
Conan walked down the stairs, another school day's thought throbbing painfully in his head, rubbing his sleepy eyes and stroking his hair that flew in all directions except for the way he wished them to.

"You're up, how d'you sleep last night brat?" Kogorou asked as he put two plates down on the table.

"It was…(looks up) Hair raising," he replied.

"I see…get over here, time for breakfast," he waved.

"Breakfast? You made breakfast?" Conan raised an eyebrow.

"What I know how to cook, I just thought it might be a nice change for me to make the breakfast once in a while. Ran's been so busy lately and thought it would be a nice thing to do as a father,"

Kogorou smiles largely.

Conan narrows his eyes.

"Ran didn't want to get up," the old detective finally muttered out.



The sun shown it's delicate face through the metropolis' horizon. The birds sang and the wind whistled, and the air itself seemed to have been refreshed after the long night's rest. It's clean cool touch sneaked in through an open window of one particular detective agency and rested itself upon the old man's cheek that snored within.


Eyes open as silence follows.

"…What was that…" (looks around) "Oh, that was just my sneeze," Kogorou stood up from his seat where he fell asleep extra early the passed night and rubbed his nose, still itchy from the sneeze.

"What time is it," he mumbled to himself as he reached to turn the clock's face toward him, "7:00am! I haven't woke up this early since the last Youko-chan special that the TV station sooo uncaringly put on at 6:30 in the morning.


'I'm hungry, Oh well, Ran's gotta cook for the brat today morning anyways, might as well wake her up."

Walks over to Ran's room.

Knock knock.

"Ran wake up, could you cook me some breakfast, I'm hungry."


Eyebrow twitch.

"Hey Ran, (slightly louder) time to get up and cook for the brat or he won't have stuff to eat for school."


Eyebrow twitches twice.




Eyebrow twitches rapidly. Cheeks puff out and a small vein pops on the forehead.



The door swung open roughly, smacking itself upon the old detective's face and sending him stumbling back a few steps. He immediately placed his palm upon the place of impact and rubbed it to try to relieve some of the pain before looking back up. A horrifying scene greeted him back that closed his open jaw and sent tears into his eyes.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" The teenage girl screamed as she slammed her face into the wall, chipping the cement and a layer of paint off from it's surface, "I'M TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP SO KEEP YOUR TRAPS SHUT. CAN'T YOU MAKE YOUR OWN BREAKFAST FOR ONCE, I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER, YOU'RE MY FATHER!"

The door slammed shut once more. Sounds of her angry murmurs could still be heard even after the door was shut which stopped upon a thud that indicated that she was back in her bed.

Kogorou sat on the floor, sweat still pouring from his face mixed with tears of horror. With everything that was left inside him, he managed to wimper out one word, "H..Hai…"

(End Flashback)

Conan looked over at Ran's room out of curiosity. 'What could have gotten her so upset as to not get out of bed to make breakfast for him.' His eyes fell upon one thing that told him exactly what he should do next. That object was a dent in the wall, roughly the size of a fist with pieces of paint hanging off of it and it said, "Don't ask!"

Another thought returned to him, something even more…urgent. 'I gotta eat the old man's cooking first thing in the morning!'

Kogorou's eyes turned to the half ling. "Hey brat, what's with you, you don't look so well all of a sudden."

The words never entered the boy's head. 'Oh god, how can thy be so cruelest to smite this unfortuned soul in such a way. Is there be no heart within thy chest for such a matter shan't be within the confines of what thee call test of faith'

"Hey brat…Brat!" Kogorou's eyes narrowed as the boy fell into attention, "What the heck are you thinking about."

"Umm…nothing…I think I'm going to be late for school so I'll go do my hair and leave," he announced.

"Oh no you don't! I spent an hour cooking this breakfast and you're gonna eat it and you're gonna act like you like it!"

"But I'm really gonna be late for school so bye!"

"Get back here! (Reaches down and grabs Conan by the collar) Now EAT! (Takes the fork, stabs it into the egg and start shoving food down the child's throat)"

Few moments later.

"Wonder where's Conan-kun," Mitsuhiko asked.

"Who knows, maybe he met a witch and got his life force sucked out of him," Genta replied with a broad grin on his face.

"What are you guys talking about," a pale voice sounded from behind as the three figures turned.

"EEEK!" Three simultaneous screams sounded.

"Conan-kun, did you really met a witch?" Mitsuhiko jumped.

"You look like you just took some poison to commit suicide but failed at the attempt…" Genta blinked in astonishment.

"You could say that," Conan grinned, "I ate old man Kogorou's cooking, he mixed up pepper with chilly powder and ketchup with hot sauce."

"Maybe you should get your stomach pumped while you're still alive," another voice came from behind as a hand slapped the tiny detective's back, making him bend down and hold his hands to his mouth to prevent any chunks from spewing from the inside.

"Don't do that!" he shouted.

"Sorry, couldn't resist," Ai laughed, "But hey, at least they were understandable mistakes."

"That's the thing, the pepper is one thing but there's ketchup in the ingredients for making boiled egg."

"Boiled…how did he get the hot sauce inside the eggshell without cracking it?"

"He amazes me sometimes too…" Conan forced out a laugh.


"Anyways, let's get going before we're all late," Conan said straightening his back.

"Right!" Genta marched.

"Ayumi-chan, what's wrong?" Ai glanced over as the group's march stopped just as quickly as it started.

"Huh?" Ayumi snapped up.

"You've been awfully quiet today, something on your mind?"

"Umm…It's just that…I don't feel like I'm being treated fairly…"


"Unfair!" Mitsuhiko gasped, "By who? Conan-kun, it's you isn't it! You always take the credit for our work and now look! You made Ayumi-chan sad!"

"That's right Conan, that's unfair! Stop stealing credits!" Genta followed.

"W..Wait! Why does this all of a sudden fall on my shoulders!"

"No, it's not that," Ayumi replied, "It's that site! There's so many Haibara-san and Conan-kun's stories, most of them being romance…"

Conan and Ai blushes, clears their throats, and looks away.

"Why her! I'm the one that likes Conan-kun and the one that Conan-kun likes!" Ayumi continued.

'…I feel sorry for myself that I can say that's false…' Conan thought.

Ayumi looks to the sky, "You JERKS! Why don't you write some stories about us! His MY boyfriend! MINE! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!"

"Who are you talking to Ayumi-chan?" Conan asked as he poked her with his index finger.

"Those people that writes stories about us. I'm warning you, I better get some more stories or I'll, or I'LL…"

"Or you'll…" Ai glanced over.

"OR I'LL…(Long pause)…Do something horrible to you, you'll see!"

'Heh..heh…hehhhh……..' Conan was at a loss of words at the childish stupidity and the only thing he could do was to look up and ask why it had to be him.

"Alright Ayumi-chan, I think they get the picture, let's go or we'll seriously be late."

"Alright, let's go."

"Hey Mitsuhiko, Ge…"

Two figures were bent forward into the wall with one hand against it's concrete surface for support. Shadows covered their faces and only misery surrounded the air around them. Ayumi glanced with a questioning expression on her face, not knowing that she was the cause while Conan and Ai both swung their heads down with a giant sweat drop on the back.



Crystal Snowflakes: After that long vacation, I'm back and here's a new chapter. Hope you enjoyed it

Jack Adams: Looks out window "…" I think I saw something shiny in that bush…slowly steps away…

Silver Sky Magician: Haha, It's all good, laughing lets you live longer lol.

Fanfic Maniac: That won't be revealed until the next chapter, muahahaha.

Xeno: Thank you, hope you keep on reading my fics

Iiiris: haha, yeah, I usually make my chapters 5-6pages long. Longer than that, I can't sit still in front of my comp for that long lol.

Anti Sora: Sure, I'll take a look at em and see if I can use any ideas from later chapters.

ConanRox: Your bf's name is Conan? That's awesome lol, I haven't even seen a guy called Conan yet haha.

Jay Kamiya: "To be or not to be, That is the question" that Ran must answer lol.

Dark: Haha, don't die on me, I don't want to lose a fan

Ronin: Hmm, meh, Kazuha can think whatever she wants to, Whispers "I think she's CRAZY"