Harry Potter and the Temptations of Independence

Author's Note: Second chapter. I have stuck to my minimum word count of 2,500 on this chapter also. Next chapter as promised will be up within the next two weeks. Thank you to all those who reviewed also, much appreciated!

Chapter Two: The Mind Arts

Albus Dumbledore stood at the head of his Order, his eyes alive with a tired determination. He had explained that Harry had left Privet Drive either of his own free will, or had been forcibly taken, not really sure which was the worst scenario. The protection of Privet Drive was abolished in this act of renunciation and the key objective was that Harry Potter must be returned to him no matter the cost.

"We will organise three search parties. I want every possible route Harry could have taken to London, Hogwarts and The Burrow scoured for any sign of Harry. Hestia, I want you to take the London party and report as soon as possible. Take with you segment three of the Order. Minerva, I want you to lead the Hogwarts party as you know Scotland intimately; segment one will follow Minerva. Lastly, I want every possible route to The Burrow Harry may have taken to be searched thoroughly; Severus, I want you to lead this party with segment two. I myself will interrogate the Dursley family and we will reconvene at 04:00 hours; thank you ladies and gentlemen and good luck."

With that, the Order of the Phoenix dispersed in a frantic hurry with shouts and orders being hurled across the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place creating utter mayhem. Dumbledore sank down into his chair at the head of the table and took a savouring sip of the tea Molly had prepared for him a few minutes earlier. This current turn of events was disastrous and couldn't have come at a worse time; following closely his and Harry's recent dispute. He had informed Molly, as she was of the Order, of Harry's disappearance but was yet to tell the children.

Of course, Dumbledore had already tried to use the many tracking charms and crystals in effect upon Harry but they all seemed to have been dulled by some outside interference and this only added to the slowly growing mystery. Taking another sip of his scented tea, laced with a rejuvenating potion he had administered himself on the sly, he resigned himself to rising and apparating to 4 Privet Drive; the source of so much grief on Harry's part.


Harry awoke groggily to find the face of a smiling Nicholas Flammel peering down at him. Nicholas had cruelly ripped open the curtains to allow the unnaturally good weather to shine onto the peacefully shut eyes of Harry. He groaned a little as he tried to retain the warmth and comfort of his bed before Nicholas' reasonable voice sounded in his foggy ears.

"Rise and shine Harry. It's time for you to get up… after all, this is the first day in your new life, wouldn't want to miss it now would we?"

Harry groaned in response once more before getting up. Nicholas had somehow provided the guest bedroom which was now his with a small walk-in closet full of nice clothes that fit him and also another door which led into a humble shower and bathroom. Harry was really touched at the effort Nicholas had gone through to ensure Harry's comfort and privacy, though he was severely curious as to how Nicholas obtained his wardrobe overnight.

Having taken a quick shower and washing his hair which up until then had been a careless jungle, Harry donned a pair of light shorts and a green t-shirt before slipping into some simple black trainers and sliding his wand into a slim pocket in his short-leg. Taking a quick peak in the (thank goodness, muggle) mirror, Harry was ready to face the day and anything Flammel could throw at him.

Walking into the kitchen, Harry seated himself at the table and said a good morning to Nicholas. He was provided with a newspaper and a cup of tea, along with a choice of foods including toast, cereal, porridge and the like. Sipping his tea, Harry read the headline of the Daily Prophet with interest.

Fudge Forms New Auror Policies: Too Little Too Late?

Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, 47, has in light of the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named introduced new auror policies. Due to the demanding specifications of the auror profession, no auror has been inducted into the Ministry in over three years. Fudge's answer to swelling the ranks of Ministry aurors is to lower the standards for acceptance into the academy.

Is this insuring the safety of the British wizarding community or simply a way to keep office? Announcements were made earlier this week that speak of plans for the first wave of new recruits though auror training was previously a time period of two years. Will our new generation of aurors be poorly-trained expendable pawns or protectors and enforcers of the law?

It remains to be seen whether or not Fudge's new schemes will ensure his position as Minister of Magic when these preparations are set into motion over a year after He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's announced return by Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

Harry stopped reading there as he couldn't stand the bitter aggravation it roused in his stomach. Fudge was making lacklustre policies that would do little against Voldemort when war came; the British wizarding public needed a competent Minister who would make effective and efficient preparations for a state of war.

"What do you make of that there Harry?"

"I think we need a new Minster," he responded bluntly, his eyes still fixed on the plastic smile fixed on the face of the photo-Fudge. Flammel laughed a little at this.

"And just who would you put in his place eh? Remember Harry, although Fudge is a poor Minster, he is also not with Voldemort, and Dumbledore has regained some measure of control over him once again. What would you do if you removed him from office, only to replace him with someone much worse?"

"Well that's obvious. Any Minister should be given a test under truth potion to ensure their loyalties and intentions. As for Fudge, he may not be sided with Voldemort, but he is hindering the war effort and going into war, you need strong leaders, not weak fools." His voice had taken on a cold, harsh tone that was foreign to Harry's tongue.

"That may be Harry, that just may be," commented Flammel, his neatly trimmed beard scratching as he rubbed it pensively over the rim of his mug.

"Nicholas, do I call you that by the way now that we're in an apprenticeship? I was just wondering how you got all these clothes for me so fast."

"Ah, Harry, an apprenticeship is a relationship of not only knowledge and power, but of trust and friendship. You may call me Nicholas if you wish, and as for the clothes, as my apprentice, I will provide you with the things you need, you need not fear otherwise."

"Thanks, I really do appreciate it all," he said sincerely, touched by Nicholas' statement.

"Actually Harry, there was something of great importance that I wished to discuss with you. I mentioned apprenticeship rituals last night that could be performed to seal our arrangement and to strengthen our bonds. Although archaic in some respects, they are nether the less effective. They require a great deal of trust on both parties involved, would you be willing to do this with me?" Flammel's voice never deviated from its sombre tone.

After a moment's pause, Harry responded. "Yes Nicholas, I think I would. You only live once right?" he laughed nervously.

"Yes, indeed Harry, indeed. Well, I must be off Harry. I will deliver our letter to Dumbledore today as I'm sure the man is having a heart attack with you gone. Feel free to explore the grounds if you wish as you will be exercising there for your time here; a strong body is a strong mind. I have to pick some things up whilst out also for our rituals, so I may be a little longer than expected. By the way, I have left a small book I suggest you start reading for my return as today we will begin your tutelage in the Mind Arts later today."

"Okay, that's fine, thanks. I'll see you later then," he responded, finishing his tea in an almighty gulp.

"Do you want anything picking up whilst I'm out Harry?"

"No thanks… actually, could you pick me up a copy of Quidditch Monthly?" he rushed, before blushing at his boldness. Flammel released a deep laugh at this and nodded his head in acceptance before apparating away with a barely distinguishable snap.


Nicholas Flammel was clad in a long flowing black cloak that clung to his form in a chilling manner. His cowl was firmly hiding his features as he walked into the ghost town. He had already posted Harry's letter to Dumbledore for him at a very large and busy owl post office and had also taken the time to set up a mail box there for him that would attract all owl mail there instead of to Harry (who at the moment could not be found). That way, he could surprise the young man who was growing on him so much by allowing safe correspondence with his friends.

Now however, Nicholas was journeying into a poor and dangerous magical town in Northern Europe. It was desolate and had a bad reputation for kidnapping and homicide, though it held little law enforcement due to the danger present and spread of already thin resources of the European Magical Confederation. Nicholas was here to visit a supplier of rare magical goods in order to obtain something for his and Harry's bonding ritual later.

Finding the wooden shack that was falling apart seemingly beyond repair, Nicholas entered Peribew's Alchemy Supplies; front for a doorway into the underground wizarding black market of transporting magical goods. The door creaked angrily as Nicholas entered and came face to face with a hunched man of no notable appearance (something common in the 'doormen' of the market: magically induced).

"Hello Peribew," he said, his voice obtaining a silky quality.

"Hello Magister, it has been a while since your last visit," commented the man in feeble tones, addressing Nicholas as he knew him to be.

"Yes it has, far too long. I want something that I'm not sure even you could obtain," to which the man scoffed lightly. "I want a Khepesh ritual blade, dated at least 3000. Good condition, with original potency and runic enhancement. Can you do it?" Peribew laughed croakily at this, though he seemed rather impressed by the request.


The Order had been searching for hours. They had reconvened at 04:00 hours to report their findings. Hestia's group had found no signs of Harry travelling near London and likewise, Severus and Minerva had been equally unsuccessful. They had used some of the most advanced tracking charms known to wizard kind, but all had turned up nothing, wherever Harry was, he was well concealed.

"I too found nothing from the Dursleys," confessed Dumbledore. "I interrogated them thoroughly yet they knew nothing of Harry's disappearance. I did learn though that Harry was last seen by his relatives when he argued with his Uncle and stormed out of the house. Now, I did a magical scan of the area and found remnants of portkey signature which informs us of Harry's mode of transport, but not of how he acquired it, who he may have been with or his destination."

"Again, I'm sorry everyone," piped up Tonks who was on guard duty at the time of Harry's disappearance.

"Do not trouble yourself my dear, I have already ascertained that you were in a magically induced sleep and it is of no fault of your own, though puzzling it is."

Just as Dumbledore was about to announce plans for Harry's search to commence, a weather-worn barn owl swooped into the kitchen through the owl-port (a window that connects owls from outside to inside without compromising the charms in place) in the heights of the kitchen. It swooped with practised ease onto the large table the Order was positioned around with a letter tied to its leg addressed, in Harry's recognisable script, to Dumbledore. Reaching out, Dumbledore untied the letter and watched as the owl left, obviously not waiting for a response. Albus opened the letter, not expecting the contents as they were explained to him.


I am safe. I have left Privet Drive to receive an adequate education during the summer. I have been told against my opinion to inform you that I have entered an apprenticeship. Whether or not I return to Hogwarts this year, is as of yet undecided. I decided that although you might think that Privet Drive is the best place for me, you never had to spend 10 years living in a cupboard.

My mentor also tells me that since Sirius, my magical guardian, is no longer with us, you can legally do nothing about my decision as I have the right to make my own choice of guardian. Because of my apprenticeship, it is not needed for me to register a magical guardian and so I am out of reach of the Ministry.

I will let you know whether or not I will be returning to Hogwarts later on in the summer and I shall not be telling you who my new mentor is because frankly I don't trust you. Don't bother looking for me, I'm safe and you will not be able to find me here.

The weather is great!


After reading Harry's letter, he let it drop to the desk in shock. He was not expecting that. Everything Harry had stated about the legality of his decision was correct and he could really do nothing. However, Dumbledore was still firm of purpose in that Harry had to be brought back as he could not let him slip out of control; he needed Harry as he was, not what alone or with this mentor, he will become.

The next decision Dumbledore made was one of the most misjudged assumptions he would ever make in his life. He took Harry's statement about the weather as Harry gloating, but also took it as meaning Harry was abroad and so thought he could elude the Order. His plans for Harry's search now revolved around foreign possibilities and never once did the name Nicholas Flammel, friend and rival, cross his mind.


Harry, with occlumency book under arm, ventured out into the grounds of Willow-Wight Cottage. The small garden outside of the cottage was a hive of nature in the sparkling radiance of the Sun and Harry breathed deeply, finally enjoying himself since the death of his godfather. This definitely seemed to be helping him come to terms with his godfather's death; good company and refreshing freedom.

By the light of day, Harry could finally see the extent of the estate and it was awe-inspiring as the lands stretched on for miles. To the right on the land a small distance from Willow-Wight Cottage, a strange sight greeted Harry; arranged at varying heights from the ground, wooden stumps stood in a circular arrangement. He would have to ask Nicholas about that later. Moving on, there was a respectably sized pond to the left of the cottage, about a five minute walk away, where Harry decided to read in the shade of a huge Oak whose roots were dipping into the pond along the slightly slanted bank. With his back to the tree, Harry was able to let his feet (without trainers) sink into the cool shaded water of this side of the pond. There was just something relaxing about the tree, the glistening pond and the buzzing natural life all around him.

Opening the book, Harry began to read about the theory of occlumency and found he was enjoying the theory of the art as it gave a history of the development of the Mind Arts and the possibilities each branch of the Mind Arts offered. The subject was rather captivating and Harry could easily see how Snape perverted the art through his tainted methods.

"Interesting Harry?" sounded the voice of Nicholas, making Harry jump as he hadn't heard the older wizard approach. Catching his breath a little as his heart slowed, Nicholas took a seat by the lake. Nicholas had forsaken his black cloak that he had worn earlier in favour of a light blue cotton robe which kept him cool.

Harry was instructed to take a seat across from Nicholas in the shade of the large Oak. Both seated themselves cross-legged as Nicholas began to speak.

"Okay Harry, I am going to begin your lessons in occlumency. Although legilimency is equally important in your exploration of the Mind Arts, we will firstly establish the foundations of your defences. Now, look into my eyes and try your hardest to block out any distractions."

Harry gazed determinedly into Nicholas' eyes and found himself noticing just how old they really looked. He wasn't sure it was entirely the prolonged age of the man, but they held an ancient, worn quality which Harry couldn't seem to place. As he focused on Nicholas' eyes however, the sounds of the surrounding wildlife, the sound of water rippling and trees rustling in the breeze and even the sound of his own breathing assaulted his senses. He strived hard to block them out, and eventually, with the help of Nicholas' unwavering eyes, Harry found the world around him dissolving.

Author's Note: Let me know what you think please as it really does mean a lot! In response to first chapter reviews: I think that this story will grow into something better than my Druid Pathway story as it involves many of my original ideas, just written in a way which I feel I can express them more legitimately (plus this story offers more character interactions). Also, I may one day still continue with my other fic. The occlumency in this fic, along with the eyes and everything will remain the same, only Harry will be taught it in a different manner. - PLEASE REVIEW!