Here's a new one!

Thank you to Jayne Leigh, who gave me the idea for this one a few months ago on MSN, although you may not recognise it until a couple of chapters in!

Warning, Swearing contained in this chapter!

"Right" Boomed Meadows "You all know this guy- Mark Powell" He said indicating the photo on the white board

"Yeah, he's right scum" John spat

"Thank you for that John. I want all of you except Don on this Obbo, Claire you're to be our mans target alright?"

I gulped and looked at John nervously

"Guv" I replied brightly

I and the rest of the office knew Mark Powell to be a violent rapist, much later I wandered over to Don:

"So has John told you?"


"About you know"

"Oh you and him splitting up, yeah he did, I'm so sorry"

John could hear Claire quizzing Don, he knew she was trying to find out if he had told Don everything, just over a week ago Claire had admitted to being CIB and they had split up.

"Oh I'm not" I replied silently thanking my lucky stars

"See John tells me everything" Don said proudly

John smirked knowing he didn't tell Don everything

"Does he now, did he tell you I used to be a DI in Finchley?" I laughed as Don's jaw dropped

"See he doesn't tell you everything" I said breathing a sigh of relief, she was glad John hadn't told Don about her being CIB.

I went back to my desk and got stuck into some paper work, a little while later Kerry spoke making me jump:


"Yes Kerry?" DCI Meadows sighed turning round

"When is the Obbo?"

"Tomorrow Kerry" Turning to face the others he addressed the office "Right, everyone who is involved in the Obbo needs to be here at eight am sharp to get kitted out. Don I want you here at 8.15am, you are to stay here and be our link to the station" He finished talking and headed back to his office

"Sod him, I've had enough for today, I'm going home!" Don spat standing up

"Don't let the bed bugs bite Don!" I said mischievously

"Why, you wanna come Claire?"

"In your dreams Don!" I shot back breezily

"Believe me you babe!"

I rolled my eyes and threw a paper ball at him, my well-trained aim ensured it hit him squarely on the head, I laughed as Meadows called Don into his office.

"Here you are Kez, coffee"

"Thanks Sarge"

"I even made one for you" I said handing John a mug of coffee

Meanwhile in the DCI's office:

"I want you to lay of Claire for a while, she's finding it tough to fit in here still, and you're not helping with your bully boy tactics so leave it out" Meadows ordered

Don left the office ready to kill Claire Stanton

"You fucking bitch, snitching on me behind my back, I'm gonna fucking kill you" Don screamed advancing on me

I took a step backwards, I was terrified.

John leapt up and stood between me and Don, shielding me from him

"Don shut up and calm down" John growled at him "No body snitched on you, now go home before I kill you, you bloody idiot" John looked round for Kerry but she had disappeared, turning to me he spoke softly

"Are you alright?"

I just looked at John as a tear made its way slowly down my cheek

"Please don't cry honey" John said placing a hand on my arm

I desperately tried to wipe away a second tear, but John stopped me instead he gently brushed it away with his thumb, knowing I needed to be comforted, John pulled me into his arms and let me cry on his shoulder.

More in about an hour!

While I'm here, sorry about the links that didn't work in the last chapter of Monique Scorned the links are now in my profile please look at them and join the forums especially those of you that write for John and Claire, thanx