All It Takes is One Umbrella


Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed…if I did…(do happy dance) ahem…

Kira and Lacus is a little OOC…

Chapter one: A Rainy Day

Cagalli looked out the window. Rain was pouring down with dark clouds hovering above. She sighed deeply and looked over at her brother, who was snoring gently beside a pink-haired princess. They looked so cute together and she crept out quietly, careful not to disturb them.

The beach house that Kira and Lacus were staying at had a balcony that overlooked the ocean. A beautiful sight, if it wasn't raining. The blonde princess stepped outside, letting the on pour drench her. She always liked standing in the rain, since it always felt surprisingly warm and comforting. 'Too bad I have to stand here alone…'

She shook her head, getting the thoughts out. 'No…stop it… Can't think about this…'

For the first time, out in the rain, she felt cold and lonely. A strange emptiness that she didn't know how to react. The princess leaned against a nearby pole and closed her eyes. Perhaps, tomorrow will be a better day…

Kira stirred in his sleep and felt a warm presence on his shoulder. Lacus was still dozing on, dreaming. He played with her soft, pink hair, gently stroking it and pulled away when she let out a small content sigh.

The Freedom pilot pulled her closer, taking in the strawberry scent that her hair emitted, closing his eyes slightly. He would give anything to stay like this forever.

He raised his head, to gaze out the window. It was raining hard and the sky was pitch black. A blonde color caught his attention and squinted, trying to make out the figure.


Kira hesitantly released his hold on Lacus and laid her on the couch, where she hugged a pillow, clutching it tightly as though hugging an makeshift Kira. He chuckled softly and walked silently over to the transparent doors to the balcony.

His twin sister was against a pole on the balcony and soaked to the skin. She seemed to be sleeping, but even the rain couldn't cover the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Being the concerned brother, he walked towards her and brought her inside. He draped a blanket around her shoulders and made her sit on a chair. Taking a towel, he started to ruffle her hair, making her groan and open her eyes.

She stared annoyingly at her twin at waking her up and grabbed the towel that he was using to constantly shake her head. Kira laughed and they both had a tug-of-war for the towel. A small yawn stopped the war and the twins looked at Lacus sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

Lacus blinked once and her eyes widen at the sight of the sister and brother fighting over a towel. "Anything I should know about?" she asked, smiling.

Cagalli blushed and ran to her room, picked up some clothes and stormed to the hot springs that the beach house had. There was a moment of rustling, and footsteps. Kira and Lacus watched the entrance curiously even though a long cloth marked 'Hot Springs' covered the door.


A scream from inside the hot spring started the couple, a large splashing noise, and a stream of curses blasted from the springs. Kira sweatdropped and Lacus laughed.

"I better check up on her, ne?" Lacus said cheerfully. Kira nodded and she swept off to the entrance. She suddenly stopped and winked at her boyfriend. "No boys allowed. And no peeking, mister!"

Kira grinned and replied with a small wink, "I'll try not to…"

The blonde princess of ORB sat in one of the springs, holding her slightly sore head. 'Damn that floor...' she cursed silently as she sank into the comforting water. It made her relax, and release the tension in her muscles.

"Lonely, are we now?"

Cagalli jumped at the sudden comment over her shoulder. A grinning pink princess clad in only a towel was standing behind her. "Lacus?"

"Sorry if I scared you." She apologized sheepishly and joined her in the spring. Silence once again claimed the setting as the two sat on there.

Noticing Cagalli's slightly depressed look, she splashed some water at her, making her yelp and raise her hands to defend against the offending torrent of water. "Something wrong, Cagalli?"

She looked away, the depression now clearly visible. "N-Nothing…Why do you ask?" she muttered.

Lacus laughed and replied, "Well, the look on your face mostly, and the fact that you're taking about 5 cups of coffee every 10 min."

"So? Doesn't prove anything…" she frowned slightly as the ex-pop singer looked curiously at her.

"Oh. By the way. An old friend of Kira's is staying for about a week. He's coming tomorrow." Lacus said, standing up and began to walk towards the changing room.

"TOMORROW! Why wasn't I informed before!" Cagalli shouted at the retreating figure. She shrugged and Cagalli groaned loudly. A sudden "Oh my!" and a crash reverberated throughout the springs.

"Lacus!" the Strike Rouge pilot rushed to her brother's girlfriend and found a disheveled pink-haired girl sitting there, dazed, blinking and rubbing her head. "Wow…these floors really are slippery. I should watch where I step…"

Cagalli sweatdropped as the pop princess picked herself up and adjusted her towel that was around her body. Just then, a panting Kira slammed into the springs, wheezing. "What happened! Are you ok!"

He surveyed the hot springs, checking for any signs of danger and turned back to Cagalli and Lacus. "Whew. Thought some molester came in and attacked…" He paused, and his face burned.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Cagalli asked, her eyes narrowed. Then, it struck her. She looked down at herself and at Lacus. Her eyes widen and twitched as she stared back at Kira. Lacus stood there humming to herself, apparently not realizing at what they were momentarily stunned at.

"HENTAI!" a furious Cagalli punched Kira, who soared right through the wall of the hot springs and chased after him, her eyes and face red with embarrassment and rage.

(A/N: Whew…first chapter finished…I had no idea how to start…suffered major block trying to complete this…I got the hot springs idea from gsd 24…Review please…thanks very much…I'll try to update as soon as I get through my math exam which is in 3 days…...)