Disclaimer: NCIS and it's characters are not owned by me. Yet more evidence that the universe is not fair.

Author's Note: Hiya, I've been a reader in this genre for a couple of months and I had a little gem of an idea for a story which has developed into this. Review and let me know if I should continue with the story.

There is only so much patience one person can possess, unless you're a saint or have deep powers of meditation. Sadly, Kate reflected, she didn't fall into either category. And, more dangerously for Tony, her general reaction, once she lost her patience, was usually quite violent.

There was a muted clattering sound as a couple of paper clips hit the floor.

This was really quite ominous. Normally, a paperclip is so slight that when it hits the ground little sound, if any, is made. It was a measure of Kate's frustration when she shook her head that the force with which she dislodged them was great enough for them to make a clearly audible noise when they hit the ground.

Tony grimaced then plastered a cocky smile onto his face. He knew he was in trouble, but there was no way in hell that he'd let Kate know how much she could intimidate him. He broadened his smile as Kate rose, cracking her fingers before looking directly at him and narrowing her eyes.

"Gym. Now, DiNozzo."

It was said flatly but with a hint of steely determination.


"You heard me. Gym. Now! You and I are gonna settle this once and for all."


Tony was now looking seriously alarmed from Kate to Gibbs who was sat watching the exchange placidly. Any hopes Tony entertained that his boss would give him an easy out faded when he saw the slightly amused look on Gibbs' features.

"Sounds fair to me, Tony. Kate and you can resolve your issues the old-fashioned way."

There was a pause. No-one moved. If it had been the old Wild West a ball of tumbleweed would have rolled across the floor. It seemed like the whole of the bull-pen was zeroing in on the unfolding scene.

"I mean it Tony. I'm sick of my agents bickering. Fight it out. Whoever wins sets the rules for your behaviour towards each other. McGee go with them as referee."

"Huh? B-Boss?"

Now it was McGee's turn to look alarmed. The new agent was turning positively green at the prospect. Gibbs raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're right. Abby'd be better. You guys swing by the lab and pick her up. Don't come back until this is resolved."

Gibbs gave the pair a piercing glare before turning back to the file on his desk. They had their orders and were clearly dismissed.

Please, please review. Should I continue?

I'm suffering from block at the moment on all my other stories so I thought I'd post this as it's pretty much completed in draft form and might inspire my muses on the other one. I'm a relative new fan to the series, so please let me know if I'm messing up on details / writing completely out of character. Feedback is welcomed and greatly appreciated.