(A/N… Hey its me again… Charlemagne Bolivar was played by James Marsters in the Andromeda episode, 'Into the Labyrinth'. For those of you who didn't know. What they say happened to him in this story, does/did not actually happen in Andromeda… so…I own nothing… oh yeah and if you want to see a pic of the book Spike describes I'll try to get it up on a website and attach the link to the story… so… Also… kinda has a Time Machine plot to it… almost… kinda… maybe…)

Feels Like Heaven, Hurts Like Hell,

Chapter 1, Sweet Dreams

Buffy Summers ran as fast as she could through one of Sunny dale's many cemeteries, Spike following closely behind. Buffy ran and jumped over a tombstone just before an arm came out and tried to grab onto her leg. It missed her leg and she kept on running.

"Spike we…" She looked back at where Spike had been and saw that he was on the ground fighting with one of the many zombies littering the cemetery. Buffy ran up to the zombie and kicked it in the side sending it flying a few feet away. Spike got up quickly and began running along side Buffy. "Spike, we have to get to Giles' house… He should know what is happening!" Spike nodded in agreement before stopping. Buffy stopped as well and looked back at him. "What are you doing? Lets go!" She said, slightly distressed that he had stopped.

"Wait…" He said, looking off to the side. "There's…" He knitted his eyebrows together and began walking towards a large crypt. Buffy sighed in frustration and followed suit. Buffy saw Spike look around the corner before reaching around and pulling out a small boy with a rather large spell book in his hands. The magic book seemed to be glowing a strange blue colour that was flowing slightly into the boys hands as he held it.

"Jonathan!" Buffy said angrily. She stalked up to the boy and his eyes widened in fright. "I should have known this was your doing." Spike smirked at him.

"What do you want me to do with him?" Spike asked. Buffy looked at Jonathan and thought a moment.

"Do what you want with him." She said. "But I'm taking the spell book!" Jonathan's eyes widened further.

"No wait!" He yelled. But it was too late. Buffy had grabbed onto the spell book and ripped it from his hands. The blue energy flowed out of the book and into Buffy engulfing her in the blue light. Spike dropped Jonathan out of shock and worry for Buffy and Jonathan took that time to run away. Spike knelt down next to Buffy's unconscious body as the blue light slowly faded away.

"Slayer?" He asked. "Buffy?" He put his hand on her shoulder and shook her slightly trying to wake her up. Nothing happened. Spike quickly but carefully picked her up and started running. As he ran out of the cemetery he noticed that all the zombies where no longer there, but at this moment, didn't take the time to wonder why.

About five minutes later he ran up to Giles' door and knocked furiously, resting Buffy's lower body on his raised knee. A few moments later a clearly tired Giles opened the door. Giles instantaneously sobered from his tired state and took Buffy from the vampire's arms. Giles settled her down on the couch and turned around expecting to see Spike behind him, but he was still standing in the doorway.

"Oh… uh… come in Spike." Spike quickly walked into the house as the invisible force field disappeared and walked straight up to Buffy.

"Is she going to be ok?" He asked, tenderly smoothing the hair out of her face. Giles was a bit taken aback by Spike's show of affection but quickly snapped out of it.

"What happened?" Spike looked at him.

"I don't know. We were being attack by zombies and then I found Jonathan and then she grabbed onto his book and then she was like this." He said, sitting down on the floor next to her.

"Do you know what book it was?" Giles asked walking up to his small library of books. Spike shook his head.

"No, The only thing I know about it is that it was glowing some weird blue colour and then when she took it from him the blue went into her and she got knocked out." He said. "Wait! There was a symbol on the front." Giles looked at him.

"What did it look like?" Spike thought a moment.

"It had this kinda swooshy thing. Kind of like an S with thorns coming off of it. There were two of them, angled away from each other except the right one was backwards and it had some kind of pentagramed sun above it… Looked pretty old." Spike said. "And it had some type of weird righting under it." Giles took a book off the shelf and started flipping threw the pages. After a few moments of flipping he stopped and handed the open book the Spike.

"Is that it?" Spike looked down at the drawing of the book.

"Yeah, that's it." Giles took the book back and began reading.

"It says here that the book was written by a man named Charlemagne Bolivar, sometime in the seventeen hundreds. Charlemagne's wife was murdered when a man tried to take their money and when Charlemagne refused the man had shot her. Charlemagne was so devastated that that he had stopped eating or sleeping. He had come up with the idea that he was going to create a spell that will allow him to travel back in time to fix what his greed had caused, but the spell had gone horribly wrong. It doesn't say how." Giles said, sitting down at the table behind the couch. "It says that when the spell had been cast the dead had arisen."

"The zombies." Spike said. Giles nodded.

"Then there was a blue flash and then Charlemagne was knocked unconscious."

"Just like Buffy." Giles nodded again.

"It doesn't say what happened to him afterwards. This book is to vague." Giles closed the book and took off his glasses. "We're going to need that book." Spike looked at Buffy and sighed deeply.

"I'll take a look at the cemetery. I think Buffy had dropped it. I'm not sure if the runt had come back to get it, but if he had…" Spike left the sentence unfinished and Giles knew that if Jonathan had gone back for it, it wouldn't be good. For Jonathan anyway.

End of Part One… TBC… So… what you think…. Good? Bad? TELL ME! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU!