Hello! I'm very surprised! I have read each and every single review for this! 42 reviews?-! Thats alot! For only two chapters? Wow! Okies now that i'm getting lotsa reviews i'll try my best to update alot and make my stories as long as I can! Oh yes, and if you want to request a story that you want me to make, i'll be glad to! But these are the rules: You must have reviewed my stories (not all but a fair amount), you cannot force me, and here is even better news i'll do any couple in anime anime/manga! Yes, even if its odd as hell, i'm the queen of uncanny couples, that are adorable and what not! Well I should stop chattering and continue on with the story, your die! Okies well thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me! Thanks. Sorry if this chapter is a little OOC.

Title: Creamy Sensation

Pairing: Yusuke x Botan x Hiei

Rating: T

Author: Botan Urameshi


"Sweet dream, Bo." Yusuke waved as he plopped onto his bed, grinning. Hiei simply yawned and went to sleep. Botan smiled, laid on her bed, sprawled on it, streaching cutely. Yusuke popped one eye open to see her and smirked.

Cute He thought and drifted to sleep.Botan went to sleep, her lip popping out a bit like a pout, crouched into a ball with a blanket on her, her hair sprinkled on her face, she looked beautiful, like an angel. Their little angel. Hiei coughed a bit and sleepyly opened his eye's a little bit, seeing if the blue haired angel was safe. He looked at her in awe. The women..she looks so peaceful and an angel..beautiful. Hiei's cheeks crimsoned What am I thinking of! That women? The idiot? Hiei's eyebrows furrowed at the thought of it. He shook it off and went into slumber. Good dreams...or...bad dreams...?


' ' with italics in it... Means in their dream

' "Mukuro?" Hiei called in complete lightness, he was shattered with light, it felt so warm and toasty. Hiei acually liked it..he felt good for a change. Mukuro was right in front of him, they both glistened in light, white light, they felt as if the heavens were shining apon them.

"Yes Hiei?" Mukuro softly replied. She stood still in her place.

"I love you." Hiei answered, his eye's were half lid, you could see his pure crimson eye's glowing, he had no smile but you could tell he wasn't mad, or sad, but happy, proud..her lips parted into a small "o".


"You can't love me..." She broke the silence.

Hiei opened his eye's..he was heart broken..

"Then...who can I love...?" Hiei enquired softly.

"Nobody," Mukuro answered, "you don't know who to love! Your a forbidden child! Who would love you, who would like you?-! Yourself?-!" She said harshly.

"W-why?-! Then why..why do these mortals say that...i'm their...friend?"

"Because they pity you.." She softly said. She walked closer to him bent down and put a hand on his shoulder, "Your envy of Yusuke aren't you? You burn with fire when you see him-!"


She held him tight.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry.." She looked at him, and let him go, as soon as she did, it went black, like..hell..he held his hand out, and yelled,

"Mukuro, mukuro! Don't leave me! Mukuro!" '

"No!" Hiei gasp, he flung up into sitting position, he was sweating alot, drips of sweat rolled down his face, his glistened in the light. He looked around, Botan was sleeping, Yusuke was sleeping, he was on a fridge- Yusuke..feh. He looked at Yusuke with hatred.He had everything, looks, strength, humor, and what not..! He was the leader, always the leader!

He closed his eye's, and fought the urge to say, why me why can't I be him? He signed softy, but what did his dream mean? He drifted back to his slumber.

' "Yusuke!" Keiko screamed, she slapped him across the face.

He sat there amused and happy about what he had just done.

"But kake!"

"No buts! You need to be more serious at times, I came to your house to help you study not for fooling around!" She argued.

"But its boring-"

"No, no, no! Yusuke your doing horrible in school, you keep skiping, you need to study, you need to be serious, you need to pull yourself together!" She said, rising her voice a tad bit. Yusuke sat on the floor indian style, and shat up.

"You mean like Hiei?"

She looked at him oddly, what did Hiei have to do with any of this?

"Um..I dunno, I guess, he is a really good example though." She smiled, "He is smart, serious, not foolish, quiet, and all."

Yusuke felt jealousy burn in him...does she know how it feels when your own girlfriend complements a man like that?

"Plus he is totally cute! So hot too!" She squeeled.

Yusuke could feel his eye's getting hot.

"Okay, enough, I get it, if you think of him like that then go marry him.." Yusuke but in, annoyed.

Keiko grinned.

"I just might..!" She giggled.'

"The hell?-!" Yusuke cursed, he sat up on his bed. His hand came up to his face, and softly touched it. It was hot. He was burning up. He looked to his left, Botan was sleeping on her bed. He looked in front of his bed on the left side, Hiei was sitting on the fridge. He looked away from him, Thats the last person I would want to see..its all..shit..why can't I be him?-!


Yusuke quickly face toward his left, Botan had called him, she looked confused, her baby pink eye's half lid, and her eyebrows curved as a close to straight 'u'.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, why?"

"I was worried."


Botan blushed at Yusuke's comment. He always teased her playfully. Yusuke gave her his best teeth showing smile, his teeth were white and healthy, Botan's eye's closed gently and a smiled plastered on her lips, she turned to see if Hiei was awake, which he was! He was staring at them quietly, he looked as his usual calm self, but this time he was chibi..! Cute sight, a chibi Hiei on a small frigde! But an odd place to be on..!

"Hell-o Hie-i!" chanted Botan, longly.

"...hey..." Hiei replyed.

Hiei's gaze drifted swifly off to brown ones. Yusuke looked at him. They both stared at eachother, static flashing out of their eye's. Botan, however, was tired of this staring contest and cut through the silence.

"Um, you can stop now." Botan said as sweetly as she could, and repeated the phrase several times.

Nothing happened, they ignored her.

"Temae kan shuushi iza (you can stop it now)!" Botan yelled in Japanese.


Both Yusuke and Hiei called out, they both looked at Botan, who was fuming, and signed.

"Sollie!" Yusuke playfully said, Hiei just looked down which was enough for Botan to know that he was sorry, he had odd ways to show things but people that knew him would understand what he would say- its like a new langauge called "Hiei"!

"Its okay!" Botan nodded.

Beep, beep!

"Oh! That must be Koenma!" Botan quickly reached for her communicator and opened it to find Koenma's face.

"Hi Koenma!" Botan greeted.

"Hey Botan, hows things going?"

"Peachy keen!"

"Smoothly I suppose, well this is your second day in there and we are all trying hard to get you out of there as soon as possible, and i'm sure Hiei and Yusuke can control it, I mean its you Botan, they wouldn't hurt you, well I got to go, Hinageshi is getting on my nerves, bye." Koenma hanged up, Botan turned off the communicator and signed. She turned to Yusuke and Hiei.

"I need some fresh air!" Hiei said.

"What the hell are behind those curtains?" Yusuke asked.

"A balcony and other stuff." Botan replied.

"What?-! Why didn't you say that in the beginning!-? We can jump down!" Yusuke yelled, not meanly.

"Um, its extremmly high, and barriers are around it so that nobody can fall, but its the same as every balcony, you can feel the breeze and all." Botan explained.

"Well i'm going there, bye." Hiei said flatly and left to the balcony. The balcony had four comphy chairs, a table with a vase of poenys, and it was quite big.

Botan looked at Hiei leave.

"Botan i'm gonna go sleep its boring." Yusuke said, as he walked to the bed and went to sleep right there.

Botan signed, then she got an idea!

In the blue room there was many things! It had a work out room, a balcony, a kitchen, and other doors to revil.

She quickly went to look for the kitchen, there was a curtain on the left side of the balcony, she moved the curtain and there was a door that said, "KITCHEN".

"Bingo!" She said, and let herself in. It was big and clean, orges would come and bring more things in eachrooms, It had lots of kitchen stuff, you could see because the cabnits were see through. Botan went to the stove and opened the cabnit next to it with the teapot in it. She put water in it from the sink and boiled it on the stove. Then she went to the fridge and looked in it, last time she came which was a the day when she had brought Yusuke to Koenma because Koenma wanted to tell him about the mating thing and then when they came out she needed to get something and that something was the cake she baked! She was going to give it to the whole group to eat but now since she can't, why not eat it? It was a beautiful cake! Its was lemon and strawberry, yummy! Inside the fluff of the cake it had lemon and strawberry frosting! She took it out, it was fresh, she put it on the counter and then fixed the tea. The tea was ready she poured it in two cups fancy designed glasses, with those plate thingys under it, and cut two peices of the cake, she loved strawberrys so much, lemons too! She put the cakes in seperated small plates that matched the glasses and put the plates and tea on a white tray with flowers on it, she put suger, spoons, and napkins on the tray too, she then picked it up, and went to the balcony.

Hiei looked up, Botan was placing the tray on the table, the sun was setting, she sat next to him.

"Look what I made!" Botan smiled.

Hiei looked at the tray confused.

"What is it?"

Botan looked at him, blankly.

"Its cake and tea." Botan repiled.

"I know the tea but not that fluffy thing with the cream, lemons, and strawberries on it." Hiei said confused.

Botan giggled.

"Well the fluffy thing is sweet and delious, I made it, try it!" Botan suggested sweetly, just as sweet as the cake.

Hiei nodded.

"Just because i'm hungry." Hiei said.

"Oh by the way do you want some suger in your tea?" Botan asked, Botan had a feeling that he had a sweet tooth.

" it sweet?"

"Yes." Botan giggled.

"Okay then." Hiei said blushing a little, Botan smiled and nodded.

Hiei picked up the fork and took a small peice of the fluffy cake and dipped it in his mouth. His mouth watered, and his eye's grew wide, yummy! Then the suger got to him. He drank his sweet tea, and then got hyper off of it!

"Botan this is so yummmy!" He squeeled.

Botan's eye's went into dots, then she smiled.

"Thats great!"

Hiei took a strawberry off his cake with frosting on it and rolled it around Botan's pink lips, and pushed it into her lips gently which told her that he wanted her to eat it which she did, she blushed madly and did. He pushed his lips on hers, licking her lips, grabbing every single cream on her lips, then his tongue dipped into her mouth licking every seed of the strawberry, and getting the sweet taste of her mouth mixed in with the strawberry, it taste better then the cake. He pulled away. She looked at him wide-eyed, she was blushing like a strawberry.

"You taste better." Hiei said in his normal voice.

Botan blushed and looked down.

"Thats great too." She said shyly.

He smiled.

They had both finished their cake and tea.

"Its night, lets go in." Botan said.

Hiei nodded.

They both went in, Yusuke was still sleeping, Botan went on her bed to sleep.

"Can I sleep with you..?" Hiei said blushing.

Botan went red.

"Okay!" Botan said sweetly.

He came in bed with her, she cuddled up to him, her nose nudging his nose to nose, wrapping her arms around him, holding each other, he was so soft, he smelled so good, as did she. Soon they both went to sleep, happily..

Sorry, but I had to put that fluff, extremmllyyy sorry for the OOC, if you didn't like it, but it wouldn't be fun without it, right?

Please review, next chapter will have Yusuke and Botan fluff!
