Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Chapter 1: Back in Business

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, or the characters; besides any original characters and or creatures I may add into the story.

A/N: Just to clear something up, I will often change scenes or POV's, or skip time. So you know the differences, time skipping will be marked with three stars, and scene skipping, or changing POV can be told because I will use a line break to mark the switch.


Without further ado, here it is, my first Resident Evil fiction, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, enjoy.

The Jet Ski had run out of gas a long time ago. It had been early morning when the island exploded; it had to be around noon by now.

Leon fiddled with the teddy-bear key chain as the Jet Ski slowly floated through the ocean. He let out a bored yawn and peered out into the endless blue waters like he had done so many times before. It was serene, yet very agitating. The endless waters, nothing but water…water…water. He had to admit though; it was nice to be able to feel relaxed after the events of the past few days.

He tried to lean forward to rest his head on the handlebars, and maybe catch some well deserved -much needed- sleep, but aroused Ashley whose head was resting on his back, her arms wrapped around him securely. Leon grumbled irritably, but complied with her wishes to sit still.

Another hour passed, and a loud blaring noise aroused both Leon, who had fallen asleep in a sitting position, and Ashley. It took Leon a minute to register what he saw. It was a large, white, cruise ship. The piercing sound was heard again, the foghorn. People gathered at the railings, yelling 'man overboard' as Ashley flailed her arms in the air hysterically.

Minutes later two ship hand's rowed out too them and took them aboard the ship where a circle of people watched Leon and Ashley. Particularly because of their condition, they were bruised; cut, tired, and their clothes were ripped in many places, dirty, and stained with blood. Someone had let out a shriek, a woman, when she spotted Leon's handgun on his right hip. Leon quickly showed identification, a picture of Leon printed on a credit card sized laminated card with the words 'United States Agent' printed clearly on the card. He was taken back by the fact that it hadn't been lost through the nightmare.

Luckily, no one recognized Ashley as the Presidents daughter, as his, President Graham's, wishes were too keep everything confidential about the kidnapping and simply said she was very ill to cover up her absence. The ship hands saluted Leon, and one spoke.

"Sir, we will provide you two with a room. If you'd come with me, we will lead you to your room."

Leon hadn't counted how many floors they went down to get to the room that he and Ashley were now standing in, but it had to be at least two or three; he was too busy deciding their next plan of action, like how to get back to the U.S. The ship-hands left, saying that they'd come back with some clothes for them to change into, and Leon hoped food would be brought along too.

"It's nice." Leon complimented as he moved to a finely polished wooden desk. There was a large gold-trimmed mirror hanging on the wall above the desk, making it appear to be a vanity mirror. He looked into the smudge-free mirror, the first time he saw his reflection in awhile. His face was bruised, dirty, and the noticeable cut on his cheek where Krauser's knife slashed him. Leon looked past his reflection and his eyes fell upon Ashley, she was standing with her eyes fixed on him, hands behind her back.

"Leon…I never told you how thankful I am that you saved me." Ashley spoke in a quiet, voice, a hint of shyness in it. She moved closer too him, and wrapped her arms around him, and much too his surprise she began crying. "I thought I was going to die, Leon. I was so scared. Everyday I heard them talking in the church, no doubt it was about me. God Leon, I can't tell you how thankful I am."

Leon was a bit surprised by all of this praise he was getting. He grinned slightly, and returned the embrace. "We'll have plenty of stories to tell people, huh?"

Ashley laughed.

"You know…Ashley, I can't help but ask you, do you remember the incident in Raccoon City back in '98?"

Leon backed up, taking her with him, and set on one of two beds, she sat down beside him, looking worried. "…When the nuclear plant blew up?"

Leon nodded hesitantly. "Do you know what really happened?" He asked, fully aware of what had actually happened seven years ago…

Ashley gave him a confused look. "Er…no?"

Leon sighed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling now as he thought back. "1998…Raccoon City. The RPD was recruiting people left and right as a precaution since there was 'serial cannibal killers' terrorizing the community, animals and humans alike. It was believed that the killers lived in Raccoon Forest at the base of the Arklay Mountaints. Eight people were found dead within a short period of time, and the cannibal killers even preyed on pets such as dogs, and cats, they actually ate the animals and the people. The S.T.A.R.S, Special Tactics And Rescue Squad, were sent into Raccoon City to check it out. Team Bravo, S.T.A.R.S was comprised of two teams; Alpha and Bravo, anyways, team Bravo carried out a quick scan of the Forest where a good portion of the killings occurred, and their helicopter went down. Technical problems or something. The Alpha Team was then sent in to investigate Bravo's whereabouts. They stumbled across the Spencer Estate, a large mansion, thought abandoned and was owned by Umbrella, somewhere deep within the Raccoon forest. They narrowly escaped death when the mansion was set to self-destruct…someone was hiding something. A few of the S.T.A.R.S died, one, Albert Wesker, disappeared. One of the S.T.A.R.S members decided to try to make this incident public…Jill Valentine was her name. The RPD said she was crazy, what she said is only in movies. They said that Zombies just don't exist."

Ashley's curiosity grew. "Zombies?"

"Yeah, zombies. Kind of like the crazed people from the village, and island…" Leon scratched the back of his neck and continued. "Anyways, Jill Valentine said that the Estate was filled with zombies, and mutant creatures. She said that they were the product of secret Genetic Experiments carried out by the Pharmaceutical Company Umbrella. She said there was plenty of proof in the mansion; she even said there was a virus called the T-Virus, some sort of biogenetic substance used for Viral Weaponry, which caused the horrible mutations in people and animals alike. She continued rambling, but to no avail. She quit her job as one of the most elite S.T.A.R.S on both team Bravo and Alpha. The killings continued and people began witnessing the attacks, the cannibals attacked their victims without a trace of mercy they actually ate the victims, and seemed to be in a state of constant anesthesia. Then there were complaints of some sort of crazed, rabid, dogs attacking people. RPD had no choice but too take action, Police Officers were told too shoot if they saw anyone that appeared to be 'sick'. The streets of Raccoon became empty; no one wanted to leave their home. The S.T.A.R.S. were taken off of the case. Then, the night after I received my badge, and only a few days after the Spencer Estate incident, the cannibals attacked in huge numbers. Thousands of these cannibal killers roamed the streets, invading the town and spreading terror and havoc throughout the entire city. I soon found out that what Jill Valentine said was true; there was some sort of epidemic going on, some sort of virus was causing all this. The people did appear ill, and mindless, the only action they knew were too kill, and feast on whatever had a pulse, even their own kind. The 'serial cannibal killers' no longer went by that name, but simply by 'the living dead'.

Ashley wore a blank expression. Confused, possibly a bit startled by what she had heard. "So…they were zombies."

"Uh-huh. They were dumb; they walked with their arms stretched out in front of them, the smell of rot and death practically emitted from off of their bodies. And there was 'mutant creatures' too. Whether they were rabid, dogs with rotting flesh, or seven-foot tall tyrants, they were all there. I later found out that Umbrella did have a connection with all of this. They did conduct Genetic Experimentations, all by using a virus called the T-Virus. Soon I found out something terrible was going to happen…Raccoon City would soon be wiped clear off the map. The President, at the time not your father, didn't want to take any chances, even though the city was locked down by Umbrella, someone was sure to find out that zombies, and mutant creatures existed, or they may escape the city, so he fired a nuclear missile at the city, clearing out all infection caused by the T-Virus. There was never a nuclear power-plant mishap. It was a precaution taken by the President. Umbrella was forced afterwards too stop all experiments by the President, the public didn't know what really happened or why the largest commercial entity in the world suddenly closed." Leon stopped, realizing she was a bit shaken by the whole thing, but she motioned for him to continue. "I found a connection too it all. The Plaga's, like the T-Virus causes it's victims too show zombie-like behavior, like cannibalism, pale skin, etcetera. Ada wanted the Plaga sample, and Saddler wanted to infect you with it and send you back to the United States so he could make an impact on the U.S. In a way it seemed he wanted revenge. That's where the Raccoon incident, and this incident, come together. The villagers are connected too Umbrella. Remember the laboratories we were in? All of it was owned by Umbrella. I saw their insignia on multiple pieces of equipment."

"The white and red umbrellas? Is that the insignia?" She asked.

Leon nodded. "You see, Umbrella crossed Saddler in a way. I think Ada works for Umbrella. They sent her, and Krauser, too retrieve the Plaga Sample, and bring it back too them so they could conduct research, and possibly continue their Genetic Experiments. All of this made short, Umbrella is back in business and something big is about to go down."

The crowd rose off their feet to watch the last ten seconds of the game. The score was Ohio State: 88, and Boston University: 90.

Jeff wiped his clammy hands on his OSU jersey. He took a deep breath, looked too the referee, and was handed the basketball. He took another deep breath, ten seconds to win the game, and this game was REALLY important. This game meant that Ohio State would be in the finals.

The referee blew a whistle, announcing that Ohio State was using a Time Out.

Jeff exhaled and walked over too his team. After a brief talk, they went back out too the court. Jeff stood at the opposite end of the court from their basket, about to check the ball in. The ref waited until the Point Guard, Xavier, came down at about half court to hand the ball to Jeff who immediately threw it too Xavier and sped up the court, stopping at the red arch that was the three point line.

Xavier passed it, and the passing continued, three seconds left, then it landed in Jeff's hands. He tensed; no one was around, one second…

The buzzer sounded a split second after his feet left the ground, he released the ball, and it sunk into the basket.

Jeff and Xavier walked out of the arena together, each had their duffle bags slung over a shoulder and was wearing their street clothes. Jeff sported baggy dark blue jeans, a black Ecko Shirt, a black headband with a Nike logo printed on it, and a pair of Nike Air II LeBron's. Xavier wore sagging dark blue jeans, a white T-Shirt under a white Cleveland Cavaliers LeBron James jersey tucked in, in the front but left unchecked in the back, and black Timberland boots left untied, and messy looking.

Both of them were nineteen, best friends, and about the same size. They both stood around six foot three inches, and had athletic builds. Jeff's hair was black, short on the sides, and long on the top with lifted bangs. Xavier simply had black cornrows.

"Hey, yo, why'd she dump you anyways?" Xavier asked as he and Jeff passed the parking lot. The person he was talking about was Tara, a cheerleader for Ohio State, and Jeff's ex-girlfriend. She was probably one of the best-looking girls in the entire school, and not many would argue, and those who did, was agreed upon to be gay.

"Long story." Jeff continued walking; Xavier quickened his pace to catch up with his friend.

"Ah c'mon, dog. Everyone wants to know. Y'all seemed like the perfect couple, and then bam, she dumps you. I gotta' tell you, that took everyone by surprise."

Jeff scratched the back of his neck uncertainly. "Well…"

I'd do anything to get back with her. Jeff thought as he looked at her, she was standing with a group of other girls. She had a light tan, and a youthful looking face. Her eyes were hazel-blue; her hair was that of a golden blonde. She still wore her cheerleading outfit, an overly short skirt with a slit up the right leg, pure white tennis shoes, and a tank top.

"Well what?"

Jeff's gaze fixed on the ground and he stopped walking. "Well…she kind of stumbled into a room at the wrong moment. See what happened was, Jessie, my friend, you know her, came over, we watched a few movies together, you know, just hung out, and about the time she started to leave she suddenly started kissing me, then Tara came in…"

"Woah…sucks for you."

"Tell me about it." Jeff sighed again. "Hey come on, I ain't got time to get down. After all, I'm the star player of the game right?"

"Aha! No doubt, no doubt!" Xavier grinned and the two began walking again.

(One Week Later)

A single handcuff banged against an apartment door as a well-built man opened the door to a room veiled with darkness. The man sat down on a bed and flipped the Television on. The small screen provided a bit of light, just enough to light up the area he was sitting at. The man had black hair, combed backwards, and about shoulder length, his arms were tattooed with some sort of Tribal designs. He was wearing slightly baggy blue jeans, brown boots, and a black muscle shirt. His name was William Coen.

He ran east of Raccoon City the same day he watched Rebecca Chamber's head for the mansion known as the Spencer Estate. He didn't get far on foot, after stopping at a hotel, a twist of fate lead to him finding enough money inside his hotel room to buy a run down car that he used to move too a rural town north of Washington D.C.

Billy put his right hand on the handcuff, which he had disposed of a long time ago, but decided to keep it as a 'memento' of the nightmare he survived in the Raccoon Forest. The nightmare spent with a girl he seemed to not be able to get off his mind since the incident, the girl known as Rebecca Chambers.

The black-haired male looked down at his wrist where the handcuff dangled loosely, oddly enough he was never asked about it, maybe because of his intimidating size he didn't know for sure actually. And lucky enough for him, cops that questioned him about it could not find any records whatsoever on him. Either the only records on him and his apparent 'crimes' were lost when the jeep transporting him through the Raccoon Forest, and too where he would be killed, was attacked by zombies or mutant dogs, he didn't stand around long enough to see what was killing them, or Rebecca Chambers did him a favor and erased his name from Police, and Military files. She was a wiz-kid after all…

His eyes fell upon the digital clock next to the T.V, it was late, well past midnight. Billy yawned, switched the television off, pitching the entire room into darkness. A final yawn escaped his throat before he fell backwards and dozed off.















The newspaper clippings took up close to a full wall of the apartment. The headings were highlighted, as were words like 'Umbrella', 'Raccoon City', 'Illness', and 'S.T.A.R.S' inside the articles. Anything, and everything about the Raccoon Incident was pinned up.

The female Ex-S.T.A.R.S member took a step back, reminiscing on the events in Raccoon City, and the Spencer Estate. A sigh escaped her lips and she turned away from the old newspaper clippings, combing her fingers through her shoulder-length auburn hair before taking a seat on a couch. Her name was Jill Valentine, Ex-S.T.A.R.S. member, and one of few lucky survivors of the incident in Raccoon City.

Just a few months ago when Umbrella had been shut down, it was the greatest day of her life. Knowing that the President knew what they were doing, and was no doubt keeping an eye on Umbrella, was relieving, and that meant no one else would have to live through the nightmare she and a few others narrowly escaped.

'What if…' She would always think, 'what if?'

What if we never stumbled into the Spencer Mansion? What if there was never a viral outbreak? What if Umbrella had continued research?

Ring! Ring!

The ringing of a telephone broke Jill from her thoughts. She looked at the receiver for a moment, as if she was hesitant on answering it. After two more rings she moved over to the phone, picking up the receiver of the cordless phone and taking a seat on a couch.


"Jill? It's Barry."

"Barry, hey! Nice to talk to you, I called you yesterday and-"

"No time Jill, something happened in D.C. Check the news, now." He sounded serious, something was wrong…

Barry Burton, former S.T.A.R.S and one of Jill's best friends, had lost something dear to him seven years ago, his family. He got back to his home after the Spencer Estate incident; naturally the first thing on his mind was his wife and two kids. The city had all ready been cast into chaos, and by the time he got home it was nothing but a slaughterhouse. His family turned into one of them.

Jill shook away the memories and turned on the television on the other side of a coffee table. What was being broadcasted made her stomach lurch, bile rising up in her throat as she looked at the scenes on the T.V.

"Oh my God…"

Chris sat down on a couch in the living room, glancing momentarily at the television, then back at the form of his sister standing in the kitchen, pouring tea into cups. They had a day planned, planning on heading to the park, and just spending time with one another.

"Chris, check the news for the lottery numbers for me." Claire yelled from the next room. "Maybe I'll get lucky."

Chris smirked. It seemed everyday she was trying her luck on the lottery. Chris flipped through the channels, stopping at the local news channel. The ex-S.T.A.R.S went wide-eyed, he stood up quickly, not taking his eyes from the scene depicted on the television he called out to Claire, "Claire, come take a look at this!"

"…Goddamn…stop ringing…" Billy moaned and threw a pillow over his head…the phone kept ringing. Whoever was calling had better have a REALLY good reason to be calling him!

Billy snatched up the telephone, stared at it for a few tense seconds, but he eventually decided to answer it.

His greeting wasn't the least bit friendly in any way or form. "What do you want?"

"Billy! Something's happened down in D.C, actually, the whole east coast, I think it's-"

"Who is this?" Billy snapped.

"It's Rebecca! Billy, listen to me."

The black-haired male sat up, his interest rising. "Yeah?"

"Billy, put the news on, and get down to D.C. I'll be waiting down there in a small motel between two restaurants."

"Alright, but-" Click. "Rebecca? Damn." Billy put the phone down and turned on the T.V.

"…Washington D.C…Officials say…stay in…Witnesses…started…hours ago…showing…cannibalism…like…Raccoon Incident. I'm…a technical problem…breaking…"A 'Please Stand By' message flashed onto the television.

"Raccoon Incident? No…way…"

"Attention passengers, due to technical problems we will have to circle around again until we receive confirmation to land. We apologize for any inconveniences."

Ashley sighed, resting her chin in her palm and staring out the window.

Leon moaned as the plane began circling back around slowly. "This sucks. The third time we've circled back around now." He looked over at Ashley. They had both changed their attires, but were still similar to what they wore during the incident in the village. She wore a sleeveless button up shirt; buttons at the bottom were left unbuttoned, and a black miniskirt, and knee high boots. He simply wore black boots, loose fitting blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a coat resembling the one he wore during the village incident.

Ashley didn't respond but continued looking out the window.

"Hey, what's so interesting out there?" Leon queried as he attempted to get a look outside the window.

"Actually, nothing. No moving cars, no people. Kind of like this place is a ghost-town or something."

Leon shrugged.

"Attention passengers, we are still experiencing technical problems, but we will be landing anyways. Please prepare for landing and…"

Leon buckled his seat belt, as did Ashley.

"Hey Leon, do you really think Umbrella may be planning something?" Ashley asked, turning to him.

The agent felt a few people's curious eyes glancing at the two and he put a finger to his lips. "Not so loud." He whispered. "It's a touchy subject among a few people."

Ashley nodded. "Well, do you?" She asked, whispering this time.

"It's possible." Leon replied. "I'm not totally sure."

Nothing else was said between the two as the plane landed on the runway, they were the last to exit the plane. Upon exiting, everyone was in a state of confusion. There was no shuttle bus there to take them back to the airport, there was…nothing. No other planes were taking off; there was no sign of any people whatsoever. It was dead silent.

Leon looked around, something was definitely not right…His hand reached down to his right leg where his handgun was holstered.

"Passengers! If you will, come back inside, and wait until we contact someone to bring you all a shuttle bus."

The passengers complied, and began heading back to the plane, Leon stayed put, scanning the area. About 50 yards away was a cargo carrier, about ten cages were piled up in the cargo area of the carriers. Animal cages, apparently someone had animals, most likely dogs. But why was the carrier abandoned, left out in the middle of the runway.

"Leon, come on." Ashley tugged at Leon's arm, but he didn't budge, keeping his eyes fixed on the vehicle…

Then a cage rattled. A dog barked, an abnormal bark. An infuriated, hungry bark. More joined it, the barking heard everywhere, getting louder, more fierce. Then the other cages began rattling; the dogs began clawing and biting at their prison made of plastic and a simple door. The metal-mesh type doors began falling one by one from the cages, black forms jumping out of the cages once the doors fell, eight dogs in all, each barking, and growling furiously.

Leon withdrew his handgun and took careful aim towards the dogs, now approaching their target…their food…the passengers.

"Everyone get inside, NOW!" Leon fired the handgun twice, the first bullet hitting the carrier behind the advancing crazed dogs, the second smacking into one's chest, it yelped and collapsed to the ground. Everyone, save Leon, ran for the stairs that lead to the plane door, but were denied as the frightened pilot slammed the door in their face.

The dogs were no more then ten yards from Leon as he fired shot after shot at them, their forms becoming a bit more visible. They appeared to be skinned, red muscle showing through skin that appeared to be stretched until it tore, they were practically a bloody mess, and all of them were hungry.

The crowd screamed, and banged on the airplane door. The door didn't open; apparently the pilot was scared out of his mind. The dogs were getting closer, almost on Leon's heels as he fled from them, their jaws snapping wildly, saliva dripping from their skinned jaws, their eyes red as the muscle tissue showing through their skin.

Leon grabbed Ashley's hand as he sped past, dragging her along with him, running as fast as he could. Lucky for the two, the dogs didn't pursue Leon and Ashley but attacked the frightened passengers that didn't have enough sense to run away.

It seemed an eternity before Leon and Ashley crashed through the airport doors, closing the bulletproof glass doors behind them.

"L-Leon!" Ashley tugged at Leon's arm, he was busy watching the mutant dogs, and didn't smell the stench of death until she brought him into reality. All around were the bodies of dead civilians. They appeared to have gone through one heck of a mauling. Empty bullet casings lie here and there shining in the flickering lights, along with the occasional body of a security guard.

Leon's eyes were wide as he stared at the mess. It was unbelievable; Umbrella had already unleashed a new virus in just a week's time! But the President shut down their laboratories, permanently, a few months back. Maybe some were hidden somewhere outside the United States…Of course! Europe was the home of Umbrella's Headquarters! Which meant there could be laboratories everywhere. But why had they released a new virus? The first time was a accident…and certainly they'd try everything to make sure another spill didn't occur. Was it even Umbrella?

Leon walked over to the dead body of a security guard, his neck was hallowed out, and there was no fresh blood. That meant that this outbreak hadn't occurred only a little bit ago.

Leon took the man's handgun, a nine-millimeter; still holstered…the poor guy never had a chance to defend himself. Leon also found two magazines on the man, and went back to where Ashley was standing.

"Ashley, it may be really dangerous…I want you to use this…" Leon held out the police-issued handgun in his palm.

"Leon…" Ashley hesitated, but eventually took the handgun, and a clip Leon handed her.

"There's fifteen shots in the handgun, fifteen in the clip. You know how to use one right?"

Ashley nodded hesitantly. "Leon, I-"

Something interrupted her, the low moaning noise that was all too familiar for Leon. It seemed to be close by. Leon hushed Ashley and scanned the countless bodies for movement. Nothing moved. All of the bodies were perfectly still. Hadn't looked like they'd moved for at least a few hours…

…another liquid moan escaped the mouth of the unseen zombie, a terrible, hungry moan. Why did it seem so near?

Thump! Thump!

Leon spun around; a zombie was smacking its bony decaying hands against the glass doors as it moaned hungrily. He grimaced at the decaying creature; it's lips colorless as its eyes, pieces of flesh decayed and falling off even as it stood there.

"Come on, Ashley." Leon grabbed her hand and led her down the quiet dark halls of the airport, carefully stepping over the corpses of dead civilians, handgun at the ready.

Umbrella indeed was back in business.

A/N: Alright, that was the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it to the fullest. I ask for at least two reviews to put up the next chapter.
