Author's notes: Here's the next chapter! Sorry for the delay! Anyway, won't keep you waiting...Here's the next chap!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Neji was doing a good job of hiding his feelings. But inside him, he felt like a bomb just dropped into the pit of his stomach. When Sasuke pulled away, the bomb exploded.

Sasuke smirked at the dumbfounded Sakura, who looked like a goldfish out of the water. After a few seconds, Sakura regained her composure.

"Ugh, why did you do that?" exclaimed Sakura angrily as she poked Sasuke with a finger.

His eye began twitching.

Sasuke returned to his cold expression before turning his back to her.

"You told me to prove that I was not gay." He said shortly. Steam came out of Sakura's ears. She resisted the urge to push Sasuke and let him fall to the ground.

"But you could have at least drank from a glass without your pinky up!" exclaimed Sakura. Sasuke turned around to face her with a questioning look. Sakura eyes brightened as she thought of more ways.

"Or, you could have looked at your fingernails! Go ahead, look!" exclaimed Sakura as slapped Sasuke's arm playfully.

Neji, getting tired of this, just turned around and walked out of the forest. He'd have to do something to rid of those feelings. He refused to believe that was jealousy. Heck, he won't get jealous because of Uchiha Sasuke.

"I am not looking at my fingernails." said Sasuke simply. Sakura pouted and then glared at him in a childish way.

"Of all the ways you could prove you are not gay, why kiss me?" she asked angrily as she played with a strand of hair.

That thought struck Sasuke.

She's right...Of all the ways, why kiss an annoying girl? Never mind, I was just tired to go looking for other ways...

"Maybe, you like me..." said Sakura after a while. Sasuke looked up at her. Like her? Phft! As if!

"I'll never like someone like you, Pinky..." said Sasuke coldly before turning his back towards her.

Smoke came out of Sakura's ears. Did he just call her, pinky? That was the last straw. No one gets away with calling her pinky.

She jumped on Sasuke's back and began pulling his hair.

"You.Did.Not.Call.Me.Pinky!" shouted Sakura before she tackled her to the ground.

It would have been a surprise to see a girl who barely knew how to fight tackling a boy.

Neji was lying down on his bed, facing the ceiling with a blank expression. There was absolutely nothing to do, since usually at this time, he and Sakura would have been at Ichiraku, eating like they usually do.

But since there had been a little twist, Neji had to go back home, which actually gave him more time to contemplate his thoughts.

Even though he hated to admit it, he felt like punching Sasuke when he kissed her. Neji blamed it on lack of food.

But of course, our little Neji did not know what he was feeling. It is what we simply call, jealousy...

Knock, Knock, Knock...

Neji groaned before standing up to open the door. He opened it to see Ino standing there, looking annoyed.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly. Ino tapped her feet before flipping her long blonde hair.

"Well, usually at this time of the day, Sakura is with you...Where is she?" she asked.

"Not here, go away..." said Neji before he slammed the door shut. Ino raised an eyebrow.

Sheesh, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

"Take it back!" screamed Sakura in outrage. Sasuke ducked as her fist came in contact with a tree.

What was the big deal anyway? He just called her pinky? What's wrong with that?

Sasuke jumped up a tree as Sakura attempted to throw a rock at him. Shouting in defeat, Sakura kneeled down as her hands clutched the dirt.

Tears began flowing down her face and she sobbed quietly. Sasuke seemed to have noticed this. What was the problem now?

"Just don't call me pinky...My-my parents used to call me that be-before the-they got obsessed with work..." sobbed Sakura quietly. Sasuke glanced at her strangely.

"Back then, they still loved me..." she said. Sasuke was a little alarmed. He did not know how to comfort a crying girl, yet he knew she had to stop crying.

Before Sasuke could jump down the tree, Sakura stood up before running away.

This is stupid...

Sasuke glared at the Sakura's back. What was the big deal? It was not like she was the first girl who cried because of him? Why did he have this feeling and a nagging voice that kept telling him that he was guilty?

"Oh Sasuke-kuuun!" he heard a voice behind him. Sasuke turned around and saw Ino smiling at him. Before she even had a chance to say one more word, Sasuke quickly departed.

"Hey! I just wanted to ask if you saw Sakura here somewhere!" exclaimed Ino before pouting.

"I told you asking him out too many times is too troublesome..." said Shikamaru from behind Ino. Ino glared at him before poking him.

"I need to poke someone..." said Ino angrily.

Sakura stopped running as she rested under a tree. She hugged her knees and sobbed in her arms. The nickname 'Pinky' brought too many memories...


"Mommy! Daddy! I learned how to swim!" exclaimed a six year old Sakura as she ran towards her parents who were sitting under an umbrella.

Her mother laughed before picking her up and tickling her.

"My, my, our little Pinky is growing up..." she said before hugging Sakura. Sakura laughed as her father ruffled her hair.

"Mommy, now that I know how to swim, could I go deeper?" she asked excitedly as her mother let go of her.

Her father chuckled before turning to her.

"Only if you wear this arm floaters..." said her father. Sakura squealed before jumping towards her maid.

"Joan, did you hear? I could go deeper! Wee!" exclaimed Sakura.

End Flashback

Sakura smiled a little when she remembered the time she first learned how to swim. However, the last time her parents ever called her 'Pinky' was when they fired Joan...It was a terrible memory.


"Get out of our house now!" seven year old Sakura heard her mother exclaim. Sakura quickly turned off her television before going down the stairs to see what was happening.

"Please, I have nowhere to go..." said Joan sadly as tears fell down her cheeks.

Sakura's eyed widened. She quickly descended the stairs and then went over to Joan.

"Joan, where are you going?" she asked. Joan looked at her sadly.

Sakura's mother pulled her away from Joan before shouting again.

"Don't ever go near my daughter again!" she shouted fiercely. Joan backed away a little.

Sakura then shivered a little as she heard her mother's voice. Her mother seemed to have noticed before turning to her.

"Don't worry Pinky, everything's gonna be fine." She said softly. Sakura turned to Joan.

"Where is she going, mommy?" she asked. Her mother stared at her.

"She's going away here, Honey..." she said. Sakura broke out of her mother's grip.


"Because she's a bad person, Pinky..." her mother assured her. Sakura stared at her mother in a confused way.

"I am not...Those drugs weren't mine...I swear!" said Joan sadly. Mrs. Haruno glared at her before throwing her trunks.

"Get out of my house! Now!" she shouted. The guards then threw Joan out of the house. Sakura ran towards her.

"Joan! Don't leave me!" she exclaimed. Too late, the guards were courting her out of the gates. Sakura felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around and found herself facing her mother. Her mother then held her hand and led her towards the kitchen.

"This is Nadine, Sakura...She will be your maid from now on." said her mother. Sakura then glanced at the woman in front of her. She did not want Nadine, she wanted Joan.

"I hate you!" she exclaimed before running out of the kitchen.

End Flashback

From then on, she was never called 'Pinky' again, and her life became worse and worse everyday. Tears dripped down and she hugged her knees closer to her body.

"You look like hell." She heard someone say. Sakura looked up reluctantly and found a boy with red hair and eyes almost like hers.

Wait...I think he's Gaara or something...

"What are you doing here?" she asked shortly as she wiped her tears away. Gaara just closed his eyes.

"Never mind...I'm going." said Sakura before she stood up. She then began walking away when she saw a handkerchief in front of her.

She looked at Gaara strangely, who was offering his handkerchief. Sakura took it reluctantly.

"Thank you..." she said as she wiped her tears with it.

Gaara just stared at her with a blank expression before turning around to leave. Within a second, he just disappeared like that.

If you're wondering, Joan was her first maid...You know, it's in chapter one...Anyway, gotta go...Toodles!