Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Ok people! This is my second fic! I'm not even done my first one, but I had a great idea for another story, that wouldn't fit in that one.

Anywho, enough rambling, enjoy this story! (If you want to check out my other story, its called Home From Now On. Chapter 5 is up!)

Chapter 1- Scars

The shrine was on fire. Kagome was screaming as she ran up the steps. "Souta! Mom! Grandpa!" She tried to run into the house, but a fireman caught her. "Nooooooooo!" she shrieked. The fireman tried to pull her away, but she was struggling to hard. Tears streamed down her face as she weakly pounded the firemans chest. He slung her over his shoulder and carried her screaming and sobbing away, away from her family and her home...

Kagome sat bolt uprigtht in her bed gasping, chocolate-brown eyes wide with fear. Once a week she had that dream. Once a week she was forced to relive the horrible sounds of her past...

She quitely eased herself out from under her blankets, glancing at the clock as she did so. 3:42 a.m. She grumbled about dreams and it being to early as she headed into the bathroom.

She checked the mirror. The burn marks from almost running into the scorching house were almost gone. Now she just had a few scars on her shoulders, which you couldn't see at the moment becuase of her ebony hair covering them, and one on her left leg. The scars were faded, and the skin barely raised, so she wasn't self-concious about them.

Two scars, however, she was self concious about. Two red, thin lines that ran down the right side of her neck, starting at her jaw line and ending in small red dots just above her collar bone. She constantly tried to cover these up with make-up, so that no one would see them.

The only people who knew about these scars were her best friends, Sango, whom she had met three years ago, Miroku, Sango's boyfriend and also whom Kagome lived with, and Miroku's parents. Miroku's parents had taken her in after the incident since she had no family left.

The scars, which she traced with a long, slender finger, were from her former boyfriend, Kouga. He was part wolf demon, and had been very protective of her. She remembered the night her had given her these scars like it was yesterday...


She was sleeping in her bedroom, when she heard the door open. She jolted awake, only to find Kouga standing in the doorway. She smiled at her boyfriend, who was sleeping over as Miroku's guest.

"Kouga honey, go back to bed. Someone may get suspicious." she said with a smile.

"They'd have good reason too." he'd said, and she'd been fully awake after that.

"No..I...get back to bed Kouga." she said firmly as he walked over to her bed.

"Relax, I'm only here for one thing." he said.

Kagome relaxed, a little.

"Stand up." he said firmly.

"What fo--" Kagome started, but was forced to stand up by Kouga.

"Ouch! What do you think your do--" but she stopped speaking suddenly, because he had started kissing her.

"Kagome, do you love me?" Kouga asked suddenly, breaking the kiss.

"Yes! Of course! Why?" Kagome asked, a bit confused.

"Because I love you, and I want to make you my own, forever." he said. "Do you want to be mine forever?"

Kagome hesitated, but Kouga took her silence as a no.

"Dammit! You will be mine!" he said, a little loudly than he should have. He immediatly dragged his teeth down her neck, starting at the jaw line, ending right above her collar bone leaving two deep, narrow lines that started to bleed. Kagome had yelled out when he had done so, but he had grabbed her shoulders to stop her from escaping. He put pressure on his teeth, which had stopped right above her collar bone; he was intending to mark her as his own; he was intending to make her his mate.

Kagome struggled trying to get out from his grasp; she didn't know if she wanted to be his. She was only fourteen! She screamed when he put more pressure just above her collar bone, he was starting to draw more blood. She tried to kick him, but missed. He swore at her and pinned her too a wall. He moved his head back down to her collar bone, intending to finish what he started...

But then the door burst open, and someone pulled Kouga by the back of the shirt and threw him to the ground. Kouga stood up and faced him to fight, growling, but realized who it was, gathered his things and left. Miroku turned to Kagome to see if she was alright. He gasped at the marks on her neck and grabbed a cloth and pressed it too her neck.

"Thats twice you've come to my aid, I owe you two." she had murmured to her best friend before passing out from exaustion.

.:. End of Flasback.:.

Kagome smiled sadly, still standing infront of the mirror. It had been almost a month since Kouga's scars had been inflicted, but almost a year for the other scars. She touched the scars one more before leaving her bathroom. She checked her clock before snuggling back into bed; 3:54 a.m. The 14-year-old snuggled under the covers and fell asleep.

Ok, I have half of chapter 2 written, but I want at least 2 reviews before I post it! Only 2! They can even be from the same person! Lol. Ok now review!