Only Lil

Things will never be the same between us again - not after that night. Let me take you back to last weekend. On Valentine's Day …

7.10pm: Dating Spree

"In case nobody was paying attention, I happened to turn fifteen seven months ago," pouted Tommy from the kitchen table, a mug of hot cocoa in his hand. "Remember? The people, the cake, the birthday candles?"

Tommy was not happy with the night's arrangement. His parents Stu and Didi were going out to have a romantic Valentine's dinner, and then stay over at some swanky hotel. Tommy was not keen to know any further details; however, what was really bugging him was they still thought he was too young to mind the house by himself! Dil was out for the night, too. Where or why, Tommy didn't know.

"It's a shame we couldn't get Grandpa to sit," said Didi, washing some last minute dishes.

"I don't need a sitter!" Tommy complained, after which he was distracted by a strong whiff of something that smelt a cross between flowers and medicine.

"Greetings earthlings!" It was Dil. He sat next to Tommy with an annoyingly smug look on his face.

"What's with you?" Tommy had to ask. "And what's with the smell?"

"I'm wearing cologne," said Dil importantly, smoothing the creases in his shirt. "I have a date tonight."

Tommy almost lost grip of his mug. "What! You? A date? Since when?"

"Since tonight."

"Who's the lucky farm animal?"


"Sorry," Tommy apologised, after seeing the look on his mother's face. "Just a little holiday joke." Dil smiled.

"Joke all you want, brother. I don't see you with a Valentine."

"Who needs Valentine's Day," Tommy huffed cynically. "Or should I say, 'Corporate Pink Day'. Valentine's Day is a sham! It's nothing but a rip off designed by department stores to make us spend more money."

"Nice to see you're in the spirit, dear," said Didi with amusement, as she loaded the dishwasher.

"Hmm, your conspiracy theory intrigues me," said Dil, stroking his chin. "But the reality still remains: I have a date, and you don't."

Just as Tommy finished giving his brother a dirty look, the phone rang. Tommy sprang to his feet and answered it.

"Tommy speaking. Oh, hey Chuckie. We still on for tonight? … What do you mean something came up? … What's going on, you sound wheezy … You're going on a what? … How come you didn't tell me? … What do you mean it's 'kinda' a new development! … Hang on, I got someone on the other line … "

Tommy put Chuckie on hold and switched to line two.

"Hello? Hey Phil. Listen, Chuckie's not coming over anymore, he's … You can't come over either? … Or Kimi? Why not? … You're WHAT!"

Just then, Stu entered the kitchen.

"What's with Tommy and the 'what's'?" he asked Didi, who just shrugged.

"When did this go down? … Fine, fill me in later. What about Lil? Is she still coming? … Okay, cya."

Tommy switched back to line one.

"Chuckie? Sorry, that was Phil. You won't believe … You gotta go? … But aren't you going to at least tell me who … Fine! Goodbye then."

Tommy slammed the phone down.

"Everything all right, champ?" asked Stu.

"They all have dates!" Tommy declared in frustration. "Chuckie's got a date, and Phil and Kimi suddenly decided they liked each other in the last half hour and are going on a date too!"

"Phil and Kimi?" said Didi with a warm chuckle. "How adorable!"

"It's not adorable, it's weird! What's with everyone? What's with all the dating all of a sudden?"

"Maybe the department stores are hypnotising people into dating sprees through their advertisements!" said Dil shockingly.

"It wouldn't surprise me," said Tommy dully.

"Well wait a moment, does this mean no one's going to be staying with you tonight?" said Didi, concerned. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"It's okay, mom. Lil's still coming, don't worry."

"Only Lil?" said Didi, again with concern.

"Yeah, only Lil. What's the matter?"

Didi looked to Stu and started whispering something, as if Tommy wasn't there.

"Do you think it's wise we leave Tommy and Lil alone together?" she said lowly. Stu caught on to what she meant.

"Why, do you think there's something between them?"

"Maybe. I was reading Lipshitz the other day about boys at Tommy's age, and he's going through a very curious period where – "

"I can hear you!" Tommy interrupted them. They stopped whispering.

"Stu, say something," said Didi, giving her husband a nudge.

"Er," said Stu nervously, thinking how to place his words. "Okay then. Tommy, when Lil comes over, make sure she gets her own bed. And if any making out occurs, keep in the living room."



"What?" said Stu innocently, looking at Didi. "You wanted me to say something, so I said something."

"I meant for you to be subtle!"

Dil in the mean time was in hysterical laughter. Tommy's mouth had dropped open.

"Dad, it's Lil! Do you have any idea how embarrassing you're being?"

"Some idea," Stud consented. Didi cut in.

"What your father was trying to say sweetie, is that you're a young man now and Lil, well, she's a young woman … "

Dil was laughing even harder. Tommy had to interrupt again.

"Mom! Please, no more! This is Lil we're talking about. She's my friend, end of story."

"Careful, Tommy," said Dil, trying to suppress his laughter. "The department stores could strike you next!"

Suddenly, a car horn honked outside.

"That must be our cab," said Didi, closing the dishwasher. "Stu, is our luggage ready?"

"As ready as luggage can be."

Stu started taking the luggage out to the cab. Once they were ready to go, they both said goodbye to the boys at the door.

"I left the number for the restaurant we're going to on the kitchen bench, along with the number for our hotel, the fire department, the police, and – "

"I got it, mom!" said Tommy over her. "I'll be fine."

"Night guys," said Stu to both of them. "And Tommy, remember what we talked about."

"How could I forget," said Tommy sarcastically, as Dil laughed beside him.

"Goodnight you two, take care," said Didi, kissing them both on the cheek. "Remember Dil, I want you home by 10.00pm."

"Can do!" said Dil, saluting her.

Once they'd gone, Tommy and Dil went back inside.

"So T, what time is the 'young woman' Lil coming over?" Dil asked nonchalantly. Tommy gave him another dirty look.

"7.30pm. What time are you leaving for your date?"

"Same time," he replied. "Rachel, my date – the girl, as opposed to the farm animal – and her parents are picking me up. They're dropping us off at the bowling alley."

"You mean Rachel Sowerberry?"

Dil nodded. "Indeed I do."

Rachel Sowerberry, a new girl in Dil's year, was known to be quite a catch. Tommy was most perplexed.

"You're joking, right?"

"Afraid not."

"How the hell did you get Rachel Sowerberry to go out with you?"

"Animal magnetism," Dil claimed. Tommy smiled.

"Yeah, well you'd be likely to attract wildlife with the amount of cologne you're wearing."

7.29pm: Young Woman

"Hey Tommy!"

Lil had arrived. Tommy let her in and helped with her sleeping bag.

"Thanks," she said. "What should I do with my other bag?"

"Just leave it by the stairs," said Tommy, as Dil came onto the scene.

"Rachel's parents are here," he informed Tommy, his coat in hand. "I must bid you both farewell." He turned to Lil. "Nice to see you again, Lillian. My, how you've grown! In fact, you're practically looking like a young – "

"Goodbye, Dil," prompted Tommy.

"Nightie night!" said Dil, already on his way out the door. "And remember Thomas," he added with a smirk, "keep it in the living room."

Tommy shut the door on him.

"What does he mean 'keep it in the living room'?" inquired Lil curiously.

"Who knows. It's Dil. Sometimes I'm not sure if he speaks English."

Lil laughed. "Where's he going tonight?"

"If you can believe it, he's going on a date."

"He's what?"

"Yeah, and with Rachel Sowerberry."

Tommy expected Lil to be surprised at this as well, but she wasn't.

"That explains it then! I heard Rachel likes them eccentric. Her dream guy is Mr Bean."

"That does explain it," said Tommy, thinking Mr Bean was an excellent celebrity counterpart for his baby brother.

Sounds like nothing so far, huh? Just two friends about to hang out. No more, no less. Yeah, keep reading …

Hope you enjoyed chapter one. If so, give us some inbox excitement and drop a review. Much appreciated :)