Is it me or are these updates getting further and further apart? sweatdrop

Well anyway, I now have the fourth chapter written! I hope I've managed to keep everyone in character up till now, and that I will be able to continually do so.

I don't own anything (especially not the icons I use on LJ.)

There will be Yaoi, (though it appears as though the rabid fan girls are trying to get me to post it sooner than latter.) and Yuri. Please be warned that there are themes in here that are not suitable for people under the age of 16.

Oh and look, I've formatted it! I'm so proud! bawls like an idiot

Anyway I will now get on the story.

Yuan sighed in frustration. "This isn't getting us anywhere!"

Raine looked over at him. "I've noticed, but where do you suppose we could find something that would help us?" She genuinely asked.

Yuan sighed again. "I'm not sure. I suppose the only thing we could do is wait for Kratos to return."

Raine studied Yuan closely for a moment. "Why is it that you and he are helping us?"

"…" Yuan stared back at her.

"On the service, there does not seem to be an explanation for your recent aid. It is true that the Renegades have given us assistance in the past. You personally, however, don't seem to have a reason to help us. Kratos certainly has no reason since he is a member of Cruxis and has tried to kill us on more than one occasion."

"You really are a very intelligent woman." Yuan said still staring at her.

Raine sighed, not at all flattered by the compliment. "I need to be, same as you need to have your sly nature."

Yuan grimaced, "So all I am is sly?"

"No, you are also very intelligent, and rather brave, being able to return to Cruxis's base even though you may have been caught. You'd be executed wouldn't you, for being a traitor?"

Yuan sighed, a slight smirk on his face. "Yes, I would be."

"Then I pose my question once again, why are you helping us?" Raine said staring at him seriously.

"…" Yuan was at a loss for words, or at least excuses, and telling her the truth was defiantly out of the question. "Temporary insanity?"

She glared at him.

"Okay, I have no reason, at least none that I can present to you." Yuan said sighing. "You'll simply have to trust me for the time being."

Raine sighed, "I thought as much. Fine, for now all I'll do is 'trust' you." She picked up a new book and began reading.

Yuan sighed internally in relief. "Well over that hill…"

"Raine!" Colette shouted.

"Colette? What is it? Have you found something?" Raine shouted back as she and their group ran to where Colette was.

"L-Look!" She said pointing to the mirror.

"Colette! Everyone was told not to enter this…My Goddess…" Raine said breaking off when she saw what it was Colette was pointing to.

In the mirror was a man, who looked exactly like Zelos, except he had a serious, but not stern, look to his face. He was reading that appeared to be written in the same language Raine and the others were currently trying to decipher, except it was backwards.

"That's it!" Raine said shouting in joy at her apparent discovery.

"What's it professor?" Colette asked.

"The reason we can't find anything on this mirror, or why we can't decipher what it says!" She said happily. "It's backwards!"

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Zelos said.

"Because you'd actually have to use your brain…" Genis replied.

"Shut it brat." Zelos retorted.

"I told you not to call me that you philander!" Genis said growling at him.

"Both of you shut up!" Raine shouted at them. They, not wanting to face the wraith of Raine, did as was told and shut up.

Raine asked if any one had a mirror, only Zelos having one, to which he said, 'hey, I have to make sure I'm beautiful.' Sighing, but taking the mirror she began to jot down what the reflecting words were. Upon finishing, she gave everyone strict orders not to approach the mirror again, lest they were to face horrible consequences. No one wanting to ever find out what those consequences were agreed. She left the room and got to studying, along side Yuan.

(Changing scenes)

Yummy! I thought as I sipped the tea that (Frail) Yuan had just presented to me. "Thanks Yuan, this is great!"

Yuan smiled and bowed his head lightly. "Thanks." He said blushing lightly though still smiling.

"…" (Glare) Me just sat drinking his tea.

"So um, what did you say your name was?" I asked Yuan.

He blinked once then blushed a dark red, "Ah! I'm sorry! That's so rude of me, all this time and I haven't even properly introduced myself, or even asked you for your name!"

Glare-Me sighed, "Just tell him your name and ask him yours." He said monotone.

"Ah, hai," He coughed and sat up straight, his blush mostly calm. "I am named Yuan, personal servant to the Lord Lloyd, and what might your name be?"

"Funny thing there," I said, "you see my name's Lloyd too." I said. Glare-Me and Yuan stared at me, I coughed nervously and continued, "Actually I know a Yuan too…except he's a jerk…" I said as an after thought.

Yuan blinked, "Wow, small world…" He looked at his Lord then turned back to me. "Do you have a last name?'

"Uh ya, it's Irving." I replied curious as to why he was asking.

"Then it's just coincidence…" I heard Glare-Me say.

Coincidence…? I thought. "So you're last name is…?" I asked Glare-Me.

He glared at me then closed his eyes, and looked away "My last name is Aurion." He answered at length. He seemed almost…pained to say it.

I looked to Yuan with a quizzed look but he just looked away. I guess it wasn't a subject that was meant to be touched… I sighed. "Okay, so then how are we going to address each other?" I'm sure Glare-Me and Frail Yuan weren't going to hold well with them.

"You may address me as Yuan, unless that's confusing for you?" He asked, and upon seeing my head shake he continued. "Lord Lloyd has always been Lord Lloyd to me…"

"We shall address you by your last name." It was…I guess Lord Lloyd who spoke up. (Hmm, a short form is needed, LL…ya that sounds good.)

"So I'll be called Irving?" I asked.

"Is that okay with you?" Yuan asked me.

I nodded, "Ya that's fine."

He smiled and I smiled back, a thought tugging at the back of my mind, 'Where have I seen this scene before?'

After we sat in silence enjoying our tea for a while it became clear that there wasn't going to be much of a conversation unless I started it. However as I opened my mouth to speak a trumpet sounded, breaking anything I would have said.

They both seemed to tense at the sound. Yuan looked at LL sympathetically. "My Lord, if you wish it I could say that you are unable to…" He was cut off with a stern look from LL.

"No, I will not hide from him." He said glaring at a distance.

Yuan bowed his head. "Of course my Lord…" I looked at him. He seemed really upset. What could be so upsetting about a trumpet?

"I have something I must attend to…" Oh, he was addressing me…

"Ah! I mean yes." I said trying not to look stupid.

He just got up and walked out, turning his head slightly in my direction only once to say, "Yuan will see to you."

Yuan seemed to get something else out of what he said however… "Come Irving; let's go see if the cook has made anything for you to eat."

I looked back at LL retreating form, nodding to Yuan. "Ya, let's…"

(Sort of scene change)

Trumpets blew and servants were scurrying about the castle getting ready for who was approaching. Aurion (As I will refer to him when other Lloyd Irving is not present) walked calmly towards the audience chamber where he would greet his 'guest.'

Entering the room he sat upon a throne made of ebony. A few moments later the doors opened and their 'guest' entered. "My Lord…it is always a pleasant surprise when you visit our humble abode." It was a well practiced speech that always he presented.

"Save your speeches Lloyd, I am not here for idle chatter." The 'guest' said scowling.

"Then why is it that you have decided to grace us with your presence, if I may be so bold to ask…" Aurion asked.

His 'Guest' glared. "Usually it would be none of your business but today I have a request for you, directly from Lord Yggdrasill."

"I see, and what does our lord request of me? Perhaps more men to fight his battles?" Aurion said with a glare. He was done with the entire ass kissing shit.

The 'Guest glared back far more coldly. "Do not get cocky with me…" He said warningly.

"I apologize Lord Kratos…" Aurion said finally addressing his 'Guest' by his name.

"Indeed…" Kratos said with a glare. "It is time you went on your journey. He believes that you are ready. Though I disagree with him, it is not my choice, so you will leave as soon as possible."

"As you wish…" Aurion said as Kratos turned and left, and as soon he was out of hearing range, "Father…"

Dun dun dun!

Ya, so that's where I'll ends today, sorry if it's a little short, but I thought it just seemed a good place to end it. So if you'll all continue to have patience with me, all hopefully get the next chapter up soon!