Disclaimer: Tolkien owns it all. I only own Alcanor

AN: Hello! I am back! This is a short fic, probably only 4 or 5 chapters (I haven't finished yet!) It's called Raging Torrent.

This is actually the second version seeing as Word wouldn't save the first! Grrr…

But otherwise I'm still happy about Sunday When Kimi got on the Podium! dances

Anyway onto the fic!

Raging Torrent

Chapter 1:-A dreadful accident

The hot summer's sun shone down on the bank's of the Forest River which sparkled in the light, alluring to the eye. Despite the heat of summer no elf bathed in the river, instead preferring the tributaries that ran to it, for the current of the Forest River was incredibly strong and not even the best swimmer would risk a dip in those inviting waters.

Beneath one of the trees that grew beside the river sat Legolas Thranduilion. He listened in peace to the sounds of the young elflings who splashed in the nearby tributaries, and swung in the tall trees. Around him, resting under other trees were the parents of the younger elflings, blankets of food spread before them. He had been invited to many of these small picnics, but had politely declined, preferring, for now not to be fussed over. He closed his eyes and let the peace wash over him.

"Now I wouldn't say that was attire for an Elven Prince"

Legolas opened an eye "And what business of yours is it if the Elven Prince wishes to wander around in simply a pair of his leggings." He replied a smile on his face "Alcanor! Where have you been?"

His companion sat down beside him, a tall dark haired elf with prominent muscles; as usual he gripped a bow in his hand. Alcanor had trained Legolas in the skill of archery, until the young Prince had surpassed him. "I've been in Rivendell, Master Legolas"

"And how is everyone there?"

"All are well, though Elladan and Elrohir were asking after you. Wondering when they would next be seeing you" the archery instructor replied "How is your Father"

At this Legolas face became concerned "He is working too hard, I remember when summer would be like this, he would be out here, but now he seems to be always working. Mirkwood has gotten darker and he…I worry about him. He seems to be spending less time to himself. I do not think he even eats some days"

Alcanor looked at him sympathetically "You miss him" he said "Try talking to him" he urged the Prince

"I have…it did not work" a spark of hurt flared in the Prince's eyes as he remembered his Father's earlier words

"What happened?" Alcanor asked giving the Prince's shoulder a quick squeeze

Legolas brought his knees to his chest "I went to see if he would join me by the river, he refused, said he had too much work. I told him that he worked to hard, and he needed a break. He replied…" Legolas broke off

"What?" Alcanor urged

"It was not really hurtful, just…" Legolas sighed "He told me that he worked to keep the forest safe because it was his duty. I told him he still needed a break He yelled at me to get out, to leave him in peace"

Alcanor winced "I am sure he did not mean to hurt you Legolas, the stress of his work and the heat, they probably just caused him to lose his temper with the first person available, who happened to be you"

Legolas nodded "I know. I wish he would take a break"

Alcanor gripped his arm "It must be hard being the only son of a King in a realm as dangerous as this. But I know you Father. Every time an elf is brought back dead, he blames himself for not doing enough about the darkness. Imagine how he would feel if it were you who were brought back dead."

Legolas nodded slowly "I understand. But I only wish he would have more time for me. But that is selfish"

"Of course not Legolas" Alcanor assured him "He is your Father. You have every right to want him to spend more time with you"

"But he has to be King first" Legolas said returning to watching the elflings scampering about, his eyes were dram to one trio who were climbing a tree that hung over the river, he smiled recognising them as three of the elflings who loved to watch him practice archery, his eyes widened with horror as one of them sidled onto branch much to frail to hold his weight. The elf Prince leapt to his feet and ran to the bank, diving into the water just as the elfling fell from the branch with a terrified scream.

Legolas quickly surfaced and swan to where the terrified elfling was clinging to a rock in the centre of the stream. He eventually reached the elfling with the help of current and grabbed the elfling under one arm "Hold on" he urged the child, barely aware of the screams coming from the bank, the child clung to him terrified as Legolas tried to swim back to the bank. But the current was too much for the Prince and he was in danger of being swept downstream. Struggling against the current, he was rapidly growing weaker; this was proved as both he and the child were suddenly pulled under the surface of the river.

In his study, King Thranduil looked up in annoyance as the screams from the river became louder and more frenzied. Stalking over to his balcony he made to pull the balcony doors shut and then paused listening to the screams, at that moment he realised that the screams were of panic and fear. Mingled into them he heard voices calling a name. His eyes widened as he realised whose name they were shouting. He shook his head in shock, before turning and racing out of the door, heading towards the river.

Legolas burst the surface, pulling the sobbing child above the water with him frantically paddling he realised he was nearing the bank. Focusing only on getting the young elfling to safety, he slipped under the surface again, the gathered crowd gasped as blood suddenly welled up in the water, but Legolas burst the surface quickly, a look of pain on his face. A jagged rock beneath the surface had gashed his leg. Black spots welled before his eyes, as the pain threatened to be to much for him No, must get to safety he thought desperately. He reached out for one of the proffered hands as he came nearer to them, the current attempting to pull him away from their safety, he felt hands grasp at him, and the elfling was taken from him. From the corner of his eye he could see his Father rush towards them. Then he was wrenched away into the middle of the stream. He struggled frantically to get back to the shore. But it was no use, the current was too strong. As unconsciousness crept closer, he saw his Father reach the bank and begin to struggle with the guards, obviously wanting to leap in the river. The last thing Legolas heard was his Father screaming his name.

The all went black…


That's a bit of an evil cliffie isn't it! Heh heh heh…
