A/N: Hi everybody, firstly SORRY SORRY SORRY, for waiting so long to get this chapter updated.

The simple reason is that I learned to know somebody, somebody very very special, whom I love very dearly. So please accept my apologies ….

Something else, this will be my last chapter, at least for this story, because next week comes a new Kyo out and well maybe I will continue to write….. based on the facts of the new manga I will get.

But will this is a very short chapter too, and well it ends as I wanted it to be.

Finally I want to thank my reviewers:


Rin Amaru




Irish leprechaun




Thank you all so very much …. I hope that I will continue writing …..


Chapter 10: Reunion

Am I really here?

Am I really alive?

Was it only a dream?

I slowly opened my eyes, the sun hasn't yet risen I noticed.

I blinked and looked straight at Kyo's face.

Well I think it is Kyo; I wanted that it is Kyo.

It must be Kyo, who else would frown even if they sleep?

I just lay there, looking at his face.

He really was beautiful.

I just hope that he will wake up soon.

Suddenly I realised that I still held his hand and I felt my cheeks burn but as I looked closer, I saw that it was not me but him who held my hand.

Kyo held my hand.

A strange calm befell me; I think I have never been happier than at this moment.

Should I get up?

No, he would wake, and I know how much he needs his sleep.

As I opened my eyes again, he looked back at me.

He looked at me with his red eyes.

I was too taken aback to utter anything and he seemed content that way.

We just kept looking at each other.

I realised what I was doing and let go of his hand quickly and got up.

"Uhm … uhm … Kyo" I blushed profusely and I turned around.

And suddenly images flashed before my eyes, memories of my death.

I broke my promise.

I have let him down, I deceived him.

Without knowing, tears rolled down my face.

But something brushed them away.

I looked up and saw that Kyo stood in front of me.

I closed my eyes and even more tears escaped.

"Sorry … I'm so sorry Kyo" I sobbed.

I trembled and couldn't stop crying.

"I've broken my promise … I'm sorry"

Suddenly I felt his hands on my shoulders and I looked up surprised.

"Kyo … what -?"

"Stop crying … you are here now, aren't you?"

"And besides, I can't let die my servants. I won't find any replacement" he smirked.

"KYO" I cried but smiled nonetheless.

And then, he smiled.

A honest smile.

And I smiled back.

"Come now, we aren't alone here"

"Hmm … ? Who else is here?"

Kyo didn't answer, as always.

But it was this always that reassured me, made me happy.

Kyo walked out of the house and I followed him. I heard laugher and familiar voices.

They are here!

As Kyo approached they looked up, surprised that they haven't felt his aura.

They had questioning looks on their face except Sasuke who couldn't help but smirked.

Kyo simply went at their side, not even looking at them.

I just leaved the house, heard them gasping and Benitora really looked like he was going to cry.

So they did miss me.

Now, I know that I'm not alone anymore.

"I was sure I heard someone yell in there", smirked Bontenmaru "And it sounded just like you". He laughed even harder.

I couldn't help but giggled and Benitora hugged me.

"Now, now, I won't let you alone and besides, there is still that bounty on your head".

"Oh Yuya, how can you after all this time, and I thought you'd forgotten about it" he laughed too.

"It's good to have you back" declared Akira and smiled.

"But there is still one question left. How did you come back? We saw you die and now you stand here laughing with us, not that I mean that you should have died in the first place"

The laughs died away and an awkward silence settled over the group.

Kyo only said "Hn" and walked back to the final gate, not looking back.

Bontenmaru shook his head, sighed and followed him.

I decided not to ask him now but I would do it sometimes.

We followed him.

As always.