Title: Eyes On Me

Author: CT

Rating: PG-PG13

Warnings: Violence, dark, supernatural

Genres: Supernatural/Horror/Angst


Disclaimer: Beyblades is copyrighted by. . . whoever made it. And I don't own Ghost in the Shell or Origa. The titles for some of the chapters are named after the lyrics of Inner Universe by Origa for Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Today's chapter is named after the title of LimpBizkits song, Behind Blue Eyes. . . and I probably spelled their name wrong too. But then again, it is only three in the morning.

Claimer: Mindy is mine, the goths' wardrobes are mine, Amelia and Marcus are mine. the pictures Kai draws are really mine, and Emily's poetry is mine. And your souls are mine!. . . no I'm only kidding.


Summary: A student found dead. Two rejects. And a group of students who don't know what to do. When two gothic students are framed for murder by their fellow class mates, and the other witches in their coven start to believe the so-called truth, what are the suspected to do; other than try to get to the bottom of it. Be it on their own or with another's help. They'll have to either survive by their sorcery alone or accept the help from a group of students who knows parts of the real story. . .


Random Author's Note: POKE ME!

Real Author's Note: Okay, I have been doing some editting and reposting. I am hoping that will stop being moody and just leave the formatting alone. This is the fourth chapter, and I have had some very great reviewers, so thanks to Akumizu7, BrookDragenLord, DarkLightJak, and Monarch. You are all awesome.

BTW: seriously screwed up the formatting for chapter three, I've tried to fix it, but it's still being mean to me. In addition, I apologize for the spelling errors in all chapters. I'm trying a different format for this chapter, if it works, I'll repost the other chapters with the same format. AND there is some Michael bashing in this chapter. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term 'bashing' in one way it means I'm insulting, abusing, and embarrasing him, cause I do not like him very much. And Ming-Ming bashing cause I don't like her either. And Ricky bashing.

LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR: I'm not trying to say that blonds are stupid, morons, etcetera. But in this fiction, Mindy is a blond, and I needed a character to bash. The curls of her hair are false, she bleached and permed her hair. Mindy is needed for a bigger role later in the fiction, and it comes into play in this chapter. Just wanted to make that clear. So if you take offense, or are likely to take offense, remember that I'm not insulting all blonds just, this character(Mindy). My best friend is blond so I have nothing against them. But I have met some blonds who were not as brilliant as their hair color. AND I'm not trying to insult cheerleaders.

Above was your little explanation for the blond bashing, if you go and flame me for it, I'll just suppose you didn't read the above paragraph and I'll laugh at your expense.

Also there is some implied swearing. Don't worry, it is not written out, only implied by something like 'd...' for the d-word and so on. So, swearing wise, it's kid safe.


Chapter Four: Behind Blue Eyes

Before he could strike the supposed killer, Michael was shocked to find Kai's eyes snapping open, a feral glow lighting up his eyes. Now Michael knew something was wrong, and Kai moved so suddenly, he didn't see him. . .the last thing he felt was pain.


The entire cafeteria watched as Kai literally vanished, followed up with Michael landing hard on the ground, face first. Kai stood above him, glaring down. The gothic looked up at Spencer, who had stood in case he found a reason to defend one of the leaders of their group.

"Oh my gawd!"

"Did you see that?"

"Do it again!"

Noises and voices rang out throughout the entire room, and it was starting to get to Kai. He growled, gestured to Michael, still looking at Spencer, and grabbed his book bag. Spencer grabbed up Michael in his hulking arms and walked over to Mindy's table to deposit the jock in her lap. The cheerleader nearly fell over from his weight, but her posse quickly leapt to her rescue; suceeding in protecting her from falling back, but she merely fell forward, her face introducing itself to her cesaer salad.

"Oops, sorry darling." One blonde girl, Amanda, said, her platinum blonde hair falling over her shoulders as she bent over to pull Mindy's face from the salad.

"OH! Get Away, You Bimbo!" Mindy yelled, pushing Amanda away, and grabbing the closest cloth and cleaning her face off with it. When the Non-Fat Thousand Island salad dressing was cleared away from her eyes, she came to the shocking realization that she had just cleaned her face off with her very own white silk jacket. She pouted angrily and slammed her fists down on either side of the bench she sat on, resulting in her left fist colliding with Michael's stomach, waking him up and causing him to cry out in pain.

"Mindy! What Are You Trying To Do!" Michael quickly sat up, knocking into Mindy and causing her to fall backwards.

She fell with a scream, her baby blue eyes clenched shut. When her scream died down, she was met with immense laughter. Opening an eye, she was terribly embarrassed by the fact that her uniform navy blue skirt had flipped up when she fell to land upside-down, her pink teddy bear underwear exposed to the cafeteria.


By this time, Kai and Tala had left. But Bryan and Spencer sat at their table, smirking, dark eyes narrowed as they supressed their laughter. It wasn't just a twist of fate that had caused the whole ordeal, they knew Kai and Tala had a part to play in the whole entertaining show.


Laughter wracked Tyson's chest as he laughed hysterically. Hillary's face turning red as she crushed her chocolate brown eyes, tears threatening to fall. Mustard staining the table top as Max laughed hard, he had just eaten pasta soaked in mustard and the proof was spread across the table from his laughter. Ray was in tears, choking on his soda, Mariah supporting herself on him as she tried to keep from laughing up a lung. Miriam, miss ever-so-serious, had a small smile gracing her lips, softly laughing.

Everything was funny when a dumb blond like Mindy was at the butt of the joke.


"Sh-Shut up!" Mindy yelled as she stood up, crocodile tears flooding her baby blues; her hands clenched into fists, her face scrunched in anger. "You don't have the right to laugh at me!"

"Aww, what's wrong, baby want her ba-ba?" A teen shouted from across the room, asking if she needed a bottle of milk. The laughter came harder as comments where strewn through the room, a few even getting Bryan to chuckle softly.

"Stop It! You Don't Have Any Right To Laugh At Me!" Mindy screamed, pointed glares aimed at the crowd of teens standing around her table."STOP IT!"


Even down the hall from the carfeteria, Kai and Tala had heard her scream telling the others to stop. Kai was sitting on the floor, legs outstretched, art pad resting in his lap. Tala was pacing back and forth in front of Kai, every so often taking a moment to kick Kai's boots out of the way only to have the younger teen put them back a minute later.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done that. Now we're gonna have a bratty cheerleader whining and complaining about every little thing in life to everyone in this school. 'Ohhh woe is me! I was embarrassed so now I'm going to make a big deal over my pathetic exsitence'. The thought sickens me." Tala growled, kicking Kai's boots again.

"Then stop thinking about it." Kai said, voice soft and low. He retaliated by kicking Tala's foot, causing the other to stumble. "We needed to do that, if we hadn't hexed her, our plan wouldn't work."

"Amazing, you spoke more than one sentence." Tala's ice blue eyes held false astonishment. No one else was in the hall, the teachers were in the lounge and the students either in the cafeteria or out on the school lawn.

Kai looked at his leather banded watch, put his art pad in his book bag, and covered his ears. Moments later, the shrill ring of the school bell shattered the silent space of the hall, threatening to deafen Kai's sensitive ears. Tala too covered his ears, his hearing like that of a wolf.

When the bell stop, they could hear the other students gathering up their book bags. Kai could feel the vibrations of footsteps as teens raced for doors. They stood, turned and made their way down separate halls, Tala going to his biology class and Kai to his physical education class.


"By careful examination of the spider, you will be able to note the major external characteristics. The body is divided into two regions: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax, an arthropod characteristic, is the fusion of the head and the thorax. The cephalothorax of the spider supports six pairs of jointed appendages. The first appendage has been modified into jaws called chelicerae. The second are the palps, sense receptors and grasping organs, leg-like in females but blbous in males. The remaining appendages are four pairs of walking legs characteristic of arachnids." The biology teacher, Miss Deep, said. The pretty brunette motioned to the different parts of the spider which were shown on the picture attached to the blackboard.

Tala just ignored her, too busy trying to collect all of his thoughts.

'Dang it, the chip is having too much affect on our life. Maybe we shouldn't have taken it, Emily died to keep it safe, and now they're after Kai. The next time he goes home, his 'grandfather' is bound to kill him. He barely survived last night. And then Michael tried to beat on him at lunch. Ahh! My poor head!' Tala winced as a million thoughts all tried to gain attention.'Now, if our plan plays out, Mindy will get dumped by Michael and be rejected by the others, then she'll only be able to fit in with us. But why her? Why is it that she's the one with the light element? Why is she a healer? She's a brat! Oh well, things will never make sense!'

"Mr.Ivanov, please read from chapter twenty-two." Miss Deep asked, sweetly smiling; she held nothing against the gothic teens, their appearances and attitudes didn't phase her, she had once been just like them.

"Sure, teach'." Tala asid softly, she was the only teacher he'd comply to because she was the only one who was kind to him.

Amelia Deep never tried to make him go to therapy, the only time she mentioned anything like that to him is when she told him 'if you or any of your friends need help, please tell me. No one deserves to suffer alone, and I've been there before'. Amelia had once been a wicca, using magick, casting spells, summoning demons. But then she found love and married a police officer, Marcus Deep, he retired and they both turned their home into a dojo so that Marcus could teach the kids and teens around the community to use martial arts.

As he stood up, many of the other students were shocked that he hadn't retaliated with a nasty comment or just plain ignore her. But before he could start reading, screams came from the hall outside the door.

He dropped the book, watching the clouded glass of the door's window. Amelia moved to stand in front of the door, her hand reaching for the knob cautiously.

"No! Don't open it!" Tala yelled, startling Amelia, causing her to jump away from the door."Get down!"

Just then, a bullet richochetted through the window, shattering the frosted glass and flying over Amelia's head as she ducked, the bullet flew across the front of the room and shattered through the window, leaving the perimeter.

"Oh my god!" Students screamed and clamored onto the floor, hiding under desks and chairs, three girls hid in the closet at the back of the room, holding eachother and shrieking.

Tala moved to the front of the room, kneeling beside Amelia, he started to push her towards her desk.
"Hide." He whispered in her ear before crawling over to the door, much like a wolf would.

He could hear a young girl sobbing outside the door, the voice of a young man speaking harshly to her. Obsenities laced into his sentences as he slammed her against a locker across the hall from Miss Deep's biology class.

"Listen here, you little b..., I don't take no for an answer, w...! You said you would always love me, and I'm holding you to your d... word!"

Tala slowly stood and peeked over the broken shards of glass still in the door to see Ricky Morales holding a gun in a blue haired girl's face, Ming-Ming stared at the barrel of the gun, trembling visibly.

"Please, don't hurt me. I'm sorry. I really am." Ming-Ming cried, knees weak and quaking as Ricky held her up with the threat of shooting if she moved.

"I won't hurt you, b..., just kill you. You can't dump me, sl..! I'm all you have!" Ricky smacked her across the face before pulling her up by the front of her shirt. Tears fell over her cheeks in droves as she sobbed loudly. He slammed her up against the locker, yelling at her."Stop crying, b...!"

"Hey, Ricky-boy, leave her alone!" Tala swung through the large broken window, landing to stand behind Ricky and Ming-Ming."That isn't anyway to treat a girl."

"Shut up and stay out of this, ba...! F... off!" Ricky held Ming-Ming against the locker, but aimed the gun at Tala.

Tala smirked, blinked, and vanished. Next thing Ricky knew, he was the one slammed face first against the locker with his arm twisted behind his back. Ming-Ming stood behind Tala, legs going limp and she sank to the floor, moments later Amelia ran from the biology room, grabbed Ming-Ming and hurried back in, shutting the door and hiding her under the desk.

She returned to the door, her cell-phone against her ear.

"Yes, Bakuten High." She answered the voice on the other side of the phone. "Amelia Deep. Yes. Please hurry."

Ricky broke free of Tala hold and whipped around, perpared to fire when he saw a black boot out the corner of his eye and spun around in time to have said boot collide directly with his face.

Tala watched, fairly impressed, as Kai dropped Ricky with a single kick. Last time he checked, Ricky was as hard headed as they came, personality wise and physically.

Ricky was flat out on the floor, gun falling from his hand. That's when they noticed the group of teens forming a ring around the three, students and teachers leaving their classes once they heard the teen drop to the ground unconscious.

"Is he dead?"

"I think he's out cold."

"Oh my god!"

The gasps continued as police sirens were heard, Amelia had called the police after hiding Ming-Ming. She had seen Kai come out of literally nowhere and knock Ricky flat out. Now the gothic teen stood there looking down at the white haired, dark skinned teen.

"Kai!" Tala grabbed Kai by his arm, snapping the other back out of his daydreaming realm.

"Everybody move!" Shouts were heard as Amelia ushered her class into the biology room, Tala pulling Kai along behind him. The police officers in crisp navy uniforms took over the perimeter.

Amelia was called to speak with an officer.

While everyone was focused on the officers and Ricky, Kai and Tala slipped out a window and ran from the school in the direction of an old warehouse.

Chapter four, complete.

All swear words look like:


or something similar, you're imaginitive, figure it out. I don't wish to swear so that younger readers won't have to worry about it, I hate having to read fiction which is a swear word everyother word so, young readers, feel free to read my fiction and know that it's swear-free.


DarkLightJak: Hey, thanks for the review. I feel honored that my beyblade fic is the first you've read. You guessed right, do you like chocolate chip cookies, my sister and I just baked themhangs Jak cookies. And I checked out your bio, I'm guessing you like Jaki and Daxter.

Monarch: I'm glad you like it. I wrote it cuz I look all over the web for goth Kai or Tala fics, but I can never find them, so I gave up and made one of my own. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and there are many more to come(as long as my computer likes me)

BrookDragenLord: I'll suppose you like caps-lock, that or you held down shift the entire time. :) Actually, it's easy coming up with this stuff, I've been writting fanfiction for quite sometime under a different penname, but I wanted a new profile with my serious fanfiction posted, so I created ChainedTenchi. Whoa, what is this sliced bread you speak of(no, I'm only kidding, actually I'm eating a piece as I type. . .I'm hungry.)