




"All right class. For your next assignment, I want you to write me a fiction of what ever you like. Be as creative in making your own stories or follow an existing story and create your own from there," the teacher smiled as she gave a nod at the excited children. At least to all excluding the two bored faces that hid it selves amongst the crowed.

"So, what are you planning to write," Ayumi walked over to the two figures with a smile as her two bodyguards followed closely behind.

"I'm going to write about the Masked Yaiba!" Genta said.

"Yea, lets do that!" Mitsuhiko replied with great excitement.

"Y..yea…," Conan smiled weakly. 'Sounds stupid.'

'It's a damn Grade one assignment. I'll just go search on line for some general ideas and then give them a simple story and that'll be that,' Ai thought releasing a sigh of no interest.

"Oh, you guys want to come over?" Mitsuhiko said excitedly, "we can discuss ideas for our stories!"

"Nah, I got something else…I gotta do," Conan replied.

Ai just gave a shake of her head as she gazed upon the three disappointed figures.


"Heiji, what are you going to do about your book report?" Kazuha asked as they made their way down the street.

"I'll do it somehow, if all else fail, I'll just look at some of the other reviews on some random book online and I'll find something," he replied putting his hands behind his head.

"Isn't that cheating?" Kazuha pouted.

"It ain't cheating unless I copy," he smirked childishly.

Where KID lives, (I have no clue, I've never read a kid Comic)---

(Everyone, the only info I know about kid is from you guy's stories on him. I never even knew he had a girl friend named Aoko Nakamori, nor that he had a phobia of fish till I read about them. Therefore, I my facts on him are a bit shaky so don't blame me if I don't get them right.)

"Aoko, will you put that broom down! It gets me all nervous watching you with that thing," Kaito backed away as the girl stumped her way over.

"The floor isn't going to clean itself Kaito," she pouted.

"Yea, whatever," he said taking another step back as the girl took another step closer.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"N..nothing," he laughed weakly, "just afraid of your cruel and unusual form of punishment that you enforce with the might arms of that broom." 'A lot more tougher to run from than law'

"Shut up you, or I'll through you in a fish tank!" she glared.

"Alright, alright. No need to get all puffy eesh," he said as he turned and moved to the upstairs.

"Where you goin?" she asked.

"I got some research I gotta do for me next he…I mean assignment," he replied then finished the remaining steps to his room.

Later that Day---

Ai flipped around the sites with her head rested to one of her hand, tilted to an angle as she looked up at the monitor trying to keep herself from falling asleep.

"Found anything yet?" Kudou asked.

"Not a thing, I've been searching for short stories but all I find is bunch of crap," she replied. Her eyes fell upon one particular site on the web. ' Why not, there seem to be a lot of stories there.' she thought as she dragged her mouse over. "Helloooo," she said slightly.

"What, you found something?" Conan asked.

"Yea, check this out," she answered.

Conan walked over and glanced upon the flashing monitor. "There's gotta be something here right. Click an area," he pointed.

"Let's see…anime sounds good," she said.

"You still watch anime at…what ever your age is," Conan smirked.

"Hey, shut up, I'm not that old you know," she glared daggers into the tiny detective's eyes.

"ANYWAYS," Conan turned back to the monitor with a cough, "let's see. 3X3 eyes, Ai no Kusabi, Akazukin cha cha? What the heck is all these, I've never even heard of these before in my life!" he scanned the page with question.

Ai scrolled the page down, "Detective Conan/Case Closed, look at that, they even have an anime with your name in it!" she laughed, "I got to check this out!"

Mitsuhiko's House---

"Let's see, ideas, ideas," the triangle shaped head of a boy swayed in search for the next inspiration, "How about, Genta and the amazing island of Unagi! (I think they're eels but I'm not sure so I'll leave it in Jap)"

"You just can't leave food can you?" Mitsuhiko sighed, "I actually have a great source I just learned from my father on how to use! It's called the inkernet or something and you can find lots of stuff on it!"

"You mean the internet?" Ayumi giggled at the young boy's 'Expert' mistake, "My mom taught be about it too!"

"Yea, whatever," Mitsuhiko waved his hand with slight blush upon his cheeks.

They flipped through the pages, give you one guess on the site they found...well DAH!

"Look, there's one that says Detective Conan!" Ayumi laughed, "Well what do you know, Conan-kun's famous."

"Ayumi-chan, just cause the title seem to fit, doesn't mean that the story will," Mitsuhiko chuckled while Genta watched without a clue of what this cubical box with a window in front was all about.

Kaito Home---

"Let's see, Mobie dick, Huckleberry Fin, hellooo, Know your enemy? Sounds like what I tell Nakamori Keibu all the time," he chuckled, "hmm, huh, let's check it out."

Back in the Agasa Household---

"hey hey HEY! What the heck is all this! These are actually our names!" Conan gave a few blinks of shock as he absorbed in all the summaries and titles.

Ai flipped down the site as interested flourished back upon her. "What in the world…hey look! There's my name too, and Ran-san! Lots on Kaitou Kid too!"

"Well I'll be," Conan looked back (facing the invisible camera) 'Is someone watching us right now?' he thought nervously.

"Hey, look at this! Professor's First Date!" Ai laughed as she leaned back into her chair.

"Does it mean Professor Agasa?" Conan stuck his neck further up against the screen.

"Let's see."


"'It was just past 7:00 when the phone rang as a tubby scientist hustled to answer his call as fast as his stubby legs could carry him.' Yup, it is," Ai said as she let out a smile silently.

"Ahaha, this could be interesting, the professor? Date? Ahaha!" Conan laughed.

Down stairs, from the basement, a loud sneeze roared up as a tubby man rubbed his finger to his nose and glanced upstairs hearing the sound of laughter.

"Her look at that Haibara, the next line is about you!" Conan pointed out.

"well now, I'm officially freaked out," Haibara said raising her eyebrows even further up.

They read the words upon the page intensely, focusing on every details, although the young detective could only barely keep up with the reading speed of the tiny chemist beside him.

"Hey, look! There's me!" Conan called nervously.


"common, next chapter," he demanded.

"alright, let's see,"

Time Flies By---

"Ahaha, that sounds like old man Mouri alright! And boy Ai, you sure can be pretty sick minded sometimes you know," Conan laughed hysterically.

"That's not me! And stop saying it's me! Besides, I wonder how you would really do in a formal date," she narrowed her eyes sheepishly, "seeing as how you never really finished one in your entire life."

"HAHA..ha…shut up," Conan pouted, "Uh oh," Conan's face suddenly turned white as he read the last line of the chapter (4). '"It gives us certain satisfaction to watch you men squirm," Ai chuckled.

"Heh…Heh…..Heh….." Conan faked a laughter.'

"Well…Now it's getting more interesting.

Kaito Home---

A roar of laughter sounded from up above as Aoko peeped from the stairs questioningly. "Hey Kaito, you really studying up there?" she called.

"Yea, I'm busy so stop bothering me!" he shouted back.

Aoko pouted, "Geeze, no need to get all rude about it." She shouted back.

The young teen boy turned back to his monitor, "A tape recording huh, I should do that next time! Boy would I love to see the face on Inspector Nakamori's face!" he laughed again with certain satisfaction.


How was it? Although as much as I would love to take credit, I actually got this idea from a Naruto fic writer about how the characters stumbles into their fanfiction site. Since there wasn't one for DC, I decided…why not

Please review if you like it. Also, so far I've only written comments about my own stories but if you would like for me to write something about yours, please leave me your requests in reviews and I will see what I can do. I didn't put any this chapter on others' stories because I don't feel it's right to take without asking.

I won't continue unless I get reviews for this, as to any of my other stories, especially on first chapters, so if you want it to continue, please give reviews. Also, this will go on as long as there are stories (That you give me permission to of course) to…hear the comments from the DC chars on exists. Although I am the one writing but I am trying to see what they will say to the story based on their characters.

Once again, please review