. This is my first YYH/IY crossover, so please try and give me a break about some of it. If anybody has any questions or comments, leave them in the review. Now here is my first poll:

Should Kagome confront Yusuke and Kurama? Yes or No, explain

Should Kagome return to the Feudal Era now? Yes or No, explain

What should the pairings be? (No Kur/Kag, Yus/Keiko, or Yaoi/Yuri.)

Yusuke/Kagome: Hiei/Kagome: Inuyasha/Kagome:

Sesshomaru/Kagome: Miroku/Kagome: Kurama/Sango:

Yusuke/Sango: Hiei/Sango: Miroku/Sango:

Inuyasha/Sango: Sesshomaru/Sango: Yusuke/Botan:

Kurama/Botan: Miroku/Botan: Inuyasha/Botan:

Sesshomaru/Botan: Hiei/Botan: Kurama/Kikyo:

Hiei/Kikyo: Sesshomaru/Kikyo: Inuyasha/Kikyo:

Yusuke/Kikyo: Miroku/Kikyo:

Should Kuwabaka (Kuwabara) and Keiko make an appearance? Yes or No, explain

That's it for that poll, now my contest:

The rules are as follows:

No Yaoi or Yuri. No taking other people's ideas. Original characters are accepted. Everything shall be judged by me. If you win, then I shall give you credit and mention your name in whatever chapter or chapters it's used in. Please leave your name (real/alias), e-mail address, and your idea. Post below the poll at least two to three lines.

Those are the rules and good luck.

Shadow Kage