Title: Eyes On Me

Author: CT

Rating: PG-PG13

Warnings: Violence, dark, supernatural

Genres: Supernatural/Horror/Angst


Disclaimer: Beyblades is copyrighted by. . . whoever made it.

Claimer: Mindy is mine; the Goths' wardrobes are mine. In addition, your souls are mine! . . . No, I am only kidding.


Summary: A student found dead. Two rejects. And a group of students who do not know what to do. When two gothic students are framed for murder by their fellow classmates, and the other witches in their coven start to believe the so-called truth, what are the suspected to do; other than try to get to the bottom of it. Be it on their own or with another's help. They will have to either survive by their sorcery alone or accept the help from a group of students who knows parts of the real story.


Random Author's Note: Yes, I am a much messed up girl.

BTW: Because the formatting on SUCKS, I am reposting the chapters, I am trying to figure out the best way to format my fics so that does not remove the formatting, as it normally does. So, if you cannot tell changes of scenes, blame not me. In addition, I am going through and re-spellchecking, cuz last time I read, I found a few errors.

Chapter One: Where Was Life When it Had A Meaning. . .?

It was lunch break at the Bakuten High and the students were all eating outside on the grounds; a group of teens spoke amongst themselves, not at all prepared for what would happen next.

Tyson Granger sat beside his cheerleader girlfriend; Hilary. He, himself, sipping at his soda as he snaked his arm around her waist. The pretty brunette talking with Mariah and Miriam, two other girls who were on the cheerleader squad. Mariah was Ray Kon's girlfriend, and Ray was a soccer playing Chinese boy with long black hair and green eyes, although half the time he wore a pair of gold contacts. Miriam was Max Tait's girlfriend, and Max was an aspiring basketball player, along with his older brother; Michael. Max had short blond hair, always spiked in a crazy fashion and he had big blue eyes, he was always either hyperactive or on a sugar high.

Max sat with Miriam on his lap, his hands around her waist and head resting on her shoulder. Mariah was sitting beside Ray, leaning heavily on him with her hands around his chest.

Mariah had long, dyed pink hair, she too wore yellow contacts. Her favorite color was pink and that was the only color of clothes she wore. Her facial structure included round cheeks, a sharp chin, perky little nose, and full lips. Pale skinned and short compared to her boyfriend.

Miriam had long blue hair, she also dyed hers, her eyes were a jade green color and lined with thick, black lashes. Her facial structure was made up of high cheekbones, a strong chin, long nose, and slender lips. She had tanned skin and was tall, a little taller than Max even.

Hilary, on the other hand, had natural brown hair, cut short and curly to her chin. Her eyes were brown and twinkled every time she spoke of shopping, make up, or boys. Her facial structure consisted of; full lips, cheeks that dimpled when she smiled, and a small nose, which turned red when she grew embarrassed.

They spoke quietly about the basketball game coming up that week, Max would be point guard and Michael was on offense.

"Oh gawd, look at that, they know they aren't supposed to, like, be here." A blond cheerleader, who was one of Hilary's rivals, gasped, perfectly manicured hands flying up to cover her mouth as she stared past Tyson's group. They followed her gaze, and did not know whether to cringe or cry.

The two school goths were walking in their direction, both looking dark (as usual).

The taller one was Tala Ivanov. He was an exchange student from Moscow, Russia, and he hated everyone, with the exception of his companion. He was in his freshman year at the high school and he did not fit in well. He was also considered a bit of a psycho due to the fact that he had once stuck a biology scalpel through his tongue to see if it would hurt.

Tala had spiked red hair, which was tipped black. His ice blue eyes were narrowed and held no emotion; they were lined with a thick row of black lashes. He wore a sleeveless black turtle neck, black cargo pants(full with chains, leather belts, and zippers), black punching gloves, black leather bondage cuffs, and a chrome two inch spiked choker. His black backpack was loose on his shoulders, a black panther hung from the side of the bag and it had a fake bloody knife through its side. He had black lipstick on, and black eye shadow, on his nails were chipped black nail polish.

His companion, Kai Hiwatari, better known as the Walking Iceberg, was shorter by at least five inches, ranking in at five foot three inches. He too was an exchange student from Moscow, Russia, and he spoke to no one. Not even Tala, at least, not in public. He too was a freshman, greatly disliked by all with the exception of the Dark Ones, a group of teens who were rejected by everyone who was anyone. He was always looking up at everyone, head always downcast and looking through his bangs.

He ignored the teachers, ignored the other students, and just sat around drawing graphic pictures of blood and death. His most popular picture was printed in the school paper, under the title 'Gothic Rose'. It was a picture of a little girl, standing in a field of flowers, tightly holding onto the stem of a rose, blood trickling down her arm from the thorns cutting into her hand. It was done in all charcoal pencil and he did not care what anyone thought of it.

He was a strange one, and no one understood how he had such highly graded transcripts with the way he did not pay attention in class. He sat at the back of the class all the time, only drawing or listening to music through his headphones and walkman. The teachers gave up on trying to get him to 'take off those confounded gadgets' all they ever got in response was a glare and Kai going back to whatever he was doing.

He had blood red eyes, which were always narrowed and glaring. His jaw length gray hair was dyed black at the back, leaving gray bangs, which he streaked black. His bangs spiked down in front of his face and blocking his eyes fairly well. His skin was pale, paler than Tala's, and it was usually covered by his clothes. His eyebrows were also dyed black, and he wore a thick layer of black eyeliner around his eyes. And...had he done something to darken his lips?

He had multiple piercings in his right ear, and a single cartilage piercing in his left. In his right ear were mostly just spiked chrome or black studs, and a single black ear cuff. In his upper left ear was a small black hoop earring, which he always played with when he grew bored. On top of the piercings in his ears, there was a piercing in his lip and in his tongue.

He wore a black long-sleeved shirt, the sleeves were tattered and see-through, underneath the sleeves were black fishnet arm wraps, which reached his upper arms and were latched there by a black leather belt. His pants were black cargos, much like Tala's, but Kai had a bit of a belt fetish, three belts around his waist, two around each boot, one on each wrist, and one around his throat. His boots were leather, black, and three sizes too big, and Kai clunked around in them as if they were his real feet. Kai's backpack hung very low on his back, it was black and it had 'Death is normal, live with it. . .' sewn in red on the one flap. His black nail polish was always chipping and his black gloves had the fingers torn off.

All the students watched as Tala and Kai made for the lunch table closest to the student parking lot.

Kai slowly following Tala's lead, boots clunking loudly on the pavement as he moved to perch on a bench at the table. Kai pulled a small bottle from one of his cargo pockets, uncapped it, and used the small brush to reapply his black nail polish.

"Didja hear?" The blond cheerleader asked, her name was Mindy. She leaned closer into her posse of cheerleaders and started to gossip over what she had earlier heard. "Another student was found dead last night, it was Emily Carmikle, the police found her in the park down the street. She had shot herself through the head."

Emily Carmikle was a sophomore, one of the Dark Ones, and one of the few girls in the group. She had short, orange hair, and blue eyes, which were always framed by a pair of black wire frame glasses. She was very smart, had high grades for all of her subjects, and was quickly accepted into the gothic posse for her 'let the world drop dead' attitude. She always wore black and gray, like the other Dark Ones.

A black long sleeved shirt underneath a gray corset which was laced up the sides, a black skirt with multiple layers of black and gray, even a thin layer of transparent red cloth. Her lips painted black and her eyes donning black eye shadow, she was a walking shadow.

Her favorite author was Edgar Allen Poe; she was not an artist in the aspect of drawing, but an artist nonetheless with the way she wrote poetry and novels. Her one friend, Kai, had even drawn the 'Gothic Rose' based on a young girl from Emily's one poem, under the same name.

'Darkness is my sunlight

Blood my source of water

I am no one's lover

What I am is a martyr

A little girl

With no purpose in life

You will not even see me standing here

Clutching the blade of this knife

Against my wrist

Wanting it to end

I could write an entire list

Of how I want my life to bend

Into what I want it to be

But it never will bend to my will

I am only a black rose

Gothic and dark

Unnoticed and cold

Dangerous and alone

I will not even answer when you knock

On my door

I will be dead before sunlight

Can raise and shine

On my bedroom floor

And will you notice?

Me lying there

Dying fast or slow

How ever I want it to go

You will not notice me, will you?

I hope not, you will not know

I do not want to be remembered

Remembered by people like you'

. . . Now she was dead. Tala had earlier heard the same and told the shorter gothic who always trailed behind him like a shadow.

"I heard the same! The reason she killed herself; she was ordered to by the spirit those witches summoned, she was a sacrifice!" Gasps chorused throughout the schoolyard. The young girl who had spoken glared at Tala and Kai."This school was normal until those two came! Emily was normal until they corrupted her! It's their fault she's dead!"

Immediately, all eyes were on Tala and Kai. Tala was lying on the one bench across from Kai, who had finished with his nails and was now drawing. His pencil flying across the pad of sketch paper as he kept his head down and shoulders slouched,

"I knew there was something funny about those goths. They're all witches!" Michael, Max's older brother and incidentally Mindy's boyfriend, growled. He stood from his seat.

"Mickey! What are you doing!" Mindy grabbed his hand, clinging to him as if for dear life.

"Somebody needs to teach those guys a lesson. They had one of their own killed, when they run out of sacrifices, we're probably next." Michael started advancing in the direction of Tala and Kai, slipping free of Mindy's long nailed grasp.

"Be careful, babe!" Mindy called, perfectly glossed pink lips pursed in worry.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tala saw the brunette coming. Sitting up, the red head nudged the other's arm. Kai dropped his pencil, closed his sketchbook, and tilted his head to watch the jock through his bangs.

It was Michael Tait; baseball prodigy now going for the gold on the high school football team.

Kai slid his backpack under the table, after stashing his art pad and pencil in the bag. Michael was here!

The entire schoolyard broke into gossip and gasps when Michael pulled Kai up by his hair, spinning the much shorter male around to face him.

"Listen, buddy, we know ya forced Emily into killin' herself, just admit it and turn yourself in to the cops. Save us all the trouble, creep." Michael had a fist full of black as he held Kai's hair in a tight grip, wrenching back the gothic's head and staring him in the face. Dead crimson eyes stared back, silky hair falling away from his face except for a few stray bangs.

Tala had stood by now, snarling through painted black lips. He noted the fact that, as usual, Kai had made nary a sound during the event of getting his hair yanked on. Tala stepped up behind Kai, growling at Michael.

"Maybe you killed her; yes, I can see the headlines now: High School Jock Murders Girl, Frames Two Goths as Cause of Death. No one would expect you to do it, or maybe that girlfriend of yours killed her?" Tala snapped icily, grabbing Michael's hand and prying it from Kai's hair.

"Don't drag me into this! You two corrupted Emily and then killed her! It's your fault!" Michael went to smack Tala across the top of the head when a voice interrupted his actions.

"I'm surprised you even know what that word means." The voice was soft and deep, but cold nonetheless.

Again, gasps were heard and everyone had their stunned eyes on Kai. Even Tala looked a little shocked; if you could his eyes, that is.

"Don't go laying the blame on us. You have no solid evidence it was our doing. I would recommend 'not' falsely accusing us." Kai continued, that was the most he had ever said to anyone at the school.

"And I was hoping you were mute." Michael said, pushing away Tala and standing in front of Kai, whose height only reached to Michael's shoulders.

"And I was hoping you would drop dead." Kai bit back, glaring darkly with a smirk on his face. The hoop in the piercing in his lip glimmered off the light, shining black.

"Get a life, freak." Michael pushed Kai back by his shoulders, only to have the gothic brace himself and not move anywhere.

"Get a grave, jock, and how about you get a few lessons in insults too, you'll need it." Kai's voice was both dangerously low in tone and bitingly sarcastic. Kai turned away; he was withdrawing into himself again. He looked at Tala briefly before retrieving his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Don't you walk away! We all know it is your fault! Don't bother to try and save yourself!" Michael tried to follow Kai, only to have Tala grab him by the collar and growl in his face,

"Don't meddle in another's affairs. It could get you or one of your loved ones," Tala focused his eyes on Mindy. "hurt."

With that, Tala released Michael, pushing the jock back. Tala turned and left, Kai following close behind, head down, shoulders slumped, and walking lazily, feet dragging.

"Oh baby! I was so worried about you! Did they hurt you with their voodoo magic!" Mindy hopped up from the table; stopping a moment to be sure she had not broken a nail, and then wrapped her arms around Michael's neck.

"Mindy, knock it off and get off of me." Michael snapped, causing his girlfriend to jump back.

"But, babe, what's wrong?" Mindy asked, baby blue eyes confused.

"Nothing's wrong, other than the fact that I've got some things to deal with right now." Michael grabbed his backpack and walked away, vanishing into the school building.

Tyson and the others had seen the whole thing, and now they were unsure what to think. Emily had been Tyson's next-door neighbor, she was a nice girl, just rejected and she was into some weird things. Like witchcraft, and putting hexes on people who offended her or one of her friends. She was nice to Tyson, and he was nice to her. However, just a few days ago, Tyson had seen three strange men knocking on the door of her house, Emily had not answered the door but her father had. He had seemed shocked but he had let the men in. A little later, he had seen the three men leaving with Emily walking behind them until they all got into a big black van and drove away. Her father had not seen them off and Tyson had not seen him since that day.

On top of that, he had not seen Emily at school for that same length of time. She was normally always hanging out with the Dark Ones, sitting near Tala and Kai and always writing something.

The school bell rang suddenly, alarming the schoolyard, that lunch break was over and it was time to get back to school. Tyson stood with Hilary hanging onto his arm, the same with Max and Miriam, and Mariah was up on Ray's back, holding on for dear life as he walked to the double doors into the school.

Tala stopped a moment, falling back to walk with Kai instead of in front of him. They were just walking out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk, walking in the opposite direction of the school.

"Why do you think she did it?" Kai asked softly, his voice barely a whisper, but Tala could still hear the words.

"I don't think it was by her own accord. She was probably prompted by someone." Tala sighed, patting Kai's shoulder, causing the other to flinch."Oh, sorry."

"Its fine, I'm just a little jumpy right now. And my head hurts." Kai said, gently placing his hands on the spot where Michael had wrenched on his hair. "Why us? Why is it always our fault?"

"It's because we're different." Tala answered, glaring at a man they passed on the street. Said man was trying to sell them something that they could not care less about. "Fate hates us."

"I wonder if anyone up there is laughing hysterically. . ." Kai said, looking to the sky, eyes squinting as the sun light flooded them.

"No, not laughing hysterically. They already have died of laughter." Tala responded in a dark voice.

"If so, then why isn't the world spinning out of control and burning because it rocketed into the sun? Why isn't the sky falling? Why are we still here if they're all dead?" Kai asked, keeping in step with Tala as they continued to walk down the street.

"Because, they're not really dead." Tala answered, contradicting his earlier statement.

"You're a crazy person." Kai's voice was monotone, but Tala could sense the humor laced throughout it.

"And you are my evil minion." Tala said, patting Kai on the shoulder, causing the other to flinch.

"Listen, Tal', I gotta go. My 'guardian' wants me home as soon as possible." Kai said with a huff, rolling his eyes.

"Right. Kai, be careful, don't take any crap from him today." Tala whispered.

"Yeah. I will be." Kai said, withdrawing into himself and shutting his mouth. He turned at the corner where the sidewalk split off into multiple roads. Leaving Tala to watch him walk away before the red head himself turned and walked down a different road.

Kai quietly wandered down the street, passing house after house, and they all looked the same. Every front yard trimmed to perfection, every front porch swept clean. Yes, school was still in session, but not like he cared. He had already graduated college; he was only at the school because his guardian had wanted him to 'blend in' with the other teens in the neighbor hood. Tala too, he was already a college graduate himself. The two of them were both fast learners, in both martial arts and school.

A wet splash on the ground before him brought him back to reality. He looked up to see rain coming down, slowly increasing in speed and heaviness. Within minutes, he was soaked to the bone, his hair slick to his head and clothes damp against his skin.


Kai looked back down, the one house's door was cracked open and he could faintly see an eye peering out at him. Sighing, his boots softly clunked up the stairs to the partially open the door.

"You're home early." A voice, deep and cold said.

Kai only nodded, eyes downcast as he was given entrance into the house. The door was softly shut with another click, and seconds later sounds of fists on skin were faintly heard throughout the neighbor hood.

What happens next? Wait and find out in chapter two.