……..wow…. I would just like to say I am VERY sorry about the last chapter…. That was weird? Though I am happy a lot of people did like it but I'm also a little weirded out by the fact that I actually wrote that and I even had a good laugh on the "hot people don't trip" thing…now that was funny. N e who I'm sorry for this being so late I've been grounded for 3 months cause of a horrible cell phone bill (cough cough 300 bucks cough cough) n e ways on to the story!.

Chapter 19.

Sasuke ran after Sakura and caught her before she ran into the maze.

"Listen, Sakura! I need to talk to you!" He said trying to stop her squirming. Sakura tried to break free of his grip but he held her tight.

"I don't want to talk to you! I hate you!" She cried. She turned around and smacked him. "I HATE YOU!" She cried. She pounded onto his chest. "I hate you! I hate you!" She cried as she hit him. She pulled away from him and stared at him. "Why did you do that? I thought you liked me! I thought that you loved me, just how I've loved you all this time." She cried harder. "Do you get enjoyment in hurting me? I hope you and Yumi had a good laugh. I bet you two had a lot of fun together." She turned away and took a deep breathe. "What am I saying? You never cared. You said it from the beginning that we were only going as friends. I guess I was fooling myself again, if I thought you loved me."

"Sakura..." Sasuke started but Sakura cut him off.

"You don't need to apologize, I misunderstood. I guess I took things out of context. I'm sorry that I acted this way. But this past week…" She turned and smiled a sad smile. "I had a great time you made me feel like we were friends for the first time…. And …. And I don't want to lose that so after this dance if you don't mind… I still want to be good friends." She turned around and started up the steps. "We better hurry up and go back inside. The dance will be ending soon." She stepped up and walked inside leaving Sasuke outside in his own thoughts.

Sakura sat down and watched as her friends danced happily with one another.

'So what if there happy… they deserve it…. Maybe someday I'll find someone for my own.' Sakura thought. She put her chin on her hands and watched everyone dance. She sighed heavily.

"Stupid boys" She muttered to herself.

"Yeah I am" A voice behind her said. She turned her head around not expecting anyone to be there nor to have heard her comment. Sasuke stood there with an expressionless face. "I'm very stupid. But….. "He said with a smirk on his face "Your stupider…..

"HEY, that's not even a word!" She said getting angry at him. His eyebrows furrowed.

"And you didn't let me finish…. You're stupid because once again you didn't let me finish. I don't hate you and I did hurt you on purpose because I AM STUPID! I'm not perfect; I don't know how ….relationships work. I don't know how to treat you right." He said frustratively running his hand through his hair. "I was wrong and what I really wanted to say was I was sorry, I wanted you to hate me so that if this went any farther I wouldn't hurt you later…. I was trying to protect you… but I... I was trying to protect myself at the same time." Sakura started at him and smiled. Sasuke looked away with a blush on his face. He felt like he said way to much in one day.

"You really are stupid." She said with a smirk. Sasuke looked at her from the corner of his eye. He turned to her and smiled and held out his hand. She stared at his hand with a confused look, then up at him. He leaned over and whispered into her ear.

"If I remember right, I owe you the last dance" He said and grabbed her hand pulled her up. Sakura smiled at him.

"Yeah… you do." He pulled her onto the dance floor.

"Ok everyone this is the last song of the night. This is for all you couples out there." The DJ (Kakashi) said.

The song : "The start of something new"

Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
I never believed in
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart
To all the possibilities
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight

This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new

Sasuke pulled Sakura closer... He couldn't believe how true this song was about them.

Now who'd of ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real

This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new

Sakura had a feeling Kakashi picked this song just for them. She just mentally shrugged and snuggled up against Sasuke and danced. For her this felt like a dream come true.

I never knew that it could happen
Till it happened to me
I didn't know it before
But now it's easy to see

It's the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart

That it's the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new
Start of something new

"Sakura… I love you….I mean it" He whispered in her ear. Sakura felt her whole face turn red.

"You better… "She giggled and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too" she whispered back.

Unbeknownst to them they had drawn everyone in the room's attention.

"OMG! FREAKING FINALLY!!!" Naruto's scream was heard throughout the room. Everyone else clapped or whistled while fan girls all around the world cried ….even fan boys….. And we are only talking about Sasuke's fans….. Just think about how Sakura's fans feel!

"Ok you hormone driven youngsters….. Get the hell out of here!!" Kakashi screamed in the microphone. Who was also sad because this was his last speaking part in this whole story and….he really liked talking.

Everyone left slowly, once the whole group had gotten out

Naruto was very quiet for a couple of minutes. This amazed everyone.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Hinata whispered to him.

"Just thinking that's all" Everyone stared at him like this was a new concept for them.

"What about?" Hinata asked a little hesitant.


"Dobe…. Was that just your stomach?" Sasuke said blankly. Naruto scratched his head and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm hungry…… So I was thinking, LET'S GO TO ICHIRAKU!" He said happily. Some giggled and others sighed.

"That Dobe can't think about anything but food." Sasuke muttered. Sakura giggled.

"Yeah that's true… but lets all go, it will be fun."

So everyone went to go eat ramen.

The end……..

Hahaha nah!!!!

3 month later.

A couple walked down the streets of Kohana, slowly heading towards ramen bar to see there friends. It was getting cold out and the leaves were falling and both were bundled up. One had pink hair and the other onyx hair. They were an odd couple for sure, but no one would doubt their love for one another. They would kill for one another- the mysterious decrease in number of their fan clubs hinted so.

"Hey Sasuke, can you believe it has been three month since we all got together?" Sakura, The pink haired girls said with a happy smile on her face as she cuddled up to her boyfriend.

"Hn" Sasuke said with a smirk, knowing hning pissed his girlfriend off.

"Sasuke!" she said acting like she was mad at him. Her face twisted into a grin. "I just can't be mad at you" Sasuke just smiled and walked forward with her.

They walked into the ramen bar and saw all their friends their Friends were all their. Hinata was trying to make sure Naruto didn't choke to death on his 7th bowl of ramen. Tenten and Neji were on the corner of the bar sitting close holding hands. Ino was yelling at Shikamaru for not doing something she wanted him to do, but soon was silenced by him when he kissed her on the cheek. Kiba and Luna were mysteriously late. Temari was sitting with the new guy of the week, who didn't currently know it but in a good 5 hours he would probably be dumped. Chouji also couldn't make it because he had found him a girl and was busy on a date with her. Shino and Kai weren't there either because they were on a bug hunt somewhere. Yumi and Lee were making out in a corner……still. Gaara and Shadow were having a glaring contest (because Shadow found out this is Gaara favorite contest). Then there was Sasuke and Sakura, who sat next to each other and shared some ramen. There was so much love in this place that it would even make the biggest, hopeless romantic want to gag and throw up. Yes everything was good for all these young couples.

Till Naruto choked on a Naruto (yes, he's named after a food) and Hinata had to do the Heimlich remover on him which flew out and hit Sasuke in the eye which piseed him off and he jumped Naruto and hit him. And when Sasuke literally jumped Naruto, Sasuke hit the bowl him and Sakura were eating and fell on her lap and she jumped up from the hot ramen. This made Sasuke attack Naruto more and blame him for what happened to Sakura … even though it was his fault. Tenten, being Tenten, jumped up to help assist Sakura. Neji just sat there grumbling, that his nice warm girlfriend was gone. Shikamaru had called Naruto a dobe which started Ino on how he was an idiot and there yelling and screaming caused Shadow to get distracted from the glaring contest and tried to calm Ino down before she murdered poor Shika. Yumi and Lee were in the background…..still making out. Temari decided this was the perfect time to break up with her boyfriend, which he ran out crying, and she decided that went pretty well. Kiba and Luna walked in but walked right back out and went somewhere else. And Gaara sat there watching with amusement all the chaos….. Cause hot people like him…. Don't cause chaos…..or join in…. they just watch and laugh…. And that's exactly what Gaara did. The old man who owned the ramen stand and his daughter watched the chaos. His daughter, Ayame, watched and sighed happily.

"Wow…. There all so in love." She said. The old man looked at his daughter like she was insane. But looked back and grin.

"Yeah they are….. HEY!!! Don't You Dare Start Throwing That Ramen Young Man!!" He said yelling at Naruto.

The end ….for real because the love in that restruant was a little to much to handle...

Wow… I made that long just for everyone… I combined the last two chapters and now I might make another chapter containing funny bloopers or things on what could of happen. If you have any ideas tell me and of course ill give you credit!

…..aww I'm sad ….. My first story done…...Well I got others so read them!!

And sorry that it took a little time … I couldn't find the right song for them and now I have.


OR The start of something new from High School Musical.